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2. Configuration

telan edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 5 revisions

If you want to change the default configurations, please run the following command to generate configuration files binlog.php in directory /config:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Telanflow\Binlog\LaravelServiceProvider"

For Lumen users, you need to copy those files to config folder and register them in bootstrap/app.php manually.


Key Description Mysql connect host address
connection.port Mysql connect port
connection.username Mysql connect username
connection.password Mysql connect password
connection.slave_id Mysql binlog slave_id
connection.heartbeat Mysql replication protocol heartbeat
options.process_name Server process name
options.pid_file Server process pid file
options.log_file Server process log file
options.pos_file Mysql binlog position cache file
options.daemon The server process executes in the background
column_mode Data field return format. (easy Or info)
listen Specifies to listen to databases, tables. (If not specified, listen to all databases, tables)
listen_event Specify listening binlog record events

Here are some examples:

    | Connection config
    'connection' => [
        'host' => env('BINLOG_HOST', ''),
        'port' => env('BINLOG_PORT', '3306'),
        'username' => env('BINLOG_USERNAME', 'forge'),
        'password' => env('BINLOG_PASSWORD', ''),
        'charset'  => env('BINLOG_CHARSET', 'utf8'),

        // Binlog slave_id
        'slave_id' => env('BINLOG_SLAVE_ID', '1'),
        // Binlog heartbeat
        'heartbeat' => env('BINLOG_HEARTBEAT', 5),

    | Options
    'options' => [
        // Process
        'process_name' => env('BINLOG_PROCESS_NAME', 'binlog'),
        'pid_file' => env('BINLOG_PID_FILE', base_path('storage/logs/')),
        'log_file' => env('BINLOG_LOG_FILE', base_path('storage/logs/binlog.log')),

        // Cache the binlog read location and the binlog file name.
        // Continue reading from current position after reboot
        'pos_file' => env('BINLOG_POS_FILE', base_path('storage/logs/binlog.pos')),

        // Daemon process
        'daemon' => env('BINLOG_DAEMON', false),

    | Column Mode (default: easy)
    | easy:   ['id' => 12013]
    | info:   ['name'=>'id', 'value'=>12013, 'type'=>'INT32', 'length'=>5, 'is_primary'=>true, 'encoding'=>'utf8mb4', 'is_unsigned'=>true]
    'column_mode' => \Telanflow\Binlog\Configure\Configure::COLUMN_MODE_EASY,

    | Specifies to listen to databases, tables
    | (If not specified, listen to all databases, tables)
    'listen' => [
        // Specifies the listening table
        // 'database' => [
        //     'table',
        //     'table',
        // ],

        // Specify listening database
        // 'database'

    | Specify listening binlog record events
    'listen_event' => [
        // RecordTypeConst::FORMAT_DESCRIPTION,
        // RecordTypeConst::TABLE_MAP,
        // RecordTypeConst::HEARTBEAT,
        // RecordTypeConst::GTID,
        // RecordTypeConst::QUERY,

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