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Migration Guide 5.0.1

atshushi yoshikawa edited this page Feb 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

Migrating from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1

.. only:: html

 .. contents:: Table of contents
    :depth: 2

Main changes in 5.0.1

Main changes in version 5.0.1 are following.

  • Updated the Spring Framework to 4.1.7
  • Updated the JSTL to 1.2.5
  • Updated the Spring IO Platform to 1.1.3
  • Changed some specifications in common library according to fixing bugs
  • Improved blank projects

Updated the Spring Framework to 4.1.7

At version 5.0.1, the Spring Framework has been updated to 4.1.7.RELEASE to resolve the security vulnerability.

Updated the JSTL to 1.2.5

At version 5.0.1, the JSTL has been updated to 1.2.5 to resolve the security vulnerability.

Updated the Spring IO Platform to 1.1.3

At version 5.0.1, the Spring IO Platform has been updated to 1.1.3.RELEASE. This update is due to two security vulnerabilities above. As a result, following libraries have been updated.

  • Updated the Spring Security to 3.2.7.RELEASE
  • Updated the Spring Data Commons to 1.9.3.RELEASE
  • Updated the Spring Data JPA to 1.7.3.RELEASE
  • Updated the AspectJ to 1.8.6
  • Updated the Jackson to 2.4.6
  • Updated the Logback to 1.1.3
  • Updated the SLF4J to 1.7.12
  • Updated the Hibernate ORM to 4.3.10.Final

Changed some specifications in common library according to bug fixes

At version 5.0.1, some specifications in common library have been changed according to the following bugs in 5.0.0.RELEASE.

  • [#285] There are cases that JSP cannot access Code List
  • [#297] f:query throws ConverterNotFoundException when the target object contains nested field

Improved blank projects

At version 5.0.1, some configuration files in blank projects have been improved.

  • [multi#126] [single#99] Use property to resolve a log output directory in logback.xml
  • [single#105] logback.xml is different between terasoluna-gfw-web-multi-blank and terasoluna-gfw-web-blank
  • [multi#110] When deploy as root context, it's unavailable to be go back to the top page
  • [multi#131] Specify UTF-8 as default encoding to <jdbc:script >

Migration procedures from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1

Migration procedures are as follows.



Required : This procedure is mandatory.
Required by case : This procedure is mandatory, if conditions match.
Optional : This procedure is recommended. Perform it if you feel the need.
- : This procedure is not required.


.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.20\linewidth}|p{0.20\linewidth}|p{0.20\linewidth}|
Step Procedure MavenMultiple Projects MavenSingle Project EclipseWTP Project
Update dependency libraries Required Required Required

[Improving Blank project]

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.10\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.20\linewidth}|p{0.20\linewidth}|p{0.20\linewidth}|
Step Procedure MavenMultiple Projects MavenSingle Project EclipseWTP Project
Apply improving of log output directory settings Optional Optional Optional
Apply fixes of some log settings - Optional Optional
Apply fixes of URL for back to top page Required by case - -
Apply improving of character encoding setting of <jdbc:script> Optional - -

[Step 1] Update dependency libraries

Update TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Common Library and dependency libraries.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.35\linewidth}|p{0.25\linewidth}|p{0.25\linewidth}|p{0.15\linewidth}|
Library Name From version To version Remarks
TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Common Library 5.0.0.RELEASE 5.0.1.RELEASE  
Spring Framework 4.1.4.RELEASE 4.1.7.RELEASE  
Spring Security 3.2.5.RELEASE 3.2.7.RELEASE  
Spring Data Commons 1.9.1.RELEASE 1.9.3.RELEASE  
Spring Data JPA 1.7.1.RELEASE 1.7.3.RELEASE  
Hibernate 4.3.7.Final 4.3.10.Final  
AspectJ 1.8.4 1.8.6  
Logback 1.1.2 1.1.3  
SLF4J 1.7.8 1.7.12  
Jackson 2.4.4 2.4.6  
JSTL 1.2 1.2.5  

[Procedure's required cases]

This procedure is required. With this update, two security vulnerabilities and common library's bugs has been resolved.

[Step 1-1] Using Maven Multiple Projects

This update procedure is for the projects which are generated by using mvn archetype.

