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Karthik raja edited this page Oct 9, 2020 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Testpress Android APP wiki!

Steps to publish a new app

1 - Create image assets for the app. Ref

2 - Create an app in a firebase project. Ref

3 - Update the google-services.json file with the newly created app google JSON file in firebase.

4 - Update config.json file. Ref

5 - Generate a signed app or bundle.

> Android studio->Build->Generate signed Bundle/App->Select APK or bundle->Provide keystore file path->Select release,v1 & v2->Finish

Can be done after deploying

6 - Generate and add a hash key for retrieving OTP SMS automatically in Institute settings (Android app hash key). Ref

7 - Update Google API Key for GCM present in Institute->apps->FCM. Check Ref

8 - Update Facebook and Google id for Social-Login present in Institute->apps->Social-Login. Also, add the valid domain URL in the developer console. Check Ref

9 - Publish the app in the store. Ref