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#Wits common wealth The second part. A treasurie of diuine, morall, and phylosophicall similies, and sentences, generally vsefull. But more particularly published, for the vse of schooles. By F.M. Master of Arts of bot Vniuersities. Palladis tamia#

##Meres, Francis, 1565-1647.## Wits common wealth The second part. A treasurie of diuine, morall, and phylosophicall similies, and sentences, generally vsefull. But more particularly published, for the vse of schooles. By F.M. Master of Arts of bot Vniuersities. Palladis tamia Meres, Francis, 1565-1647.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2003-05 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2003-05 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2003-07 Olivia Bottum Sampled and proofread
  4. 2003-07 Olivia Bottum Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2003-08 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. To the Reader.

  2. The Authours both sacred and profane, out of which these similitude• are for the most part gathered.



    _ Of GOD.

    _ God is inuisible and incomprehensible.

    _ God is not the Authour of sinne.

    _ The patience and long animity of God.

    _ Gods Prouidence.

    _ The mercy and loue of God.

    _ The iustice of God.

    _ CHRIST.

    _ The Holy GHOST.

    _ HEAVEN.

    _ ANGELS.

    _ The Word of God.

    _ The CHVRCH.


    _ SERMONS.


    _ MAN.

    _ Good MEN.

    _ The gifts of Men are diuerse.

    _ So many Men, so many minds.

    _ Wicked and vngodly▪ Men.

    _ WOMEN.

    _ The SOVLE.

    _ The MINDE.

    _ The goods of the Minde.

    _ The diseases of the Minde.

    _ The HEART.


    _ Doctors and Doctrine.

    _ Artes and disciplines.


    _ PARENTS.



    _ YOVTH.

    _ YOVTH.

    _ VERTVE.

    _ FAITH:

    _ HOPE.


    _ Prudence.

    _ IVSTICE.




    _ Prayer.

    _ Almes deeds.

    _ Deuotion:

    _ The feare of the Lord.

    _ Perseuerance.

    _ Pietie.

    _ Goodnesse.

    _ Humility.

    _ Patience.

    _ Obedience.

    _ Repentance.

    _ Truth.

    _ Concord.

    _ Decency:

    _ Hospitality.

    _ Liberality.

    _ Silence.

    _ Mediocrity.

    _ Chastity.

    _ Virginity.

    _ Wisedome.

    _ A wise Man.

    _ Friendship.

    _ The friendship of many.

    _ The friendship of a few.

    _ Friendship neglected.

    _ Friendship broken off.

    _ Friendship reconciled.

    _ The choyse and tryall of Friends.

    _ A true Friend.

    _ A fained Friend.

    _ The comparison of a friend and a flatterer.

    _ Mariage.

    _ A wife.

    _ Matrimoniall Society.

    _ Loue.

    _ Selfe-Loue.

    _ Affections.

    _ Brethren.

    _ Admonition.

    _ Beautis.

    _ In bodies of lesser stature and corpulency commonly there is greater valour and more wit, then those that be h•ger and vaster.

    _ Time, Age.

    _ Benefice

    _ Beneuolence

    _ Businesse.

    _ Exercise.

    _ Petvrbations

    _ Commodity.

    _ Assiduity.

    _ Assiduity taketh away admiration.

    _ Adoption. Abdication.

    _ Emulation.

    _ Exhortation.

    _ Endeuour.

    _ Correction.

    _ Chaunce.

    _ Ceremonies.

    _ Comfort.

    _ Labour.

    _ Imitation.

    _ Mourning.

    _ Manners.

    _ Nature.

    _ Newes.

    _ Recreation.

    _ Reprehension.

    _ Sorrow.

    _ Prayse.

    _ Praysers of themselues.

    _ The Tongue.

    _ Contraritie.

    _ Counctation.

    _ Choyse.

    _ Glory.

    _ Vaine Glory.

    _ Braggers.

    _ Gratitude.

    _ Ingratitude.

    _ Chiding.

    _ Affliction.

    _ Prosperitie.

    _ Tribulation.

    _ Debt.

    _ Defence.

    _ Custome.

    _ Conuersing and liuing together▪

    _ Feare.

    _ Olde age.

    _ Olde mens Counsell.

    _ Counsell.

    _ Euill counsell is the worst vnto him that giueth it.

    _ Rash Counsell.

    _ Fortune.

    _ The vse and abuse of a thing.

    _ Riches.

    _ Rich men.

    _ Pouerty.

    _ Those things are difficult which are excellent.

    _ Dignitie.

    _ Honour.

    _ Nobilitie.

    _ A good name.

    _ An ill Name.

    _ A Courtly life.

    _ Courtiers.

    _ Kings.

    _ A Kingdome.

    _ Princes.

    _ The education of a Prince.

    _ A good Prince.

    _ An euill Prince.

    _ Empire.

    _ Power.

    _ A Common-wealth.

    _ A Captaine.

    _ Warre.

    _ Victorie:

    _ Lawes.

    _ Lawyers.

    _ A Iudge.

    _ Iudgement.

    _ Magistrates.

    _ Vengeance.

    _ Punishment.

    _ Banishment.

    _ Trauailing.

    _ The World.

    _ The loue and vanity of the World.

    _ The contempt of the World.

    _ Reason.

    _ Schollers.

    _ Studie.

    _ Contemplation.

    _ Sophisters.

    _ Memorie.

    _ Learning.

    _ The manner of Learning.

    _ An Oratour.

    _ Eloquence.

    _ Speech.

    _ Pronunciation.

    _ Hearing.

    _ An Auditour▪ and his Dutie.

    _ Breuiloquence.

    _ Disputation.

    _ Examples of life.

    _ Zeale:

    _ Wit.

    _ Diuersitie of Wits.

    _ Bookes.

    _ Reading of bookes.

    _ A choyce is to be had in reading of bookes.

    _ The vse of reading of many Bookes.

    _ Philosophie.

    _ Phylosophers.

    _ Poetrie.

    _ Poets.

    _ A comparatiue discourse of our English Poets, with the Greeke, Latine, and Italian Poets.

    _ Painters.

    _ Musicke.

    _ Sinne.

    _ Pride.

    _ Couetousnesse.

    _ Luxurie.

    _ Enuie.

    _ Gluttonie.

    _ Anger.

    _ Idlenesse.

    _ Vice.

    _ Pleasure.

    _ Drunkennesse.

    _ Adultery.

    _ Iealousie.

    _ Inconstancie.

    _ Ambition.

    _ Flatterers and Parasites.

    _ Hypocrisie. Hypocrites.

    _ Vserie.

    _ Heresie, Heretikes.

    _ Death.

    _ The Deuill.

    _ Hell.


  1. A Table of the Common places into which the Similitudes are digested.

Types of content

  • There are 9 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 2820 ommitted fragments! @reason (2820) : illegible (2801), duplicate (18), foreign (1) • @resp (2801) : #TECH (2801) • @extent (2819) : 1 letter (2200), 3 letters (38), 2 letters (324), 1 word (205), 1 span (24), 5 letters (1), 1 page (19), 4 letters (8)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
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16. q 4
17. seg 2 @rend (2) : decorInit (2)
18. signed 1
19. trailer 2


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