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#Consuetudo, vel lex mercatoria, or The ancient law-merchant Diuided into three parts: according to the essentiall parts of trafficke. Necessarie for all statesmen, iudges, magistrates, temporall and ciuile lawyers, mint-men, merchants, marriners, and all others negotiating in all places of the world. By Gerard Malynes merchant.#

##Malynes, Gerard, fl. 1586-1641.## Consuetudo, vel lex mercatoria, or The ancient law-merchant Diuided into three parts: according to the essentiall parts of trafficke. Necessarie for all statesmen, iudges, magistrates, temporall and ciuile lawyers, mint-men, merchants, marriners, and all others negotiating in all places of the world. By Gerard Malynes merchant. Malynes, Gerard, fl. 1586-1641.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2003-09 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2003-10 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2003-11 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
  4. 2003-11 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2003-12 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##




  3. A TABLE OF THE CONtents of the first part of Lex Mercatoria, or the ancient Law-Merchant, concerning Commodities, compared to the Bodie of Trafficke.

    _ The Contents of the second part of Lex Mercatoria, concerning Moneys compared to the Soule of Trafficke.

    _ The contents of the third part of Lex Mercatoria, concerning Exchanges for Moneys by Bills of Exchanges, compared to the spirit or facultie of the Soule of Trafficke.


_ CHAP. II. An obseruation concerning TIME.

  * That the Romane Kalender may easily be reformed without the Alteration of ten dayes, made by Pope Gregorie the 13.

_ CHAP. III. Of NVMBER, and the Mysteries thereof.

_ CHAP. IIII. Of WEIGHTS and MEASVRES vsed in all places of the world, with other obseruations.

  * All WEIGHTS are diuided into three sorts.

  * The correspondencie of Weight of most places of Trafficke.



The said 100ll of Antuerp makes in Spaine





  * Obseruations concerning the manner of Weighing.

  * Weights for Moneys, and their correspondence for most places of Trafficke.

  * Here followeth the description of the Measures.









  * The Measure of wet Commodities.

  * Of the correspondence of Wine Measures..






  * Of the Correspondence of Beere Measures.

  * Old Measures of the Romanes.

  * Measures of the Grecians.

  * Measures vsed by Physitians.

  * Measures of Arabia.

  * Of the correspondence of the Measures of Corne.

  * The Last of corne of Amsterdam is at the following places.

  * Of the Measures of Salt', correspondence and goodnesse of the same.

  * The Sackes of Salt of Armuyden, being 122 small Barrels for the 100 Sacke, make as followeth in other places.

  * The Measures of Woad, Hops, and Sea-coale.

  * The Measure of Sea-Coale.

  * Rules to know the goodnesse of Sea-Coales

  * Of the Weights and Measures of England.

  * Concerning MEASVRES.

  * The bredth of silke Cypers, bending and Curld.

  * The Measures of Lands.

  * Of the nature and diuersitie of Colours.

  * A Table of the Standard, for the true making of Woollen Clothes, according to the Waight and Measure declared by the Statute made in the fourth yeare of his Maiesties raigne of Great Brittaine, &c.

  * Obseruations concerning the said Weight and Measure of Clothes in generall.

  * Benefits which will arise by the true making of Clothes in England, according to the Statute made in the fourth yeare of his Maiesties raigne of Great Brittaine.

_ CHAP. V. Of the three Essentiall Parts of Trafficke, namely, Commodities, Money, and Exchange of Money by Billes of Exchanges.

_ CHAP. VI. A Geometricall Description of the World, especially of EVROPE, Measured by Millions of Acres of ground, vpon the Mappe.

  * The Measure is one Million, or ten hundreth thousand Acres.

  * First for Europe or Christendome.

  * The 17 Prouinces of the Low-countries.





  * Summa totalis of the inhabited parts of the World, six Milliars, six hundreth and twentie three Millions, and seuen tenne thousand Acres of Land, Vt supra.

_ CHAP. VII. Of the Commodities of all Countries whereby commerce is mainetained.

  * Of the goodnesse and value of East India Commodities.

  * Commodities sold by a weight called Man of 24ll weight.

  * Commodities sold by the Bar of 15 Rooues or Arrobas of 28ll.

  * Commodities which are sold by the Ounce.

  * Commodities sold by the score of twentie pieces, as Calico Cloth, &c.

  * Of the weight, goodnesse, and values of Pearles and Precious Stones.

  * Crownes of 6 ss euerie Carrat.

  * Of the Commodities of Great Brittaine.

  * The Commodities of the Kingdome of Ireland, are

  * The Commodities of the Kingdome of France, are

  * The Commodities of Spaine and Portugall, are

  * The Commodities of Italy, and certaine Ilands.

  * The Commodities of Germany and places adioyning.

