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Node.js CI Docker Image Version (latest semver)

Generate moderately secure passwords

What do you mean "moderately"?

Impasse generates passwords in the format: ${word1}${number}${word2}${symbol}. The valid symbols are !@#$%^&* and the default settings are:

  • number has two digits; and
  • word1 and word2 are both 8-10 letters long (and must be different).

This gives a password length of between 19 and 23 characters, and a pool of 44 characters (26 letters, 10 digits, 8 symbols). Naively that implies an entropy between 103.73 and 125.57. However there are 117,583 words in the dataset with 8-10 letters, giving an entropy of only 43.33, equivalent to a password length of 8 with the same character pool.


See API documentation at


Various scripts are provided in the package file, but many are helpers for other scripts; here are the ones you'll commonly use:

  • dev: starts the frontend and backend in dev mode, with file watching (note that the backend runs on port 3100, and the frontend is proxied to it).
  • docker: builds and runs the app in a Docker container.
  • e2e: builds and starts the app in production mode and runs the Cypress tests against it.
  • e2e:dev: opens Cypress for local dev, instead of running it in the background. Doesn't start the app.
  • e2e:docker: builds and starts the app in a Docker container and runs the Cypress tests against it.
  • lint: runs ESLint against all the JavaScript in the project.
  • serve: builds and starts the app in production mode locally.
  • ship: runs lint, then test, then e2e; ideal before a git push.
  • test: runs the Jest unit and integration tests.