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Composable Tensorflow

Composable Tensorflow

Composable TensorFlow (TF) is the framework for defining portable TF ops with composition in the authoring language.

The set of standard TF ops is currently open. New ops are defined for special purposes but it is hard to make them work end-to-end: The op needs to be handled separately by several backends (tf2xla bridge, tflite converter, CPU kernels, etc.). Writing shape functions and gradients for these ops is extremely difficult. tf.function makes some parts of the implementation simpler, but it introduces runtime overhead and it cannot easily be used to apply dedicated optimizations to op kernels.

The composable TF framework allows the user to define portable TF ops as compositions of other TF ops. It translates a Python function used to define the composition directly into a portable IR at build time, and uses it to expand the composite op in the TF program during compilation / execution. By using this expansion mechanism, new op are readily available on different platforms without extra work. Moreover, since the expansion is optional, the backend can easily treat it as a monolithic op when needed, for instance to apply optimizations or associate it with a custom kernel.


Using the Composable TF API to define a new op and its composition can bring the following benefits:

  • Automatic backend support: As long as it is composed of ops supported by the backend, the new op is automatically supported (as a tf.function alternative);
  • Reduced tracing overhead: Unlike tf.function, the composition function is compiled at build time, hence TF only needs to trace a single op to build the graph;
  • Easy fused op/kernel optimization: Even if it has complex semantics, the new op is presented as a single node in the graph, thus optimization passes and kernels can easily be specialized to this op for better performance.
  • Automatic shape/type inference support: No shape functions are required for the new op;
  • Automatic gradient support (WIP): The user doesn't need to author gradient a function of the op for training.

Use Cases

  • (Portability) User wants to add a new op and run this op on different platforms (CPU, TPU, TFLite, etc.) to be portable.

    • Solution: The user should define the new op as a composition. The ops used inside the composition should have support for these platforms. These ops can also be composite ops.
  • (Performance) User defines a custom kernel for a regular structure (i.e. LSTM), but it is hard to add the logic to fuse the individual ops to target this kernel in the inference graph.

    • Solution: The user should define a new TF op, which corresponds to the fused kernel, with composition, and use this op to build the model for both training and inference. For the platforms where a fused kernel is not available, the execution will use the composition instead.



Authoring Op Composition in Python

The composable TF provides a single API to define a new op with its composition at the same time. For example, the following code defines a new FusedFullyConnected op, which have MatMul, Add and some activation function (specified by an op attribute) fused.

import tensorflow as tf

    inputs=['input_: T', 'filter_: T', 'bias: T'],
    attrs=['act: {"", "RELU", "RELU6", "TANH"} = ""'],
    derived_attrs=['T: {float, int8}'],
    outputs=['o: T'])
def _composite_fully_connected(input_, filter_, bias, act):
  res = tf.raw_ops.MatMul(
      a=input_, b=filter_, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=True)
  res = tf.raw_ops.Add(x=res, y=bias)
  if act == 'RELU':
    return tf.raw_ops.Relu(features=res)
  elif act == 'RELU6':
    return tf.raw_ops.Relu6(features=res)
  elif act == 'TANH':
    return tf.raw_ops.Tanh(x=res)
    return res

Besides defining new ops, composition can be specified for an existing op for portability. The following code defines the semantics of AddNOp:

def _my_op_c(ins):
  N = len(ins)
  if N == 1:
    return ins[0]
  sum = ins[0]
  for i in range(1, N):
    sum += ins[i]
  return sum

Utilities have been built to compile the Python composition functions down to the backend IR. The project also provides a set of graph optimization passes to expand the composite ops in the graph by using the input backend IR. These passes have been added to the TF common runtime for graph execution and eager runtime for eager execution.

Compiling Op Composition

Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) mode

Like the op kernels, the op composition can be pre-compiled to the backend IR so the decomposition can be invoked at runtime. A Python file is provided as an example to build composite ops in the users project directory. All the targets required to build the new ops are created by the following target:

load("//tensorflow/compiler/mlir/tfr:build_defs.bzl", "gen_op_libraries")

    name = "test_ops",
    src = "",
    deps = [

More composite op definitions and usages are here included in the examples directory.

Just-In-Time (JIT) mode


Known Limitations

  • while statement
  • condition of if statement couldn't be a tensor


This project is an alternative implementation of RFC:Standardizing composite ops in tensorflow to support efficient inference. This project doesn't rely on the tracing functionality provided by tf.function to avoid all its pitfalls and it helps to build more general transformations in the backends.


  • Feng Liu
  • Dan Moldovan