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#The defense of the aunsvvere to the Admonition against the replie of T.C. By Iohn VVhitgift Doctor of Diuinitie. In the beginning are added these. 4. tables. 1 Of dangerous doctrines in the replie. 2 Of falsifications and vntruthes. 3 Of matters handled at large. 4 A table generall.#

##Whitgift, John, 1530?-1604.## The defense of the aunsvvere to the Admonition against the replie of T.C. By Iohn VVhitgift Doctor of Diuinitie. In the beginning are added these. 4. tables. 1 Of dangerous doctrines in the replie. 2 Of falsifications and vntruthes. 3 Of matters handled at large. 4 A table generall. Whitgift, John, 1530?-1604.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2003-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2003-04 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-03 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-03 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. ¶ To the godlie Reader.

  2. ¶ A note of such dangerous pointes of doctrine as are auouched by T. C. in his Replie: and quoted as they are to be founde in this Booke.

  3. ¶ A note of certaine vntruthes, and falfied authorities conteyned in the Replie of T. C. and are to be founde out in this Booke, according to the quotation.

  4. A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPALL titles, and matters, handeled at large in this Booke.

  5. A GENERALL TABLE OF THOSE things which are most worthie the noting in this booke: wherein this marke (&c) signifieth that that which is noted, is handled more largely, and continueth in moe pages together than are quoted.

  6. The Printer to the Readers.

#####Body##### ¶ To the Churche of Englande, and all those that loue the truth in it, T. C. vvisheth mercie and peaAS our men doe more willingly go to warfare, and fighte with greater courage agaynst straungers, tha * An Answere to the Epistle dedicated by T. C. to the Churche of Englande. &c.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte

_ The Epist. of T. C. Sect. 2.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epist. of T. C. Sect. 3.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epist. of T. C. Sect. 4.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epistle of T. C. Sect. 5. 6. 7.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epistle of T. C. Sect. 8.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epistle of T. C. Sect. 9.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epistle of T. C. Sect. 10.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epist. of T. C. Sect. II.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epistle of T. C. Sect. 12.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epist. of T. C. Sect. 13.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epistle of T. C. Sect. 14.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ The Epistle of T. C. Sect. vlt.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

_ T. C. The Author to the Reader.

  * Io. Whitgifte.
  1. To his louyng Nurse, the Christian Churche of England, Io. VVhitgifte a membre and minister of the same, vvisheth peace in Christe, and continuance of his glorious Gospel, euen to the worldes ende.

    _ An answere to the whole Epistle to the Church.

    • T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ A briefe Examination of the reasons vsed in the Booke, called an Admonition to the Parliament.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. An ansvver to that vvhich is called a briefe examination of the reasons vsed in the Admonition to the Parliament.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

A briefe examination. &c.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

Abriefe examination. &c.

T. C.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

A briefe examination &c.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. Fol. 1. Sect. 1.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. Fol. 1. Sect. 2.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. pag. 1. Sect. 3.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. fol. 1. Sect. 4.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. fol. 1. Sect. 5.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. pag. 1. Sect. 6.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. pag. 1. Sect. 7.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. pag. 1. Sect. 8.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. pag. 1. Sect. 9.

  * Io. Whitgifte.

T. C. pag. 1. Sect. 10.

  * Io. Whitgifte.
  1. An Exhortation to such as be in authoritie and haue the gouernment of the Church committed vnto them, whether they be Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall Magistrates.

    _ Io. Whitgifte.

    _ An answere to the Exhortation to the ciuill Magistrates.

    • T. C. pag. 2. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The first article. pag 2. Sect. 1.

T. C. pag. 2. Sect. 2.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * I. VV. The seconde Article. pag. 2. Sect. 2.

T. C. pag. 3. &. 4.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 3. Article. Pag. 2. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 4. Sect. 1.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 6. Article Pag 3. Sect. 3.

T. C. pag. 5. Sect. 3.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 7. Article. Pag. 3. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 5. Sect. 4.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 8. Article. Pag. 3. Sect. 5.

T. C. Page 5. Sect. 5.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 9. Article. Page. 3 Sect. 6.

T. C. Page. 5. Sect. 6.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 10. 11. 12. Page. 3. Sect. 7.

  * Page 4. Sect 1.

T. C. Page. 5. Sect. 7.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 13. Article. Page. 4. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pa. 5. Sect. 8.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 14. Article. Pa 4. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pa. 5. Sect. vlt.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte▪

  * The. 15. Article. Page. 4. Sect. 5.

T. C. Page▪ 6. Sect. 1.

_ Io. Whitgifte,

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 16. Article. Page. 4. Sect. 6.

T. C. Page. 6. Sect. 2.

_ Io Whitgifte

_ Io Whitgifte

  * The 17. Article. Page. 4. Sect. 7.

T. C. Page. 6. Sect. 3.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 18. Article. Page. 4 Sect. 8.

T. C. Page. 6. Sect. 4.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The 19. Article. Page. 4. Sect 9.

T. C. Page. 6. Sect. 5.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 20. Article. Page. 4. Sect. 10.

T. C. Page. 6. Sect. 6.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The. 21. Article. Page. 4. Sect. II.

T. C. Page 6 Sect. vlt.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The 22. &. 23. Articles Pag. 5. Sect. 1. 2.

T. C. Pag. 7. Sect. 1.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * The 24. Article. Page. 5. Sect 3.

T. C. Pa▪ 7. Sect. 2.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation &c. Pag. 5. Sect. 4. 5.

T. C. Pag. 7. Sect. 3.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation &c. Pag. 5. Sect. 6.

T. C. Page. 7. Sect. 4.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation &c. Pag. 5. Sect. 7.

T C. Pag. 7. Sect. vlt.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation &c. pag. 5. Sect. vlt.

T. C. pag. 8. Sect. 1.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation &c. Pag. 6. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 8. Sect. 2.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation. &c. Pag. 6. Sect 2.

T. C. Page. 8. Sect. 3.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation. &c. Pag. 6. Sect. 3.

T. C. Page. 8. Sect. 4.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation. &c. Page. 6. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 8. Sect. 5.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation &c. pag. 6. Sect 5.

T. C. pag. 8. Sect. 6.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation &c. pag. 6. Sect. 6.

T. C. pag. 8. Sect. vlt.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * An exhortation, &c. Pag. 6. Sect. vlt.

  * T. C. Pag. 9 Sect. 1.

_ Io. Whitgifte.

  * To the godly Readers, grace and peace from God, &c.
  1. ¶ An answere to the Preface of the Admonition.

    _ ¶ The Replie vnto the answere of the Preface.

    • T. C. Pag. 9. Sect. 2.

    • Pag. 10. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

  1. ¶ Whether Christ forbiddeth rule and superioritie vnto the Ministers. Tractat. 1.

    _ The true interpretation of the twentith of Mathew. &c, Reges gentium. &c.

    • Chap. 1. The fyrst Diuision.

Ansvvereto the Admonition. Pag. 13. Sect. 3.

