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Merge pull request #438
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Hook integration tests into Jenkins
  • Loading branch information
Neverlord committed Feb 18, 2019
2 parents a26f5bb + 0fd51c0 commit d52af2e
Showing 1 changed file with 179 additions and 41 deletions.
220 changes: 179 additions & 41 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ buildMatrix = [
[ 'Linux', [
builds: ['release'],
tools: ['gcc8'],
extraSteps: ['integrationTests'],
[ 'macOS', [
builds: ['release'],
Expand All @@ -60,6 +61,22 @@ buildEnvironments = [
nop : [], // Dummy value for getting the proper types.

// Configures what checks we report on at the end.
checks = [

def fileLinesOrEmptyList(fileName) {
// Using a fileExists() + readFile() approach here fails for some mysterious reason.
script: """if [ -f "$fileName" ] ; then cat "$fileName" ; fi""",
returnStdout: true,

// Adds additional context information to commits on GitHub.
def setBuildStatus(context, state, message) {
echo "set ${context} result for commit ${env.GIT_COMMIT} to $state: $message"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,10 +135,10 @@ def coverageReport(buildId) {
sh """
kcov --exclude-path=$excludePathsStr kcov-result ./build/bin/vast-test &> kcov_output.txtt
find kcov-result -name 'cobertura.xml' -exec mv {} cobertura.xml \\;
find kcov-result -name 'coverage.json' -exec mv {} result.json \\;
find kcov-result -name 'coverage.json' -exec mv {} coverage.json \\;
archiveArtifacts 'cobertura.xml'
archiveArtifacts 'cobertura.xml,coverage.json'
autoUpdateHealth: false,
autoUpdateStability: false,
Expand All @@ -146,7 +163,7 @@ def coverageReport(buildId) {
def queryStr = query.join('&')
sh "curl -X POST --data-binary @cobertura.xml \"${queryStr}\""
stash includes: 'result.json', name: 'coverage-result'
stash includes: 'coverage.json', name: 'coverage-result'
} catch (Exception e) {
echo "exception: $e"
sh 'ls -R .'
Expand All @@ -155,6 +172,44 @@ def coverageReport(buildId) {

def integrationTests(buildId) {
// Any error here must not fail the build itself.
dir('integration-tests') {
try {
def baseDir = "$WORKSPACE/vast-sources/scripts/integration"
def envDir = pwd() + "python-environment"
def app = "$WORKSPACE/$buildId/bin/vast"
file: 'all-integration-tests.txt',
text: ''
file: 'failed-integration-tests.txt',
text: ''
sh """
chmod +x "$app"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$WORKSPACE/$buildId/lib"
python3 -m venv "$envDir"
source "$envDir/bin/activate"
pip install -r "$baseDir/requirements.txt"
python "$baseDir/" -l | while read test ; do
echo "\$test" >> all-integration-tests.txt
python "$baseDir/" --app "$app" -t "\$test" || echo "\$test" >> failed-integration-tests.txt
archiveArtifacts '*.txt'
includes: '*.txt',
name: 'integration-result',
} catch (Exception e) {
echo "exception: $e"

// Compiles, installs and tests via CMake.
def cmakeSteps(buildType, cmakeArgs, buildId) {
def installDir = "$WORKSPACE/$buildId"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,12 +303,103 @@ def makeBuildStages(matrixIndex, os, builds, lblExpr, settings) {

// Reports the status of the build itself, i.e., compiling via CMake.
def buildStatus(buildIds) {
// We always report success here, because we won't reach the final stage otherwise.
success: true,
summary: "All ${buildIds.size()} builds compiled",
text: "Successfully compiled all ${buildIds.size()} builds for $PrettyJobName.",

// Reports the status of the unit tests check.
def testsStatus(buildIds) {
def failed = buildIds.findAll {
try { unstash it }
catch (Exception) { }
def numBuilds = buildIds.size()
if (failed.isEmpty())
return [
success: true,
summary: "All $numBuilds builds passed the unit tests",
text: "The unit tests succeeded on all $numBuilds builds."
def failRate = "${failed.size()}/$numBuilds"
success: false,
summary: "$failRate builds failed to run the unit tests",
text: "The unit tests failed on $failRate builds:\n" + failed.collect{"- $it"}.join('\n'),

// Reports the status of the integration tests check.
def integrationStatus(buildIds) {
try { unstash 'integration-result' }
catch (Exception) { }
def all = fileLinesOrEmptyList('all-integration-tests.txt')
def failed = fileLinesOrEmptyList('failed-integration-tests.txt')
if (all.isEmpty())
return [
success: false,
summary: 'Unable to run integration tests',
text: 'Unable to run integration tests!',
def numTests = all.size()
if (failed.isEmpty())
return [
success: true,
summary: "All $numTests integration tests passed",
text: "All $numTests integration tests passed.",
def failRate = "${failed.size()}/$numTests"
success: false,
summary: "$failRate integration tests failed",
text: "The following integration tests failed ($failRate):\n" + failed.collect{"- $it"}.join('\n')

