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Reanimated with JSI

How it works

Currently all the JSI code is stored inside jsi/android folder. I'm copy-paste it during build to react-native source code, so it will be compiled together with all those cool libs/helpers RN team wrote (jsi, fbjni etc). For that reason, I'm using react-native from branch and compiling it with all the other code. Also, all the changes to Reanimated itself are done using patch-package. Check out patches dir. In order to update patches, run:

npx patch-package react-native-reanimated --include "||AnimatedNode.js|"

You can add additional files with | delimiter.


In order to start develop, clone this repository and run npm install, after it run npm run android. It will build the app (as well as react native) from sources and install to attached device.

If you want to change something, you can make your changes in the jsi/android files and then you have to run npm run clean:android in order to clean build folder and all the cached so files and then just run npm run android to build it again.
