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#The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London. Annales#

##Stow, John, 1525?-1605.## The chronicles of England from Brute vnto this present yeare of Christ. 1580. Collected by Iohn Stow citizen of London. Annales Stow, John, 1525?-1605.

##General Summary##


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##Content Summary##


  1. ¶Authours out of whom theſe Chronicles are collected. DROIT · ET · LOYALHONI ◦ SOIT ◦ QVI ◦ MAL ◦ Y ◦ PENSEroyal blazon or coat of arms

  2. To the right Honorable the Lord Robert Dudley, Earle of Leiceſter, Baron of Denbigh, Knight of the moſt noble Orders of the Garter, and of Saint Michaell, one of hir Maiesties moste Honourable priuie Counſell, and Maiſter of hir Horſſe.

  3. ¶ To the gentle Reader.


  1. ❧ A briefe Deſcription of Englande, Scotlande, VVales, and Cornvvall.

  2. ❧ Of the firſt habitation of this Ilande, a ſhort note to the Reader.

  3. The race of the Kings of Britaine ſince Brute: and in the margent are placed the yeares beefore Chriſte his byrth, when euerye Kyng beganne their raignes, til Cunobelinus, in whoſe time Chriſt the Sauiour of the world was borne, and then followyng, the yeares from Chryſte hys byrth are placed. LOcrine, the eldeſt ſonne of Brute raigned. xx. yeares: hée1084 Gaufride. chaſed the Hunnes▪ whiche GVendoline the daughter of Corineus and wife to Locrine1064 Gvvendoline a Queene raigned. Gaufride. MAdan, the ſonne of Locrine and Guendoline▪ was made1049 ruler of Brytain: he vſed great tiranny amoMEmpricius, the ſon of Madan, being King, by treaſon ſlue1009 A travtor to hys brother, deuoured of EBranke, ye ſon of Mempricius, was made ruler of Brytaine,989 Gaufride. he had. xx•. wiues▪ of whom BRutus. 2. the eldeſt ſon of Ebranke, ſuccéeded in the kingdome,929 and for that his father had receLEill the ſonne of Brute Greeneſhielde, béeyng a louer of917 Iohn Bradſhaw. peace, builded Carleile RVdhudibras, alias Cicuber, the ſonne of Leil, builded Caergant,Canterburie▪ VVincheſter, & ShaftiſbBLadud the ſonne of Rudhudibras, who had long ſtudied at863 Stamford an Vninerſitie.Athens, broughteLEire ſonne of Bladud ſucceded his father. He builded Caier844 Leyceſter built. Flores Hiſtoriarū.LCOrdila, ye yongeſt daughter of Leire, ſuccéeding hir father,805 was ſore vexed by hir two nephues, MOrgan, the eldeſt ſonne of Dame Gonorell, claymed800Brytaine, and warred on hys nephewe Conedagius,RIuallo, ſonne of Conedagius, ſuccéeded his father, in whoſe766 Bloude rayned. Flores Hiſtoriarū. tGViguſtus, ſonne of Riuallo ſuccéeded in the Kingdome of721Brytaine who raigned quietly, but was a cSCicilius, brother of Gurguſtus, ſuccéeded in the Kingdome:684 of whome is lefte but little memorie:IAgo or Lago, Couſin of Curguſtus, raigned. xxv. yeares:636 for his euil gouernement he dyed of a LiGOrbodug raigned thrée ſcore and thrée yeares, and was559 Flores Hiſtoriarū. 496 The brother ſlue tFErrex with his brother Porrex, ruled Brytaine fiue yeres: but it was not long ere they fell at ciuiMVlmutius Dunwallo, the ſon of Cloten, Duke of Cornwall,442 Firſt King that vvare a crovvn of gold, BElinus and Brennus, ſons of Mulmutius and Cornouenna,401 diuided this whole Iſle of Brytaine betwenGVrgunſtus, ſon of Beline, ſucceded his father. I. Rouſe ſaith375 he builded Caier Werithe, that is GVinthelinus, ſonne of Gurgunſtus, was Crowned king of356 Brytaine. A prince ſober and quiet, who haCEcilius the ſonne of Guinthelin and Marcia, raigned. vij.350 yeares (as the Scottes write.) In the KImarus ſucceded Cecilius, who being a wilde yong man, & liuing after his owne luſte, raigned but thELanius, called alſo Danius, was king of Brytaine nine321 yeares.MOrindus, the baſtarde ſonne of Danius, beganne to raign311 in Brytaine: he foughte with a king who GOrbomannus, eldeſt ſonne of