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Environment Variables

Name Default Description
POLARIS_MAX_TIMEOUT 30000 Maximum time to wait for a response from the customer's endpoint.
POLARIS_MAX_CONNECTIONS 100 Maximum number of simultaneous connections to customers' endpoints.
POLARIS_DELIVERING_STATES_OFFSET_MINS 15 Only load MessageStates with a time < (now - deliveringStates-offset-mins).
POLARIS_POLLING_INTERVAL_MS 30000 Interval in milliseconds for Polaris to periodically poll circuit breaker messages and events in DELIVERING/FAILED status.
POLARIS_POLLING_BATCH_SIZE 10 Number of events to be polled in each batch during the periodic polling process.
POLARIS_PICKING_TIMEOUT_MS 5000 Timeout in milliseconds for Polaris to wait for an event to be picked for redelivery.
POLARIS_REQUEST_COOLDOWN_RESET_MINS 90 Needs to be more than 60 because 60 mins can be the maximum cooldown on loop.
POLARIS_REQUEST_THREADPOOL_SIZE 50 Maximum number of threads in the thread pool for health check requests.
POLARIS_REQUEST_DELAY_MINS 5 Delay in minutes before starting the health check request after a failed attempt.
POLARIS_SUCCESSFUL_STATUS_CODES 200,201,202,204 Comma-separated list of HTTP status codes considered as successful for health checks.
POLARIS_SUBCHECK_THREADPOOL_MAX_SIZE 50 Maximum number of threads in the thread pool for subscription checks. (will be set to Integer.Max if set to "")
POLARIS_SUBCHECK_THREADPOOL_CORE_SIZE 50 Core number of threads in the thread pool for subscription checks.
POLARIS_SUBCHECK_THREADPOOL_QUEUE_CAPACITY 50 Capacity of the queue used by the thread pool for subscription checks. (will be set to Integer.Max if set to "")
POLARIS_REPUBLISH_THREADPOOL_MAX_SIZE 50 Maximum number of threads in the thread pool for republishing events. (will be set to Integer.Max if set to "")
POLARIS_REPUBLISH_THREADPOOL_CORE_SIZE 50 Core number of threads in the thread pool for republishing events.
POLARIS_REPUBLISH_THREADPOOL_QUEUE_CAPACITY 50 Capacity of the queue used by the thread pool for republishing events. (will be set to Integer.Max if set to "")
POLARIS_REPUBLISH_BATCH_SIZE 20 Number of events to be republished in each batch during the republishing process.
POLARIS_REPUBLISHING_TIMEOUT_MS 5000 Timeout in milliseconds for Polaris to wait for an event to be republished.
POLARIS_KAFKA_BROKERS kafka:9092,localhost:9092 Kafka brokers used by Polaris for communication.
POLARIS_KAFKA_LINGER_MS 5 How long Kafka waits for other records before transmitting the batch.
POLARIS_KAFKA_ACKS 1 Number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to receive.
POLARIS_KAFKA_GROUPID plunger Kafka consumer group ID used by Polaris.
POLARIS_KAFKA_COMPRESSION_ENABLED false Whether events sent to Kafka should be compressed.
POLARIS_KAFKA_COMPRESSION_TYPE none The compression type used to compress events sent to Kafka.
POLARIS_APP_NAME horizon-polaris Name of the Polaris application.
POLARIS_INFORMER_NAMESPACE integration Namespace used by Polaris to inform about changes.