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#This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a long wout ony serchyng with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kale[n]der, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse in the. vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge. Book of hours (Salisbury). English#

##Catholic Church.## This prymer of Salysbury vse is set out a long wout ony serchyng with many prayers, and goodly pyctures in the kale[n]der, in the matyns of our lady, in the houres of the crosse in the. vii. psalmes, and in the dyryge. Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2000-00 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2001-11 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2002-02 TCP Staff (Oxford) Sampled and proofread
  4. 2002-03 Emma (Leeson) Huber Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2002-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### This prymer of Salysbury v•• is set out a long wout ony serchyng / with many prayers / and goodly py

  1. •Almanacke for .xvj. yeres. January.•The fyrst .vi. yeres of mannes byrth and aegeMay well be compared to Ianyuere.For in this m _ January.

    _ February.

    _ Marche.

    _ Apryll.

    _ Maye.

    _ June.

    _ July.

    _ August.

    _ Septembre.

    _ Octobre.

    _ Novembre.

    _ Decembre.

  2. The dayes of the weke. Moralysed.


  1. The maner to lyue well.

  2. Thre Verytees.

    _ ¶ The f•rst veryte.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

  3. Many goodly instructyons.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈◊〉 thou 〈◊〉 in to t•e chyr•he•

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈◊〉•h••••ste tourneth hym say.

    _ ¶•• the •l•ua•yon of the sacrament.

    _ ¶An other prayer at the •leuacyon.

    _ ¶〈◊〉 th• el•uacyon of the chalyc•

    _ ¶A prayer to our lorde.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈◊〉 A•nus dei say.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉 Saynt Johan gospell.•How saynt Iohan dyde wyrte wyldernesseThe apocalyps / and of tokens wonderousUv _ Saynt Johan gospell.

    _ Saynt Luclre gospell.

    _ Saynt Mathevv gospell.

    _ Saynte Marclre gospell.

  4. The passyon of our lorde.

  5. Houres of the passyon.

    _ ¶ Ho•e passio•s 〈◊〉 nostri ies• christi, •o macu••

    _ ¶Ad pr•ma•

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶ Ad nonam

    _ ¶Ad vesperas.

    _ ¶〈…〉

  6. Deuout prayer To our lorde.

    _ ¶ made this prayer and sayeth it as many had woundes / that Oratio

    _ ¶ An other •euout prayer to our lorde

  7. ¶ Sequuntu• hore beate Marie v••ginis. E• primo ab matutinas.

    _ Genealogia Iesu xpi

    _ Ad btā maria.

    _ Cāticum beati Niceti ep̄i Uiēnen̄.

  8. Ad laudes de beata maria.

    _ ¶ Ad laudes

    _ ¶ Canticum zachar••. 〈◊〉

  9. Suffragia.

    _ ¶De sancto spiritu. Antiphona

    _ ¶De sanct••••ma tri••tar•. Antiphona.

    _ ¶De 〈◊〉 cruce. Antiphona.

    _ ¶De sancto Mich•ele archangelo. an.

    _ ¶ Iohanne baptista ān.

    _ ¶De sanctis Petro & Paulo. an.

    _ ¶De s•n••o And•••〈◊〉

    _ ¶De san•to Iohanne e•angelista• a•

    _ ¶〈…〉. Antiphona.

    _ ¶〈…〉. Antiphona.

    _ ¶〈1 paragraph〉

    _ ¶De sancto Nicolao. An•iphona.

    _ ¶De sancta mar•a Magdalena. ān.

    _ ¶De sancta Katherina. Antiphona.

    _ ¶De ••ncta Margareta. Antiphona.

    _ ¶De sanc•is q•orum •ellquse con•••ntur 〈◊〉 vni•ersali ecclesia. ān.

    _ ¶〈◊〉 sanctis. Antiphona.