T. C. Page. 10. Sect. 2. &. 3.

Page. II Sect. 1. &. 2.

  * Chap. I. seconde Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 14. lin. 11.

T. C. Pag. 11. Sect. 3. &. 4.

  * Chap. I. Diuision. 3.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 14. Sect. 1. & Pag. 15. Sect. 1. &. 2.

T. C. Page. 11. Sect. 5. &. 6.

  * Chapter. I. the. 4. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition Page. 15. Sect. 3. &. 4.

T C. Pa. 12. lin. 8.

  * Chapter. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Page. 15. Sect. 5. &. 6.

T. C. Page. 12. Sect. 1.

_ The Exposition of the place Matth. 23. Chapter. 2.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition Page. 15. Sect. vlt. &. Page. 16. Sect. 1. &. 2.

  * T. C. Page. 12. Sect. vlt.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 17. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 18.

  * T. C Pag. 13. Lin. 1. & Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

  1. ¶ Of the authoritie of the Churche in things indifferent. Tract. 2.

    _ Some thinges may be tollerated in the Churche touching order, ceremonies, discipline, and kinde of gouernmente, not expressed in the word of God.

    • Chap. 1. the first Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 13. Sect. 2.

  * Chapter. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 21. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

T. C. Pag. 14. Lin. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the thirde Diuision.

T. C. Page. 14. Sect. 1. &. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the fourth Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 21. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 14. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the fyfte Diuision.

T. C. Page. 15. lin. 8. & Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the syxt Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 21 Sect. 5. 6. & Pag. 22. Sect. 1. 2.

T. C. Pag. 15. Sect. vlt. & Pag. 16. Sect. 1.

  * Chapter. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 16. Sect. 1. line. 3.

  * Chap. 1. The eight Diuision.

T. C. Page. 16. Sect. 2. &. 3.

  * Chapter. 1. the. 9. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Page. 22. Sect. 2.

_ The opinion of auncient fathers and Councelles of things indifferent.

  * Chap. 2. the first Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 22 Sect. 3. 4.

T. C. Page. 16. Sect. 3. &. Page. 17. Sect. 1. 2.

_ The opinion of S. Augustine of things indifferent.

  * Chap. 3. the first Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 23. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 17. Sect. 3. 4. 5. 6.

  * Chapter. 3. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 23. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 18. Lin. 1. & Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 24. Sect. 1. 2. 3. & Pag. 25. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 18. Sect. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. & Pag. 19. Sect. 1.

_ ¶ The opinion of M. Caluin of things indifferent.

  * Chap. 4.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 25. Sect.. 2. 3. &. Pag. 26. 27. 28. & Pag. 29. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4.

T. C. Pag. 19. Sect. 2. 3. 4. 5. &. Pag. 20. Sect. 1.

_ ¶ The opinion of Bucer of things indifferent.

  * Chap. 5.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag 29. Sect. 5. &. 6.

T. C. Page. 20. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. &. Pag. 21. Sect. 1.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 30. Sect. 1.

_ The exposition of the places. Deu. 4. &. 12. quoted by the Admonition.

  * Cap. 6. The first Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Pag. 30. Sect. 2.

T. C. Page. 21. Sect 〈1 line〉2.

  * Chap. 6. the second Diuision.

T. C. Page. 21. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 6. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 21. Sect. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 6. the fourth Diuision.

T. C. Page. 21. Sect. vlt.

  * Chapter. 6. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 22. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the 5. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 31. Lin. 21▪

  * Chap. 6. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 31. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 22. Sect. 3.

_ ¶ The opinion of other late wryters of things indifferent.

  * The. 7. Chapter.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 32. Sect. 1. 2. &. Pag. 33. Sect. 1.


T. C. Page 23. Sect. 1, 2, 3.

  1. Of the election of Ministers. Tract. 3.

    _ Of the triall of Ministers both in learnyng and conuersation.

    • Chap. 1. the first diuision.


T. C. Pag. 23. Sect. 4. 5. & Pag. 24. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the second Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 36.

T. C. Page. 24. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the third Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 36. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 24 Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 1. the fourth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 24. Sect. 7. 8. 9.

  * Chap. 1. the fy fte Diuision.

T. C. Page. 24. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the sixt Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 25. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the seuenth Diuision.

T. C. Page. 25. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 25. Sect. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 9. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 37. Lin. 1.

T. C. Page. 25. Sect. 5. 6. 7.

  * Chap. 1. the tenth Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 37. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 26. Lin. 8.

  * Chapter. 1. the. 11. Diuision.

Ansvvere of the Admonition. Pag. 38. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 26. Lin 14.

  * Chap. 1. the. 12. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 38. Sect. 2. 3. 4.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ VVhether Idolatrous sacrificers, and Massemongers, may aftervvard be ministers of the Gospell.

  * Chapter second the first Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 2. the second Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Pag. 39. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4. &. Pag. 40. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 26. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 26. Sect. 2. 3 & Pag. 27. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 27. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 27. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the sixte Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 39. Sect. 2. 3.

T. C. Pag. 27. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 7. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 39. Sect. vlt.

T. C. pag. 27. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 8. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 40. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page 27. Sect. 5. 6.

  * Chap. 2. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 28. Lin. 2. & Sect. 1.

_ Of Ministers learning of Catechismes.

  * Chap. 3.


T. C. Pag. 28. Sect. 2. 3.

_ Of the election of Ministers by the voyces and consent of the people.

  * Chap. 4. the. 1. Diuision.



T. C. Pag. 28. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 4. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 29. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 4. the thirde Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 43. Lin. 8.

T. C. Pag. 29. Sect. 6. & Pag. 30. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 4. the fourth Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 43. Lin. 12.

T. C. Pag. 30. Sect. 5. 6. & Pag. 31. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 4. the fyft Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 43. Lin. 20. & Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 31. Sect 4.

  * Chapter. 4. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 43. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Page. 31. Sect. vlt. &. Pag. 32. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 7. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 44. Lin. 1.No certayne forme of electing ministers commaunded in the scriptures.

T. C. Page. 32. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

  * Chap. 4. the. 8. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 44. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 32. Sect. 6. 7.

_ An examination of the reasons which T. C. vseth to proue the perpetuall equitie, &c. of elections by the people.

  * Chap. 5. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 32. Sect. 8.

  * Chapter. 5. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 33. Sect. 1.

  * Chapter. 5. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 33. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 33. Sect. 3.

_ The diuersitie betwixte the Apostles tymes and oures, requireth a diuers kinde of gouernment, and of ordeyning Ministers.

  * Chapter. 6. the. 1. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 44. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 33. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 6. the second Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 44. Sect. 3.

T. C. Page, 34. Sect. I.

  * Chap. 6. the third Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition Pag. 44. Sect 4.

T. C▪ Pag. 34. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the fourth Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 45. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 34. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 6. the. 5. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 45. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 35. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 36. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the seuenth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 36. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 6. the eight Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 36. Sect. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 6. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 36. Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 6. the. 10. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Page. 45. Sect. 3.

T. C. Page. 37. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 37. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 6. the twelfth Diuision.