Morindus, raigned eleauen303 yeres: a Prince iuſte and religious: he reARchigallo, brother to Gorbomannus, was crowned kyng292 of Britaine: he was in conditions vnlike to ELidurus, the thirde ſonne of Morindus, and brother to286Archigallo, was elected King of Brytaine: aARchigallo, thus reſtored to his royall eſtate, ruled the282 people quietly and iuſtly tenne yeares,ELidurus aforenamed, after the death of his brother Archigallo,272 for his pietie and Juſtice, by thVIgenius and Peredurus, after the taking of their brother,270 The tovvne of Pickering built. Caxton.ELidurus, the thirde time was made king, who continued261 his latter raigne honourablie and iuſtlye:EMerianus his brother, when hée had tyrannouſlye raygned ſeauen yeares was depoſed.IVal was choſen King for his iuſtice, and temperance, which227 gouerned peaceably twentie yeares.RImo gouerned this Realme ſixtéene yeares, his time was207 191 171 A good exāple. peaceable.GerunciCAtellus raigned peaceably ten yeares, he hung vp all oppreſſors of the poore, to giue example vnto COilus ſucceded Catellus, who quietlye raigned twentie161 yeres.Porrex, a vertuous and gentle PrinceCHirimus, throughe his drunkenneſſe, raigned but one136 135 133 132 131 136 1•4 120 118 yeare.FulgenVRianus the ſonne of Androgius, wholy gaue himſelfe to the luſtes of the fleſhe, and raigned thrée yBLedgabredus raigned ten yeares, and gaue himſelfe to the ſtudie of Muſicke.Archemalus was king of BELdolus raigned foure yeares. In his time diuerſe prodigies were ſéene, as Globes of fire, burſting DInellus, the ſon of Caporus, a iuſt and vertuous prince, gouerned this Real me foure yeares.HElius his ſonne, raigned not fully one yere. Of this prince the Ile of Elie toke the name.LVd the eldeſt ſonne of Hely, ſuccéeded his father: he amēded66 Lud repayred & fortified London. FlCAſsibelanus, the ſonne of Hely, after the deathe of his brother58 Iohn B•le. Iulius Caeſar his firſTheomantius, the ſonne of Lud, and nephew to Caſsibelan,37 ſucceded in the Realme of Brytaine, and rOCtauius Auguſtus deſiring to be like Iulius Caeſar hys34 Dion. Caſsius. •••. 49. Father (for ſo he THe fourthe yere after, he opened the Temple of Ianus at25Rome, fully determining to inuade BrytaineTHe yeare following, bycauſe the couenāts betwéen hym24 and the Brytains could not be agréed vpon, CVnobelinus the ſonne of Theomantius raigned king in14 Brytaine. xxxv. yeares, and was buried at Lon _ From this place following, the yeares from Christ his byrth are placed in the Margent. GViderius, ye firſt ſon of Cunobelinus, was ordayned Kyng.21 Flores Hiſtoriarū This man was valiaunALbeit the Brytaine Hiſtorie doth here place Aruiragus, yet40 it is probable ytCunobelinus as yet liCLaudius the Emperoure diſpatched Aulus Plantius wyth45 an army into Brytaine, wher after dinerſe coOStorius was appointed lieuetenaunt in Brytaine for the50Romans who at his firſt entry in the beginnCLaudius ſent Didius to ſupply the place of Oſtorius nowe52 •ac••us. 3. H•ſto. departed, but in the CLaudius being now poyſned by Agrippina his wife, Nero61 hir ſon obteyned ye Romain▪ Empire▪ & aboutSVetonius Paulinus was thē ſent hither, who at his arriual purpoſing to ſubdue Angleſey, whither maPEtronius Turpilianus was ſent into Brytaine as a manne64 Petronius Turpilianus. eaſie to be entreatVEctius Volanus, then was ſent hither by Vitelius, he did69 Vectius Volanus. not vſe any diſcipline WHen as (with the reſt of the world) Veſpaſian had recouered70Brytaine, thē were there placed greatMArius ſonne of Aruiragus, an excellent wiſe man, was73 Galfr•d••. ordayned King of Brytaine. At thiDOmitianus the Emperor ſēt Saluſtius Lucullus into Brytaine,94 Suetonius. whom he ſhortly put to deCOilus ye ſon of Marius was ordeined King, he was broughte124 Galfridus. Colcheſter builded. vp euēANtonius Pius ſucceded Hadrianus in ye Empire, & gouerned139 