  10. Ad matutinas De cruce.

    _ ¶Hore compassionis bea•t Marie. ¶ Ad •rimam.Ad primam De beata maria.¶How Iesu cryst ryght poorely borne wasIn an olde oryble / layd _ ¶ Ad •rimam.

    _ ¶Ad primam de cruce.

    • ¶De compassione beate marie. •ynin•s.

    _ ¶Ad tertiam.

    _ ¶Ad tertiam de cruce.

    • ¶De compassione beate marie virginis.

    _ ¶Ad sextam

    _ ¶Ad sextam de cruce.

    • ¶ De compassione beate marie virginis.

    _ ¶ 〈◊〉•onam de bea•a maria.

    _ ¶ Ad nonam de cruce

    • ¶ De compassione beate marie virginis.

    _ ¶ Ad vesperas de beata maria.

    • ¶Canticum beate Marie. Luce. 1.

    _ ¶Ad vesperas de cruce

    • ¶ De compassione beate marie. Hymnus.

    _ ¶Ad completorium de beata maria.

    • ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    • ¶ •••omme•dacio.

    • ¶•span virginis.

  11. Suffragia de beata maria.

    _ ¶ Sequuntur quedam suf••agia. Et primo d• beata virgine Maria Prosa.

    _ ¶ De gaudiis 〈…〉 virginis corp••••d•s.

    _ ¶〈…〉 spiritualia

  12. ¶〈…〉

  13. Suffragia De beata maria. SAncta dei genitrix semꝑquevgo benedicta q a virgine & a dilecto iesu xpi filij tui discipulo suscep _ ¶ A•ia oratio ad beatissimam virginem Mariam•

    _ ¶Oratio specialis ad beatissimam virginem Mariam pro v•te incolumitate.

    _ ¶〈◊〉 beat• virginem mariā contra peste.

  14. ¶In eleuatione corporis christi. AUe verum corpus natū de maria virgine.Uere passum īmolatū in cruce ꝓ hoīe.Cuius latus perforatuAUe iesu xpe verbū patris: filius virginis / agnꝰ dei / salus mūdi / hostia sacra / verbum / caro IN psentia sacrosancti corporis & sanguinis tui dne iesu xpe tibi cōmendo me miserū famulū tuū•

  15. ¶De sanctissima trinitate. ¶Oratio dicenda ante •umption•m corporis rpiSAlue salutaris hostia / pro me et omni humano genere in _ ¶Oratio dicenda ante •umption•m corporis rpi

    _ ¶ In sumptione corporis chr••••.

    _ ¶〈…〉

  16. Suffragia de tribꝰ regibꝰ.

  17. ¶〈…〉 quis •euore cū•o••〈…〉. Pr nr e• Aue mas•in••oi di• p•riotum annū〈…〉 Pater nr. 〈…〉 Orationes.s.Gregorii.¶Quincūque in statugre existēs dix•rit deuote 〈◊〉 sequentes cū septe Pater n _ Orationes.s.Gregorii.

    _ Oratio ante crucifixum.

    _ Oratio set̄ bernardini.

  18. Suffragia.

    _ Ad proprium angelum. ¶ 〈…〉O quam gloriosa refulsit gratia / sebastianꝰ martyr inclytꝰ: qui militis portans insignia: sed _ ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

    _ De sancto georgio.

    _ ¶ 〈…〉.

    _ ¶ 〈…〉.

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

  19. Orationes ad christum.

    _ ¶〈…〉

  20. ¶〈…〉 Ne reminiscaris.

    _ 〈◊〉

  21. Quindecim psalmi.

    _ ¶〈◊〉

  22. Letania.

    _ Preces.

  23. Uersus sancti Bernardi.

    _ Orationes deuote.

  24. ¶Ad 〈…〉 Placebo domino. 〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉 Dirige. 〈◊〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶ In f•••s mie• festū a••imarū & pascha. ps.•xl•.

  25. ¶ Incipi•nt commendationes an•marum. Psalmus. cxviij.