T. C. Page. 37. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 6. the xiij Diuision.

T. C. Page. 37. Sect. 5. 6. 7.

  * Chap. 6. the. xiiij. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 45. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 38. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 15. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Page. 45. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Page. 38. Sect. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. vlt. &. Sect 39. Sect. 1 2.

_ That Byshops haue authoritie to admitte and ordeyne Ministers.

  * Chap. 7. the firste Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 39. Sect. 3. 4. & Pag. 40. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chapter. 7. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 46. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 40. Sect. 3. 4. 5.

  * Chapter. 7. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 41. Sect. 1.

  * Chapter. 7. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 41. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 7. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 41. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 7. the. sixte. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 42. Lin. 2. &. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 7. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 42. Sect. 2. 3.

_ ¶ It is not necessarie that the people should haue interest in the election of ministers, but the contrarie is conuenient.

  * Chap. 8. the. 1. Diuision.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 8. the second Diuision.

  * Chap. 8. the. 3. Diuision.
  1. Of ministers hauing no pastorall charge, of ceremonies vsed in ordeining ministers: of Apostles, Euangelistes and Prophetes. Tract. 4.

    _ Of ministers admitted, a place being not voyd.

    • Chap. 1. The first Diuision.

The Admonition.

T. C. Page. 42. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 42. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 43. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 43. Sect 2.

  * Chapter. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 43. Sect. 3.

  * Chapter. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 43. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 43. Sect. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 44. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 9. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 77. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 44. Sect. 2. 3. 4.

_ Of Ceremonies vsed in ordeyning Ministers.

  * Chap. 2. the first Diuision.

The Admonition.

T. C. Page. 44. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the second Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 44. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 2. the third Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

The Admonition.

T. C. Page 44. Sect. vlt.

_ Of Apostles, Euangelistes, and Prophets.

  * Chap. 3. the. 1. Diuision.

The Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 45. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 45. Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 45. Sect.. 5.

  * Chap. 3. the fourth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 46. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 46. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 46. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 46. Sect. 5.

  1. Of the residence of the Pastor. Tract. 5. Chap. 1. the first Diuision.T. C. Page. 46. Sect. 6.Now that I haue proued that there are no Euangel
    • Chap. 1. the first Diuision.

T. C. Page. 46. Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 1. the second Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 47. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 47. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 47. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the fifte Diuision.

T. C. Page. 47. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the sixte Diuision.

T. C. Page. 48. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 48. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the eyght Diuision

T. C. Pag. 48. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the 9. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 48. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the tenth Diuision.

T. C. Pag 49. Line. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 11. Diuision.

T C. Page 49. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 49. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 49. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Pag 49. Sect 4.

T. C. Page. 49. Sect. 5.

  * Chapter. 1. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 49. Sect. vlt.

_ Of pluralities, or hauing moe benefices than one.

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 2. the second Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 51. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 50. Sect. 1.

  * Chapter. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 51. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 50. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 50. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 50. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the sixte Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 50. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 2. the. 7. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 50. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 50. Sect. 6. 7.

  1. Of Ministers that can not preache, and of giuing licences to preache. Tract. 6.

    _ Some may be Ministers that can not preache.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 52. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Page. 50. Sect. vlt. & Pag. 51. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 51. Sect. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

  * Chap. 2. the fourth Diuision.

T. C. Page. 51. Sect. 7.

_ Oflicences to preache.

  * Chap. 3.


T. C. Pag. 51. Sect. 8. 9. & Pag. 52. Sect. 2.

  1. Of the apparell of Ministers. Tract. 7.

    _ The causes why they refuse the apparell, examined.

    • Chap. 1. the fyrst Diuision.

T. C. Page. 52. Sect.. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the second Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 52. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 52. Sect. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the fourth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 52. Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 1. the fifth Diuision.

T. C. Page. 52. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 53. Lin. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 53. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the eight Diuision.

T. C. Page. 53. Sect. 2.

_ That ministers were knowne in times past by distinct apparell▪

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 53. Sect. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the second Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Page. 55. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 53. Sect. vlt.

_ That the Magistrate may appoint a distinct apparell for Ministers.

  * Chap. 3. the. I. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 55. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 54. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 55. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 54. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 54. Sect. 3.

_ The distinction of Apparell was appoynted for Ministers before the Popes tyrannie.

  * Chap. 4. the. 1. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 55. Sect. 2. 3.

T. C. Pag. 54. Sect. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 4. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 56. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 55. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 56. Sect. 2. 3.

T. C. Page. 55. Sect. 2.

_ That the Apparell now vsed is not Popishe or Antichristian: and that things inuented by euill men may be vsed of Christians.

  * Chap. 5. the first Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 56. Sect. 4.

T C. Page. 55. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 5. the second Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 56. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 5. the thirde Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Page. 57. Sect. 1. & Page. 58. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 55. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 5. the fourth Diuision

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 58. Sect. 2. 3.

T. C. Page. 55. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 5. the fifth Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 59. Sect. 1. & Pag. 60. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 56. Line. 2. & Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 60. Sect▪ 2.

T. C. Pag. 56. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 5. the seuenth Diuision

Answere to the Admonition. Pag. 61. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 56. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 5. the. 8. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 62. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 56. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 5. the ninth Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition, Pag. 62. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 56. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 5. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 56. Sect. vlt.

_ Diuers things concerning apparell in other places of the Ansvvere.

  * Chap. 6. the fyrst Diuision.


T. C. Page. 57. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the second Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 6. the third Diuision.


T. C. Page. 57. Sect 3. 4. 5.

_ The faults wherewith the Admonitors charge the Apparell ansvvered.

  * Chap. 7. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 57. Sect. 6. 7.

  * Chap. 7. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Fol. 238. Sect. 2. 3.No man 〈◊〉 defile the nature & form〈1 line〉 of things.

T. C. Page. 57. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 7. the third Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 7. the fourth Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition Pag. 238. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 57. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 7. the. 5. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Fol. 239. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 57. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 7. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Pag. 239. Sect. 2.

T. C. Page. 58. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 7. the seuenth Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Fol. 239. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 58. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 7. the eight Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Page. 239. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 59. Line. 5.

  * Chap. 7. the ninth Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 59. tovvardes the ende.

  * Chap. 7. the tenth Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 60. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 7. the. 11. Diuision.


T. C. Page. 60. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 7. the twelfth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 60. Sect. 3.

The Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 60. Sect. 4.

  1. Of Archebishops, Metropolitanes, Bishops, Archedeacons. &c. Tract. 8.

    _ The reasons of T. C. answered, whereby he goeth about to take away the superfluous loppe (as he termeth it) of these offyces.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 61. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 61. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 61. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the fourth Diuision.

T. C. Page. 61. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 62. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 62. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 62. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the eight Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 62. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 62. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 62. Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 1. the eleuenth Diuision.

T C. Page. 63. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the twelfth Diuision.

T. C. Page. 63. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 63. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 5. the seuenth Diuision.