Capitelinus. this prouince by Lollius VANtonius Philoſophus now ruled the Romaine Empire,162 and Calphurnius Agricola was ſent hyther with LVcius ye ſon of Coilus, was ordained King, who in all hys179 Florent. Vig•r••. acts & déeds followeCOmodus after his father Antonius Philoſophus ſucceded181 Dion. in the Empire with moſt cruel tyrannPErtinax then was choſen Emperour, & within. iij. months194 was ſlaine throughe the per•wations of DSEuerus after the death of Pertinax was ſaluted Emperor:194 he immediately ſlewe Didius Iulianus, anAfter Seuerus, Baſsianus ſurnamed Antonius Carracalla,212 Herodian. murdering his brother Geta, ſuccCAius then ſuccéeded him, with his two ſonnes Numerianus,282 Vopiſens. and Carinus, to whiche CarinuVAlerius Diocleſianus was then choſen Emperour,284 who adioyned Maximianus vnto hym in lyke gouernemTHen purpoſed Maximianus the ſeconde tyme to make288 warre agaynſte Carauſius, but by ſtormye weatheALbertus then vſurped the Empire here in Brytayne,292 agaynſte whome Conſtantine wyth hys former preASclepiodatus▪ as is before touched, recouered Brytaine,290 Galfridu•. he belayde the Citie of LondoCOill after Aſclepiodatus toke on him the Kingdome of301 Brytaine.COnſtantius begā his Empire with Gallerius, the Empire305 was deuided betwéen them: ſo that ConſtanCOnſtantine ſurnamed the great, ſonne of Conſtantius by306Helena, firſt conſecrated, hys Father beinCOnſtantinus beganne his Empire and raigne ouer Brytain:337 wt him his Father Conſtantine had appoinCOnſtans then ruled Brytain, which he adminiſtred with340 greate iuſtice: but after when he fayled oCOnſtantius then had the regiment of Brytaine, who ſent353 hither a Spaniarde called Paule, a notariIVlianus (called the Apostata) began his raign ouer Brytain362 & the Empire, a mā ſéen paſſing wel VAlentinian was then choſen Emperor by the ſouldiours.365 The Pictes, Scottes, Attacots, and Saxons,GRatian with his brother Valentinian was then created375 Emporour. He to the entent he might better MAximus a valiaunt & worthy man was ſhortly after forced383 here in Brytain to take the Empire vpon HOnorius, the ſonne of Theodoſius, ſuccéeded in the Empire,365 Bede. Pelagius Hereſie. in whoſe timeTHeodoſius the yonger, ſonne of Arcadius, ſuccéeded his408 Uncle Honorius, and appoynted Valentinian _ Brytaines and Saxons. VOrtiger raigned in Brytaines, in whoſe time hunger more447 Beade. preuayling againſt the Brytaines,VOrtimere purſued the Saxons, and by his martiall knighthoode454 fought againſt them foure battailesVOrtiger obteined againe the Kingdome, and ſhortly after460Hengeſt, which was chaſed into the Ile ofAVrelius-Ambroſe was ordeined king of Britaine, in whoſe time, the Britaines by little & little begaVTher Pendragon, ſo called, for that he cauſed alwayes a498 Gafrid. Arbor Succeſ. Dragon to be borneARthure the ſonne of Vther borne in Cornewall, at the age516 of fiftéene yeares was crowned King of COnſtantine, kinſman to Arthure, and ſonne to CadorDuke of Cornewall, was ordeyned King of Britayne,A Vrelius Conanus, Nephew to Arthure, was Crowned545 King of Britaine.He cheriſhed ſuch as loued ſtrVOrtiporus, the ſonne of Conanus, was ordeyned King of Britayne, a vicious King, and cruell tyrant, MAlgo pulcher Canonus of Northwales, beganne his581 raigne ouer the Britaynes, and gouerned them fiuCAreticu• began to rule the Brytaines. This man loued ciuill586 Warre, and was odible both to God anCAdwane Duke of Northwales, was made ſoueraigne of the Britaines, who gaue ſtrong battell to EthelfrCAdwalin, the ſonne of Cadwane, raigned ouer yeBritaines: he warred ſtrongly vppon the Saxons, and mCAdwalladar was ordayned king of the Brytaines, and685 ruled only thrée yeares: he vanquiſhed and ſlNOw are we come to ye time wherin God (who for ye ſins of the people tranſlateth kingdomes) diſpoſſe _ Kentiſh Saxons. HEngeſt the ſonne of Widgils, the ſonne of Victa, the ſon of Wecta, the firſt ſon of Wodē and Fr•a,ESke or Vske, ſuccéeding his father Hēgeſt, raigned peaceably. xxiiij. yeares.