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Report issues and send patches

Alexander Krizhanovsky edited this page Sep 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Report an incident

Preferred way to report incident is to use the issues pane on project's Github page.

Please, add as much as possible information about incident:

  • Issue description, e.g. crash, freeze or unexpected behaviour;
  • Steps to reproduce the issue;
  • Linux Kernel and TempestaFW versions. If built from sources tree-ish (SHA-1) is required. If install from packages, Release tag is needed;
  • Kernel crash information from /var/crash/%Date% directory: dmesg and dump files. For issues happen on custom kernels information about patches applied to the kernel, kernel configuration, kernel image and debug symbols may be very helpful;
  • Contact e-mail for faster cooperation.

Send patches

Patches are welcomed through Pull requests on the project page. Refer to Github user guide for pull request manual.

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