T. C. Page. 63. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 63. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 63. Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 1. the. 17. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 63. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 64. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 19. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 64. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 20. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 64. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 21. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 64. Sect. 3. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 22. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 64. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 23. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 23. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 24. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 25. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 26. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 27. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 28. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 29. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 30. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 65. Sect. 5. & Pag 66. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 31. Diuision.

T. C. Pag 66. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 32. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 66. Sect. 3.

_ That the names of Metropolitane, Archbishop, &c. be not Antichristian.

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 65. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 66. Sect. 4. 5. 6. 7. & Pag. 67. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the second Deuision.

T. C. Pag. 67. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the thirde Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 67. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 4. the fourth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 67. Sect. 5. 6. 7. 8.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 68. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 68. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the seuenth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 68. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 68. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 2 the ninth Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 65. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 68. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 10. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 65. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 69. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 69. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 69. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 13. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 65. Sect. 4. & Pag. 66. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 69. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 69. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 70. Lin. 9.This is contrar〈1 line〉 to that whiche was immediatly affirmed before.

  * Chap. 2. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 70. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 17. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 66. Lin. 5. & Sect. 1. 2. 3.

T. C. Pag. 70. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 70. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 19. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 70. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 20. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 70. Sect. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 20. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 70. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 21. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 71. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 22. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 66. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 71. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 23. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 71. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 24. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 71. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 25. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 71. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 2. the. 26. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 71. Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 2. the. 26. Diuision.

Auswere to the Admonition. Pag. 66. Sect. 5.

T. C. Page. 71. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 27. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 72. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 28. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 72. Sect 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 29. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition Page. 66. Sect. 6. 7. 8. &. Page. 67. Sect. 1. 2.

T. C. Pag. 72. Sect. 5. 6. 7.

  * Chap. 2. the. 30. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 72. lin. 2. &. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 31. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 73. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 32. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 73. Sect. 3.Ierom. to Euagri.

  * Chap. 2. the. 33. Diuision.Con. Nicen can. 14. and after Ruf. 20

T. C. Pag. 73. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 34. Diuision.Vntruthes, for neyther of them speaketh of Atchdeacons in those places alledged to this purpose.

T. C. Pag. 73. Sect. 5.Ierom. ad Euag. Aug. quaest. noui & vet. teit. q. 101.

  * Chap. 2. the. 35. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 67. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 73. Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 2. the. 36. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Pag 67. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 73. Sect. 7.

  * Chap. 2. the. 37. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 73. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 38. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 74. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 39. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 74. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 40. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 74. Sect. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 41. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 67. Sect. 4.

T. C. Page. 74. Sect. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 2. the. 42. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 65. Sect. 5.

T. C. Page. 74. Sect. 6. 7. 8.

  * Chap. 2. the. 43. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 68. Sect. 1. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The offices of Archbishops, &c, are not strange or vnheard of in Christes Church: and of superioritie among the Cleargie.

  * Chap. 3. the first Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Page. 68. Sect. 3. 4. & Pag. 69. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 75. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 69. Sect. 2. 3. &. Pag. 70. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 75. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 75 Sect▪ 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 75. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 75. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 75. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 3. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 76. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 76. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 9 Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 76. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag 76. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 77. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 77. Sect. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 77. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 77. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 3. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 78. Lin. 26.

  * Chap. 3. the. 15 Diuision.

T. C. Page. 78. Lin. 30. & Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 16. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 70. Sect. 1. 2. 3. &. Pag. 71. Sect. 1.

T C. Pag. 79. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 17. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 79. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 79. Sect. 4. 5. 6.

  * Chap. 3. the. 19. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 79. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 3. the. 20. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 80. Line. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 21. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 80. Line. 7.

  * Chap. 3. the. 22. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 80. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 23. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 80. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 24. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 80. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 25. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 81. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 26. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 81. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 27. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 81. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 28. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 81. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 29. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 81. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 30. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 81. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 31. Diuision.

T. C. Pag 81. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 32. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 82 Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 33. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 82. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 34. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 82. Sect. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 35. Diuision.

T. C Pag. 〈1 line〉2. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 3. the. 36. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 82. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 3. the. 37. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 83. Lin. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 38. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 83. Lin. 8.

  * Chap. 3. the 3. 9. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 71. Sect. 2. 3.

T. C. Page. 83. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 40. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 83. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 41. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 83. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the 42. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 71. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 84. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 43. Diuision.

Answere to the Admonition. Pag. 72. Lin. 4.

T. C. Page. 84. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 44. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 84. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 45. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 84. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 46. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 85. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 47. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 85. Sect. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 48. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 85. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 49. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 85. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 50. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 86. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 51. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 86. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 52. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 72. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page. 86. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 53. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 72. Sect. 2.

T. C. Page. 86. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 54. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 86. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 55. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 86. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 3. the. 56. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 87. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 57. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 72. Sect. 3.

T. C. Page. 87. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 58. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 72. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 87. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 59. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 72. Sect. 4.

T. C. Page. 87. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 60. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 72. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 87. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 61. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 87. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 62. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 88. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 63. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 73. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 88. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 64. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 73. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 88. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 65. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 73. Sect 2.

T. C. Pag. 88. Sect 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 66. Diuision.

T. C Pag. 89. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 67. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 73. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 89. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 68. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 89. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 69. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 73. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 89. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 70. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 74. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 89. Sect. vlt. & Pag. 90. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 71. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 90. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 72. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 74. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 90. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 73. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 75. Lin. 11. & Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 90. Sect. vlt.

_ ¶ The defense of the answere of Master Iewell, concerning Archbishops. &c. agaynst the vnreuerende Replie of T. C.

  * Chap. 4. the first Diuision.

T. C. Pag▪ 91. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 2. Diuision.

¶ The Iudgement of that Reuerende father Iohn late Bishop of Sarum, auouched by his ovvne hande.

T. C. Pag. 91. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 91. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 4. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 91. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 4. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 92. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 92. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 4. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 92. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 4. the. 8. Diuision.

T C. Pag. 92. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 4. the. 9. Diuision.

The second Reason.Secunda ratio▪

T. C. Pag. 92. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 4. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 92. Sect. 6.

  * Chap. 4. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 93. Line. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 93. Line 13.

  * Chap. 4. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 93, Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4 the. 14. Diuision.

The third Reason.

T. C. Pag 93. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 4. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 93. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 4. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 93. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 4. the. 17. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 93. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 4. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 94. Lin. 9. & Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 4. the. 19. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 94. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 4. the. 20. Diuision.

The fourth Reason.

T. C. Page. 94. Sect. 3.

_ The causes of Archbishops and of their prerogatiues, and the estate of the olde Bishops, (assigned by T. C.) examined.

  * Chap. 5. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 94. Sect 4.

  * Chap. 5. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 94. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 5. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 95. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 95. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 95. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 5. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 95. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 5. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 95. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 5. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 95. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 5. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 96. Lin. 7.

  * Chap. 5. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 96. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 96. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 96. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 96. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 96. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 96. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 5. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 97. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 17. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 97. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 97. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 19. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 97. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 5. the. 20. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 97. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 5. the. 21. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 97. Sect. 5. 6.

  * Chap. 5. the. 22. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 98. Lin. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 23. Diuision.

