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Update moreForking.js
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themandalore committed Jun 1, 2021
1 parent 504465a commit 1a80720
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 55 deletions.
110 changes: 55 additions & 55 deletions test/moreForking.js
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
const { AbiCoder } = require("@ethersproject/abi");
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
// const { AbiCoder } = require("@ethersproject/abi");
// const { expect } = require("chai");
// const { ethers } = require("hardhat");

function expandTo18Decimals(n) {
return ethers.BigNumber.from(n).mul(ethers.BigNumber.from(10).pow(18))
// function expandTo18Decimals(n) {
// return ethers.BigNumber.from(n).mul(ethers.BigNumber.from(10).pow(18))
// }

describe("Tellor", function() {
// describe("Tellor", function() {

const tellorMaster = "0x88dF592F8eb5D7Bd38bFeF7dEb0fBc02cf3778a0"
const DEV_WALLET = "0x39E419bA25196794B595B2a595Ea8E527ddC9856"
// const tellorMaster = "0x88dF592F8eb5D7Bd38bFeF7dEb0fBc02cf3778a0"
// const DEV_WALLET = "0x39E419bA25196794B595B2a595Ea8E527ddC9856"

it("mock Attack on Tellor", async function() {
// it("should mint Tellor", async function() {

const accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
const attacker = accounts[1];
const user2 = accounts[2];
// const accounts = await ethers.getSigners();
// const attacker = accounts[1];
// const user2 = accounts[2];

// Take over an account just to give 500 tokens to the attacker
method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
params: [DEV_WALLET]}
oldTellorInstance = await ethers.getContractAt("contracts/ITellor.sol:ITellor", tellorMaster)
getters = await ethers.getContractAt("contracts/TellorGetters.sol:TellorGetters", tellorMaster)
let fact = await ethers.getContractFactory("contracts/Mocks/TellorTest.sol:TellorTest");
let ext = await ethers.getContractFactory("contracts/Extension.sol:Extension");
newExt = await ext.deploy();
await newExt.deployed();
newTellor = await fact.deploy(newExt.address);
await newTellor.deployed();
method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
params: [DEV_WALLET]
await accounts[0].sendTransaction({to:DEV_WALLET,value:ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0")});
const devWallet = await ethers.provider.getSigner(DEV_WALLET);
master = await oldTellorInstance.connect(devWallet)
await master.changeTellorContract(newTellor.address);
// // Take over an account just to give 500 tokens to the attacker
// await{
// method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
// params: [DEV_WALLET]}
// )
// oldTellorInstance = await ethers.getContractAt("contracts/ITellor.sol:ITellor", tellorMaster)
// getters = await ethers.getContractAt("contracts/TellorGetters.sol:TellorGetters", tellorMaster)
// let fact = await ethers.getContractFactory("contracts/Mocks/TellorTest.sol:TellorTest");
// let ext = await ethers.getContractFactory("contracts/Extension.sol:Extension");
// newExt = await ext.deploy();
// await newExt.deployed();
// newTellor = await fact.deploy(newExt.address);
// await newTellor.deployed();
// await{
// method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
// params: [DEV_WALLET]
// })
// await accounts[0].sendTransaction({to:DEV_WALLET,value:ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0")});
// const devWallet = await ethers.provider.getSigner(DEV_WALLET);
// master = await oldTellorInstance.connect(devWallet)
// await master.changeTellorContract(newTellor.address);

const tellor = await ethers.getContractAt("ITellor",tellorMaster, devWallet);
await tellor.deployed();
// Make sure that impersonated address has some tokens
expect(await tellor.balanceOf(await devWallet.getAddress())).not.equal(expandTo18Decimals(0));
// Check iniitial zero balance
expect(await tellor.balanceOf(attacker.address)).equal("0");
// Transfer 501 tokens to the attacker
await tellor.transfer(attacker.address, expandTo18Decimals(501), {from: devWallet.address});
expect(await tellor.balanceOf(attacker.address)).equal(expandTo18Decimals(501));
// Become a staker (changes currentStatus to 1)
const userTellor = tellor.connect(attacker);
await userTellor.depositStake();
// Tip any requestId with 2 tokens to make the balance lower than 500
expect(await tellor.balanceOf(attacker.address)).equal(expandTo18Decimals(501));
// Transfer more than 500 tokens to underflow the balance
expect(await tellor.balanceOf(user2.address)).equal("0");
expect(userTellor.transfer (user2.address, expandTo18Decimals(1000)));
expect(await tellor.balanceOf(user2.address)).equal(expandTo18Decimals(0));
// const tellor = await ethers.getContractAt("ITellor",tellorMaster, devWallet);
// await tellor.deployed();
// // Make sure that impersonated address has some tokens
// expect(await tellor.balanceOf(await devWallet.getAddress())).not.equal(expandTo18Decimals(0));
// // Check iniitial zero balance
// expect(await tellor.balanceOf(attacker.address)).equal("0");
// // Transfer 501 tokens to the attacker
// await tellor.transfer(attacker.address, expandTo18Decimals(501), {from: devWallet.address});
// expect(await tellor.balanceOf(attacker.address)).equal(expandTo18Decimals(501));
// // Become a staker (changes currentStatus to 1)
// const userTellor = tellor.connect(attacker);
// await userTellor.depositStake();
// // Tip any requestId with 2 tokens to make the balance lower than 500
// expect(userTellor.addTip(1,expandTo18Decimals(2)));
// expect(await tellor.balanceOf(attacker.address)).equal(expandTo18Decimals(501));
// // Transfer more than 500 tokens to underflow the balance
// expect(await tellor.balanceOf(user2.address)).equal("0");
// expect(userTellor.transfer (user2.address, expandTo18Decimals(1000)));
// expect(await tellor.balanceOf(user2.address)).equal(expandTo18Decimals(0));
// });
// });

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