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Stefan Fjällemark edited this page Aug 7, 2022 · 29 revisions

This is an overview over current terminology used in the Module Registry.

Term Definition
Country An administrative unit. Persons and groups always belong to a country.
Country Administrator A user than can manage all data for all persons, groups located in the country and modules owned by these persons and groups.
Domain A categorisation of groups. An example of a domain is 'FREMO'. All groups in the same domain share some visibility of data, also across countries.
External Station A station in the real world that is located in a region and can have cargo customers in the same way as module stations.
Global Administrator A user than can manage all data for all persons, groups and modules owned by these persons and groups.
Group Any set of people that have a reason to administer modules collectively. A group can also own modules.
Group Administrator A group member that can add/remove group members and/or may create/edit any of the group members modules.
Group Member A person assigned to a group that lets a group administrator manage the person's modules.
Layout A planning unit where all tracks planned and operated as one unit. It can have both normal- and narrow track parts, ferries etc.
Layout Participant A meeting participant that has registered participation in a layout, with or without modules.
Meeting A meeting is an occasion where one or several layouts are built and operated for some days at some location.
Meeting Organizer One or several users promoted to organize a meeting.
Meeting Participant A person that has registered to attend to a module meeting.
Module A unit of track, optionally with landscape, built according some standard. A module can consist of one or several physical module sections.
Module Variant A special setup/variant of a module, where some module sections can be omitted or added or combined in other ways.
Module End Plate A module end plate is the side of the module where track ends and should continue on the next module. Module end plates can be external or internal. Internal end plates are for example between sections within a station, and these end plates does not have to follow any standard. External end plates, i.e. those that faces other persons modules must follow a standardised end profile.
Module End Profile A specific standardisation of the properties of an end plate, to make it possible to connect modules to each other, mechanically and electrically.
Module Exit A track connection that have a path that leads out from the module. A module exit is often corresponds one-to-one with a end plate.
Module Ownership One or several persons or a group that owns a module.
Module Package A physical box that contains one or several modules.
Module Section A module consists of one or several sections. Each section is an atomic unit. Note that individual sections should not be registered in the Module Registry.
Module Standard The specification after which the module is build and operated.
Person Someone that may own modules and/or participate in module meetings.
Scale The build size of the module compared to the original.
Station A module that are a place where recording of train timing is necessary. The smallest station is a simple junction.
Station Track At minimum, all scheduled tracks must be specified. Only scheduled tracks will be used in the plan. Other tracks and loading areas are not allocated to scheduled trains. Tracks can be directional or unidirectional.
Station Cargo Customer Each station may have any number of cargo customers. A cargo customer may exist only between certain years to reflect the epoch of the meeting. Each cargo customer may have arriving and/or departing cargo, defined with quantity, weekdays and optional time of day when loading is ready (for departing cargo) and unloading is ready (for arriving cargo).
User A person that can log in to The Module Registry and maintain modules and/or register participation in a module meeting.
Waybill A documentation of a freight with information about sender/receiver, type of cargo, required wagon types etc.