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#Satans sophistrie ansuuered by our Sauiour Christ and in diuers sermons further manifested / by that worthy man Maister William Perkins ; to which is added, a comfort for the feeble minded, wherein is set downe the temptations of a Christian.#

##Perkins, William, 1558-1602.## Satans sophistrie ansuuered by our Sauiour Christ and in diuers sermons further manifested / by that worthy man Maister William Perkins ; to which is added, a comfort for the feeble minded, wherein is set downe the temptations of a Christian. Perkins, William, 1558-1602.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-07 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-07 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-08 Emma (Leeson) Huber Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-08 Emma (Leeson) Huber Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2004-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. ❧To the right Honorable Sir William Russell, Lord Russell, Baron of Thornehaugh, yonger sonne to that most Christian and Honorable Earle, Frauncis Earle of Bedford, with the vertuous Ladie his wife: Grace and Peace.

  2. The Printer to the Reader.



  2. Maister Perkins his Prayer before his Sermons.

  3. To the right Honorable and vertuous Ladies, the Countesse of Cumberland, and the Countesse of Warwicke, grace and peace.

  4. A comfort for the feeble minded: wherein is set downe that spirituall combat which is betwixt a Christian and Satan.

  5. Sundry necessarie obseruations meete for a Christian, published long since by some religious man.

Types of content

  • There are 102 drama parts! This is prose drama.
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 509 ommitted fragments! @reason (509) : illegible (508), foreign (1) • @resp (508) : #TECH (508) • @extent (508) : 1 letter (319), 1 word (99), 2 letters (86), 3 letters (4)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement èò 232 242
Combining Diacritical Marks ̄ 772
General Punctuation 8226
Superscripts and Subscripts ⁸⁶ 8312 8310
Geometric Shapes ▪◊ 9642 9674
Dingbats 10087
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. author 2
2. availability 1
3. biblFull 1
4. change 5
5. date 8 @when (1) : 2004-11 (1)
6. edition 1
7. editionStmt 1
8. editorialDecl 1
9. extent 2
10. idno 6 @type (6) : DLPS (1), STC (2), EEBO-CITATION (1), OCLC (1), VID (1)
11. keywords 1 @scheme (1) : (1)
12. label 5
13. langUsage 1
14. language 1 @ident (1) : eng (1)
15. listPrefixDef 1
16. note 6
17. notesStmt 2
18. p 11
19. prefixDef 2 @ident (2) : tcp (1), char (1) • @matchPattern (2) : ([0-9-]+):([0-9IVX]+) (1), (.+) (1) • @replacementPattern (2) :$1&page=$2 (1),$1 (1)
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22. publicationStmt 2
23. publisher 2
24. ref 2 @target (2) : (1), (1)
25. seriesStmt 1
26. sourceDesc 1
27. term 2
28. textClass 1
29. title 3
30. titleStmt 2