T. C Pag. 98. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 24. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 98. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 25. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 98. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 5. the. 26. Diuision.

T. C Pag. 98. Sect. 3.

_ Other things concerning the offices and authoritie of our Cleargie, of inequalitie of degrees amongst ministers, &c. dispersed in other places of the Answere.

  * Chap. 6. the. 1. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 75. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 98. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 6. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 76. Sect. 1. 2. 3. & Pag. 77. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 98. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 6. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 77. Sect. 1.

T. C Pag. 99. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 4. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 77. Sect 1.

T. C. Pag. 99. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 6. the. 5. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 99. Sect. 4. 5.

  * Chap. 6. the. 6. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 99. Sect. 6. 7.

  * Chap. 6. the. 7. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 124. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 100. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 8. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 123. tovvards the ende.

T. C. Pag. 100. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 6. the. 9. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 124. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 10. Diuision.


T. C. Pag 100. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 6. the. 11. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 208. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 100. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 6. the. 12. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 209. Sect. 1. 2. 3. & Pag. 210. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 13. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 100. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 6. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 101. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 101. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 16. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 211. Sect. 1. 2.

T. C. Page 101. Sect. 3. & Pag. 102. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 17. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 211. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 102. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 102. Sect. 1.

_ ¶ A briefe collection of suche authorities, as are vsed in this defense of the authoritie of Archbishops and Bishops.

  * Ca. 7.

_ A briefe comparison betvvixt the Bishops of our tyme, and the Bishops of the primitiue Churche.

  * Chap. 8
  1. Of the Communion Booke. Tract. 9.

    _ The generall faultes examined, vvhervvith the publike Seruice is charged by T. C.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 102. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 102. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 102. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 103. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 103 Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 103. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 103. Sect. 3.Euseb. lib. 3. cap. 17.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 103. Sect. 4. 5. 6.

  * Chap. 1. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 103. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 104. Lin. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 104. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 104. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 104. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 104. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 104. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 104. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 17. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 104. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 105. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 19. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 105. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 20. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 105. Sect. 3.

_ ¶ An examination of the particular faultes, eyther in matter or forme, wherwith the booke of common prayer is charged.

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 105. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 78. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 105. Sect. vlt. & Pag. 106. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 78. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 79. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 106. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 106. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 106. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C Pag. 106. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 107. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 107. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 11. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 107. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 107. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 107. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 107. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 108. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Page 108. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 17. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 108. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 108. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 19. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 108. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 20. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 109. Sect. I.

  * Chap. 2. the. 21. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 109. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 22. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 109. Sect. 3.

_ Of Baptisme by women, wherewith the Communion booke is falsely charged.

  * Chap. 3. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 109. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition Pag. 79. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 109. Sect. 5.

  * Chap. 3. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Pag. 80. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 110. Lin. 13. &. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 110. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 5. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 110. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 110. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 110. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 3. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 111. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 9. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition Pag. 80. Sect. 2. 3.

T. C. Pag. 111. Sect. 12.

  * Chap. 3. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 111. Sect. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 11. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Pag. 80. Sect. 4.

_ Of ministring the Sacramentes in priuate places.

  * Chap. 4. the first Diuision.


T. C. Page. 111. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 4. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 112. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvero to the Admonition Pag. 92. Sect. 3. 4.

T. C. Pag. 112. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 4. Diuision.


T. C. Page. 112. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 4. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 112. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 4. the. 6. diusion.

T. C. pag. 112. sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 4. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 113. Sect. 1.

_ ¶The Sacramentes ministred by other than Ministers.

  * Chap. 5. The fyrst Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 5. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 93. Sect. 2.

T. C. P ag. 113. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 5. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 113. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 5. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 113. Sect. vlt. & Pag. 114. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag 114. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 114. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 114. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 8. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 153. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 114. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 114. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 5. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 115. Lin. 6.1. Li. de merit. & remis. peccat. 24. cap. Contra E〈1 line〉 pist. Parmen. lib. 2. 13. cap.

  * Chap. 5. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 115. Lin. 12.

  * Chap. 5. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 115. Lin. 13.

  * Chap. 5. the. 13. Diuision.

The Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 115. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 5. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 115. Sect. 1.

_ ¶ Of priuate Communion, wherwith the Admonition chargeth the booke of Common prayer.

  * Chap. 6. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Page. 105. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 115. tovvardes the ende.

  * Chap. 6. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 116. Lin. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 116. Lin. 8.

  * Chap. 6. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 116. Lin. 12.

  * Chap. 6. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 81. Sect. 3.

T. C. Page. 116. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 116. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 8. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 117. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 117. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 117. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 117. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 6. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 118. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 118. Sect. 1.

_ Of the Churching of women.

  * Chap. 7. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 118. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 7. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 119. lin. 24.

  * Chap. 7. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 119. in the midst.

  * Chap. 7. the. 4. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 119. somevvhat past the midst.

  * Chap. 7. the. 5. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 119. lin. 38.

  1. Of holydayes Tract. 10.

    _ Ofholydayes in generall, that they may be appointed by the Churche, and of the vse of them.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 119. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 120. Lin. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 120. Lin. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 120. Lin. 18.

  * Chap. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 120. about the middest.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 173. in the latter ende.

T. C. Pag. 120. Sect. 1.

_ ¶ Of Sainctes dayes.

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 120. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 175. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 121. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 121. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 176. Sect. 3. 4. 5.

T. C Pag. 122. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag▪ 122. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 177. Sect. 1. & Pag. 178. Sect. 1. &c.

T. C. Pag. 122. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 7. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 177. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 122. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 8. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 82. Sect. 1. 2.

T. C. Pag. 123. Lin. 6.

  * Chap. 2. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 123. Lin. 10.

  * Chap. 2. the. 10. Diuision.



Pag. 179 Sect. 1.

  1. ¶ What kind of preaching is moste effectual. Tract. 11.

    _ The firste Diuision.

    • Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 82. Sect. vlt. & Pag. 83. & Pag. 84. Sect. 1.

  * T. C. Pag. 123. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The seconde Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 123. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The thirde Diuision.

  * Admonition.

Answere to the Admonition. Pag. 167. Sect. 2. 3.

  * T. C. Page. 124. Lin. 10.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The fourth Diuision.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 84. Sect. 3. 4. 5.

  * T. C. Pag. 124. Lin. 12.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 86. & 87. Sect. 1. 2.

  * T. C. Pag. 124. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Ansvver to the Admonition. Pag. 87. Sect. 2.

  * T. C. Pag. 124. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 88. Sect. 1.

  * T. C. Pag. 124. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

  1. Of preaching before the administration of the Sacramentes. Tract. 12.

    _ The first Diuision.

    • Admonition.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Pag. 89. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

  * T. C. Pag. 124. Sect. vlt.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The second Diuision.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition Pag. 90. Sect. 1.

  * T. C. Pag. 125. Lin. 5.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The third Diuision.

  * Ansvver to the Admonition Pag. 90. Sect▪〈1 line〉.