  * The Commodities of East-land, and thereabouts.

  * The Commodities of Denmarke, and Norway, and Sweaden.

  * The Commodities of Russia.

  * The Commodities of Barbary.

  * The Commodities of the Low Countries.

  * The Commodities of the West Indies.

_ CHAP. VIII. Of Commutation or Bartring of Commodities.

_ CHAP. IX. Of ordinarie buyings and sellings of Commodities.

_ CHAP. X. Of Suretiship and Merchants Promises.

_ CHAP. XI. Of the Reuolution of Buying and Selling of Commodities, by the course of Trafficke.

_ CHAP. XII. Of the Transferring or setting ouer of Billes Obligatorie, betweene Merchants and others.

_ CHAP. XIII. Of the nature of Bills Obligatorie beyond the Seas, and in England.

  * Forme of Billes Obligatorie.

_ CAHP. XIIII. Of Letters of Credit and Blankes signed.

_ CHAP. XV. Of Letters of Attorney, or Procurations and Transports, or Conueyances.

_ CHAP. XVI. Of Factors and Seruants, and Commissions giuen vnto them.

  * Obseruations concerning Factors.

_ CAHP. XVII. Of the beginning of Sea Lawes.

_ CHAP. XVIII. Of the manner of Proceedings in Sea-faring Causes.

_ CAHP. XIX. Of Buying and Selling of Commodities by Contracts.

_ CHAP. XX. Of Bankes and Bankers.

_ CAHP. XXI. Of the Fraighting of ships, Charterparties, and Bills of lading.

  * Questions about Fraightings, and their Solutions.

_ CHAP. XXII. Of the Master of the Ship his power, and duetie of the Master to the Merchant.

_ CHAP. XXIII. Of the Duties and Priuiledges of Mariners.

_ CHAP. XXIIII. Of the Office of Assurances, and the Ancient Custome of the same.

  * The nature of Assurances.

_ CHAP. XXV. Of pollicies of Assurances, and the substance of them, and of Contributions.

_ CHAP. XXVI. Of the manner of Contributions or Aueridges.

_ CAHP. XXII. Of the particulars to bee obserued in Assurances.

_ CHAP. XXVIII. Of the manner of Proceedings for Assurances, in case of losses.

  * An abridgement of Questions of Assurances.

_ CHAP. XXIX. Of Shipwrecke, and things found vpon the Seas.

_ CHAP. XXX. Of Partners of Ships and Voyages.

_ CAHP. XXXI. Of Moneys taken vpon Bottommarie, by the Master of a ship, called Foenus Nauticum.

_ CHAP. XXXII. Of Shipping and Nauigation.

_ CHAP. XXXIII. An abridgement of the Imperiall Sea-lawes of the Haunce Townes, made in the yeare 1614.

_ CHAP. XXXIIII. Of Nauigation and Communitie of the Seas.

_ CHAP. XXXV. Of the distinct Dominions of the Seas.

_ CHAP. XXXVI. Of Customes, Subsidies, and Impositions payed vpon Commodities.

_ CHAP. XXXVII. Of Merchants Wagers, Stipulations, or Conuentions.

_ CHAP. XXXVIII. Of Merchants Markes set vpon Commodities.

_ CHAP. XXXIX. Of the Buying and Selling of Commodities by Brokers, and by the Candle.

_ CHAP. XL. Of buying of commodities by Condition, termed Capiticus, and of selling things vpon Casualties.

_ CHAP. XLI. Of diuiding of Commodities by Lots.

_ CHAP. XLII. Of Associations, Monopolies, Engrossings, and Forestallings.

  * Description of Monopolies.

  * Definition of a Monopoly.

_ CHAP. XLIII. Of Merchants Oppignorations.

  * Domus Commutationis.

_ CHAP. XLIIII. The proceedings vsed against Bankrupts.

_ CHAP. XLV. Of Manufactures.

  * Preseruation of Bees for the Climate of Great Brittaine, &c.

  * Necessarie obseruations concerning the Premisses.

  * Helpes for weake Bees at all times.

_ CHAP. XLVI. Of Plantations of People, and new Discoueries.

_ CHAP. XLVII. Of the Fishing Trade.

  * Statute Lawes of England, Scotland, and Ireland, concerning fishing.
  1. THE SECOND PART OF LEX MERCATORIA, or the Auncient Law-Merchant; concerning Moneys, compared to the Soule of TRAFFICKE and COMMERCE.

    _ CHAP. I. Of the Essence or Existence of Mettalls.

    • Gradus ad Transmutationem sunt septem.

    _ CHAP. II. Of Mines Royall.

    _ CHAP. III. Of Mines and Mineralls.

    _ CHAP. IIII. Of the profitable working of Mines.