¶ Otta ſonne of Eske EThelbert the ſon of Ermericus had the gouernemente of that Kingdome, by the ſpace of. liij. or aftePOpe Gregorie moued of godly inſtinction in the hundred596 Marianus. Floriacen. Beade. fortie and ſeAThelboldus the ſonne of Ethelbert, not onely refuſed the616•ayth of Chriſt, but alſo toke to wife hERcombert the ſonne of Adbold by Emma his wife, hée640 firſt ſuppreſſed the temples of the Idols, anEGbert his ſonne ſuccéeded, whoſe quiet gouernement for667 a long ſeaſon was after defaced by the crLOtharius ſuccéeded his brother Egbert, who being aſſaulted oftentimes by Edrike the ſonne of EgbertEDricke the ſonne of Egbert, within the ſpace of two yeres686 loſt both life and Kingdome. After hisVVIthredus the ſonne of Egbert purchaſing peace wyth698 money, was then eſtabliſhed king, in which ſEDbert the ſonne of Withred walked in his fathers ordinaunces,731 and had like ſucceſſe, and raignedEDelbert his brother ſuccéeded, in whoſe time the Citie of754 (Canterbury as is to be thought) was bALricke the thirde ſonne of Withred ruled Kent after hys765 brethren, and was vanquiſhed in a foughtEDelbert or Egbert otherwiſe called Pren, thē vſurped the kingdome, and leauyed warre againſt the MBAlbrede then toke on him Princely dignity, but Egberte807 Kyng of Weſt Saxon ſo diſcomfited him in _ South Saxons. AEle the eight from Woden, with his thrée ſonnes, Cimē478 Plencing, & Ciſſa, came into Brytaine witCIſſa hys ſonne ſuccéeded, he builte the Citie of Chichester,514 and named it after hys owne name, hEThelwulfus (whom Bede nameth Edelwach) was chriſtened590 Eeade. Firſt Chriſtened King in Southſex. CEadwall a valiaunt yong manne of the Weaſte Saxons, being baniſhed from hys Countrey, came wyth an _ East Angles. VFfa the eight frōWoden, firſt king of Eaſt Angles, raigned492 vij. yeares.¶ Titulus raigned. xx. yREdwaldus the tenth from Woden, as men write: this is he that for the fauour of Edwin, killed EdelfrSIgebertus being broughte vp in Fraunce, when he fled the enmitie of Redwald, was there baptiſed, whANna the ſonne of Guido, ſuccéeded Egrieks, and was lykewiſe ſlaine by the furie of Penda. EtheldredEThelbertus his ſonne, whome Offa Kyng of Mercies deceitfully790 ſlewe: he was buryed at Hereforde.UEDmonde raigned xv. yeares, in whoſe time Hinguar and870Hubba began Danes, entring the Prouince of t _ East-Saxons. ERchenwine, the eighte from Woden, from whome all the Saxons deriued their genealogies, firſt erecteSLedda the ſonne of Erchenwine, ſuccéeded his father in the587 gouernement, and to eſtabliſhe the ſtSEbert the ſonne of Sledda by Ricula, ruled this kingdome602 after his father. The ſeconde yeare of SErred, Sewarde and Sigbert, ſonnes of Sebarte, ioyntly (as it ſéemeth) then ruled Eastſex▪ men wickSIgebert ſurnamed the little, ſonne of Sewarde ſuccéeded in this kingdome, and lefte the ſame to SigSIgebert ſonne to Sigebalde, brother to Sebert, then ruled in Eastſex, he by the perſwaſion of Oſwy SElred (whom other call Colred) peaceably after Offa raigned718 Ri. Grincaſtri. 748 in Eſſex thirty SVthred after Selred was ſlayne, raigned in Eastſex: but Egbert King of the Weast-Saxons, the verye _ Mercians. CReda (the eleuenth from Woden) firſte King of the Mercies,586 raigned ten yeares.