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Terraform TencentCloud TKE Managed Cluster Module

A Terraform module which creates TencentCloud Kubernetes Engine (TKE) clusters and resource dependencies.



Let's create a basic TKE instance with the necessary configuration, which includes security group, vpc, subnet, and region.

provider "tencentcloud" {
  region = var.region

# It is recommended to use the vpc module to create vpc and subnets
resource "tencentcloud_vpc" "this" {
  cidr_block = ""
  name       = "tke-test"

# Specify the subnet of intranet
resource "tencentcloud_subnet" "intranet" {
  cidr_block        = ""
  name              = "tke-subnet"
  availability_zone = var.available_zone
  vpc_id            =

# It is recommended to use the security group module to create security group and rules
resource "tencentcloud_security_group" "this" {
  name = "tke-security-group"

# Specify the ingress and egress rules for the security group
resource "tencentcloud_security_group_lite_rule" "this" {
  security_group_id =

  ingress = [
    "ACCEPT#${var.accept_ip}#ALL#ALL", # your ip address

  egress = [

# using module to create TKE resource
module "tencentcloud_tke" {
  source                   = "../../"
  available_zone           = var.available_zone # Available zone must belongs to the region.
  vpc_id                   =
  intranet_subnet_id       =

  # public access configuration
  cluster_public_access     = true
  cluster_security_group_id =

  # security group for worker nodes
  node_security_group_id    =

  # private access configuration
  cluster_private_access           = true
  cluster_private_access_subnet_id =

  # monitor, event audit log configuration for cluster
  enhanced_monitor_service = true
  enable_event_persistence = true
  enable_cluster_audit_log = true

  # specify the bandwidth for public access
  worker_bandwidth_out = 100

  tags = {
    module = "tke"

# Configure Kubernetes Provider with TKE resource
provider "kubernetes" {
  host                   = module.tke.cluster_endpoint
  cluster_ca_certificate = module.tke.cluster_ca_certificate
  client_key             = base64decode(module.tke.client_key)
  client_certificate     = base64decode(module.tke.client_certificate)

Create node pool with managed cluster:

After the warm-up process, you have obtained a managed cluster.

To conveniently create, manage, and terminate nodes and dynamically scale nodes in or out. You may want to introduce a node pool with an existing cluster. Visit Node Pool for more information.

Now, let's create a node pool on this cluster.

Just add the following code block self_managed_node_groups into your module block.

module "tencentcloud_tke" {
  # ...your module created in the above section...
  self_managed_node_groups = {
    test = {
      name                     = "example_np"
      max_size                 = 6
      min_size                 = 1
      subnet_ids               = []
      retry_policy             = "INCREMENTAL_INTERVALS"
      desired_capacity         = 4
      enable_auto_scale        = true
      multi_zone_subnet_policy = "EQUALITY"

      # Specify the auto scale configuration
      auto_scaling_config = [{
        # Specify the type, disk specification for node pool
        instance_type      = "S5.MEDIUM2"
        system_disk_type   = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
        system_disk_size   = 50
        security_group_ids = []

        # Specify the data disk for the nodes of pool
        data_disk = [{
          disk_type = "CLOUD_PREMIUM"
          disk_size = 50

        internet_charge_type       = "TRAFFIC_POSTPAID_BY_HOUR"
        internet_max_bandwidth_out = 10
        public_ip_assigned         = true
        enhanced_security_service  = false
        enhanced_monitor_service   = false
        host_name                  = ""
        host_name_style            = "ORIGINAL"

      labels = {
        "test1" = "test1",
        "test2" = "test2",

      # Specify taint policy
      taints = [{
        key    = "test_taint"
        value  = "taint_value"
        effect = "PreferNoSchedule"
          key    = "test_taint2"
          value  = "taint_value2"
          effect = "PreferNoSchedule"

      # Specify node arguments
      node_config = [{
        extra_args = ["root-dir=/var/lib/kubelet"]

Create serverless node pool with managed cluster:

Alternatively, a serverless node pool can be created with an existing cluster. This kind of node pool makes elasticity faster and more efficient. You may only care about the subnet instead of the complicated node's configuration. Visit SuperNode Pool for more information.

module "tencentcloud_tke" {
  # ...your module created in the above section...
  self_managed_serverless_node_groups = {
    test = {
      # name of the serverless node pool
      name = "example_serverless_np"
      # In this resource, we try to create two nodes in the node pool
      # Specify the first node
      serverless_nodes = [{
        display_name = "serverless_node1"
        # you only need to specify the subnet instead of the complicated node's configuration
        subnet_id    =
      # Specify the Second node
        display_name = "serverless_node2"
        subnet_id    =
      # Specify the security group for the serverless node pool
      security_group_ids = []

      # Specify labels
      labels = {
        "example1" : "test1",
        "example2" : "test2",


This module will be sure to create the following resource:

  • 1 managed TKE Cluster.
  • At least 1 CVM instance used as TKE worker node.
  • Create one or more serverless node pool of TKE Cluster.