// Reports the status of the coverage check.
def coverageStatus(buildIds) {
try {
unstash 'coverage-result'
def coverageResult = readJSON('coverage.json')
file: 'coverage.txt',
text: coverageResult['percent_covered'],
catch (Exception) { }
if (fileExists('coverage.json'))
return [
success: true,
summary: 'Generate coverage report',
text: "The coverage report was successfully generated and uploaded to",
success: false,
summary: 'Unable to generate coverage report',
text: 'No coverage report was produced!',

def notifyAllChecks(result, message) {
checks.each {
if (it != 'build')
setBuildStatus(it, result, message)

// Declarative pipeline for triggering all stages.
pipeline {
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '20', artifactNumToKeepStr: '5'))
agent none
agent { label 'master' }
environment {
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "$WORKSPACE/vast-sources/build/lib;" +
Expand All @@ -266,20 +412,18 @@ pipeline {
stages {
// Checkout all involved repositories.
stage('Git Checkout') {
agent { label 'master' }
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
echo "build branch ${env.GIT_BRANCH}"
dir('vast-sources') {
checkout scm
stash includes: 'vast-sources/**', name: 'vast-sources'
setBuildStatus('unit-tests', 'PENDING', 'Pending ...')
notifyAllChecks('PENDING', '')
stage('Builds') {
agent { label 'master' }
stage('Build') {
steps {
script {
// Create stages for building everything in our build matrix in
Expand All @@ -298,11 +442,11 @@ pipeline {
stage('Check Test Results') {
agent { label 'master' }
stage('Notify') {
steps {
script {
dir('tmp') {
// Compute the list of all build IDs.
def buildIds = []
buildMatrix.each { entry ->
Expand All @@ -313,44 +457,37 @@ pipeline {
// Compute how many tests have succeeded
def builds = buildIds.size()
def successes = buildIds.inject(0) { result, buildId ->
try { unstash buildId }
catch (Exception) { }
result + (fileExists("${buildId}.success") ? 1 : 0)
echo "$successes unit tests tests of $builds were successful"
def testsOk = builds == successes
if (testsOk) {
setBuildStatus('unit-tests', 'SUCCESS', 'All builds passed the unit tests')
} else {
def failures = builds - successes
setBuildStatus('unit-tests', 'FAILURE', "$failures/$builds builds failed to run the unit tests")
// Get the coverage result.
def coverageOk = false
try {
unstash 'coverage-result'
if (fileExists('result.json')) {
// Set no build status here, because takes over from this point.
coverageOk = true
// Collect headlines and summaries for the email notification.
def failedChecks = 0
def headlines = []
def texts = []
checks.each {
def checkResult = "${it}Status"(buildIds)
if (checkResult.success) {
headlines << "${it}"
texts << checkResult.text
// Don't set commit status for 'build', because Jenkins will do that anyway.
if (it != 'build')
setBuildStatus(it, 'SUCCESS', checkResult.summary)
} else {
setBuildStatus('coverage', 'FAILURE', 'Unable to get coverage report')
failedChecks += 1
headlines << "⛔️ ${it}"
texts << checkResult.text
setBuildStatus(it, 'FAILURE', checkResult.summary)
} catch (Exception) {
setBuildStatus('coverage', 'FAILURE', 'Unable to generate coverage report') }
// Send email notification.
def testsIcon = testsOk ? "" : "⛔️"
def coverageIcon = coverageOk ? "" : "⛔️"
subject: "$PrettyJobName: ✅ build, $testsIcon unit tests, $coverageIcon coverage",
subject: "$PrettyJobName: " + headlines.join(', '),
to: '',
recipientProviders: [culprits()],
attachLog: true,
compressLog: true,
body: "Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL} or see attached log.\n",
body: texts.join('\n\n') + '\n',
// Set the status of this commit to unstable if any check failed to not trigger downstream jobs.
if (failedChecks > 0)
currentBuild.result = "UNSTABLE"
Expand All @@ -359,13 +496,14 @@ pipeline {
post {
failure {
subject: "$PrettyJobName: ⛔️ build, ⛔️ unit tests, ⛔️ coverage",
subject: "$PrettyJobName: " + checks.collect{ "⛔️ ${it}" }.join(', '),
to: '',
recipientProviders: [culprits()],
attachLog: true,
compressLog: true,
body: "Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL} or see attached log.\n",
notifyAllChecks('FAILURE', 'Failed due to earlier error')

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