    _ CHAP. V. Of the Nature of Gold, Siluer▪ and Copper, and of the Moneys made thereof.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Officers of Mints.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of the Assayes of Bullion and Moneys.

    • To refine Gold with Cementation without Strong-water, which is costly.

    _ CHAP. VIII. Of the weight and finesse of Moneys, and their seuerall Standards.

    • Coynes made of meere Copper.

    _ CHAP. IX. Of the Valuation of Moneys, and the Proportion betweene Gold and Siluer.

    • The Proportions vsed within the memorie of man, are as followeth.

    • Siluer Coynes.

    • Small Moneys for ordinarie payments.

    • Obseruations concerning the said Proclamation and Ordinance.

    _ CHAP. X. Of the Lawes and Prohibitions against Vsurie.

    _ CHAP. XI. Of Vsurie Politike, and Moneys deliuered at Interest.

    _ CHAP. XII. Of Intollerable Vsurie, and Lombards.

    _ CHAP. XIII. Of Mons pietatis, or Banke of Charitie.

    _ CHAP. XIIII. Of the true Calculation of Moneys deliuered at Interest.

    _ CHAP. XVI. Of Vsurious Contracts.

    _ CHAP. XVI. Of lawfull Bargaines and Contracts.

    _ CHAP. XVII. Of the Vniuersall and Perpetuall Princely Contract of Commerce.

    _ CHAP. XVIII. Of Moneys deliuered vpon Liues, Annuities, and Pensions.

    _ CHAP. XIX. Of the Denomination and Diuision of Moneys of diuers Countreys.

    • Some of these moneys are imaginarie, and some are substantiall or reall in specie, and yet not concurring in price or value.

    _ CHAP. XX. Of Merchants Accounts kept by Debitor and Creditor.

    • The manner how he doth enter them in the Iournall is as followeth.
  2. THE THIRD PART OF LEX MERCATORIA, OR THE Ancient Law-Merchant; concerning Exchanges for Moneys by Billes of Exchanges, compared to the Spirit or Facultie of the Soule of TRAFFICKE and COMMERCE.

    _ CHAP. I. Of the Beginning of the Exchange for Moneys, by Bills of Exchanges.

    _ CHAP. II. Of the true calculation of Moneys in exchange by Bills of Exchanges, according to Par pro pari.

    _ CHAP. III. Of the Denomination of the Imaginarie Moneys of all Places, whereupon Exchanges are made by Bills.

    • The Calculations of Merchants Accounts, whereupon their Bookes of Account are kept, according to their Imaginarie Moneys.

    _ CHAP. IIII. Of the Times of Payment of Moneys by Exchange, and the Termes of Art vsed therein.

    _ CHAP. V. Of the Nature of Bills of Exchanges.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Non-acceptation of Bills of Exchanges, and Customes obserued concerning the same.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of Notaries, Intimations, and Protests.

    _ CHAP. VIII. Of Reciprocall and double Exchanges.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    • Of the Feats of Bankers performed by Exchanges.

    • For the Bankers priuate gaine and benefit.

    • For the aduancing of one Common-wealth, aboue all other Common-weales.

    • For the destruction of a Common-wealth.

    • As for example.

    _ CHAP. X. Of the true reformation of Exchanges.

    _ CHAP. XI. Of Attachments and Arrest.

    _ CHAP. XII. Of Sequestrations and Executions.

    • The Law is said to be a mute Magistrate: but the Magistrates are a liuing Law.

    _ CHAP. XIII. Of Denization and Naturalization of Merchants.

    _ CHAP. XIIII. Of the determination of Sea-faring causes.

    _ CHAP. XV. Of Arbitrators and their Awards.

    _ CHAP. XVI. Of the Merchants Courts, or office of Prior and Consuls.

    • An Edict made by the French King, concerning the Court and Authoritie of the Prior and Consulls of Roan.

    _ CHAP. XVII. Of the Lawes of seuerall Countries, whereby the Differences and Controuersies of Merchants are determined.

    • Of the Common-Lawes of the realme of England.

    • Of the Lawes of the Kingdome of Arragon.

    • Of the Lawes of the Kingdome of France.

    • Of the Salique Law of France.

    • Of the lawes of the higher and low Germanie, concurring with the Ciuile Law and the Courts of Equitie in substance.

    _ CHAP. XVIII. Three Paradoxes alluding to the three Essentiall parts of Trafficke.

    • The second Paradox.

    _ CHAP. XIX. The due commendation of naturall Mother Wit.

    _ CHAP. XX. Of the Ancient Gouernment of the Staple.

    _ A Conclusion to the iudicious Reader.

Types of content

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  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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23. q 22
24. row 305
25. salute 1
26. seg 92 @rend (92) : decorInit (92)
27. signed 2
28. table 27
29. trailer 2
30. unclear 1


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