¶ Wibba his ſonne PEnda the ſonne of Wibba, a manne actiue in warres, but franticke and moſt wicked, toke on him the kPEda the ſonne of Penda ſuccéeded in part of the Kingdome656 W. Malme. being preferred by the gift oOSwine toke the Kingdome, but he raigned there onely659 thrée yeares.VLferus brother to Peda, earneſtlye preferred Chriſtianitie662 whych hys brother had begonne, but heEThelred brother to Vlferus ſuccéeded in the kingdome of676 Bishops ſea • VVorceſter. the Mercians: KInredus ſonne to Wolferus, in the fifth yere of his raigne706 went to Rome, and became a Monke.CElred the ſonne of Ethelred, who as he was maruellous710 in prowes againſt Ina of the West Saxons, EThelbalde raigned in continuall peace many yeares, and718 Chronicle of Holande. Ro. Mai. Epiſtle ofTO his moſt deare Lorde, and to be preferred in the loue of Chriſt aboue all other kings of England,BEraredus the murtherer of Ethelbald, did nothing worthy749 to be remembred, but being ſtraightway ſOFfa, Nephew to Ethelbald ſuccéeded: he ioyned battayle749 with Kineulfus King of the Weast Saxons, EGbertus or Ecfride his ſonne, raigned one yeare. AlquineAlquine. writte to Osbert of the Mercians, KEnulfus, Nephew in the fifth degrée vnto Penda, warre• on the Kentiſh Saxons puniſhed their CountryKEnelmus ſonne to Egbertus a child of ſeauen yeares, was813 innocently ſlayne by his Siſter Quenda, CEolwulfus, brother to Kenulfus, raigned one yeare, and820 was expulſed by Bernulfus.BErnulfus in the third yeare of his raigne, was ouercome821 by Egbertus King of Weaſt Saxons at ElynLVc••us after he had raigned two yeares, was oppreſſed824 by the Eaſt Angles.VVIthlaſnus being at the firſt ſubdued by Egbirth raigned826 xiij. yeares, paying to him and his ſonBErthulfus raigned xiij. yeares, in the ſame eſtate, till at839 W. Malme. the laſt he was chaſed beyBVrdredus paying the Tribute, enioyed the ſame twenty852 yeares, and then he being depoſed, and driu _ Northumbers. IDa▪ the ninth frōBeldegius, and the tenth from Wodden,547 continued fourtéene yeares in the KingdoAe•la his ſucceſſor of the ſame kinded, but by another559 line, ſtrongly aduanced his Kingdome thirtADda the eldeſt ſonne of Ida raigned vpon the Bernitians ſeauen yeares:¶ Elappea fiue yeares:¶ TheodAEThelrike, the ſonne of Ida, raigned in both prouinces of582 Wil. Malme.Deirie and Bernicia fiue yeEThelfride, brother to Ethelricus, made greater ſpoyle ofMarianus. Floriacenſis. the Britaines, thanEDwyne ſuccéeded and droue out the ſeauen ſonnes of617 Firſt Chriſtian King of Northumberland. MariaOSriche the ſonne of Elfrike, who was Edwins vnckle, ſuccéeded633 in the gouernance of Deira. And EaOSwald brother to Eanfride, then gouerned this Kingdom,634 who with a ſmall army ouercame the BrytanOSwine brother to Oſwald, ſuccéeded: he buried the heade642 and armes of Oſwald, whyche Penda commauEGfride his lawfull ſonne, then inherited Northumberland:670 he depoſed Wilfride of the Biſhoprike, ALfride, baſtard ſonne of Oſwine, ſuccéeded after his brother685Egfride. He did repaire y• decayed ſOSred his ſonne, a child of eyght yeares ſuccéeded, who,704 whē he had wickedly raigned eleuen yearKEnred, when he had ſlaine Oſred, ruled Northumberland715 two yeares.OSricke obteyned the Kingdome after xj. yeares, and elected Ceolnulph brother of Kenred to be his ſuCEolnulph raigned in this prouince with great pietie &728 victorie viij. yeares, & then forſooke theEGbert, couſin germane to Ceolnulph, raigned in Northumberland736 Wil. Malme. twenty yeares peaceablOSwulfe ſuccéeded his Father, who was ſlayne by the757 people in the firſt yeare of his raigne.MOllo then tooke the regiment, and after eleuen yeares758 was traytecouſly murthered by Alerede.ALered raigned after him eleuen yeares, and was enforced76• by the people to leaue the Countrey.AThelred or Etheldred the ſonne of Mollo, was aduanced780 to the regiment of Northumberland by the pAELfwold then was proclaymed King of Northumberland,785 and when he had raigned eleuen yeares, was ſOSredé, the ſonne of Aelerede then ſuccéeded, but the firſte796 yeare he was depriued.AEThelred or Etheldred who was before depoſed, now receyued797 the Kingdome, and when he had ruled fRIcſy then vſurped it, and after him Cuthred, frō whome Sitricke the Dane gote it, vnto whome King _ Weast Saxons. CErdic, the