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Flask App Project

This is a simple demo flask application that greet user with welcome message. The application is containarized using Dockerfile and integrate with Jenkins for CI using Jenkinsfile.

Installing Flask App

Python3 is required.

The application has been develop and tested on Python 3.10.2

  1. Clone the git repository and enter into the folder
git clone
cd flask-app-project
  1. Create and activate a virtual environment:
pip install pipenv
pipenv shell
  1. Install the dependencies
pipenv install --dev

Run Test

  1. For testing pytest is being used
pytest -v

Pre-commit Hook

The application is using some pre-commit hooks for SAST, Secret Leak Protection, Style Guide and Linting. The tools used are:

  1. Bandit
  2. Detect-secrets
  3. Flake8
  4. Yapf

To run all pre-commit type

pipenv run pre-commit run --all-files


To start the application do the following

export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run --host=

Now you can browse the application at http://localhost:5000


For production deployment the CI/CD pipelin is being used. Jenkins is used to complete the CI(Continous Integration) process and for CD(Continuous Deployment) ArgoCD is being used.

Jenkins steps

  1. Build
    • Install all the pipenv dev dependencies
    • Run all pre-commit
    • Run all pytest
  2. SAST
    • Dependency Check
      • Integrate with Dependency Track for software composition analysis. It will upload CycloneDX SBOM to Dependency Track.
      • Integrate with Sonarqube for Code Quality and Code Security.
  3. Docker Image With Kaniko
    • Build Image using Kaniko tool within the container. For this project the container image is being pushed to Amazon ECR. The container image is being tagged by reading the VERSION file from the code repo.
  4. Deploy To Staging Using ArgoCD
    • In this stage it reads the VERSION file and update the kubernetes manifest file using Kustomize in the seperate git repo for this application at This manifest repo is being monitored by ArgoCD for any changes and deploy to Kubernetes cluster accordingly.


  1. Dependency Track

  1. Sonarqube


Working on DefectDojo for the security posture of the application.


The Flask Application is GNU GPL3 licensed. See the LICENSE file for details.