Optionally, If variable create_cam_strategy was set to true (Default), it will also create TKE related CAM role and policies and associate them:

  • CAM Role TKE_QCSRole - to grant tke service API permission: sts:AssumeRole
  • CAM Policy TF_QcloudAccessForTKERoleInOpsManagement - Provides CLS permissions for Ops management.
  • CAM Policy TF_QcloudAccessForTKERole - Provides partial API permission of cvm, tag, clb, cls, ssl, cvm, e.g.


  • If you've already granted the TKE Service Permission by operating in TencentCloud Console, you won't need these resources, set create_cam_strategy to false.
  • Destroy Infrastructure will also destroy TKE_QCSRole if enabled, you can re-create in TencentCloud Console.


Name Type Default Description
available_zone string null Specify available zone of VPC subnet and TKE nodes.
cluster_cidr string Cluster cidr, conflicts with its subnet.
cluster_name string example-cluster TKE managed cluster name.
cluster_os string tlinux2.2(tkernel3)x86_64 Cluster operation system image name.
cluster_private_access bool false Specify whether to open cluster private access.
cluster_private_access_subnet_id string null Specify a subnet id to cluster private access.
cluster_public_access bool false Specify whether to open cluster public access.
cluster_security_group_id string null Specify custom Security Group id to cluster public access.
cluster_version string 1.22.5 Cluster kubernetes version.
create_cam_strategy bool true Specify whether to create CAM role and relative TKE essential policy. Set to false if you've enable by using TencentCloud Console.
tags map(string) {"terraform":"example"} Tagged for all associated resource of this module.
vpc_id string null Specify custom VPC id.
intranet_subnet_id string null Specify a subnet id for intranet.
worker_count number 1 Specify node count.
worker_instance_type string S5.MEDIUM2 Cluster node instance type.
node_security_group_id string null Specify custom Security Group id to nodes.
worker_bandwidth_out number null Max bandwidth of Internet access in Mbps. Default is 0.
enable_event_persistence bool false Specify weather the Event Persistence enabled.
event_log_set_id string null Specify id of existing CLS log set, or auto create a new set by leave it empty.
event_log_topic_id string null Specify id of existing CLS log topic, or auto create a new topic by leave it empty.
enable_cluster_audit_log bool false Specify weather the Cluster Audit enabled. NOTE: Enable Cluster Audit will also auto install Log Agent.
cluster_audit_log_set_id string null Specify id of existing CLS log set, or auto create a new set by leave it empty.
cluster_audit_log_topic_id string null Specify id of existing CLS log topic, or auto create a new topic by leave it empty.
cluster_service_cidr string null A network address block of the service. Different from vpc cidr and cidr of other clusters within this vpc. Must be in 10./192.168/172.[16-31] segments.
enhanced_monitor_service bool false To specify whether to enable cloud monitor service.
cluster_addons map(map) null Map of cluster addon configurations to enable for the cluster. Addon name can be the map keys or set with name, see tencentcloud_kubernetes_addon_attachment
self_managed_node_groups map(map) null Map of self-managed node pool definitions to create. see tencentcloud_kubernetes_node_pool
Name Description
client_certificate Base64 encoded cluster's client pem certificate.
client_key Base64 encoded cluster's client pem key.
cluster_ca_certificate Cluster's certification authority.
cluster_domain Cluster domain.
cluster_endpoint Cluster endpoint if cluster_public_access enabled
cluster_id TKE cluster id.
cluster_intranet_endpoint Cluster endpoint if cluster_private_access enabled
intranet_kube_config Cluster's kube config of private access.
kube_config YAML decoded TKE cluster's kube config.
kube_config_raw TKE cluster's kube config in raw.


Created and maintained by TencentCloud


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