  * T. C. Pag. 125. Lin. 13.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 4. Diuision.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 90. Sect. 2. 3.

  * T. C. Pag. 125. Lin. 25.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 5. Diuision.Act. 2. Act. 8. 12. Vers. 38. Act. 9. Act. 10. Act. 16. Vers. 15. 33. Act. 20.

  * T. C. Page. 125. in the midst.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 6. Diuision.

  * T. C. Page 125. about the midst.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 7. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 125. somevvhat past the midst.

Io. Whitgifte.Tract. 6. cap. 1 & Tract. 9. cap. 1. diuis. 15

  1. ¶ Of Reading of the Scriptures. Tract. 13.

    _ A comparison betvvene reading of scriptures and preaching

    • Chap. 1. the first Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 125. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 126. Lin. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 90. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 126. Lin. 6.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 126. Lin. 14.

  * Chap. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 126. Lin. 20.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 126. in the middest.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 126. somevvhat past the midst.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 126. tovvards the ende, and Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 127. Lin. 3.

_ That Reading is Preaching.

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 127. Lin. 13.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 127. Lin. 18.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 127. about the middest.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 127. somevvhat past the middest.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 162. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 127. Tovvardes the ende.

  * Chap. 2. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 127. Sect. vlt.

_ ¶ The profite of Reading Scriptures in the Churche.

  * Chap. 3. the. 1. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 90. Sect. 5. 6. & Pag. 91. Sect. 2. 3.



Io. Whitgifte.

  1. ¶ Of Ministring and Preaching by Deacons. Tract. 14.

    _ The. 1. Diuision.

    • Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 93. Sect. 2.

    • T. C. Pag. 128. Lin. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The seconde diuision.

  * T. C. Page. 128. Lin. 19. & Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 3. diuision.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 118. Sect. 2.

  * T. C. Pag. 128. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 4. Diuision.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 118. Sect. 2.

  * T. C. Page. 128. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 5. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 129. Lin. 11.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 6. diuision.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 119. Lin. 2.

  * T. C. Page. 129. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 7. Diuision.

  * T. C. Page. 129. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 8. diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 129. Sect. vlt.

Io. Whitgifte.

  1. ¶ Of matters touching the Communion. Tract. 15.

    _ Of the orders and ceremonies vsed in the celebration of the Communion.

    • Cap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.




T. C. Pag. 130. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the seconde Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 130. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 130. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 130. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the fifth Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

Answere to the Admonition. Pag. 97. Sect. 2. & Pag. 98. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 130. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 131. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 131. Sect.

  * Chap. 1. the. 9. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition Pag. 99. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 131. Sect. 2.

  * Chp. 1. the. 10. Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 1. the. II. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition Pag. 99. Sect. vlt. &. Pag. 100. Sect. 1.Kneeling the meetest gesture.

T. C. Pag. 131. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 131. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 132. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 132. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 15. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 132. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 16. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition Pag. 180 Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 132. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 17. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 132. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 18. Diuision.



Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 1. the. 19. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 132. Sect. 3.

_ ¶ Of shutting men from the Communion, and compelling to communicate.

  * Chap. 2. the first Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 132. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 132. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 133. Lin. 16.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 133 Lin. 37.

_ ¶ Of playne and simple ministring and receyuing of the Communion.

  * Chap. 3.


T. C. Pag. 133. Sect. 1. 2.

  1. ¶ Of matters touching Baptisme. Tract. 16.

    _ Of Interrogatories ministred to infants.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 133. Sect. vlt. & Pag. 134. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 106. Sect. 1. & Pag. 107. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 134. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 134. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 134. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 135. Lin. 7.

_ ¶ Of Godfathers and their promise.

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.


Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 107. Sect. 2. and Pag. 193. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 135. Sect. 1.

_ Of Fontes, and crossing in Baptisme.

  * Chap. 3. the. 1. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 107. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 135. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 108. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 135. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 135. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 3. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 135 Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 3. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 136. somevvhat past the middest.

  * Chap. 3. the. 6. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 134. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 3. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 137. Lin. 3.

_ ¶ Of the parties that are to be Baptised.

  * Chap. 4. The first Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 139. Lin. 6.

  * Chap. 4. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 111. Sect. 3. & Pag. 112. Sect. 1.


T. C. Pag. 137. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. pag. 137. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 4. the 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 137. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 4. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 137. Sect. vlt.

  1. ¶ Of the Seigniorie or gouernment by Seniors. Tract. 17.

    _ VVhether there vvere such as the Admonition calleth Seniors, in euery Congregation.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 138.. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 138. In the midst.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 138. Somevvhat past the midest.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 138. Tovvardes the ende.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 139. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 114. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 139. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 139. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 139. Sect. 2.

_ ¶VVhether the gouernment by Seniors ought to be perpetuall.

  * Chap. 2. the first Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 139. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 139. Sect. vlt. & Pag. 140. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 140. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 140. in the midst.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 141. Lin. 11. & Sect. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the sixthe Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 141. Sect vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the seuenth Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 114. Sect. 2. &c.

TC. Pag. 142. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 142 Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 142. Sect. 3. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the tenth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 142. the laste lyne. &c.

  * Chap. 2. the eleuenth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 143. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 143. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 143. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 14. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 143. Sect. 4. &. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 15. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 144. Lin. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 144. Lin. 15.

  * Chap. 2. the. 17. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 144. Lin. 26. &. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 18. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 133. Lin. 1.

T. C. Pag. 144. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 19. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 133. Lin. 9.

T. C. Page. 145. Lin. 11.

  * Chap. 2. the. 20. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 133. in the midst.

T. C. Pag. 145. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 21. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 145. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 22. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 114. Sect. 2. &. Pag. 132. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 145. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 23. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 145. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 24. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 145. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the. 25. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 145. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 26. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 145. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 27. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 146. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 28. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 146. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 29. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 146. Sect. 1.

_ ¶ The inconuenience of the Seigniorie in the tyme of Christian Princes, especially in the state of this Church. Chap. 3.

_ ¶ That there is no one certaine kinde of Gouernment in the Church which must of necessitie be perpetually obserued. Chap. 4.
  1. ¶ Of certayne matters concerning discipline in the Churche. Tract. 18.

    _ Of Excommunication, and in vvhom the execution thereof doth consist.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 146. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 146. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 146. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 146. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 146. Sect. vlt. &c.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 147. Lin. 15.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 113. Lin. 10.

T. C. pag. 147. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 147. tovvardes the end.

  * Chap. 1. the. 11. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 113. Lin. 4.

T. C. Pag. 148. Lin. 32.

  * Chap. 1. the. 12. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 148. in the ende of the. 1 Sect.

  * Chap. 1. the. 13. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 113. Lin. 5.Theodorus alone excommunicated.

T. C. Pag. 148. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 14. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 113. Lin. 9.Ambrose excōmunicated.

T. C. Pag. 148. in the ende.

  * Chap. 1. the. 15. Diuision.

Admonition.Act. 11. 30. Act. 15. 2. 4▪ 6. &c.