###Text Tag Usage###

No element name occ attributes
1. bibl 2
2. closer 2
3. date 1
4. dateline 1
5. desc 509
6. div 8 @type (8) : title_page (1), dedication (2), to_the_reader (1), part (3), prayer (1)
7. epigraph 1
8. g 1015 @ref (1015) : char:EOLhyphen (829), char:leaf (1), char:cmbAbbrStroke (141), char:punc (44)
9. gap 509 @reason (509) : illegible (508), foreign (1) • @resp (508) : #TECH (508) • @extent (508) : 1 letter (319), 1 word (99), 2 letters (86), 3 letters (4)
10. head 7
11. hi 512
12. item 30
13. list 5
14. milestone 28 @type (28) : tcpmilestone (28) • @unit (28) : unspecified (28) • @n (28) : 1 (3), 2 (15), 3 (7), 4 (2), 5 (1)
15. note 331 @place (331) : margin (331) • @n (143) : a (12), b (11), c (11), d (11), e (11), f (11), g (11), h (10), i (9), k (9), l (8), m (8), n (6), o (4), p (4), q (3), r (2), s (2)
16. p 495
17. pb 206 @facs (206) : tcp:29110:1 (2), tcp:29110:2 (2), tcp:29110:3 (2), tcp:29110:4 (2), tcp:29110:5 (2), tcp:29110:6 (2), tcp:29110:7 (2), tcp:29110:8 (2), tcp:29110:9 (2), tcp:29110:10 (2), tcp:29110:11 (2), tcp:29110:12 (2), tcp:29110:13 (2), tcp:29110:14 (2), tcp:29110:15 (2), tcp:29110:16 (2), tcp:29110:17 (2), tcp:29110:18 (2), tcp:29110:19 (2), tcp:29110:20 (2), tcp:29110:21 (2), tcp:29110:22 (2), tcp:29110:23 (2), tcp:29110:24 (2), tcp:29110:25 (2), tcp:29110:26 (2), tcp:29110:27 (2), tcp:29110:28 (2), tcp:29110:29 (2), tcp:29110:30 (2), tcp:29110:31 (2), tcp:29110:32 (2), tcp:29110:33 (2), tcp:29110:34 (2), tcp:29110:35 (2), tcp:29110:36 (2), tcp:29110:37 (2), tcp:29110:38 (2), tcp:29110:39 (2), tcp:29110:40 (2), tcp:29110:41 (2), tcp:29110:42 (2), tcp:29110:43 (2), tcp:29110:44 (2), tcp:29110:45 (2), tcp:29110:46 (2), tcp:29110:47 (2), tcp:29110:48 (2), tcp:29110:49 (2), tcp:29110:50 (2), tcp:29110:51 (2), tcp:29110:52 (2), tcp:29110:53 (2), tcp:29110:54 (2), tcp:29110:55 (2), tcp:29110:56 (2), tcp:29110:57 (2), tcp:29110:58 (2), tcp:29110:59 (2), tcp:29110:60 (2), tcp:29110:61 (2), tcp:29110:62 (2), tcp:29110:63 (2), tcp:29110:64 (2), tcp:29110:65 (2), tcp:29110:66 (2), tcp:29110:67 (2), tcp:29110:68 (2), tcp:29110:69 (2), tcp:29110:70 (2), tcp:29110:71 (2), tcp:29110:72 (2), tcp:29110:73 (2), tcp:29110:74 (2), tcp:29110:75 (2), tcp:29110:76 (2), tcp:29110:77 (2), tcp:29110:78 (2), tcp:29110:79 (2), tcp:29110:80 (2), tcp:29110:81 (2), tcp:29110:82 (2), tcp:29110:83 (2), tcp:29110:84 (2), tcp:29110:85 (2), tcp:29110:86 (2), tcp:29110:87 (2), tcp:29110:88 (2), tcp:29110:89 (2), tcp:29110:90 (2), tcp:29110:91 (2), tcp:29110:92 (2), tcp:29110:93 (2), tcp:29110:94 (2), tcp:29110:95 (2), tcp:29110:96 (2), tcp:29110:97 (2), tcp:29110:98 (2), tcp:29110:99 (2), tcp:29110:100 (2), tcp:29110:101 (2), tcp:29110:102 (2), tcp:29110:103 (2) • @rendition (2) : simple:additions (2) • @n (188) : 1 (1), 2 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1), 5 (1), 6 (1), 7 (1), 8 (1), 9 (1), 10 (1), 11 (1), 12 (1), 13 (1), 14 (1), 15 (1), 16 (1), 17 (1), 18 (1), 19 (1), 20 (1), 21 (1), 22 (1), 23 (1), 24 (1), 25 (1), 26 (1), 27 (1), 28 (1), 29 (1), 30 (1), 31 (1), 32 (1), 33 (1), 34 (1), 35 (1), 36 (1), 37 (1), 38 (1), 39 (1), 40 (1), 41 (1), 42 (1), 43 (1), 44 (1), 45 (1), 46 (1), 47 (1), 48 (1), 49 (1), 50 (1), 51 (1), 52 (1), 53 (1), 54 (1), 55 (1), 56 (1), 57 (1), 58 (1), 59 (1), 60 (1), 61 (1), 62 (1), 63 (1), 94 (2), 65 (1), 66 (1), 67 (1), 68 (1), 69 (1), 70 (1), 71 (1), 72 (1), 73 (1), 74 (1), 75 (1), 76 (1), 77 (1), 78 (1), 79 (1), 80 (1), 81 (1), 82 (1), 83 (1), 84 (1), 85 (1), 86 (1), 87 (1), 88 (1), 89 (1), 90 (1), 91 (1), 92 (1), 93 (1), 95 (1), 96 (1), 97 (1), 98 (1), 99 (1), 100 (1), 101 (1), 102 (1), 103 (1), 104 (1), 105 (1), 106 (1), 107 (1), 108 (1), 109 (1), 110 (1), 111 (1), 112 (1), 113 (1), 114 (1), 115 (1), 116 (1), 117 (1), 118 (1), 119 (1), 120 (1), 121 (1), 122 (2), 123 (2), 124 (1), 125 (1), 126 (1), 127 (1), 128 (1), 129 (1), 130 (1), 131 (1), 132 (1), 133 (1), 134 (1), 135 (1), 136 (1), 137 (1), 138 (1), 139 (1), 140 (1), 141 (1), 142 (1), 143 (1), 144 (1), 145 (1), 146 (1), 147 (1), 148 (1), 149 (1), 150 (1), 151 (1), 152 (1), 153 (1), 154 (1), 155 (1), 156 (1), 157 (1), 158 (1), 159 (1), 160 (1), 161 (1), 162 (1), 163 (1), 164 (1), 165 (1), 166 (1), 167 (1), 168 (1), 169 (1), 170 (1), 171 (1), 172 (1), 173 (1), 174 (1), 175 (1), 176 (1), 177 (1), 178 (1), 179 (1), 180 (1), 181 (1), 182 (1), 183 (1), 184 (1), 185 (1), 186 (1)
18. q 3
19. seg 4 @rend (4) : decorInit (4)
20. signed 2
21. sp 102
22. speaker 102
23. trailer 1


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