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#The first book of Amadis of Gaule Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance). Book 1. English.# The first book of Amadis of Gaule Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance). Book 1. English.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2003-01 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2003-02 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2003-03 Emma (Leeson) Huber Sampled and proofread
  4. 2003-03 Emma (Leeson) Huber Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2003-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. Mellin de Sainct Gelays au Seigneur des Essars. N. de Herberay traducteur du present liure d'Amadis de Gaule.

  2. Antoine Macault Secretaire & vallet de chambre du Roy, Aux Lecteurs.


  1. CHAP. 1. Of whence the Kinges Garinter and Perion were, and the Combate betweene Perion and two Knightes, as also how he fought with a Lyon that deuoured a Hart in their presence: with the successe following theron.

  2. CHAP. II. ¶How the Princesse Elisena and her Damosell Darioletta, went to the Chamber where King Perion was lodged.

  3. CHAP III. ¶How King Perion parting from little Brittaine, trauayled on his iourney, hauing his hart filled with greefe and melanchollie.

  4. CHAP. IIII. ¶ How King Languines caried away with him the Gentleman of the Sea, and Gandalin the Sonne of Gandales.

  5. CHAP V. ¶ How King Lisuart sayling by Sea, landed in Scotland, where he was greatly honoured, and well entertained.

  6. CHAP VI. ¶ How Vrganda the vnknowne, brought a Launce to the Gentleman of the Sea.

  7. CHAP. VII. ¶ How the Gentleman of the Sea, combated with the guarders of Galpans Castell, and afterward with his Bretheren, and in the end with Galpan him selfe.

  8. CHAP VIII. ¶ How the third daye after the Gentleman of the Sea departed from King Languines, the three Knightes, came to the Courte, bringing with them the wounded Knight in a Litter, and his disloyall wife.

  9. CHAP. IX. ¶ How King Lisuart sent for his Daughter the Princesse Oriana, for that long before he had left her in the Courte of King Languines: who sent her accompanied with the Princesse Mabila his only Daughter, as also a noble traine of Knightes, Ladies and Gentlewomen.

  10. CHAP. X. ¶ How the Gentleman of the Sea fought the Combate with King Abies, on difference of the warre he made in Gaule.

  11. CHAP. XI. ¶ How the Gentleman of the Sea was knowne by King Perion his Father, and by the Queene Elisena his Mother.

  12. CHAP. XII. ¶ How the Giant bringing Galaor to King Lisuart, that he might dub him Knight: met with his brother Amadis, by whose hand he would be Knighted, and no other.

  13. CHAP. XIII. ¶ How Galaor vanquished the Giant at the Rock of Galteres.

  14. CHAP. XIIII. ¶ How after Amadis departed from Vrganda the vnknowen he arriued at a Castell, where it chaunced to him as you shall reade in this discourse.

  15. CHAP. XV. ¶ How King Lisuart caused a Sepulchre to be made for Dardan and his friend, with an Epitaph in remembrance of their death: and the honor he did to Amadis, after he was found and knowen.

  16. CHAP. XVI. ¶ How Amadis made himselfe knowen to King Lisuart, as also the Princes and Lords of his Court, of whome he was honorably receiued and feasted.

  17. CHAP. XVII. ¶ What were the aduentures of the Prince Agraies, since his returne from Gaule, where he left Am••••.

  18. CHAP. XVIII. ¶How Amadis tarying with his good will in the Court of King Lisuart, heard tidinges of his brother Galaor.

  19. CHAP. XIX. ¶How Amadis combatted against Angriote & his brother, who guarded the passage of the valley, against such as would not confesse, that their Ladies were inferiour in beauty to Angriotes choise.

  20. CHAP. XX. ¶ How Amadis, was enchaunted by Arcalaus, when he would haue deliuered the Lady Grindaloya and other from prison: and how afterward he escaped the enchauntments by the ayde of Vrganda.

