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#The historie of Great Britannie declaring the successe of times and affaires in that iland, from the Romans first entrance, vntill the raigne of Egbert, the West-Saxon prince; who reduced the severall principalities of the Saxons and English, into a monarchie, and changed the name of Britannie into England.#

##Clapham, John, b. 1566.## The historie of Great Britannie declaring the successe of times and affaires in that iland, from the Romans first entrance, vntill the raigne of Egbert, the West-Saxon prince; who reduced the severall principalities of the Saxons and English, into a monarchie, and changed the name of Britannie into England. Clapham, John, b. 1566.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2003-09 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2003-09 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2003-10 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
  4. 2003-10 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2003-12 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### The Race and Succession of the Roman Emperors from Iulius Caesar to Domitius Nero.Sextus Caesar.1 Iu

  1. ❧Lieutenants in Britannie vnder the first five Emperors of Rome.

  2. ❧The Princes, and men of speciall note among the Britans. THese two Parts of the Historie, may seeme not improperly to beare the name of Great Britannie, in t

  3. The first Part is divided into three Bookes.

    _ The first Booke.

    _ The second Booke.

    _ The third Booke.

  4. The second Part is divided into two Bookes.

    _ The first Booke.

    _ The second Booke.


  1. THE FIRST PART OF the Historie of Great Britannie.

    _ The first Booke. C. IVL. CAESAR DICT. PERP.portrait of Julius Caesar

    • The first CHAPTER.

    • CHAP. II.

    • CHAP. III.

    • CHAP. IIII.

    • CHAP. V.

    • CHAP. VI.

    • CHAP. VII.

    • CHAP. VIII.

    • CHAP. IX.

    • CHAP. X.

    • CHAP. XI.

    • CHAP. XII.

    • CHAP. XIII.

    • CHAP. XIIII.

    • CHAP. XV.

    • CHAP. XVI.

    • CHAP. XVII. The succession of the Roman Emperours from Nero, vnto Domitian.6 Nero Emperour

  2. yeares.7 Galba Em

  3. Lievtenants in Britannie from the beginning of Neroes raigne, vntill the end of Domitians.


    _ The second Booke.

    • The first CHAPTER.

    • CHAP. II.

    • CHAP. III.

    • CHAP. IIII.

    • CHAP. V.

    • CHAP. VI.

    • CHAP. VII.

    • CHAP. VIII.

    • CHAP. IX.

    • CHAP. X.

    • CHAH. XI.

    • CHAP. XII.

    • CHAP. XIII.

    • CHAP. XIIII.

    • CHAP. XV.

    • CHAP. XVI.

    • CHAP. XVII.

    • CHAP. XVIII.

  5. The succession of the Roman Emperors, from Nerva Cocceius vnto Honorius, in whose time the Romans gave over the government of Britannie.

  6. ❧Lievtenants in Britannie from Nerva Cocceius his entrance into the Government of the Empire, vntill the raigne of Honorius the Emperour.

  7. Archbishops of London from the time of Lucius, vntill the comming in of the Saxons.


    _ The third Booke.

    • CHAP. I.

    • CHAP. II.

    • CHAP. III.

    • CHAP. IIII.

    • CHAP. V.

    • CHAP. VI.

    • CHAP. VII.

    • CHAP. VIII.

    • CHAP. IX.

    • CHAP. X.

    • CHAP. XI.

    • CHAP. XII.

    • CHAP. XIII.

    • CHAP. XIIII.

    • CHAP. XV.

    • CHAP. XVI.

    • CHAP. XVII.

    • CHAP. XVIII.

    • CHAP. XIX.

    • CHAP. XX.

  9. ❧The Table of the Contents of the Chapters in the First Part of the Historie of Great Britannie.

    _ The first Booke.

    _ The second Booke.

    _ The third Booke. The Princes that ruled in Britannie, after the Romans had given over the governement there, vntill t

  10. Bishops, and other persons of note, for Learning and Pietie, either among the Britans themselves, or sent vnto them from forreine parts, after the Romans had given over the protection of them, vntill the comming in of Austen the Monke.

  11. THE SECOND PART of the Historie of Great Britannie.

    _ The first Booke. VORTIGER. VLT: PRINC: BRIT:portrait of Vortigern

    • The first CHAPTER.

    • CHAP. II.

    • CHAP. III.

    • CHAP. IIII.

    • CHAP. V.

    • CHAP. VI.

    • CHAP. VII.

    • CHAP. VIII.

    • CHAP. IX.

  12. ❧The suceession of the Kentish-Saxon Princes.

  13. ❧The Archbishops and Bishops in the Principalitie of the Kentish-Saxons; the times of their succession and continuance in their Seas, from the conversion of the English Nation to Christianity, vntill the ra•gne of Egbert, the West-Saxon Prince, who first obtained the Monarchy.

  14. THE SECOND PART:Kentish-Saxons.

    _ The second Booke. HENGIST: I: PRINC: SAX:portrait of Hengist

    • CHAP. I.

    • CHAP. II.

    • CHAP. III.

    • CHAP. IIII.

    • CHAP. V.

    • CHAP. VI.

    • CHAP. VII.

    • CHAP. VIII.

❧The succession of the South-Saxon Princes.

❧The succession of Bishops in the Principalitie of the South-Saxons.

  * The first CHAPTER.South-Saxons.

  * CHAP. II.

The succession of the Mercian Princes.

❧The succession of Bishops in the Principalitie of the Mercians, till the raigne of Egbert the first English Monarch.

  * CHAP. I.The Mercians.

  * CHAP. II.

  * CHAP. III.

  * CHAP. IIII.The Mercians.

❧The succession of the East-Saxon Princes.

❧The succession of the Bishops of London in the Province of the East-Saxons.

  * The first CHAPTER.East-Saxons.

  * CHAP. II.

The succession of the Princes of the East-Angles.

❧The succession of Bishops in the Principalitie of the East-Angles.

  * CHAP. I.East-Angles.

  * CHAP. II.

❧The succession of the Princes of the Northumbers.

❧The succession of Bishops in the Principalitie of the Northumbers.

  * CHAP. I.The Northumbers.

  * CHAP. II.

The succession of the West-Saxon Princes.

❧The succession of Bishops in the Principalitie of the West-Saxons.

  * CHAP. I.West-Saxons.

  * CHAP. II.


  1. ❧The Table of the Contents of the Chapters in the Second Part of the Historie of Great Britannie.

    _ The first Booke.

    _ The second Booke.

  2. ❧The succession of the Kings of England from Egbert the first English Monarch, vntill the Norman Conquest.

  3. ❧The succession of the Princes of Denmarke in the Kingdome of England.

  4. The beginning of the reigne of Egbert the first English Monarch.

  5. Certaine short Notes touching the Roman state militare, for the better vnderstanding of the first Part of this Historie: namely, for the helpe of such as are ignorant in the ancient Roman Stories,

  6. The names of certain Writers of the Roman, and English Storie, out of whose workes, the matter of the precedent Historie hath beene) for the most part) collected.

    _ Writers of the Roman Storie.

    _ Writers of the English Storie. Faults escaped in the Printing.Page 9. line 5. recovered Caesars Tent, wherereadehee came to Casars Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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