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Ecological Monitoring System - Australia (EMSA) Controlled Vocabularies

⚠️ Until version 1.0.0, the controlled vocabulary and its content may change.

This repository contains the source data for the controlled vocabularies for the Ecological Monitoring System - Australia field survey collection protocols.

The controlled vocabularies are published in ARDC's Research Vocabularies Australia. The EMSA-controlled vocabularies can also be viewed on TERN's Linked Data website at

The EMSA-controlled vocabularies use persistent identifiers issued by the Australian Government Linked Data Working Group (AGLDWG). The base URI issued for this project is:

Submission: AGLDWG PID Catalogue.

The EMSA-controlled vocabularies are located in the vocab_files/ directory.


If you find any inaccuracies, bugs or issues with the EMSA-controlled vocabularies, please see if there is an existing issue for it. If the issue has not been reported yet, please consider creating a new issue for it at New issue.

Pull requests

A new pull request (PR) automatically runs all the tests and validations on the controlled vocabularies. If possible, fix any failing checks and wait for the maintainers' feedback and/or approval. A PR always requires at least 1 maintainer who has approved it before it is merged into the main branch.

See the next two sections on how to make changes and submitting changes as PRs for review.

Editing in the browser

The source files of the controlled vocabularies are located in vocab_files/, and the editing process can be performed entirely in the browser. If you are looking to edit the files on your local host system, please see Editing locally.

Editing on GitHub

Browse and edit the files directly in the browser at Alternatively, you can browse the controlled vocabularies at and click the schema:url value to open the corresponding source file on GitHub.

Once you have opened a file, e.g., basal-area-count.ttl, you can click the pencil icon to edit. The drop-down will provide two editing options:

  1. Edit this file - edit directly on GitHub [try me]
  2. Open in - edit in an instance of Visual Studio Code in the browser with full git support [try me]

Note that you can also open the entire project directly in Visual Studio Code in the browser by going to and pressing . on your keyboard. This provides the benefit of editing the files with the full text-editing powers of Visual Studio Code.

Making changes

The main branch in the GitHub repository is protected. All changes must be submitted as a PR and reviewed and approved by the maintainers. If you have write access to the GitHub repository, you will need to create a new branch to make your changes and then submit it as a PR. If you do not have write access, you will need to fork the GitHub repository, make your changes in your fork and then submit a PR. GitHub makes it relatively pain-free to make changes, commit them and then create a PR regardless of which editing option you choose.

Viewing locally

Note: This section is only for reviewers looking to view the controlled vocabularies locally on their host machine.

To run locally, you will need the following installed:

  1. Clone the repository using git.
  2. Change directory into the repository and open it in Visual Studio Code.

    cd dawe-rlp-vocabs && code .
  3. In Visual Studio Code, in the bottom-left corner, click the cog icon and select Command Palette.... In the prompt, type and select Remote-Containers: Rebuild Container.

    This will build and run the project inside a development container.

  4. Start the website service by selecting the Command Palette... again. In the prompt, type and select Tasks: Run Task.

    Run the Start website service task.

  5. Now that the website service is running, open a pull request.

    E.g., type in the terminal gh pr checkout 193

  6. Load the data into the database via the Command Palette... again using the task Load vocab data.

  7. View the data at http://localhost:8000/viewers/dawe-vocabs in your browser

  8. Once you are done, you can shut off the services by running the task Stop website service.

Editing locally

This section is only relevant to those who are looking to make changes to the Python codebase, update tests, or make other non-vocab-related changes. If you are simply looking to make edits to the controlled vocabularies, the easiest method is to follow the instructions in Editing the controlled vocabularies in the browser.

Open the repository in Visual Studio Code in a devcontainer. This can be done by running command + shift + p and selecting Remote-Containers: Rebuild Container. Note that Docker Desktop needs to be installed.



Run tests and generate an HTML coverage report.

make test

View HTML coverage report in a browser. This runs a Python web server on htmlcov/.

make htmlcov

Generate categorical values

Some of the controlled vocabularies in this repository are synced with an upstream data source provided by TERN's Ecosystem Surveillance. These categorical values, also known as look-up tables (LUTs) are pulled and transformed into SKOS controlled vocabularies.

Pull from the Strapi API endpoints defined in src/dawe_nrm/api/categorical_values/ and write Turtle files to vocab_files/categorical_collections/luts.

make luts

Check if upstream LUTs data have changed by running:

python -p remote_data_dir -v

This checks to ensure the upstream data is the same as the local copy in this repository. If the data is not isomorphic, the program will return a standard exit code 1.

Scheduled check

A scheduled check for changes in the upstream LUTs data runs every 30 minutes in GitHub Actions. The result is notified in TERN's Data Service and Analytics' Microsoft Teams and Slack channels.

Check upstream LUTs for changes

The above badge indicates whether there are changes in the upstream LUTs.

  • passing - no changes
  • failing - new changes detected

See .github/workflows/luts.yml for more information.

Code formatting standards

Run black to auto-format Python code.

black .

Run isort to auto-format Python code imports.

isort .

Run RDF Turtle formatter.

ontotools dir normalize .


The NRM controlled vocabularies are published to the ARDC Research Vocabularies Australia (RVA) registry. Each publication is taking a snapshot of the current repository's state in the main branch and publishing it to the respective environments. This repository publishes to two different RVA environments, production and demo.

Test (demo) environment

The demo publication is located at and is published automatically using GitHub Actions on each GitHub prerelease. Prerelease versions follow Semantic Versioning and are in the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-dev.gitshorthash. E.g. 0.1.3-dev.5440029.

Production environment

The production publication is located at and is published automatically using GitHub Actions on each GitHub release. Release versions follow Semantic Versioning and are in the format of MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH and must not have additional labels. E.g. 0.1.3.

In addition to publishing to RVA, the production release also publishes to TERN's GraphDB database. This database is deployed on a powerful server and drives TERN's Linked Data website and the NRM controlled vocabularies viewer at

Creating releases and prereleases

  1. Create a new release or prerelease at
  2. Create a new tag conforming to Semantic Versioning
    • Don't forget the release and prerelease versioning formats as described previously
    • If it is a prerelease, grab the latest commit's short hash (the first 7 characters of the git hash)
  3. Click Generate release notes to automatically generate the Release title and Description of the release.
  4. Tick This is a pre-release checkbox if it is a prerelease
  5. Click Publish release
  6. Go to and a workflow should run to publish the new release or prerelease to RVA (and also GraphDB if it's a release)

Reverting a release or prerelease

In case a release or prerelease was published by accident, follow the steps to get the state back to before it was published.

  1. Go to and delete the release
  2. Go to and you should see the tag with the new release
    • To delete the tag:
      • With repository access, on the terminal type git push --delete origin tagname.
      • This will delete the tag in the origin (i.e., GitHub).
      • Don't forget to replace tagname with the actual tag, which is usually the Semantic Version value as described previously
      • The tag at should now be deleted


TERN Support


Controlled vocabularies for the NRM field survey collection protocols.






No packages published

Contributors 4

