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Compute differentiable barycentrics.
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podlipensky authored and Copybara-Service committed Mar 24, 2021
1 parent 705ed34 commit dd2bf28
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211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow_graphics/rendering/
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# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Set of functions to compute differentiable barycentric coordinates."""

from typing import Tuple

import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow_graphics.rendering import framebuffer as fb
from tensorflow_graphics.util import shape

def differentiable_barycentrics(framebuffer: fb.Framebuffer,
clip_space_vertices: tf.Tensor,
triangles: tf.Tensor) -> fb.Framebuffer:
"""Computes differentiable barycentric coordinates from a Framebuffer.
The barycentric coordinates will be differentiable w.r.t. the input vertices.
Later, we may support derivatives w.r.t. pixel position for mip-mapping.
framebuffer: a multi-layer Framebuffer containing triangle ids and a
foreground mask with shape [batch, num_layers, height, width, 1]
clip_space_vertices: a 2-D float32 tensor with shape [vertex_count, 4] or a
3-D tensor with shape [batch, vertex_count, 4] containing homogenous
vertex positions (xyzw).
triangles: a 2-D int32 tensor with shape [triangle_count, 3] or a 3-D tensor
with shape [batch, triangle_count, 3] containing per-triangle vertex
indices in counter-clockwise order.
a copy of `framebuffer`, but the differentiable barycentric coordinates will
replace any barycentric coordinates already in the `framebuffer`.
rank = lambda t: len(t.shape)

clip_space_vertices = tf.convert_to_tensor(clip_space_vertices)
tensor=clip_space_vertices, tensor_name="clip_space_vertices",
if rank(clip_space_vertices) == 2:
clip_space_vertices = tf.expand_dims(clip_space_vertices, axis=0)

triangles = tf.convert_to_tensor(triangles)
tensor=triangles, tensor_name="triangles",
if rank(triangles) == 2:
triangles = tf.expand_dims(triangles, axis=0)

tensors=(clip_space_vertices, triangles, framebuffer.triangle_id),
last_axes=(-3, -3, -4),

# Compute image pixel coordinates.
px, py = normalized_pixel_coordinates(framebuffer.width, framebuffer.height)

def compute_barycentrics_fn(
slices: Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]) -> tf.Tensor:
clip_vertices_slice, triangle_slice, triangle_id_slice = slices
triangle_id_slice = triangle_id_slice[..., 0]
if rank(triangle_id_slice) == 2: # There is no layer dimension.
triangle_id_slice = tf.expand_dims(triangle_id_slice, axis=0)
# Compute per-triangle inverse matrices.
triangle_matrices = compute_triangle_matrices(clip_vertices_slice,

# Compute per-pixel barycentric coordinates.
barycentric_coords = compute_barycentric_coordinates(
triangle_id_slice, triangle_matrices, px, py)
barycentric_coords = tf.transpose(barycentric_coords, perm=[1, 2, 3, 0])
return barycentric_coords

per_image_barycentrics = tf.vectorized_map(
(clip_space_vertices, triangles, framebuffer.triangle_id))

barycentric_coords = tf.stack(per_image_barycentrics, axis=0)
# After stacking barycentrics will have layers dimension no matter what.
# In order to make sure we return differentiable barycentrics of the same
# shape - reshape the tensor using original shape.
barycentric_coords = tf.reshape(
barycentric_coords, shape=framebuffer.barycentrics.value.shape)
# Mask out barycentrics for background pixels.
barycentric_coords = barycentric_coords * framebuffer.foreground_mask

return fb.Framebuffer(
barycentrics=fb.RasterizedAttribute(barycentric_coords, None, None))

def normalized_pixel_coordinates(image_width, image_height):
"""Computes the normalized pixel coordinates for the specified image size.
The x-coordinates will range from -1 to 1 left to right.
The y-coordinates will range from -1 to 1 top to bottom.
The extrema +-1 will fall onto the exterior pixel boundaries, while the
coordinates will be evaluated at pixel centers. So, image of width 4 will have
normalized pixel x-coordinates at [-0.75 -0.25 0.25 0.75], while image of
width 3 will have them at [-0.667 0 0.667].
image_width: int specifying desired output image width in pixels.
image_height: int specifying desired output image height in pixels.
Two float32 tensors with shape [image_height, image_width] containing x- and
y- coordinates, respecively, for each image pixel.
width = tf.cast(image_width, tf.float32)
height = tf.cast(image_height, tf.float32)
x_range = (2 * tf.range(width) + 1) / width - 1
y_range = (2 * tf.range(height) + 1) / height - 1
x_coords, y_coords = tf.meshgrid(x_range, y_range)
return x_coords, y_coords