  26. Psalmi De passione Christi.

  27. ¶〈…〉 H•eronymi• ¶D•at•o ab 〈…〉Ad sanctum HieronymumAUe doctor quam famose Hierony me glorioe: magnus amator xpi. Doc _ ¶D•at•o ab 〈…〉

    _ Oratio sctī gregorij.

  28. Orationes in agonia mortis.

  29. Suffragia.

    _ ¶〈…〉•ater de celis deus. Miserere nobis.

    _ ¶〈…〉•ili redemptor mundi deus. Miserere nobis.

    _ ¶〈…〉•piritus sancte deus. Miserere nobis. DEus ꝓpitius esto mihi pctōri et custos mei oībꝰ diebꝰ vite mee. Deꝰ abrahā / deꝰ isaac / & deus

  30. Houres Of the concepcyon.

    _ ¶Ad primam de 〈…〉.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

  31. Suffragia. De beata maria.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶De 〈◊〉 virgine Maria•

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉 ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶Oratio ad idem. Oratio sancti thome fr aquino.¶O•••io sancti •home de 〈◊〉COncede michi misericors deꝰ que tibi placi _ Oratio sancti thome fr aquino.

    _ De facie nr̄i redēptoris.

  32. ¶〈…〉

  33. De quinque plagis.

  34. Ad vulnus lateris.

    _ ¶〈…〉

  35. Suffragia

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉 Raphael archangelus ad beatum rochum.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶De sancta Barbara•〈◊〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈1 paragraph〉

  36. ¶〈…〉

  37. Suffragia INterueniat ꝓ nobis quesumꝰ domine iesu christe apud tuam clementiā gloriosissima dei genitrix virgO Domine iesu xpe pater dulcissime: rogo te amore istius gaudij quod dilecta mater tua habuit quando _ ¶〈1 paragraph〉

    _ ¶〈1 paragraph〉

    _ ¶〈1 paragraph〉

    _ ¶ Quicunque deuote dixerit illam oration•••at•bit tria m•lia di•rum indulgeatia•ū〈◊〉 minalium p•ccatorum: & viginti 〈…〉 domino iohanne papa. 〈…〉 vt mantidotario anim• habetur ¶ Oratio post communion•m.

    _ ¶ T•is prayer shewed ou•〈◊〉 to a 〈…〉 th•t this gold•n 〈…〉 & acceptabl•st to m• and 〈…〉 th•s 〈…〉 gold•〈…〉

    _ 〈1 paragraph〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉〈…〉 dayes o• pardon. Oratio

    _ ¶An other deuout pra••r to our bl•ssyd lady.

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

  38. ¶ 〈…〉•maginem corporis christ•• ¶〈…〉 Mar•am.Salutatio.b.marie.AUe fuit prima salꝰQua vincit hostis malusRemordet culpa noxiaIuua nos _ ¶〈…〉 Mar•am.

    _ Salutatio Ad beatāvginē mariā. 〈◊〉•Alue virgo virginum stella matutinaSordidorum criminum vera medicina.Consolatrix hominum qui sun

  39. De nominibus dei.

  40. ¶A d•uou• p•ayer to 〈…〉

  41. Officium beate marie. Per aduentum.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

  42. Officium beate marie. A natiuita. vsque puri.

  43. Hore Nominis iesu.

    _ ¶ Incipi••• hore dulcissimi nominis Iesu.

    _ ¶ 〈…〉 alutem mentis & corporis donet nobis iesus sapientia patris. Amen.

    _ ¶ 〈…〉 alutem mentis & corporis donet nobis iesus sapientia patris. Amen.

    _ ¶〈…〉 alutem mentis et corporis donet nobis iesus sapientia patris. Amen.

    _ ¶〈…〉 alutem mētis & corporis donet nobis iesus sapientia patris. Amen.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ Cōpletorium noīs iesu.

