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Azure Resource Manager: azurerm_redis_cache
Gets information about an existing Azure Redis Cache.

Data Source: azurerm_redis_cache

Use this data source to access information about an existing Redis Cache

Example Usage

data "azurerm_redis_cache" "example" {
  name                = "myrediscache"
  resource_group_name = "redis-cache"

output "primary_access_key" {
  value = data.azurerm_redis_cache.example.primary_access_key

output "hostname" {
  value = data.azurerm_redis_cache.example.hostname

Argument Reference

  • name - The name of the Redis cache

  • resource_group_name - The name of the resource group the Redis cache instance is located in.

Attributes Reference

  • id - The Cache ID.

  • location - The location of the Redis Cache.

  • capacity - The size of the Redis Cache deployed.

  • family - The SKU family/pricing group used. Possible values are C (for Basic/Standard SKU family) and P (for Premium)

  • sku_name - The SKU of Redis used. Possible values are Basic, Standard and Premium.

  • enable_non_ssl_port - Whether the SSL port is enabled.

  • minimum_tls_version - The minimum TLS version.

  • patch_schedule - A list of patch_schedule blocks as defined below.

  • private_static_ip_address The Static IP Address assigned to the Redis Cache when hosted inside the Virtual Network.

  • hostname - The Hostname of the Redis Instance

  • ssl_port - The SSL Port of the Redis Instance

  • port - The non-SSL Port of the Redis Instance

  • primary_access_key - The Primary Access Key for the Redis Instance

  • secondary_access_key - The Secondary Access Key for the Redis Instance

  • primary_connection_string - The primary connection string of the Redis Instance.

  • secondary_connection_string - The secondary connection string of the Redis Instance.

  • access_keys_authentication_enabled - Specifies if access key authentication is enabled.

  • redis_configuration - A redis_configuration block as defined below.

  • zones - A list of Availability Zones in which this Redis Cache is located.

A patch_schedule block supports the following:

  • day_of_week - the Weekday name for the patch item

  • maintenance_window - The ISO 8601 timespan which specifies the amount of time the Redis Cache can be updated.

  • start_hour_utc - The Start Hour for maintenance in UTC

~> Note: The Patch Window lasts for 5 hours from the start_hour_utc.

A redis_configuration block exports the following:

  • enable_authentication - Specifies if authentication is enabled

  • active_directory_authentication_enabled - Specifies if Microsoft Entra (AAD) authentication is enabled.

  • maxmemory_reserved - The value in megabytes reserved for non-cache usage e.g. failover

  • maxmemory_delta - The max-memory delta for this Redis instance.

  • maxmemory_policy - How Redis will select what to remove when maxmemory is reached.

  • maxfragmentationmemory_reserved - Value in megabytes reserved to accommodate for memory fragmentation.

  • rdb_backup_enabled - Is Backup Enabled? Only supported on Premium SKUs.

  • rdb_backup_frequency - The Backup Frequency in Minutes. Only supported on Premium SKUs.

  • rdb_backup_max_snapshot_count - The maximum number of snapshots that can be created as a backup.

  • rdb_storage_connection_string - The Connection String to the Storage Account. Only supported for Premium SKUs.

~> Note: There's a bug in the Redis API where the original storage connection string isn't being returned, which is being tracked in this issue. In the interim you can use the ignore_changes attribute to ignore changes to this field e.g.:

  • storage_account_subscription_id - The ID of the Subscription containing the Storage Account.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • read - (Defaults to 5 minutes) Used when retrieving the Redis Cache.