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rpc: Fix response time grow over time (#3537)
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* rpc: store validator info periodly

* increase ValidatorSetStoreInterval


- unexpose it
- add a comment
- refactor code
- add a benchmark, which shows that 100000 results in ~ 100ms to get 100

* make the change non-breaking

* expand comment

* rename valSetStoreInterval to valSetCheckpointInterval

* change the panic msg

* add a test and changelog entry

* update changelog entry

* update changelog entry

* add a link to PR

* fix test

* Update

Co-Authored-By: melekes <>

* update comment

* use MaxInt64 func
  • Loading branch information
melekes committed Apr 12, 2019
1 parent c3df21f commit 18d2c45
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Showing 3 changed files with 114 additions and 15 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -20,5 +20,14 @@
- [p2p] [\#3463]( Do not log "Can't add peer's address to addrbook" error for a private peer


- [state] [\#3438](
Persist validators every 100000 blocks even if no changes to the set
occurred (@guagualvcha). This
1) Prevents possible DoS attack using `/validators` or `/status` RPC
endpoints. Before response time was growing linearly with height if no
changes were made to the validator set.
2) Fixes performance degradation in `ExecCommitBlock` where we call
`LoadValidators` for each `Evidence` in the block.
- [p2p] \#2716 Check if we're already connected to peer right before dialing it (@melekes)
- [docs] \#3514 Fix block.Header.Time description (@melekes)
53 changes: 38 additions & 15 deletions state/store.go
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ import (

const (
// persist validators every valSetCheckpointInterval blocks to avoid
// LoadValidators taking too much time.
// 100000 results in ~ 100ms to get 100 validators (see BenchmarkLoadValidators)
valSetCheckpointInterval = 100000


func calcValidatorsKey(height int64) []byte {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,25 +190,38 @@ func LoadValidators(db dbm.DB, height int64) (*types.ValidatorSet, error) {
if valInfo == nil {
return nil, ErrNoValSetForHeight{height}

if valInfo.ValidatorSet == nil {
valInfo2 := loadValidatorsInfo(db, valInfo.LastHeightChanged)
lastStoredHeight := lastStoredHeightFor(height, valInfo.LastHeightChanged)
valInfo2 := loadValidatorsInfo(db, lastStoredHeight)
if valInfo2 == nil {
"Couldn't find validators at height %d as last changed from height %d",
// TODO (melekes): remove the below if condition in the 0.33 major
// release and just panic. Old chains might panic otherwise if they
// haven't saved validators at intermediate (%valSetCheckpointInterval)
// height yet.
valInfo2 = loadValidatorsInfo(db, valInfo.LastHeightChanged)
lastStoredHeight = valInfo.LastHeightChanged
if valInfo2 == nil {
fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't find validators at height %d (height %d was originally requested)",
valInfo2.ValidatorSet.IncrementProposerPriority(int(height - valInfo.LastHeightChanged)) // mutate
valInfo2.ValidatorSet.IncrementProposerPriority(int(height - lastStoredHeight)) // mutate
valInfo = valInfo2

return valInfo.ValidatorSet, nil

func lastStoredHeightFor(height, lastHeightChanged int64) int64 {
checkpointHeight := height - height%valSetCheckpointInterval
return cmn.MaxInt64(checkpointHeight, lastHeightChanged)

// CONTRACT: Returned ValidatorsInfo can be mutated.
func loadValidatorsInfo(db dbm.DB, height int64) *ValidatorsInfo {
buf := db.Get(calcValidatorsKey(height))
Expand All @@ -221,18 +242,20 @@ func loadValidatorsInfo(db dbm.DB, height int64) *ValidatorsInfo {

// saveValidatorsInfo persists the validator set.
// `height` is the effective height for which the validator is responsible for signing.
// It should be called from s.Save(), right before the state itself is persisted.
// If the validator set did not change after processing the latest block,
// only the last height for which the validators changed is persisted.
// `height` is the effective height for which the validator is responsible for
// signing. It should be called from s.Save(), right before the state itself is
// persisted.
func saveValidatorsInfo(db dbm.DB, height, lastHeightChanged int64, valSet *types.ValidatorSet) {
if lastHeightChanged > height {
panic("LastHeightChanged cannot be greater than ValidatorsInfo height")
valInfo := &ValidatorsInfo{
LastHeightChanged: lastHeightChanged,
if lastHeightChanged == height {
// Only persist validator set if it was updated or checkpoint height (see
// valSetCheckpointInterval) is reached.
if height == lastHeightChanged || height%valSetCheckpointInterval == 0 {
valInfo.ValidatorSet = valSet
db.Set(calcValidatorsKey(height), valInfo.Bytes())
Expand Down
67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions state/store_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package state

import (


cfg ""
dbm ""

func TestSaveValidatorsInfo(t *testing.T) {
// test we persist validators every valSetCheckpointInterval blocks
stateDB := dbm.NewMemDB()
val, _ := types.RandValidator(true, 10)
vals := types.NewValidatorSet([]*types.Validator{val})

// TODO(melekes): remove in 0.33 release
saveValidatorsInfo(stateDB, 1, 1, vals)
saveValidatorsInfo(stateDB, 2, 1, vals)
assert.NotPanics(t, func() {
_, err := LoadValidators(stateDB, 2)
if err != nil {

saveValidatorsInfo(stateDB, valSetCheckpointInterval, 1, vals)

loadedVals, err := LoadValidators(stateDB, valSetCheckpointInterval)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.NotZero(t, loadedVals.Size())

func BenchmarkLoadValidators(b *testing.B) {
const valSetSize = 100

config := cfg.ResetTestRoot("state_")
defer os.RemoveAll(config.RootDir)
dbType := dbm.DBBackendType(config.DBBackend)
stateDB := dbm.NewDB("state", dbType, config.DBDir())
state, err := LoadStateFromDBOrGenesisFile(stateDB, config.GenesisFile())
if err != nil {
state.Validators = genValSet(valSetSize)
state.NextValidators = state.Validators.CopyIncrementProposerPriority(1)
SaveState(stateDB, state)

for i := 10; i < 10000000000; i *= 10 { // 10, 100, 1000, ...
saveValidatorsInfo(stateDB, int64(i), state.LastHeightValidatorsChanged, state.NextValidators)

b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("height=%d", i), func(b *testing.B) {
for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
_, err := LoadValidators(stateDB, int64(i))
if err != nil {

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