Update pom file in your parent project. ($YOUR_MULTIPLE_PROJECT_ROOT/pom.xml)

<!-- omitted -->
    <version>5.0.1.RELEASE</version> <!-- ### Need to edit ### -->
<!-- omitted -->

[Step 1-2] Using Maven Single Project

This update procedure is for projects that are generated by using mvn archetype or downloaded from the release site.

Update pom file in your project. ($YOUR_SINGLE_PROJECT/pom.xml)

<!-- omitted -->
    <version>5.0.1.RELEASE</version> <!-- ### Need to edit ### -->
<!-- omitted -->

[Step 1-3] Using Eclipse WTP Project

This update procedure is for Eclipse WTP project which is downloaded from the release site.

For update procedures, refer to Update libraries for using Eclipse WTP Project .

[Step 2] Apply improving of log output directory settings

From version 5.0.1, a log output directory setting has been improved to use a placeholder. For the information, refer to the GitHub multi#126 or GitHub single#99 . With this improving, log output directory can be specified using Java System property(-D<name>=<value>).

[Procedure's required cases]

This procedure is optional. Perform next modification, if feel the need.

[Modification method]

Modify to use a placeholder(${app.log.dir:-log}) at one of the following files.

  • $YOUR_MULTIPLE_PROJECT_ROOT/xxx-env/src/main/resources/logback.xml
  • $YOUR_SINGLE_PROJECT/src/main/resources/logback.xml
  • $YOUR_ECLIPSE_WTP_PROJECT/src/main/resources/logback.xml
<file>${app.log.dir:-log}/projectName-application.log</file> <!-- ### Need to edit ### -->

[For reference]

In version 5.0.0, default setting is as follows.


[Step 3] Apply fixes of some log settings

From version 5.0.1, three log settings of the single blank project has been changed. For the information, refer to the GitHub single#105 .

[Procedure's required cases]

This procedure is optional. Perform next modification, if feel the need.

[Modification method]

Modify settings at one of the following files.

  • $YOUR_SINGLE_PROJECT/src/main/resources/logback.xml
  • $YOUR_ECLIPSE_WTP_PROJECT/src/main/resources/logback.xml

Three changes are as follows.

  1. Replace to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> instead of <!DOCTYPE logback>
  2. Change the logger level of "org.terasoluna.gfw" to "info" instead of "debug"
  3. Add the logger settings for "jdbc.resultsettable"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- ### Need to replace ### -->

    <!-- ... -->

    <logger name="org.terasoluna.gfw">
        <level value="info" /> <!-- ### Need to edit ### -->

    <!-- ... -->

    <!-- only for development -->
    <logger name="jdbc.resultsettable"> <!-- ### Need to add ### -->
        <level value="debug" />

    <!-- ... -->


[For reference]

In version 5.0.0, default setting is as follows.

<!DOCTYPE logback>

    <!-- ... -->

    <logger name="org.terasoluna.gfw">
        <level value="debug" />

    <!-- ... -->


[Step 4] Apply fixes of URL for back to top page

From version 5.0.1, the URL for back to top page has been improved. For the information, refer to the GitHub multi#110 .

[Procedure's required cases]

If the following case is matched, apply next modification.

  • If deploy to the root context("/")

[Modification method]

Add the "/" character after ${pageContext.request.contextPath} at the following file.

  • $YOUR_MULTIPLE_PROJECT_ROOT/xxx-web/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/views/layout/header.jsp


About target file

JSP files that has same implementation are target file.

<a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/">projectName</a> <%-- ### Need to edit ### --%>

[For reference]

In version 5.0.0, default implementation is as follows.

<a href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}">projectName</a>

[Step 5] Apply improving of character encoding setting of <jdbc:script>

From version 5.0.1, the character encoding setting of <jdbc:script> has been improved. For the information, refer to the GitHub multi#131 .

[Procedure's required cases]

This procedure is optional. Perform next modification, if feel the need.

[Modification method]

Add the character encoding setting(encoding="UTF-8") at the following file.