def compute_triangle_matrices(clip_space_vertices, triangles):
"""Computes per-triangle matrices used in barycentric coordinate calculation.
The result corresponds to the inverse matrix from equation (4) in the paper
"Triangle Scan Conversion using 2D Homogeneous Coordinates". Our matrix
inverses are not divided by the determinant, only multiplied by its sign. The
division happens in compute_barycentric_coordinates.
clip_space_vertices: float32 tensor with shape [vertex_count, 4] containing
vertex positions in clip space (x, y, z, w).
triangles: 2-D int32 tensor with shape [triangle_count, 3]. Each triplet
contains a triangle's vertex indices in counter-clockwise order.
3-D float32 tensor with shape [3, 3, triangle_count] containing per-triangle
# First make a vertex tensor of size [triangle_count, 3, 3], where the last
# dimension contains x, y, w coordinates of the corresponding vertex in each
# triangle
xyw = tf.stack([
clip_space_vertices[:, 0], clip_space_vertices[:, 1],
clip_space_vertices[:, 3]
xyw = tf.gather(xyw, triangles)
xyw = tf.transpose(xyw, perm=[0, 2, 1])
# Compute the sub-determinants.
d11 = xyw[:, 1, 1] * xyw[:, 2, 2] - xyw[:, 1, 2] * xyw[:, 2, 1]
d21 = xyw[:, 1, 2] * xyw[:, 2, 0] - xyw[:, 1, 0] * xyw[:, 2, 2]
d31 = xyw[:, 1, 0] * xyw[:, 2, 1] - xyw[:, 1, 1] * xyw[:, 2, 0]
d12 = xyw[:, 2, 1] * xyw[:, 0, 2] - xyw[:, 2, 2] * xyw[:, 0, 1]
d22 = xyw[:, 2, 2] * xyw[:, 0, 0] - xyw[:, 2, 0] * xyw[:, 0, 2]
d32 = xyw[:, 2, 0] * xyw[:, 0, 1] - xyw[:, 2, 1] * xyw[:, 0, 0]
d13 = xyw[:, 0, 1] * xyw[:, 1, 2] - xyw[:, 0, 2] * xyw[:, 1, 1]
d23 = xyw[:, 0, 2] * xyw[:, 1, 0] - xyw[:, 0, 0] * xyw[:, 1, 2]
d33 = xyw[:, 0, 0] * xyw[:, 1, 1] - xyw[:, 0, 1] * xyw[:, 1, 0]
matrices = tf.stack([[d11, d12, d13], [d21, d22, d23], [d31, d32, d33]])
# Multiply by the sign of the determinant, avoiding divide by zero.
determinant = xyw[:, 0, 0] * d11 + xyw[:, 1, 0] * d12 + xyw[:, 2, 0] * d13
sign = tf.sign(determinant) + tf.cast(determinant == 0, tf.float32)
matrices = sign * matrices
return matrices

def compute_barycentric_coordinates(triangle_ids, triangle_matrices, px, py):
"""Computes per-pixel barycentric coordinates.
triangle_ids: 2-D int tensor with shape [image_height, image_width]
containing per-pixel triangle ids, as computed by rasterize_triangles.
triangle_matrices: 3-D float32 tensor with shape [3, 3, triangle_count]
containing per-triangle matrices computed by compute_triangle_matrices.
px: 2-D float32 tensor with shape [image_height, image_width] containing
per-pixel x-coordinates, as computed by normalized_pixel_coordinates.
py: 2-D float32 tensor with shape [image_height, image_width] containing
per-pixel y-coordinates, as computed by normalized_pixel_coordinates.
3-D float32 tensor with shape [height, width, 3] containing the barycentric
coordinates of the point at each pixel within the triangle specified by
# Gather per-pixel triangle matrices into m.
pixel_triangle_matrices = tf.gather(triangle_matrices, triangle_ids, axis=-1)
# Compute barycentric coordinates by evaluating edge equations.
barycentric_coords = (
pixel_triangle_matrices[:, 0] * px + pixel_triangle_matrices[:, 1] * py +
pixel_triangle_matrices[:, 2])
# Normalize so the barycentric coordinates sum to 1. Guard against division
# by zero in the case that the barycentrics sum to zero, which can happen for
# background pixels when the 0th triangle in the list is degenerate, due to
# the way we use triangle id 0 for both background and the first triangle.
barycentric_coords = tf.math.divide_no_nan(
barycentric_coords, tf.reduce_sum(barycentric_coords, axis=0))
return barycentric_coords
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow_graphics/rendering/tests/
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# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Tests for differentiable barycentrics."""

from absl.testing import parameterized
import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow_graphics.rendering import barycentrics
from tensorflow_graphics.rendering import rasterization_backend
from tensorflow_graphics.rendering import utils
from tensorflow_graphics.util import test_case

class BarycentricsTest(test_case.TestCase):

def test_differentialbe_barycentrics_close_to_rasterizer(
self, rasterization_backend_type):
image_width = 32
image_height = 32

initial_vertices = tf.constant([[[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0]]],
triangles = [[0, 1, 2]]
view_projection_matrix = tf.expand_dims(tf.eye(4), axis=0)

# Compute rasterization barycentrics
rasterized = rasterization_backend.rasterize(
view_projection_matrix, (image_width, image_height),

ras_barycentrics = rasterized.barycentrics.value

clip_space_vertices = utils.transform_homogeneous(view_projection_matrix,
rasterized_w_diff_barycentrics = barycentrics.differentiable_barycentrics(
rasterized, clip_space_vertices, triangles)
diff_barycentrics = rasterized_w_diff_barycentrics.barycentrics.value

self.assertAllClose(ras_barycentrics, diff_barycentrics, rtol=1e-4)

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