tenth from Woden, with his ſonne Kenrike, landed in Britaine, at a place called Cerdike CErdike and Kenrite began to raigne as Kings, and519 the ſame yeare they fought with the Britaines iKEnrike the ſonne of Cerdic fought with the Britaines at5•6Seareſberige, and afterwards at BeranbrigCEaulin the ſonne of Kenrike tooke vpon him the Kingdome560 of the Weſt Saxons.In the beginning of hCEalrike the ſonne of Cutholfe ruled the Weſt Saxons fiu•591 yeares.CEolnulfe ſon of Cutha before named ſuccéeded, who had598 continuall warres either with the EngliſhmKInegilſus the ſonne of Ceolrike ſuccéeded. He brought his611 Marian. Floria. W•g. hoſt againſt the GVichiline the ſonne of Kinegilſus was baptiſed by Berinus the Biſhop in the Citie of Dorchester, anCVthredus the ſonne of King Guicheline, was baptiſed639 at Dorcheſter, by Berinus the Biſhop, who waKEnnewalcus the ſonne of King Kinegilſus, tooke on him64• VVincheſter a Bishops Sea. Malmesbery buylEAſ•winus Nephew to Kinegilſus ſuccéeded, he fought a67• battell againſt Wulfere King of Mercia, in KEnewinus, ſonne to Kinnegilſus, chaſed the Britaines euen676 to the Sea ſhore, and raigned nine yeaCAdwalla, Nephew to Ceauline ſuccéeded in the Kingdome.685He ſlew Berthune Duke of the South Saxons,INe raigned among the Weſt Saxons, a noble man, of great687 Aſſer. power and wiſedome, and therewithEThelard kinſman on the fathers ſide to Ine, ſuccéeded in726 the Kingdome, notwithſtanding Oſwald a ENthrede his kinſman made warre on Ethelwald King of Mercia and againſt the Britaines, and had of thSIgebert was made King of the Weaſt Saxons. He was cruell757 W. Malme. Scal. Cro••. and tirannous toKEnulphus of the bloud of Cerdicus appeaſed certayne757 murmours and grudges that were amongſt the pBRithricus of the bloud of Cerdicus, was made King of786Weaſt Saxons.He maryed Eadburga the DaughterEGbrichus obtayned the gouernement of the Weaſt Saxons.802 He tamed the Welchmen, vanquiſhed BertulpADelnulfus the ſonne of Egbrichus beganne his raigne ouer8•9 Wil. Malme. the more parte of Englande.ADhelbald raigned after his Father: againſt God, & the857 worthineſſe of Chriſtianitie, yea, and cōAThelbrict, brother to Athelbald, tooke vnder his dominion860Kent, Southery, and Suſſex.In this timeETheldred brother to Adhelbrict, receyued the Kingdome866 of the Weaſt Saxons. In the firſte yeare oAElfrede borne in Barkſhire, at a village called Wantinge,872 Marians. Scotus. Florentij Croniea croEDward ſurnamed Senior, the ſon of Aelfred, was annoynted900 Speculum hiſto. Ri. C•ren. Adhelvvold• A Delſtane, after the deathe of Edwarde Senior his father,924 Alfridus Beuerla. Iohn Leyland. SpeculEDmunde, the brother of Adelſtan, tooke on him the gouernaunce940 of thys realme, whoſe ſhorte raignELdrede ſuccéeded Edmunde his brother: for hys ſonnes946 Sp•. Hiſto. Rich. Ciren.Edwyne and Edgar weEDwyn ſuccéeded his vncle Eldred in the kingdome: He955 was crowned at Kingstone, of whom is left noEDgar the peaceable, brother to Edwyne, was crowned at959 King Crovvned at Bathe.Bathe. He was ſo exEDward the ſonne of Edgar was crowned at Kingstone by y•975 The king crovvned at Kingſtone. Iohn PikETheldrede commonly called Unready, the ſonne of King978 W. Malme. Speculum Hiſt. Ric• Ciren.Edgar, EDmond the ſonne of Etheldred by his firſt wife, ſuccéeded1016 Edmond Ironſide. W. Malme. in the KinCAnutus the Dane, taking an occaſion, bycauſe in the couenant1018 that was cōcluded concerning ye dHArold for his ſwiftneſſe called Harefoote whome Canutus10•8 had by a Concubine Alice of Hampton, a HArdycanutus the lawfull begotten ſonne of Canutus and1041Emma as ſoone as he had gotten his fathersEDward borne at Iſlip beſides Oxford, the ſonne of Etheldred,104•. Alfridus Beuerla. Io. Rouſe. whomHArold, that he might in ſome behalfe ſéeme to make the1066 The yeare of our Lord beginneth heere at _ Verſes.

