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React on Laravel

Inspired by React on Rails, this package lets you implement React client-side and server-side rendering in Laravel 5.5+ projects integrating ReactRenderer in this framework.

Features included:

  • Prerender server-side React components for SEO, faster page loading, and users that have disabled JavaScript.
  • Blade integration.
  • Integration with Laravel Mix.

Check our example here



To install this package on your laravel project, add to composer.json:

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""

And add the package manually to the composer.json:

"require": {
    "php": ">=7.1.3",
    "fideloper/proxy": "~4.0",
    "laravel/framework": "5.6.*",
    "laravel/tinker": "~1.0",
    "tektonlabs/react-on-laravel": "dev-master"

The run:

composer update
php artisan vendor:publish


To include a component in your view you first need to register it. We make use of React on Rails npm package to do this, and you can register a component like this:

import ReactOnRails from 'react-on-rails';
import HelloWorld from './HelloWorld';

ReactOnRails.register({ HelloWorld });

Now you can insert the registered React component in your blade template with our blade directive:

{!! @reactComponent('HelloWorld') !!}

or using the facade:

{!! ReactRenderer::reactRenderComponent('HelloWorld') !!}

and passing props like this:

{!! @reactComponent('HelloWorld', ['props' => ['foo' => 'bar']]) !!}

You can run php artisan preset react-on-laravel to get a basic scaffold including an example component and webpack configuration in webpack.mix.js. This also includes code to automatically register all components inside resources/js/views/ folder using lowercase and using dots to represent the folder structure, pretty much like the way views are called in Laravel.


Configuration options are provided the react_on_laravel.php published inside the config folder

Server Bundle

Specifies the route to the bundle used for server side rendering

Default Rendering

Defines whether the rendering should be done on server side, client side or both. You can choose between three options: 'client_side', 'server_side' or 'both' (default option).

Also, this parameter can be overrided in the blade call:

{!! @reactComponent('HelloWorld', ['props' => ['foo' => 'bar'], 'rendering': 'client_side']) !!}


This library will provide context about the current request to React components. Your components will receive two arguments on instantiation:

const App = (initialProps, context) => {

In the context object you will receive the following parameters:


Generator Functions

In some cases you may want to do some custom Sever Side Rendering, for example, when rendering meta tags with React Helmet on rendering the resulting stylesheet from Styled Components.

For that cases, you can use generator functions that, instead of returning a React Component, can return an object and can freely be registered as the other React Components (using the ReactOnRails package in node).

The returning object should have an attibrute renderedHtml containing another object with an attribute componentHtml including in this level any other attribute you want to render.

For instace, a generator function for rendering components that use Helmet will look like:

export default (initialProps, context) => {
    const renderedHtml = {
      componentHtml: renderToString(
      title: Helmet.renderStatic().title.toString()
    return { renderedHtml };

and you can insert the result in your views using our Facade and the reactRenderComponentArray method


    $app = ReactRenderer::reactRenderComponentArray('HelloWorld');

    {!! $app['title'] !!}

    {!! $app['componentHtml'] !!}

Our example uses a similar approach to include StyledComponents SSR.

Laravel Mix scripts

To compile your assets you can use the default Laravel Mix scripts. The aforementioned preset provides a webpack.mix.js file with configuration for browserSync proxying to the APP_URL env variable. The only exception is the hot, currently we are not supporting hot-reloading using webpack-dev-server, it can still be used but it will raise an error saying that the string compiled from the server is different than the one obtained in the client. Because of this, we recommend using the watch script and browserSync to get hot-reloading.


The MIT License (MIT).


Integration of React + Laravel using laravel-mix to build Universal (Isomorphic) Apps (aka Server Side Rendering)






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