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Releases: test-bdd/test-js

Fix Path Read

08 Sep 09:10
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Use Deno.stat to determine whether a path is for a file or directory. This is a more reliable way of determining that. The previous method was wrong as some directory paths may have extensions.

Fix Directory Read

04 Jul 17:31
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Ignore paths that do not have file extensions. Paths without file extensions were assumed to be directories. This resulted into an error when a path to a file without a file extension was assumed to be a directory path.

The test runner documentation contained unnecessary complexity. The same results could be achieved by using test runners lower in the hierarchy. For example, instead of using PackageRunner in modules, you could use ModuleRunner. This also makes the runners more appropriate for the context.

Test Runner Types

31 May 14:06
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Add test Runner types to API. The types PackageRunner, ModuleRunner, SuiteRunner, and StepRunner were added.

Test Runner

31 May 12:45
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Add a test runner. The runner is used to run tests in a directory or a single file.

Fix Test Count

20 May 12:45
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This release fixes the count issue. The expectations in a particular test were counted instead of the tests immediately below it. This gave a higher count that was correct. For example, if there were 2 steps in suite, where the first step had 1 expectation and the second one had 2, the correct count for the suite would be 2. But, the count was coming out as 3.

Fix Asynchronous behavior

20 May 12:03
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This release fixes asynchronous behavior. Asynchronous tests were not running correctly. This is because some functions did not return promises when they were supposed to.

Wrap JSDoc Code in Code Blocks

19 May 09:16
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Wrap JSDoc code in code blocks so that they appear as code blocks in Deno documentation.

Change Library Name

18 May 12:37
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This release changes the name of the library in documentation. The name is changed from test-js to testjs. This was done because the name test-js was not available in Deno registry.

First Release

18 May 12:08
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This release comes with the five levels of test organisation - expect, it, describe, mod, and pack. It also comes with the following assertions:

  • not
  • toAlmostEqual
  • toBe
  • toBeGreaterThan
  • toBeGreaterThanOrEqual
  • toBeInstanceOf
  • toBeLessThan
  • toBeLessThanOrEqual
  • toContainElement
  • toContainString
  • toEqual
  • toExist
  • toMatch
  • toMatchObject
  • toReject
  • toThrow