  4. ¶ King VVilliam Conquerour.

  5. ¶ King William Rufus.

  6. ¶ King Henry Beawclerke

  7. ¶ King Stephen.

  8. ¶ King Henrie the ſeconde.

  9. ¶ King Richard Cuer de Lion.

  10. ¶ King John.

  11. ¶ King Henrie the thirde

  12. ¶ King Edward ſurnamed Longſhanks.

  13. ¶ Edward of Carnaruan.

  14. ¶ King Edward the thirde

  15. ¶ Richard of Burdeaux.

  16. ¶ Henrie of Bolengbroke

  17. ¶ King Henry of Monmouth.

  18. ¶ King Henry of Windſor.

  19. ¶ Edward Earle of March.

  20. ¶ King Edwarde the fifth.

  21. ¶ King Richard the thirde

  22. ¶ Henrie, Erle of Richmonde

  23. King Henry the eyght.

  24. ¶ Edward the ſixt.

  25. ¶ Queene Mary.

  26. ¶ Queene Elizabeth. The ſeauen ages of the Worlde.THe firſt age from the creation of Adam to the floud of Noe, which con

  27. ¶ Of the vniuerſities in England, and Colledges in the ſame, vvith the founders, and principall benefactours. Cambridge (as ſome learned writers doe affirme) wasCambridge. firſt frequented with Philoſophers and _ ¶ The Vniuerſitie of Oxford was inſtituted by King Alfred a Saxon, after the byrth of Chriſte. 873. yeares: And hathe Colledges.


  1. ¶ A Table of the principall matters contayned in this Chronicle.

  2. Faultes eſcaped in the Printing▪

Types of content

  • There are 81 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 2794 ommitted fragments! @reason (2794) : illegible (2794) • @resp (2780) : #APEX (2780) • @extent (2794) : 1 letter (1691), 2 letters (562), 5 letters (14), 3 letters (205), 1 span (196), 4 letters (59), 1 word (58), 2 words (8), 3 words (1)

Character listing

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27. q 19
28. row 55
29. salute 1
30. seg 33 @rend (33) : decorInit (33)
31. signed 2
32. table 2
33. trailer 5