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Copyright 2011,2012,2013 by Elliot Wolk
klomp is free software, released under the GPLv3

klomp - CLI music player

klomp is a set of scripts that manage mplayer in an mpd-like fashion.
The goal is to have a pure command line music player with powerful searching,
and to work on portable linux devices {e.g.: maemo/meego/mer/android}.

Core requirements are GNU/Linux, mplayer, and perl.
{plus optional requirements for reading tags from different filetypes}
Works nicely on the Nokia N900 and Nokia N9.

**** Features ****
-Stateless: if you delete the db, it can be 100% automatically rebuilt
  never modifies song files: separate tagging utilities already exist
-Modular: well-defined, non-interactive cli
-Quasi-portable: most features depend only on gnu/linux
  very few dependencies {apart from tagging when db building}
  all perl/python scripts, not compiled
-Powerful query language {really powerful, but not well-documented}
  lossless audio on your computer, tiny oggs on your phone, transparently
-optional python curses interface that invokes the same modular commands
-resume playback from the position you quit in the current song
-moderate resource consumption {runs smoothly on N900 - 256MB ram, 600mhz cpu}
-separation of db-building and playback/playlists;
  you can build the db on your desktop and sync to your portable device.
  the portable device does not need to install the tagging dependencies or do
  expensive computation

**** Limitations ****
klomp-db tags only: mp3, flac, ogg, m4a, wma, wav
everything else can do anything mplayer can

**** Frontend Execs ****
  interactive curses CLI for searching library,
  viewing and editing playlist, and controlling playback.
  DEPENDS: python, python-curses, klomp-cmd

  CLI for manipulating playlists and playback
  DEPENDS: perl, klomplayer

  CLI for reading tags from a file
  DEPENDS: perl, taglibs

  CLI to klomp-db and flacmirror for updating the database
  DEPENDS: perl, taglibs, sqlite, flacmirror

  copies remote library file and syncs shared libraries and flacmirrors
  ignores flacs by default
  DEPENDS: perl

  prints a nice table of disk space usage for each library
  shows local disk space and space with flacmirror instead of flac
  DEPENDS: perl

  prints information about the current song
  DEPENDS: perl

  parse klomplib file and print lib and flacmirror paths from Klomp::Lib module
  DEPENDS: perl

  launch klomp using "term" cmd, and ensure only one instance
  DEPENDS: perl

**** Internal Execs ****
  mplayer wrapper that updates a file with time position
  CALLED BY: klomp-cmd
  DEPENDS: perl, mplayer, klomp-fifo-writer

  create, update, and query central sqlite database
  CALLED BY: klomp {searching} and klomp-update {updating}
  DEPENDS: perl, taglibs

  maintain a parallel dir structure of OGGs for your flacs
  CALLED BY: klomp-update
  DEPENDS: perl, dir2ogg

  get klomp file paths from Klomp::Files perl module
  CALLED BY: klomp
  DEPENDS: perl

  repeatedly write a query to the mplayer FIFO to output position and length
  CALLED BY: klomplayer
  DEPENDS: perl, mplayer

**** Tag Libs ****
mp3                       => eyeD3 {external executable}
ogg, flac                 => lltag {external executable}, flac
wma                       => Audio::WMA {perl module}
mp4, m4a, m4p, m4v, m4b   => AtomicParsley {external executable}
transliteration{most}     => Text::Unidecode {perl Module}
transliteration{japanese} => Lingua::JA::Romanize::Japanese {perl module}

**** Other Files ****
README - ?????? wtf is this thing?
klomp-call-handler - N900-specific: kill klomplayer when receiving a phone call

$HOME/.klompdb - default location for sqlite db
$HOME/.klomplib - default location for library path definitions
$HOME/.klompcur - current song's info and current position
$HOME/.klomplist - the central play queue; absolute paths that play in order
$HOME/.klomphistory - songs that have played or been skipped, for re-playing
$HOME/.klomp-playlist - contains the name of the current named playlist, if any
$HOME/.klomplist-NAME - directories containing non-active playlists


cli music player







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