  21. CHAP. XXI. ¶ How Arcalaus brought newes to the Courte of King Lisuart, that Amadis was dead, which caused his freendes to make manifolde lamentations and regrets, especiallye the Princesse Oriana.

  22. CHAP. XXII. ¶ How Galaor came very sore wounded to a Monasterie, where he soiourned fiue dayes attending his health, and at his departure thence, what happened to him shall be declared in this Chapter.

  23. CHAP. XXIII. ¶ How Amadis departed from the Ladies Castell, and of the matters which were occurent to him by the way.

  24. CHAP. XXIIII. ¶ How King Lisuart being in the chace, saw a farre off three Knightes armed comming toward him, & what followed ther-upon.

  25. CHAP. XXV. ¶How Amadis, Galaor, and Balays determined to trauaile to King Lisuart, and what aduentures happened by the way betweene them.

  26. CHAP. XXVI. ¶How Galaor reuenged the death of the Knight, whome he found slaine on the bed vnder the tree.

  27. CHAP. XXVII. ¶ How Amadis pursuing the Knight that misused the Damosell, met another Knight with whome he combated, and what happened to him afterward.

  28. CHAP. XXVIII. ¶ How Amadis combatted with the Knight, that did steale the Damosell from him when he slept, and vanquished him.

  29. CHAP. XXIX. ¶ How Balays behaued him selfe in his enterprise, pursuing the Knight that made Galaor loose his horsse.

  30. CHAP. XXX. ¶ How King Lisuart held open Court most royally, and of that which happened in the meane time.

  31. CHAP. XXXI. ¶ How Amadis, Galaor, and Balays arriued at the Courte of King Lisuart, and what happened to them afterward.

  32. CHAP. XXXII. ¶ How King Lisuart departed from Windesore to the good Cittie of London, there to hold open and royall Court.

  33. CHAP. XXXIII. ¶How King Lisuart would haue the aduise of his Princes and Lords, as concerning his former determination, for the high exalting and entertaining of Chiualrie.

  34. CHAP. XXXIIII. ¶ How while this great and ioyful assembly endured, a Damosell came to the Courte clothed in mourning, requesting aide of King Lisuart, in a cause whereby she had bine wronged.

  35. CHAP. XXXV. ¶ How King Lisuart was in daunger of his person and his state, by the vnlawfull promises he made too rash and vnaduisedly.

  36. CHAP. XXXVI. ¶ How Amadis and Galaor vnderstood, that King Lisuart and his daughter were caryed away prisoners, wherfore they made haste to giue them succour.

  37. CHAP. XXXVII. ¶ How Galaor rescued King Lisuart from the ten Knightes that led him to prison.

  38. CHAP. XXXVIII. ¶ How newes came to the Queene that the King was taken: And how Barsinan laboured to vsurpe the Citty of Landon.

  39. CHAP. XXXIX. ¶ How Amadis came to the succour of the Cittie of London, when it was in this distresse.

  40. CHAP. XL. ¶ How King Lisuart helde open Courte in the Cittie of London many dayes, in which time, sundry great personages were there feasted, the greater parte wherof remained there long time afterward.

  41. CHAP. XLI. ¶ How Amadis determined to goe combate with Abiseos and his two Sonnes, to reuenge the Kings death, who was Father to the fayre Briolania, and of that which followed.

  42. CHAP. XLII. ¶ How Galaor went with the Damosell after the Knight that dismounted him and his companyons in the Forrest, whom when he found, they combatted together, and afterward in the sharpest pointe of their combate, they knew eche other.

  43. CHAP. XLIII. ¶ How Don Florestan was begotten by King Perion, on the faire Daughter to the Countie of Zealand.

  44. CHAP. XLIIII. ¶How Galaor and, Florestan riding toward the Realme of Sobradisa, met with three Damoselles at the Fountayne of Oliues.


  1. To the Gentlemen Readers.

  2. A Table for the readie finding of the Chapters contayned in this Booke, directing by the number to euerie seuerall leafe.

Types of content

  • There are 24 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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