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+++ date = "2021-06-20" title = "Great things with containers: Kubenetes cluster and NFS storage" difficulty = "level-4" tags = ["kubernetes", "nfs", "filer", "cloud", "homelab", "pods", "nodes", "raspberry-pi", "raspberry"] githublink = "" +++ Today I am installing a new Kubenetes cluster and there is a lot to do! {{< gallery match="images/1/*.jpg" >}} I ordered these components for it:

Let's go!

{{< youtube ulzMoX-fpvc >}} I have created my own image for the installation based on the Raspian Lite installation. In this my user/public key is already stored and the "/boot/config.txt" file is adapted for my LEDs.

# meine Server brauchen kein HDMI, WLAN und Bluetooth
# Status-LEDs an GPIO weiterleiten

Server 1 - Mount disk

First, I install an NFS service on "Server 1". This storage can be used later for my container cluster. I connected the USB hard disk to "Server 1" and formatted it EXT4 using these instructions: {{< gallery match="images/3/*.jpg" >}} After that I created a mountpoint for the USB disk: {{< terminal >}} sudo mkdir /media/usb-platte

{{</ terminal >}} I entered the new filesystem in "/etc/fstab" file as follows:

/dev/sda1 /media/usb-platte ext4 defaults 0 2

The setting can be checked with "sudo mount -a". Now the USB disk should be mounted under "/media/usb-disk".

Install NFS

For NFS this package is required: {{< terminal >}} sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server -y

{{</ terminal >}}

In addition, a new folder was created on the USB disk {{< terminal >}} sudo mkdir /media/usb-platte/nfsshare sudo chown -R pi:pi /media/usb-platte/nfsshare/ sudo find /media/usb-platte/nfsshare/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ; sudo find /media/usb-platte/nfsshare/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;

{{</ terminal >}}

After that the "/etc/exports" file must be edited. There the path, the user ID and the group ID are entered:

/media/usb-platte/nfsshare *(rw,all_squash,insecure,async,no_subtree_check,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000)

Now the setting can be applied as follows. {{< terminal >}} sudo exportfs -ra

{{</ terminal >}}

How can I mount the NFS?

I can mount the volume as follows: {{< terminal >}} sudo mount -t nfs SERVER-1-IP:/media/usb-platte/nfsshare /mnt/nfs

{{</ terminal >}} Or add permanently to "/etc/fstab" file:

SERVER-1-IP:/media/usb-platte/nfsshare /mnt/nfs/ nfs defaults 0 0

Again, I can use "sudo mount -a".

Install Kubernetes

The following commands need to be executed on Server 1, Server 2, and Server 3. First, we install Docker and add the user "PI" to the Docker group. {{< terminal >}} curl -sSL | sh sudo usermod pi -aG docker

{{</ terminal >}}

After that, the swap size setting is zeroed on all servers. This means that I edit the "/etc/dphys-swapfile" file and set the "CONF_SWAPSIZE" attribute to "0". {{< gallery match="images/4/*.png" >}} In addition, the "Control-Group" settings in the "/boot/cmdline.txt" file must be adjusted:

cgroup_enable=cpuset cgroup_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1

See: {{< gallery match="images/5/*.png" >}}

Now all Raspberry should reboot once and are ready for the Kubernetes installation afterwards. {{< terminal >}} sudo reboot

{{</ terminal >}}

After reboot I install these packages on server 1, server 2 and server 3: {{< terminal >}} curl -s | sudo apt-key add - &&
echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list &&
sudo apt-get update -q && sudo apt-get install -qy kubeadm

{{</ terminal >}}

# Server 1 only

Now the Kubenetes master can be initialized. {{< terminal >}} sudo kubeadm init --token-ttl=0 --pod-network-cidr=

{{</ terminal >}} After the successful initialization I accept the settings. I remember the displayed "kubeadm join" command for connecting the worker nodes. {{< terminal >}} mkdir -p $HOME/.kube sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

{{</ terminal >}} Now, unfortunately, something has to be done for the network. {{< terminal >}} kubectl apply sudo systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart kubelet

{{</ terminal >}}

The command "kubectl get nodes" should now show the "Master" in "Ready" status. {{< gallery match="images/6/*.png" >}}

Kubernetes - Add Nodes

Now we need the "kubeadm join" command from the kubenetes initialization. I enter this command on "Server 2" and "Server 3". {{< terminal >}} kubeadm join master-ip:port --token r4fddsfjdsjsdfomsfdoi --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:1adea3bfxfdfddfdfxfdfsdffsfdsdf946da811c27d1807aa

{{</ terminal >}} If I now enter the command "kubectl get nodes" from "Server 1" again, then these nodes are probably displayed in the status "Not Ready". Again, there is the network problem that the master had as well. I run again command from before, but this time I append an "f" for force. {{< terminal >}} kubectl apply -f

{{</ terminal >}}

After that I see all nodes ready for use. {{< gallery match="images/6/*.png" >}}

Small test deplyment (Server 1/Kubenetes master)

I write myself a small test deployment and check the functions. I create a "nginx.yml" file with the following content:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-nginx
     run: my-nginx
 replicas: 2
       run: my-nginx
     - name: my-nginx
       image: nginx
       - containerPort: 80

Now I start the deplyment: {{< terminal >}} kubectl apply -f nginx.yml kubectl rollout status deployment/my-nginx kubectl get deplyments

{{</ terminal >}}

Great! {{< gallery match="images/7/.png" >}} I create a service and can call my container. {{< gallery match="images/8/.png" >}} I scale up once to 20 "replicas": {{< terminal >}} kubectl scale deployment my-nginx --replicas=0; kubectl scale deployment my-nginx --replicas=20

{{</ terminal >}}

See: {{< gallery match="images/9/*.png" >}}

Clean up test deplyment

To clean up, I delete the deplyment and the service again. {{< terminal >}} kubectl delete service example-service kubectl delete deplyments my-nginx

{{</ terminal >}}

See: {{< gallery match="images/10/*.png" >}}