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Teonet L0 client library


Library folders structure description

Sources folder

The folder libteol0 contain source code of the teocli library


The linux folder contain Makefile to make Linux shared library and application.
See README in that folder to additional information.


The python folder contain file to make python module.
See README in that folder to additional information.

Java Script and Node.js

The TeocliJS suproject content code to connect to Teonet with websocket from Java Script or Node.js.
See the TeocliJS project.

The teonet-client project located at nodejs folder is native node.js module.
See README in nodejs folder to additional information.

AngelScript (going soon)

The TeocliAS subproject content code to connect to Teonet from AngelScript.
See the TeocliAS project.

Windows with MinGw-64

The win_mingw folder contain file to make Windows DLL and tests application under Linux.
See README in that folder to additional information.

Windows with Visual Studio

The win_vcxproj folder contain solution and projects to make Windows DLL and tests under Windows Visual Studio.
See README in that folder to additional information.

Basic teocli example

Test L0 client/server connection:

L0 Server: examples/teostream teo-str NULL NULL -p 9000 --l0_allow

Teonet Peer: examples/teostream teostream teo-str str -r 9000 -a

L0 client: examples/teol0cli C1 9000 teostream "Hello world!"
L0 client: examples/teol0cli C1 9000 teo-str "Hello world!"

L0 Client packet structure:
