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html2pdfr - R wrapper for OpenHTMLtoPDF java library.

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html2pdfr is designed to help get PDF or PNG rendering of HTML tables, so that the table can be included in a LaTeX page. This allows use of HTML table layout within LaTeX documents with page size determined by LaTeX, but with layout and control of styling determined by HTML and CSS. This creates alignment between web and printed content. Tabular content should be allowed to grow up to the page dimensions, but we don't want to force narrower tables to be a set width or height. Automatic calculation of the output size up to specified page size limits, is one of the differentiators between this and other options, such as webshot and webshot2. Although the focus is on tables, any basic static HTML content can be rendered including SVG and MathML, up to the level support of the underlying HTML rendering engine, the Java OpenHTML2PDF library.

Installation instructions

html2pdfr is based on a java library and must have a working version of Java and rJava installed. The following commands can ensure that your rJava installation is working.


Binary packages of html2pdfr are available on the r-universe for macOS and Windows. html2pdfr can be installed from source on Linux. html2pdfr has been tested on R versions 3.6, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2.

options(repos = c(
  terminological = '',
  CRAN = ''))
# Download and install html2pdfr in R
# Browse the html2pdfr manual pages
help(package = 'html2pdfr')

Unstable versions are available but on windows build may fail if the multi-arch option is set. Windows users will also need RTools4.2:

devtools::install_github("terminological/html2pdfr", args = c("--no-multiarch"))

The Java libraries in html2pdfr are 29 Mb which are too large for CRAN.

Visit the docs for usage info.