T. C. Pag. 149. Lin. 21.

  * Chap. 1. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 149. past the middst.

  * Chap. 1. the. 17. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 149. tovvardes the ende.

  * Chap. 1. the. 18. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 149. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 19. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 150. Lin. 7.

_ Of Byshops Courts, and their officers.

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 150. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 150. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the thirde Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 150. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 2. the fourth Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 150. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 151. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 6. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 151. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 8. Diuision.


  * Chap. 2. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 151. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 151. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 10. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 152. Sect. 1.

  1. Of Deacons and Wydowes. Tract. 19.

    _ Of the office of Deacons.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 152. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 152. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 152. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 152. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 1. the. 5. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 152. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.


T. C. pag. 153. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 153. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.



Io. Whitgifte.

_ ¶ Of the offices of Widowes and their continuance.

  * Chap. 2.

T. C. Pag. 153. Sect. 2.

  1. ¶ Of the Authoritie of the ciuill Magistrate in Ecclesiasticall mattets. Tract. 20.

    _ The. 1. Diuision.

    • Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 126. Sect. vlt.

  * T. C. Pag. 153. Lin. vlt. &c.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 2. Diuision.

  * T. C. Page 154, Sect 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 3. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 154. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 4. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 154. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 5. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 154.. Sect. vlt.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 6. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 155. Lin. 5.

Io. Whitgifte.The papistes confese that the prince may punish priest, 5, Harding.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 138. Sect. 1.

  * T. C. Pag. 155. Sect. 1. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 138. Sect. 1.

  * T. C. Pag. 155. Sect. 3. & Pag. 156. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 139. Sect. 1.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 139. Sect 3.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 140.

  * T. C. Pag. 156. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 146. 147. 148.

  * T. C. Pag. 156. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C. Pag. 156. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C. Pag. 156. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C. Pag. 156. tovvards the ende.

Io. Whitgifte.

  1. ¶Of subscribing to the Communion Booke. Tract. 21.

    _ Certayne generall faults, wherewith the booke is charged by the Admonitors.

    • Chap. 1. the first Diuision.

The first article.


T. C. Pag. 157. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 149. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 157. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 149. Sect. vlt. &. 150. Sect. 1. 2.

T. C. Pag. 157. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.




Io. Whitgifte.

_ ¶ Of reading of Homilies and the Apocrypha in the Churche.

  * Chap. 2. the. 1. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 157. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 171. Sect. 3. 4.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 172. Sect. 1. 2. 3.

T. C. Pag. 157. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 157. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 158. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 172. Sect. 3.

T. C. Pag. 158. Tovvardes the ende.

  * Chap. 2. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 159. Lin. 4.

  * Chap. 2. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 159. Sect. 1.

_ ¶Of the name (Priest) giuen to the ministers of the gospell.

  * Chap. 3. The fyrst Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 159. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 2. Diuision.

Answere to the Admonition. Pag. 183. Sect. 3. & Pag. 184. Sect. 1. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ Matters concerning the solemnization of Mariage.

  * Chap. 4. The first Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 159. Sect. vlt.

_ Of Burialls and matters therevnto apperteyning.

  * Chap. 6. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 160. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 6. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 161. Lin. 5.

  * Chap. 6. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition Pag. 198. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 161. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 4. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition. Page. 199. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 161. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 5. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 200. Sect. 1. 2.

T. C. Pag. 162. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 6. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 162. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 162. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 8. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 162. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 162. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 6. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 162. tovvards the ende.

  * Chap. 6. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 163. Lin. 5.

  * Chap. 6. the. 12. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag 201. Sect. 1.

T. C. Page 163. Lin. 10.

_ ¶ Other particular matters for the which they refuse to subscribe to the booke.

  * Chap. 7. The. 1. Diuision.




Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 7. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C Pag. 163. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 7. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 205. Sect. 3. 4.

T. C. Pag. 163. past the midst.

  1. Of Cathedrall Churches. &c. Tract. 22. Admonition.As for Organs and curi〈1 line〉ns singing, though they be proper to popish dennes, I meane
    • Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 206. Sect. 1.

  * T. C. Page. 163. tovvardes the ende. & Pag 164. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 2. Diuision.

  * Admonition.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 224. Sect. vlt. &. pag. 225. Sect. 1.

  * T. C. Pag. 164. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 3. Diuision.

  * Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 225. Sect. 2. 3.

  * T. C. Pag. 164. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 4. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 164. Sect. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 5. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 164. In the ende.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ The. 6. Diuision.

  * T. C. Pag. 165. Sect. 1. 2.

Io. Whitgifte.

  1. ¶ Of ciuill Officies in Ecclesiasticall persons. Tract. 23.

    _ A triall of the places alleaged by the Admonition, agaynst such ciuill offices as are exercised by Ecclesiasticall persons in this realme.

    • Chap. 1. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 165. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 1. the. 2. Diuision.


T. C. Pag. 165. Sect. 4.

  * Chap. 1. the. 3. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 215. Sect. 1..

T. C. Pag. 155. Sect. 4. & vlt.

  * Chap. 1. the. 4. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 215. Sect. 2.

T. C. Page. 166. Lin. 9.

  * Chap. 1. the. 5. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 216. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Chap. 1. the. 6. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 216. Sect. 2. 3.

T. C. Pag. 166. in the midst.

  * Chap. 1. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 166. tovvards the ende.

  * Chap. 1. the. 8. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 230. Sect. 1. 3.

T. C. Page. 166. in the ende.

  * Chap. 1. the. 9. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 230. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 167. Lin. 5.

  * Chap. 1. the. 10. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 230. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 167. Lin. 12.

  * Chap. 1. the. 11. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 230. Sect. 5. 6. & Pag. 231. Sect. 1.

_ ¶ The reasons which T. C. vseth agaynst ciuill offices in ecclesiasticall persons, examined.

  * Chap. 2. the first Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 167. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 2. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 167. in the midst.

  * Chap. 2. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 167. somvvhat tovvards the ende.

  * Chap. 2. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 168. Lin. 2.

  * Chap. 2. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 168. in the midst▪

  * Chap. 2. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 168. somevvhat past the midst

  * Chap. 2. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 168. somevvhat tovvards the ende.

  * Chap. seconde the. 8. diuision.

T. C. Pag. 168. Sect. vlt.

_ ¶ The reasons vsed in the Answere iustified.

  * Chap. 3. the. 1. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 169. Lin. 4. & Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 2. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 169. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 3. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 169. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 4. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 169. Sect. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 5. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 169. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 3. the. 6. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 170. Lin. 6.

  * Chap. 3. the. 7. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 170. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 8. Diuision.

Ansvvere to the Admonition. Pag. 217. Sect 1. 2.

T. C. Pag. 170. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 9. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 170. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 10. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 170. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 11. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 170. Sect. 2. 3.

  * Chap. 3. the. 12. Diuision.

Ansvver to the Admonition Page. 218. Sect. 1.

T. C. Pag. 170. Sect. vlt.

  * Chap. 3. the. 13. Diuision.

