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due to the lack of properly packaged Deno types for tsc, this repository tries to fill that gap between the node.js ecosystem and the Deno runtime.

the package is updated automatically in ci, and should be up-to-date with the latest Deno release version. if you notice something is missing, feel free to open an issue or a pull request.


the recommended way to install this is to install it under @types/deno alias, by putting the following in your package.json:

    "devDependencies": {
        "@types/deno": "npm:@teidesu/deno-types@1.42.4"

this way you can reference the types in your tsconfig.json like this (see below for more info):

    "compilerOptions": {
        "types": ["deno/ns"]

(without the above, you would need to put @teidesu/deno-types instead of deno)


generally, there are 2 ways to use this repository – either using pre-merged types, or referencing all bits and pieces manually.

pre-merged types

we generate 3 different flavors of pre-merged types:

flavor description conflicts
ns only the Deno namespace, without any other types none
full all Deno-specific APIs that are not available in core TypeScript types lib.dom.d.ts, partially @types/node, ns flavor
free-standing full, but linked towards Deno's own builtin libs overrides default types, "noLib": true should be used

for most use-cases of mixing Node.js and Deno code, the ns flavor is the best choice, as it the least amount of conflicts and links towards tsc built-in types. however it should be noted that ns may lag behind some features, as it is only automatically updated to a certain extent.

to use a flavor, you can reference it in your tsconfig.json like this:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "types": ["deno/ns"]

or using the /// <reference types="deno/ns" /> directive in your TypeScript files.

manual types

you can also reference the needed types manually. for a list of all available types, the best way is to just look around in the installation directory (e.g. node_modules/@types/deno), since the structure may change over time. for example, for Deno's fetch API, you would use the following:

// this one links towards typescript's built-in libs
/// <reference types="deno/ext_tslib/lib.deno.fetch" />

// this will link towards Deno's own libs
/// <reference types="deno/ext/lib.deno.fetch" />

running the script

bun install
bun run src/main.ts --ref main


this repository itself is licensed under MIT license.

the generated packages are licensed under the license stated at the beginning of each file, as some files are taken from the TypeScript repository (Apache-2.0) and some are taken from the Deno repository (MIT).