  44. Oratio de noīe iesu.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉 et •aiua me.

    _ ¶M••erere mei deu•〈◊〉 sa•ua me.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

  45. ¶〈…〉

  46. Certayne questyons.

  47. The forme of cōfessyon.

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈…〉

    _ ¶〈◊〉

    _ ¶ 〈◊〉

    _ ¶ 〈◊〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶ The .v. wyttes.

    _ ¶ 〈◊〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶The 〈…〉 holy goost.

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉


  1. The contentes of this boke.

  2. ¶ 〈…〉

    _ ¶ 〈…〉

Types of content

  • There are 527 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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19. list 3
20. p 2346
21. pb 310 @facs (310) : tcp:5816:1 (2), tcp:5816:2 (2), tcp:5816:3 (2), tcp:5816:4 (2), tcp:5816:5 (2), tcp:5816:6 (2), tcp:5816:7 (2), tcp:5816:8 (2), tcp:5816:9 (2), tcp:5816:10 (2), tcp:5816:11 (2), tcp:5816:12 (2), tcp:5816:13 (2), tcp:5816:14 (2), tcp:5816:15 (2), tcp:5816:16 (2), tcp:5816:17 (2), tcp:5816:18 (2), tcp:5816:19 (2), tcp:5816:20 (2), tcp:5816:21 (2), tcp:5816:22 (2), tcp:5816:23 (2), tcp:5816:24 (2), tcp:5816:25 (2), tcp:5816:26 (2), tcp:5816:27 (2), tcp:5816:28 (2), tcp:5816:29 (2), tcp:5816:30 (2), tcp:5816:31 (2), tcp:5816:32 (1), tcp:5816:33 (2), tcp:5816:34 (2), tcp:5816:35 (2), tcp:5816:36 (2), tcp:5816:37 (2), tcp:5816:38 (2), tcp:5816:39 (2), tcp:5816:40 (2), tcp:5816:41 (2), tcp:5816:42 (1), tcp:5816:43 (2), tcp:5816:44 (2), tcp:5816:45 (1), tcp:5816:46 (2), tcp:5816:47 (1), tcp:5816:48 (2), tcp:5816:49 (2), tcp:5816:50 (1), tcp:5816:51 (1), tcp:5816:52 (2), tcp:5816:53 (1), tcp:5816:54 (1), tcp:5816:55 (2), tcp:5816:56 (2), tcp:5816:57 (2), tcp:5816:58 (1), tcp:5816:59 (2), tcp:5816:60 (2), tcp:5816:61 (2), tcp:5816:62 (2), tcp:5816:63 (2), tcp:5816:64 (1), tcp:5816:65 (2), tcp:5816:66 (2), tcp:5816:67 (2), tcp:5816:68 (2), tcp:5816:69 (2), tcp:5816:70 (2), tcp:5816:71 (2), tcp:5816:72 (2), tcp:5816:73 (2), tcp:5816:74 (1), tcp:5816:75 (1), tcp:5816:76 (1), tcp:5816:77 (1), tcp:5816:78 (1), tcp:5816:79 (2), tcp:5816:80 (1), tcp:5816:81 (1), tcp:5816:82 (2), tcp:5816:83 (2), tcp:5816:84 (2), tcp:5816:85 (2), tcp:5816:86 (2), tcp:5816:87 (2), tcp:5816:88 (2), tcp:5816:89 (2), tcp:5816:90 (1), tcp:5816:91 (2), tcp:5816:92 (2), tcp:5816:93 (2), tcp:5816:94 (2), tcp:5816:95 (2), tcp:5816:96 (1), tcp:5816:97 (2), tcp:5816:98 (2), tcp:5816:99 (1), tcp:5816:100 (1), tcp:5816:101 (2), tcp:5816:102 (2), tcp:5816:103 (1), tcp:5816:104 (2), tcp:5816:105 (1), tcp:5816:106 (2), tcp:5816:107 (2), tcp:5816:108 (2), tcp:5816:109 (2), tcp:5816:110 (2), tcp:5816:111 (2), tcp:5816:112 (2), tcp:5816:113 (2), tcp:5816:114 (2), tcp:5816:115 (2), tcp:5816:116 (2), tcp:5816:117 (2), tcp:5816:118 (2), tcp:5816:119 (2), tcp:5816:120 (2), tcp:5816:121 (2), tcp:5816:122 (2), tcp:5816:123 (2), tcp:5816:124 (2), tcp:5816:125 (2), tcp:5816:126 (2), tcp:5816:127 (2), tcp:5816:128 (2), tcp:5816:130 (1), tcp:5816:131 (2), tcp:5816:132 (2), tcp:5816:133 (2), tcp:5816:134 (2), tcp:5816:135 (2), tcp:5816:136 (2), tcp:5816:137 (2), tcp:5816:138 (1), tcp:5816:139 (2), tcp:5816:140 (2), tcp:5816:141 (2), tcp:5816:142 (2), tcp:5816:143 (2), tcp:5816:144 (2), tcp:5816:145 (2), tcp:5816:146 (2), tcp:5816:147 (2), tcp:5816:148 (2), tcp:5816:149 (1), tcp:5816:150 (2), tcp:5816:151 (2), tcp:5816:152 (2), tcp:5816:153 (2), tcp:5816:154 (2), tcp:5816:155 (2), tcp:5816:156 (1), tcp:5816:157 (2), tcp:5816:158 (1), tcp:5816:159 (2), tcp:5816:160 (2), tcp:5816:161 (2), tcp:5816:162 (2), tcp:5816:163 (2), tcp:5816:164 (2), tcp:5816:165 (2), tcp:5816:166 (2), tcp:5816:167 (2), tcp:5816:168 (2), tcp:5816:169 (2), tcp:5816:170 (2) • @rendition (8) : simple:additions (8) • @n (124) : xxix (1), xxx (1), xxxi (1), xxxiij (1), xxxiiij (1), xxxv (1), xxxvj (1), xxxvij (1), xxxviij (1), xxxix (1), xl (1), xlj (1), xlij (1), xliiij (2), xlv (1), xlvj (1), xlviij (1), xlix (1), l (1), lj (1), lij (1), lv (1), lvj (1), lvij (1), lviij (1), lix (1), lx (1), lxj (1), lxij (1), lxiij (1), lxv (1), lxvj (1), lxvij (1), lxviij (1), lxix (1), lxx (1), lxxj (1), lxxij (1), lxxiij (1), lxxiiij (1), lxxix (1), lxxx (1), lxxxj (1), lxxxij (1), lxxxiij (2), lxxxiiij (1), lxxxv (1), lxxxvj (1), lxxxvij (1), lxxxix (1), xcj (1), xcij (1), xciij (1), xciiij (1), xcv (1), xcvij (1), xcviij (1), cj (1), cij (1), ciij (1), ciiij (1), cv (1), cvj (1), cvij (1), cviij (1), cix (1), cx (1), cxj (1), cxij (1), cxiij (1), cxv (1), cxvj (1), cxvij (1), cxviij (1), cxix (1), cxx (1), cxxj (1), cxxij (1), cxxiij (1), cxxiiij (1), cxxv (1), cxxvj (1), cxxvij (1), cxxviij (1), cxxx (1), cxxxij (1), cxxxiij (1), cxxxiiij (1), cxxxv (1), cxxxvj (1), cxxxvij (1), cxxxviij (1), cxxxix (1), cxl (1), cxlj (1), cxlij (1), cxliij (1), cxliiij (1), cxlv (1), cxlvi (1), cxlvij (1), cxlviij (1), cxlix (1), cl (1), clij (1), cliij (1), cliiij (1), clv (1), clvj (1), clvij (1), clviij (1), clix (1), clx (1), clxj (1), clxij (1), clxiij (1), clxiiij (1), clxv (1), clxvj (1), clxvij (1), clxviij (1), clxix (1)
22. q 48
23. row 382
24. table 13
25. trailer 1


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