T. C. Page. 171. Sect. 1.

  * Chap. 3. the. 14. Diuision.

Bishop of Sarum.

T. C. Pag. 171. Sect. 1. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 15. Diuision.The Bishop of Sarū in the defense of the Apol. in the. 5. parte. 4. chap. 2. sect.

T. C. Pag. 171. Sect. 2.

  * Chap. 3. the. 16. Diuision.

T. C. Pag. 171. Sect. 3.


T. C. Pag. 171. Sect. 4.

T. C. Pag. 171. Sect. vlt.


T. C. Pag. 171. Lin. vlt.


T. C. Pag. 172. Sect. 1.


T. C. Pag. 172. Sect. 2.

T. C. Pag. 172. Sect. 3.

T. C. Page. 172. Sect. vlt.

_ Of the additions, detractions, and alterations made by the admonitors in both the partes of the Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 173. Sect. 1.Beside that often thne〈1 line〉 M. Doctor doth account the expositions and ex T. C. Pag. 173. Sect. 1.

Ansvvere to the Additions, detractions. &c. of the fyrst parte of the Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 173. tovvards the ende of the first Section.

Additions, detractions, and alterations in the first part of the Admonition.

Ansvvere to the additions. &c. of the seconde parte of the admonition.

T. C. Pag. 173. Sect. 2.

Ansvvere to the Detractions. &c.

T. C. Pag. 173. Sect. vlt.

Ansvvere to the Detractions, &c.

T. C. Pag. 174. Sect. 1.

Ansvvere to the Additions. &c.

T. C. Pag. 174. Sect. 2.

Ansvvere to the Additions. &c. Fol. 6.

T. C. Page. 174. Sect. 3.

Ansvvere to the Additions. &c. Fol. 7.

T. C. Page. 174. Sect. vlt.

Ansvvere to the Additions. &c.

T. C. Pag. 175. Sect. 1.

Ansvvere to the Additions. &c.

T. C. Pag. 175. Sect. 2.

Ansvvere to the Additions. &c.

_ ¶ Articles collected out of the former Admonition, and vntruly sayd (of the fautors of that Admonition) to be falsified.

  * T. C. Pag. 175. Sect. 3. 4. 5.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Ansvvere to certayne Articles. &c.

  * T. C. Pag. 175. Sect. 6.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Ansvvere to certayne Articles. &c.

  * T. C. Pag. 175. Sect. 6.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * Out of the second treatise called A view of Popishe abuses remayning.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ ¶ A viewe of the seconde Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 175. Sect. vlt.In the viewe of the second admonition M. Doctor doth as it seemeth of purp T. C. Pag. 175. Sect. vlt.

  * A briefe viewe of the seconde Admonition.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * ¶ A viewe of the seconde Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 176. Sect. 1. 2.

  * A vievve of the seconde Admonition.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * The vievve of the seconde Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 176. Sect. 2.

  * A vievve of the seconde Admonition.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * A vievve of the seconde Admonition.

T. C. Pag. 176. Sect. 3.

  * A vievve of the second Admonition.

Io. Whitgifte.

_ A briefe ansvvere to certaine Pamphlets spread abroad of late.

  * T C. Pag. 177. Sect. 1.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * An ansvvere to certaine Pamphlets.

T. C. Pag. 177. Sect. 1. 2.

  * The ansvvere to certaine Pamphlets. &c.

T. C. Page. 177. Sect. 3.

  * An ansvvere to certaine Pamphlets.

T. C. Pag. 177. Sect. vlt.

T. C. Pag. 178. Lin. 2. THus haue I, (according to that talent that God hath committed vnto me) endeuoured my selfe to defen _ ¶ An examination of the places cited in the end of the Replie touching matters in controuersie.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

1 That there ought nowe to be the same regiment of the Churche, which was in the Apostles time.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

2 That one minister ought not to haue any dominion ouer an other

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

3 That the election of Ministers, perteyneth not to one man.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

4 That there ought newe to be Elders to gouerne the Church wyth the Pastors, and Deacons, to prouide for the poore.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

5 That excommunication pertayneth not to any one man in the Churche.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

6 That Chauncellours, Commissaries, Officials. &c. vsurpe authoritie in the Church which belongeth not to them.

Io. Whitgifie.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

7 That the Ministers of the worde ought not to exercise any 〈1 line〉ill offices and iurisdiction.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitegifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

8 That the Sacraments ought not to be priuately administred, nor by women.

I〈1 line〉. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

• The iudgement of those late writers touching ceremonies and apparell, whose secrete Epistles M. Doctor alledgeth, appeareth by these places following, cited out of their works printed, and published by themselues. Wherof also some are alledged by the answerer to the examiner, where are diuers other places to this purpose, wherevnto I referre the Reader.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

  * T. C.

Io. Whitgifte.

#####Back##### ¶ Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman, for Humfrey Toy, dvvelling in Paules Churchyard at the sign Types of content

  • There are 2 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 3535 ommitted fragments! @reason (3535) : illegible (3277), foreign (251), illegible: missing (2), duplicate (4), illegible: indecipherable (1) • @resp (3248) : #APEX (3248) • @extent (3284) : 1 line (2533), 1 word (633), 2 words (68), 1 letter (22), 4 words (4), 1 page (4), 3 words (11), 1 span (3), 6 words (1), 3 letters (1), 2 letters (1), 5 words (3)

Character listing

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(2), tcp:22864:56 (2), tcp:22864:57 (2), tcp:22864:58 (2), tcp:22864:59 (2), tcp:22864:60 (2), tcp:22864:61 (2), tcp:22864:62 (2), tcp:22864:63 (2), tcp:22864:64 (2), tcp:22864:65 (2), tcp:22864:66 (2), tcp:22864:67 (2), tcp:22864:68 (2), tcp:22864:69 (2), tcp:22864:70 (2), tcp:22864:71 (2), tcp:22864:72 (2), tcp:22864:73 (2), tcp:22864:74 (2), tcp:22864:75 (2), tcp:22864:76 (2), tcp:22864:77 (2), tcp:22864:78 (2), tcp:22864:79 (2), tcp:22864:80 (2), tcp:22864:81 (2), tcp:22864:82 (2), tcp:22864:83 (2), tcp:22864:84 (2), tcp:22864:85 (2), tcp:22864:86 (2), tcp:22864:87 (2), tcp:22864:88 (2), tcp:22864:89 (2), tcp:22864:90 (2), tcp:22864:91 (2), tcp:22864:92 (2), tcp:22864:93 (2), tcp:22864:94 (2), tcp:22864:95 (2), tcp:22864:96 (2), tcp:22864:97 (2), tcp:22864:98 (2), tcp:22864:99 (2), tcp:22864:100 (2), tcp:22864:101 (2), tcp:22864:102 (2), tcp:22864:103 (2), tcp:22864:104 (2), tcp:22864:105 (2), tcp:22864:106 (2), tcp:22864:107 (2), tcp:22864:108 (2), tcp:22864:109 (2), tcp:22864:110 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21. q 3
22. seg 12 @rend (12) : decorInit (12)
23. trailer 2


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