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Diacritics restoration for Romanian

The full article can be found here.
Implementation was done using Keras with Tensorflow.
The core of the implementation is done in
As a corpora we used parliamentary debates (see Corpora section).


Letters Letters with diacritics 15M 6.39% 38M 4.09%
Letters that accept/contain diacritics 84M 35.28% 296M 31.78%
All letters 239M 100.00% 933M 100.00%
Words Words with diacritics 13M 26.37% 33M 16.40%
Words that accept/contain diacritics 35M 70.41% 118M 57.98%
All words 50M 100.00% 204M 100.00%
Sentences 2.6M 22.0M
Unique words 0.21M 2.62M

Only PAR corpus was used in the end because of its higher quality.


The architecutre of the models is briefly described in the picutre below. Several models were tried, using different branches of the architecture. See the Results section for more details, or you can read the full article



Model Char Embedding Char LSTM Hidden Epochs Dev char acc (%) Test char acc (%) Test word acc (%)
Chars 16 32 32 5 98.865 98.864 97.413
Chars 20 64 256 5 99.012 99.017 97.750
Chars (5 classes) 16 32 32 5 99.048 99.068 97.867
Chars 24 64 64 4 99.064 99.057 97.856
Chars + sentence 20 64 256 3 99.068 99.065 97.881
Chars + word 20 64 256 4 99.309 99.329 98.453
Chars + word + sentence 20 64 256 5 99.365 99.378 98.573
Chars + word + sentence 20 64 256, 128 5 99.380 99.366 98.553

Best models performance per letter:

Model Letter Precision (%) Recall (%) F-Score (%)
All-256-128 “a” 99.16 98.86 99.01
“ă” 96.29 97.31 96.80
“â” 99.17 98.80 98.99
“i” 99.97 99.96 99.97
“î” 99.65 99.72 99.69
“s” 99.84 99.84 99.84
“ș” 99.44 99.43 99.43
“t” 99.84 99.77 99.80
“ț” 98.97 99.29 99.13

Run the model for restoration

  • Example usage:
    python3 -no_fast -load saved_models_diacritice/chars24-64 -no_word -no_sent -classes 4 -no_dep -no_tag -restore input.txt

The model will read text from input.txt (utf-8) and restore the diacritics in tmp_res.txt file. Only the pre-trained models that use characters are available on this git.