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Stefan Fjällemark edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 15 revisions


Some module meetings run model trains according to schedules. To make schedules look realistic, the clock normally runs 4-6 times faster than real time. This has to do with that the length of track stretches is much shorter than it would be in correct scale. For this we need a fast clock.

The Idea

Why yet another fast clock? Other clocks have some limitations in functions and user interaction that this app tries to overcome. The main idea was that the clock should be available using standard web technologies instead of specific apps to install. Any permitted user should be able to stop, start and administrer the clock from anywhere.

Users should easy see the state of the clock; time, stopped, running game or real time. It should also support common use cases like handling pauses, displaying messages, and who are using the clock etc. Last but not least it should display everything in the users preferred language.


  • Make it easier to work with clocks at meetings – Easiest way is to use the cloud version that is always available at no cost.
  • Make the clock client app accessible to all users – Runs in any device with a modern web browser and is installable on the start screen. It is possible to administer the clock from any device.
  • Have more features than any other clock – The clock has some unique features to make administration and usage easier, see the Administrator manual for details.
  • Support several languages - currently English (default), German, Dutch, French, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish and both Norwegian variants. At a meeting, each user selects their language of choice.
  • Integrate the clock in other applications – Open WEB API for all clock functions.
  • Make it easy to contribute – everything is open source and development tools are free.


The development of the fast clock app started 2018. This was an experimental version using previews of .NET Core and Blazor. The experimental app was used on a number of module meetings. During these meetings, experiences was collected and the app was successively improved.

When Microsoft released the first Blazor version for Web Assembly in May 2020, a new production version was developed and all code was made open source.

The cloud version of the clock app was first intended as a demo clock only. Due to user requests, the cloud version now is a real alternative to a local running server.

Since then, there has been constant improvements based on user feedback. The documentation is also improved, with pages for administration, API, local installation and frequently asked questions. You find all these pages here on the Wiki.

At the FREMOdern meeting In Kolding in September 2020, we used the cloud version of the clock for first time. In December 2020 the first JMRI integration was made.

Thanks for all positive feedback, suggestions and contributions so far!


Fork the source code repository and contribute to the development. Pull request are welcome.

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