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Simple Cloud Accelerator (SCA) - Artifact

This repository is a point-in-time artifact from the Third Rock Ventures and Tennex collaboration detailed in this AWS Case Study. It is intended for reference only and is not actively maintained. In the future, an additional public repository will linked here to an extended version that will provide updates and expanded features on a pre-determined release schedule.

This solution, powered by the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) is designed for early to mid-stage HCLS companies. It provides a scalable, best practices multi-account architecture with a focus on security, governance, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) with the following core services:

  • AWS Organizations
  • AWS Budgets
  • Cost and Usage Reports (CUR)
  • AWS CloudTrail
  • AWS Config
  • Amazon GuardDuty
  • Azure AD-backed Authentication via AWS IAM Identity Center (formerly AWS SSO)
  • AWS Transit Gateway

This document provides an overview of the solution, as well as the structure of this repository.

For full deployment instructions, visit the Initial Deployment Instructions documentation referenced below.

Environment Architecture

Initially, five Organizational Units (OUs) are defined in AWS Organizations, represented below:

organization overview

The AWS services are deployed to the accounts using the following architecture:

organization configuration

The images above are located in the docs/diagrams directory, and can be edited with

Table Of Contents

Directory Structure

The directory structure of this repository is outlined below. Files are segregated logically by type and function.

Directory Description
bin The parent directory for operations. The infrastructure.ts file is the entrypoint for all operations. The file performs configuration validation and deploys any stacks that should exist in all accounts. Following this, account-specific stack deployments are triggered. For individual account configuration, see bin/account-stacks/.
bin/account-stacks/ A subdirectory containing account-specific configurations. It is segmented with one directory per AWS Region and, inside that Region, one file per AWS account. Each file identifies which stacks are specifically deployed to that account. For example, security.ts is the source of truth for stacks deployed in the us-east-1 Region of the security account.
config Contains the primary configuration files for the deployed environments. This directory can be considered a catch-all for any customized values or configurations that are consumed by the deployments. For example, AWS account names, where to direct notifications, SSO metadata files, etc.
lib/aspects Contains aspects to enforce configurations on all constructs in a given stack. Aspects are a powerful way to include guardrails directly in the codebase. For example, an aspect may require code to be written such that all S3 buckets are encrypted.
lib/common Commonly used stacks that may be deployed in multiple accounts. These stacks deploy different resources based on the property inputs. For example, the CloudTrail stack is configured to deploy an organization trail in the Management/Payer account, but deploys a target S3 bucket and KMS key in the security account. The VPC stack is reusable, and may be deployed a number of times in any account or Region, etc.
lib/constructs Contains common constructs, which are consumed by stacks.
lib/custom-resources Contains Lambda custom resources and constructs to deploy them. These resources may be used for deployment orchestration or to supplement AWS API calls where CloudFormation resources may not exist.
lib/environments Contains stacks specific to each respective AWS account. A parallel to bin/account-stacks. For example, a stack defining an AWS Cost and Usage Report (CUR) would be placed in environments/organization and later referenced in bin/account-stacks/us-east-1/organization.ts, as this tool belongs in the Organization Management account.
lib/helpers Utility functions that may be consumed by other files, custom resources, etc., to support deployments.

Configuration Files

These files contain crucial configuration items to ensure a successful deployment, and are referenced in various portions of the deployment documentation.

Filename Description
config/coreConfig.ts Contains the core configuration for AWS accounts and other AWS environment objects.
config/ssoConfig.ts Contains generated AWS Identity Center values. See AWS IAM Identity Center for more details.
config/taggingConfig.ts Tagging details and Tagging Policy enforcement.
lib/types.ts Contains custom interfaces and types specific to this deployment.

Code Standards

Code standards are managed via ESLint, extending eslint-config-standard. See the .eslintrc.js file for more information and cross-reference rules at


Before executing any operations, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • The CDK has a prerequisite that Node.js v18+ be installed. Node.js can be downloaded for your operating system here.
  • The CDK must be installed. Visit the AWS Documentation for instructions.
  • The shell environment variable AWS_PROFILE must be set, or the CDK CLI --profile must be set.
  • The associated AWS profile must have a region set (e.g., us-east-1).
  • NPM packages must be installed. Use npm install-clean to install packages.
  • Create a new AWS account in which to host the deployment. This will serve as the Payer/Management account for the Simple Cloud Accelerator.
    • NOTE: This process applies to NEW DEPLOYMENTS ONLY. Deploying this solution in an exiting AWS Organization is NOT supported by this solution and should be done with extreme caution.

Initial Deployment Instructions

For full deployment instructions, visit the Initial Deployment documentation.

Operational Guides

Use the guides below for additional context and operational examples.

Known Issues

Prefix Lists

Prefix lists are created in the Shared Services account as part of the deployment. These prefix lists are not used in the VPCs deployed by this solution. They are created for future use, as prefix lists are not currently supported in CloudFormation for AWS::EC2::Route or AWS::EC2::TransitGatewayRoute resources.

Track this GitHub Issue for updates on prefix list support in CloudFormation.

Use prefix lists where possible when performing manual operations.


Point in time artifact of the Simple Cloud Accelerator project with Third Rock Ventures







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