  • $YOUR_MULTIPLE_PROJECT_ROOT/xxx-env/src//main/resources/META-INF/spring/xxx-env.xml
<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource"
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:/database/${database}-schema.sql" encoding="UTF-8" /> <!-- ### Need to edit ### -->
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:/database/${database}-dataload.sql" encoding="UTF-8" /> <!-- ### Need to edit ### -->

[For reference]

In version 5.0.0, default setting is as follows.

<jdbc:initialize-database data-source="dataSource"
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:/database/${database}-schema.sql" />
    <jdbc:script location="classpath:/database/${database}-dataload.sql" />

Appendix for 5.0.1

Update libraries for using Eclipse WTP Project

This update procedure is for Eclipse WTP project which is downloaded from the release site.



[Table Header]
Non : Blank project for none O/R Mapper
MB3 : Blank project for MyBatis 3
JPA : Blank project for JPA
* : target for operations

[Step 1]

Download the Eclipse WTP Project of 5.0.1.RELEASE.

[Step 2]

If Eclipse is running, stop the Eclipse.

[Step 3]

Update(delete and add) jar files in $YOUR_ECLIPSE_WTP_PROJECT/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/lib.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.25\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|
Library Name Delete File Add File Non MB3 JPA
TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Common Library terasoluna-gfw-common-5.0.0.RELEASE.jar terasoluna-gfw-common-5.0.1.RELEASE.jar * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-web-5.0.0.RELEASE.jar terasoluna-gfw-web-5.0.1.RELEASE.jar * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-security-core-5.0.0.RELEASE.jar terasoluna-gfw-security-core-5.0.1.RELEASE.jar * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-security-web-5.0.0.RELEASE.jar terasoluna-gfw-security-web-5.0.1.RELEASE.jar * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-mybatis3-5.0.0.RELEASE.jar terasoluna-gfw-mybatis3-5.0.1.RELEASE.jar   *  
  terasoluna-gfw-jpa-5.0.0.RELEASE.jar terasoluna-gfw-jpa-5.0.1.RELEASE.jar     *
  terasoluna-gfw-jodatime-5.0.0.RELEASE.jar terasoluna-gfw-jodatime-5.0.1.RELEASE.jar * * *
Spring Framework spring-aop-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-aop-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-aspects-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-aspects-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-beans-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-beans-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-context-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-context-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-context-support-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-context-support-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-core-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-core-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-expression-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-expression-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-jdbc-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-jdbc-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-orm-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-orm-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-tx-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-tx-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-web-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-web-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-webmvc-4.1.4.RELEASE.jar spring-webmvc-4.1.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
Spring Data Commons spring-data-commons-1.9.1.RELEASE.jar spring-data-commons-1.9.3.RELEASE.jar * * *
Spring Security spring-security-acl-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar spring-security-acl-3.2.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-security-config-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar spring-security-config-3.2.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-security-core-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar spring-security-core-3.2.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-security-taglibs-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar spring-security-taglibs-3.2.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
  spring-security-web-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar spring-security-web-3.2.7.RELEASE.jar * * *
Hibernate hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final.jar hibernate-core-4.3.10.Final.jar     *
  hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.7.Final.jar hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.10.Final.jar     *
Spring Data JPA spring-data-jpa-1.7.1.RELEASE.jar spring-data-jpa-1.7.3.RELEASE.jar     *
AspectJ aspectjrt-1.8.4.jar aspectjrt-1.8.6.jar * * *
  aspectjweaver-1.8.4.jar aspectjweaver-1.8.6.jar * * *
Logback logback-classic-1.1.2.jar logback-classic-1.1.3.jar * * *
  logback-core-1.1.2.jar logback-core-1.1.3.jar * * *
SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.8.jar jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.12.jar * * *
  slf4j-api-1.7.8.jar slf4j-api-1.7.12.jar * * *
Jackson jackson-annotations-2.4.4.jar jackson-annotations-2.4.6.jar * * *
  jackson-core-2.4.4.jar jackson-core-2.4.6.jar * * *
  jackson-databind-2.4.4.jar jackson-databind-2.4.6.jar * * *
  jackson-datatype-joda-2.4.4.jar jackson-datatype-joda-2.4.6.jar * * *
JSTL jstl-1.2.jar - * * *
  - taglibs-standard-jstlel-1.2.5.jar * * *
  - taglibs-standard-spec-1.2.5.jar * * *
  - taglibs-standard-impl-1.2.5.jar * * *

