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notebook: add Colab integration shell (#1822)
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This hooks up the `notebook` module to Colab. The Colab runtime
sandboxes the contents of the output frame, but provides a service
worker tunnel so that the frame may communicate with underlying VM. We
take advantage of this by loading TensorBoard through a JavaScript shell
that changes the document `baseURI` to proxy requests through this

Test Plan:
Add `//tensorboard:notebook` to the deps of `build_pip_package`, then
build the Pip package and manually upload it onto a public Colab
instance. Then run:

    !pip uninstall -q -y tensorflow tf-nightly-2.0-preview
    !pip install -q tf-nightly-2.0-preview
    !pip uninstall -q -y tensorboard
    !pip install -q ./tensorboard-1.13.0a0-py3-none-any.whl

    %load_ext tensorboard.notebook
    %tensorboard --logdir ./tensorboard_data/mnist

and watch TensorBoard come to life as desired.

Googlers, see <http://cl/233129221> to test this against the internal
version of Colab.

wchargin-branch: notebook-colab-integration
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wchargin committed Feb 9, 2019
1 parent caffc3c commit 7d84513
Showing 1 changed file with 77 additions and 3 deletions.
80 changes: 77 additions & 3 deletions tensorboard/
Expand Up @@ -278,9 +278,83 @@ def _display(port=None, height=None, print_message=False, display_handle=None):

def _display_colab(port, height, display_handle):
# TODO(@wchargin): Implement this after merging this code into
# google3, where it's easier to develop and test against Colab.
raise NotImplementedError()
"""Display a TensorBoard instance in a Colab output frame.
The Colab VM is not directly exposed to the network, so the Colab
runtime provides a service worker tunnel to proxy requests from the
end user's browser through to servers running on the Colab VM: the
output frame may issue requests to https://localhost:<port> (HTTPS
only), which will be forwarded to the specified port on the VM.
It does not suffice to create an `iframe` and let the service worker
redirect its traffic (`<iframe src="https://localhost:6006">`),
because for security reasons service workers cannot intercept iframe
traffic. Instead, we manually fetch the TensorBoard index page with an
XHR in the output frame, and inject the raw HTML into `document.body`.
By default, the TensorBoard web app requests resources against
relative paths, like `./data/logdir`. Within the output frame, these
requests must instead hit `https://localhost:<port>/data/logdir`. To
redirect them, we change the document base URI, which transparently
affects all requests (XHRs and resources alike).
import IPython.display
shell = """
<div id="root"></div>
(function() {
window.TENSORBOARD_ENV["IN_COLAB"] = true;
document.querySelector("base").href = "https://localhost:%PORT%";
function fixUpTensorboard(root) {
const tftb = root.querySelector("tf-tensorboard");
// Disable the fragment manipulation behavior in Colab. Not
// only is the behavior not useful (as the iframe's location
// is not visible to the user), it causes TensorBoard's usage
// of `window.replace` to navigate away from the page and to
// the `localhost:<port>` URL specified by the base URI, which
// in turn causes the frame to (likely) crash.
function executeAllScripts(root) {
// When `script` elements are inserted into the DOM by
// assigning to an element's `innerHTML`, the scripts are not
// executed. Thus, we manually re-insert these scripts so that
// TensorBoard can initialize itself.
for (const script of root.querySelectorAll("script")) {
const newScript = document.createElement("script");
newScript.type = script.type;
newScript.textContent = script.textContent;
function setHeight(root, height) {
// We set the height dynamically after the TensorBoard UI has
// been initialized. This avoids an intermediate state in
// which the container plus the UI become taller than the
// final width and cause the Colab output frame to be
// permanently resized, eventually leading to an empty
// vertical gap below the TensorBoard UI. It's not clear
// exactly what causes this problematic intermediate state,
// but setting the height late seems to fix it. = `${height}px`;
const root = document.getElementById("root");
.then((x) => x.text())
.then((html) => void (root.innerHTML = html))
.then(() => fixUpTensorboard(root))
.then(() => executeAllScripts(root))
.then(() => setHeight(root, %HEIGHT%));
""".replace("%PORT%", "%d" % port).replace("%HEIGHT%", "%d" % height)
html = IPython.display.HTML(shell)
if display_handle:

def _display_ipython(port, height, display_handle):
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