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Ultra Commerce React Templates

The Ultra Commerce team is dedicated to making new tools and services available to development teams that make building, creating and launching eCommerce projects faster & easier. The Ultra Commerce React Storefront Templates will serve as a starting point for custom storefronts.

Environment Requirements

  1. use node v16.6.0 (npm 7.x)

Getting Started

  1. npx create-react-app my-new-storefront --template @ultracommerce/cra-template-ultra-commerce-storefront
  2. update .env or .env.local to reference your UltraCommerce domain url and sitecode.`
  3. npm start


The react storefront is meant to be highly configurable and extendable. Please refer to src/preload.js to extend or override starter configuration.


SDK Documentation

The Ultra Commerce API contains example scripts and endpoints to connect and interact with Ultra Commerce.

API Documentation

The Ultra Commerce API contains example scripts and endpoints to connect and interact with Ultra Commerce.

CMS Plugins

  1. Contentful (
  2. Kentico Kontent (