[Step 4]

Update(delete and add) source jar files in $YOUR_ECLIPSE_WTP_PROJECT/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/libsrc.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.25\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|
Library Name Delete File Add File Non MB3 JPA
TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Common Library terasoluna-gfw-common-5.0.0.RELEASE-sources.jar terasoluna-gfw-common-5.0.1.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-web-5.0.0.RELEASE-sources.jar terasoluna-gfw-web-5.0.1.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-security-core-5.0.0.RELEASE-sources.jar terasoluna-gfw-security-core-5.0.1.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-security-web-5.0.0.RELEASE-sources.jar terasoluna-gfw-security-web-5.0.1.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-mybatis3-5.0.0.RELEASE-sources.jar terasoluna-gfw-mybatis3-5.0.1.RELEASE-sources.jar   *  
  terasoluna-gfw-jpa-5.0.0.RELEASE-sources.jar terasoluna-gfw-jpa-5.0.1.RELEASE-sources.jar     *
  terasoluna-gfw-jodatime-5.0.0.RELEASE-sources.jar terasoluna-gfw-jodatime-5.0.1.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
Spring Framework spring-aop-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-aop-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-aspects-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-aspects-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-beans-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-beans-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-context-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-context-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-context-support-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-context-support-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-core-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-core-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-expression-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-expression-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-jdbc-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-jdbc-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-orm-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-orm-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-tx-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-tx-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-web-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-web-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-webmvc-4.1.4.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-webmvc-4.1.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
Spring Data Commons spring-data-commons-1.9.1.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-data-commons-1.9.3.RELEASE-sources.jar * - *
Spring Security spring-security-acl-3.2.5.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-security-acl-3.2.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-security-config-3.2.5.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-security-config-3.2.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-security-core-3.2.5.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-security-core-3.2.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-security-taglibs-3.2.5.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-security-taglibs-3.2.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
  spring-security-web-3.2.5.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-security-web-3.2.7.RELEASE-sources.jar * * *
Hibernate hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final-sources.jar hibernate-core-4.3.10.Final-sources.jar     *
  hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.7.Final-sources.jar hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.10.Final-sources.jar     *
Spring Data JPA spring-data-jpa-1.7.1.RELEASE-sources.jar spring-data-jpa-1.7.3.RELEASE-sources.jar     *
AspectJ aspectjrt-1.8.4-sources.jar aspectjrt-1.8.6-sources.jar * * *
  aspectjweaver-1.8.4-sources.jar aspectjweaver-1.8.6-sources.jar * * *
Logback logback-classic-1.1.2-sources.jar logback-classic-1.1.3-sources.jar * * *
  logback-core-1.1.2-sources.jar logback-core-1.1.3-sources.jar * * *
SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.8-sources.jar jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.12-sources.jar * * *
  slf4j-api-1.7.8-sources.jar slf4j-api-1.7.12-sources.jar * * *
Jackson jackson-annotations-2.4.4-sources.jar jackson-annotations-2.4.6-sources.jar * * *
  jackson-core-2.4.4-sources.jar jackson-core-2.4.6-sources.jar * * *
  jackson-databind-2.4.4-sources.jar jackson-databind-2.4.6-sources.jar * * *
  jackson-datatype-joda-2.4.4-sources.jar jackson-datatype-joda-2.4.6-sources.jar * * *
JSTL jstl-1.2-sources.jar - * * *
  - taglibs-standard-jstlel-1.2.5-sources.jar * * *
  - taglibs-standard-spec-1.2.5-sources.jar * * *
  - taglibs-standard-impl-1.2.5-sources.jar * * *

[Step 5]

