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Frank H edited this page Feb 7, 2019 · 17 revisions


Domination is a team-based modifcation for Teeworlds. It introduces the new game element Domination Spot. Each map can have up to 5 of them. Domination Spots are initially neutral, but can be captured by any team. Their effect on scoring varies based on the chosen gametype. You can find all relevant information about the different gametypes in their wiki pages:

Currently this mod is being developed by Slayer and Fisico. Originally it was written by ziltoide and Oy.

Getting started 🏃‍♀️

To just play some matches, you don't need to download anything. This mod does not require any client modification. You should find some server running this mod. Best chance is to filter the gametype: dom for Domination, kdom for Kill Domination, or conq for Conquest. Just join and have fun!

If you want to play on your own server, you can set one up in a few minutes. You will find everything needed in the Server Setup - Page.

For a quick start, you can pick some premade maps for Domination, maps for Conquest, or maps for CS:DOM. If you like to, you can easily create your own maps, awesome!

More information 📚

Always make sure to check the pages on the wiki when you're in doubt - 99% of the information you'll ever need is right here. Check out the list of wiki pages to see if maybe you'd be able to find your answer there. You can also check out the mod topic on

Suggestions, bugs, etc. 🪲

If you think you have found a bug, or if you have a suggestion for the mod, you can create a ticket here on Github. Make sure to be as descriptive as possible, because the more information you can provide, the easier it is to do something about your bug report or feature request.

If you'd rather have a little chat about the mod, you can visit the official Teeworlds IRC channel (Private message @Slayer gV#5003), or chat with the community in the mod topic on Please note that Discord is idle chat, which means people will appear to be in the channel, but they might not be at their computers when you join. Hop on, ask your question, and then hang around until you get an answer; it may be seconds, minutes or hours, but there is no harm in hanging around the channel indefinitely (as many people do).

Special thanks

Go to aQua for the Domination Spot mapres.


A retro multiplayer shooter

Teeworlds is a free online multiplayer game, available for all major operating systems. Battle with up to 16 players in a variety of game modes, including Team Deathmatch and Capture The Flag. You can even design your own maps!

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. See license.txt for full license text including copyright information.

Please visit for up-to-date information about the game, including new versions, custom maps and much more.

Instructions to build the game can be found at In particular, you will need SDL2 and FreeType installed.

Originally written by Magnus Auvinen.