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#Bosvvorth-field with a taste of the variety of other poems, left by Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet, deceased: set forth by his sonne, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet; and dedicated to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie.#

##Beaumont, John, Sir, 1583-1627.## Bosvvorth-field with a taste of the variety of other poems, left by Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet, deceased: set forth by his sonne, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet; and dedicated to the Kings most Excellent Maiestie. Beaumont, John, Sir, 1583-1627.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2006-04 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2006-05 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2007-05 Ali Jakobson Sampled and proofread
  4. 2007-05 Ali Jakobson Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### Academioe Cantabrigienſis Liberbookplate


  2. An Elegy to the liuing memory of his deceaſed Friend, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Knight, Baronet.

  3. An Elegy, dedicated to the memory of his much honoured friend, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Knight and Baronet.

  4. To the worthy Muſe of his Noble Friend, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Knight Baronet.

  5. A Congratulation to the Muſes, for the immortalizing of his deare Father, by the ſacred Vertue of Poetry.

  6. Vpon the following Poems of my deare Father, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet, deceaſed.

  7. Vpon theſe Poems of his deareſt Brother, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet.

  8. On the honor'd Poëms of his honored Friend, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet.

  9. To the deare Remembrance of his Noble Friend, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet.

  10. Ad poſthumum opus D. Io. Bello-Montij Equitis aurati & Baronetti, viri Nobiliſsimi, H•ndecaſyllabon.

  11. Vpon the Honored Poems of his Vnknowne Friend, Sir Iohn Beaumont, Baronet.


  1. Boſworth Field: WITH CERTAINE OTHER POEMS, &c.

  2. An expreſsion of Sibylls Acroſtichs.

  3. VIRGIL. ECLOG. 4.

  4. An Epigram concerning Mans life compoſed by Crates, or Poſidippus.

  5. The anſwer of Metrodorus.

  6. HORAT. LIB. 2. SAT. 6.

  7. HORAT. CARM. LIB. 3. OD. 29.

  8. HORT. EPOD. 2.

  9. PER. SAT. 2.

  10. AVSON. IDYLL. 16.

  11. Claudians Epigram of the old man of Verona.

  12. Vpon the two great Feaſts of the Annunciation and Reſurrection falling on the ſame day, March 25. 1627.

  13. Of the Epiphany.

  14. Of the Transfiguration of our Lord.

  15. On Aſcenſion day.

  16. An Ode of the bleſſed Trinitie.

  17. A Dialogue betweene the World, a Pilgrim, and Vertue.

  18. An act of Contrition.

  19. In Deſolation.

  20. In ſpirituall comfort.

  21. An Act of Hope.

  22. Of Teares.

  23. Of Sinne.

  24. Of the miſerable ſtate of Man.

  25. Of Sickneſſe.

  26. Of true Liberty.

  27. Againſt inordinate loue of Creatures.

  28. Againſt abuſed Loue.

  29. A deſcription of Loue.

  30. The Shepherdeſſe.

  31. On the Anniuerſary day of his Maieſties reigne ouer England, March the 24. written at the beginning of his twentieth yeere.

  32. A thankſgiuing for the deliuerance of our Soueraigne, King Iames, from a dangerous accident, Ianuary 8.

  33. To his late Maieſly, concerning the true forme of Engliſh Poetry.

  34. To the glorious memory of our late Soueraigne Lord, King Iames.

  35. A Panegyrick at the Coronation of our Soueraigne Lord King Charles.

  36. Of the Princes iourney.

  37. Of the Princes departure and returne.

  38. Of the Princes moſt happy returne.

  39. Vpon the anniuerſary day of the Princes return October the fifth.

  40. To the moſt illuſtrious Prince Charles, of the excellent vſe of Poems.

  41. To the Prince.

  42. An Epithalamium vpon the happy marriage of our Soueraigne Lord King Charles, and our gracious Lady Queene MARY.

  43. At the end of his Maiesties firſt yeere. Sonnet firſt.

  44. Sonnet ſecond.

  45. An Epithalamium to my Lord Marqueſſe of Buckingham, and to his faire and vertuous Lady.

  46. Of his Maieſties vow for the felicity of my Lord Marqueſſe of Buckingham.

  47. My Lord of Buckinghams welcome to the King at Burley.

  48. A Congratulation to my Lord Marqueſſe of Buckingham, at the Birth of his Daughter.

  49. Of true Greatneſſe: to my Lord Marqueſſe of Buckingham.

  50. Vpon my Lord of Buckinghams Armes.

  51. Vpon my Lord of Buckinghams Shield at a Tilting, his Impreſſe being a Bird of Paradiſe.

  52. To the Duke of Buckingham at his returne from Spaine.

  53. To the Duke of Buckingham.

  54. To my gracious Lord, the Duke of Buckingham, vpon the birth of his firſt Sonne.

  55. Vpon the Earle of Couentryes departure from vs to the Angels.

  56. To my Lord Vicount Purbeck: a Congratulation for his health.

  57. To the memory of the faire and thrice vertuous Gentlewoman, Miſtris Elizabeth Neuell.

  58. Of the truly Noble and Excellent Lady, the Lady Marqueſſe of Wincheſter.

  59. Vpon his Noble Friend, Sir William Skipwith.

  60. An Epitaph vpon my deare Brother, Francis Beaumont.

  61. Of my deare Sonne, Geruaſe Beaumont.

  62. Teares for the death of the truly Honourable, the Lord Chandos.

  63. Vpon the vntimely death of the Honourable, hop•full young Gentleman, Edward Stafford, Sonne and Heire to the Lord Stafford.

  64. To the Memory of the Learned and Religious, Ferdinando Pulton, Eſquire.

  65. To the immortall memory of the faireſt and moſt vertuous Lady, the Lady Clifton.

  66. Vpon the death of the moſt noble Lord Henry, Earle of Southampton, 1624.

  67. An Epitaph vpon that hopefull young Gentleman, the Lord Wriotheſley.

  68. IVVENAL. SAT. 10.

  69. A funerall Hymne out of Prudentius.

Types of content

  • There are 4867 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 208 ommitted fragments! @reason (208) : illegible (207), missing (1) • @resp (207) : #APEX (207) • @extent (208) : 1 letter (108), 2 letters (52), 1 word (31), 3 letters (10), 1 span (5), 4 letters (1), 2 pages (1)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement ëöîùâïè 235 246 238 249 226 239 232
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Latin Extended-B Ʋ 434
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Geometric Shapes ▪◊ 9642 9674
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

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