Update the referenced libraries in all of the following files, using replace string.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.25\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|
Library Name Before After Non MB3 JPA
TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x) Common Library terasoluna-gfw-common-5.0.0.RELEASE terasoluna-gfw-common-5.0.1.RELEASE * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-web-5.0.0.RELEASE terasoluna-gfw-web-5.0.1.RELEASE * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-security-core-5.0.0.RELEASE terasoluna-gfw-security-core-5.0.1.RELEASE * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-security-web-5.0.0.RELEASE terasoluna-gfw-security-web-5.0.1.RELEASE * * *
  terasoluna-gfw-mybatis3-5.0.0.RELEASE terasoluna-gfw-mybatis3-5.0.1.RELEASE   *  
  terasoluna-gfw-jpa-5.0.0.RELEASE terasoluna-gfw-jpa-5.0.1.RELEASE     *
  terasoluna-gfw-jodatime-5.0.0.RELEASE terasoluna-gfw-jodatime-5.0.1.RELEASE * * *
Spring Framework spring-aop-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-aop-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-aspects-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-aspects-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-beans-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-beans-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-context-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-context-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-context-support-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-context-support-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-core-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-core-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-expression-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-expression-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-jdbc-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-jdbc-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-orm-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-orm-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-tx-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-tx-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-web-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-web-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-webmvc-4.1.4.RELEASE spring-webmvc-4.1.7.RELEASE * * *
Spring Data Commons spring-data-commons-1.6.4.RELEASE spring-data-commons-1.9.1.RELEASE * * *
Spring Security spring-security-acl-3.2.5.RELEASE spring-security-acl-3.2.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-security-config-3.2.5.RELEASE spring-security-config-3.2.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-security-core-3.2.5.RELEASE spring-security-core-3.2.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-security-taglibs-3.2.5.RELEASE spring-security-taglibs-3.2.7.RELEASE * * *
  spring-security-web-3.2.5.RELEASE spring-security-web-3.2.7.RELEASE * * *
Hibernate hibernate-core-4.3.7.Final hibernate-core-4.3.10.Final     *
  hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.7.Final hibernate-entitymanager-4.3.10.Final     *
Spring Data JPA spring-data-jpa-1.7.1.RELEASE spring-data-jpa-1.7.3.RELEASE     *
AspectJ aspectjrt-1.8.4 aspectjrt-1.8.6 * * *
  aspectjweaver-1.8.4 aspectjweaver-1.8.6 * * *
Logback logback-classic-1.1.2 logback-classic-1.1.3 * * *
  logback-core-1.1.2 logback-core-1.1.3 * * *
SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.8 jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.12 * * *
  slf4j-api-1.7.8 slf4j-api-1.7.12 * * *

[Step 6]

Delete referenced libraries(following jar files) from the settings of Eclipse WTP project.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.55\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|
Library Name Prefix jar file Non MB3 JPA
JSTL jstl-1.2 * * *

[Step for all blank projects]


<!-- ### Need to delete following classpath entries ### -->

<!-- omitted -->

<classpathentry kind="lib"
    sourcepath="libsrc/jstl-1.2-sources.jar" />


<!-- ### Need to delete following classpath entries ### -->

<path id="build.classpath">
    <!-- ... -->
    <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/jstl-1.2.jar"/>
    <!-- ... -->

[Step 7]

Add referenced libraries(following jar files) to the settings of Eclipse WTP project.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{0.30\linewidth}|p{0.55\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|p{0.05\linewidth}|
Library Name Prefix jar file Non MB3 JPA
JSTL taglibs-standard-jstlel-1.2.5 * * *
  taglibs-standard-spec-1.2.5 * * *
  taglibs-standard-impl-1.2.5 * * *

[Step for all blank projects]


<!-- ### Need to add following classpath entries ### -->

<!-- ... -->

<classpathentry kind="lib"
    sourcepath="libsrc/taglibs-standard-jstlel-1.2.5-sources.jar" />

<classpathentry kind="lib"
    sourcepath="libsrc/taglibs-standard-jstlel-1.2.5-sources.jar" />

<classpathentry kind="lib"
    sourcepath="libsrc/taglibs-standard-impl-1.2.5-sources.jar" />

<!-- ... -->


<!-- ### Need to add following classpath entries ### -->

<path id="build.classpath">
    <!-- ... -->
    <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/taglibs-standard-jstlel-1.2.5.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/taglibs-standard-spec-1.2.5.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="${lib.dir}/taglibs-standard-impl-1.2.5.jar"/>
    <!-- ... -->
Clone this wiki locally