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278 lines (180 loc) · 12.2 KB

#Certaine statutes especially selected, and commanded by his Maiestie to be carefully put in execution by all iustices, and other officers of the peace throughout the realme with his Maiesties proclamation for further direction for executing the same. Also certaine orders thought meete by his Maiestie and his Priuie Counsell, to bee put in execution, together with sundry good rules, preseruatiues, and medicines against the infection of the plague, set downe by the Colledge of the Physicians vpon his Maiesties speciall command: as also a decree of the Starre-Chamber, concerning buildings and in-mates. Laws, etc.#

##England and Wales.## Certaine statutes especially selected, and commanded by his Maiestie to be carefully put in execution by all iustices, and other officers of the peace throughout the realme with his Maiesties proclamation for further direction for executing the same. Also certaine orders thought meete by his Maiestie and his Priuie Counsell, to bee put in execution, together with sundry good rules, preseruatiues, and medicines against the infection of the plague, set downe by the Colledge of the Physicians vpon his Maiesties speciall command: as also a decree of the Starre-Chamber, concerning buildings and in-mates. Laws, etc. England and Wales.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2006-03 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2006-09 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2008-06 Taryn Hakala Sampled and proofread
  4. 2008-06 Taryn Hakala Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-09 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### royal blazon or coat of armsHONI ❀ SOIT ❀ QVI ❀ MAL ❀ Y ❀ PENSEDIEV· ET· MON· DROIT.

  1. ❧To the Iuſtices of Peace.

  2. ¶The Contents of this BOOKE.


  1. ❧By the KING. ¶A Proclamation for quickning the Lawes made for the reliefe of the Poore, and the ſuppreſſing, puniſhing, and ſetling of the ſturdie Rogues and Vagabonds.

  2. Anno xliij. Reginae Elizabethae.

  3. Anno xliij. Reginae Elizabethae.

  4. Anno xxxix. Reginae Elizabethae.

    _ ❧ Certaine branches of the Statute made in the firſt yere of the Reigne of King IAMES, concerning Rogues, Vagabonds, and ſturdie Beggars.

  5. Anno primo Iacobi Regis.

  6. ¶ Orders thought meete by his Maieſtie and his Priuie Counſell, to be executed throughout the Counties of this Realme, in ſuch Townes, Villages, and other places as are, or may be hereafter Infected with the Plague, for the ſtay of further increaſe of the ſame.

  7. Infection of the Plague.

  8. An aduice ſet downe by the Colledge of Phyſitians, by His MAIESTIES ſpeciall Command: Containing certaine neceſſary Directions, as well for the cure of the Plague, as for preuenting the infection: with many eaſie Medicines and of ſmall charge, the vſe whereof may be very profitable to His MAIESTIES Subiects.

    _ That none come from forraine Infected places, or bring goods from thence.

    _ That all eſtabliſhed good Orders be reuiued.

    _ To be Cautulous vpon any ſuſpition.

    _ The care to be taken when a houſe is Viſited.

    _ Caution concerning flying into the Countrey.

    _ Buriall of the Dead.

    _ Caution about apparell and houſhold ſtuffe.

    _ No viſited perſon to be ſecretly remoued without Licence.

    _ Doctors, Apothecaries, and Chirurgions.

    _ Publique Prayers.

    _ Preſeruatiues. By Correction of the Ayre.

    _ By perfuming of Apparell.

    _ By carrying about of Perfumes.

    _ Or this.

    _ Or they may vſe this Pomander.

    _ The richer ſort may make vſe of this Pomander.

    _ By inward Medicines.

    _ After Infection.

    _ Cordials. Mithridates Medicine of Figgs.

    _ Or this will be more effectuall.

    _ For women with child, Children, and ſuch as cannot take bitter things vſe this.

    _ Medicines Purgatiue.

    _ ¶ Blood-letting.

    _ Medicines Expulſiue.

    _ Medicines Internall.

    _ As thus.

    _ Another.

    _ Another.

    _ In Summer this is good.

    _ Medicines Externall.

    _ To breake the Tumor.

    _ Or this.

    _ To draw.

    _ For the Carbuncle.

    _ Or this.

    _ Another.

    _ Another.

    _ A generall Medicine for all ſorts of people taken with the Pl•gue, to bee •ad without Coſt.

  9. ¶ Orders conceiued and agreed to be publiſhed by the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the Citie of London, and the Iuſtices of Peace of the Counties of Middleſex and Surrey, by direction from the Lords of His Maieſties moſt Honourable Priuy Councell.

    _ Examiners to be appointed in euery Pariſh.

    _ The Examiners Office.

    _ Watchmen.

    _ Chirurgions.

  10. Orders concerning Infected houſes and perſons ſicke of the Plague.

    _ Notice to be giuen of the Sickeneſſe.

    _ Sequeſtration of the ſicke.

    _ Ayring of the ſtuffe.

    _ Shutting vp of the houſe.

    _ None to be remooued out of infected houſes, but &c.

    _ Buriall of the dead.

    _ No infected ſtuffe to be vttered.

    _ No perſon to be conueyed out of any Infected houſe.

    _ Euery viſited houſe to be marked.

    _ Euery viſited houſe to be watched.

  11. Orders for cleanſing and keeping ſweete of the Streets.

    _ The ſtreets to be kept cleane.

    _ That the Rakers take it from out the houſes.

    _ Layſtals to be made farre off from the Citie.

    _ Care to be had of vnwholſome Fiſh or Fleſh, and of muſtie Corne.

  12. Orders concerning looſe Perſons, and idle Aſsemblies.

    _ Beggers.

    _ Playes.

    _ Tipling houſes.

  13. In Camera Stellata coram Concilio ibidem, viceſimo die Octobris, Anno Regni Reginae ELIZABETHae quadrageſimo, &c. Praeſentibus.Thoma Egerton mil. Dn̄o Cuſtod. Magni Sigilli Angliae.Dn̄o North.Dn̄o Buckhurſt.Iohanne Forteſcue milite Cancellar. Scaccarij.Archiepiſcopo Cantuarienſ.Popham milite Capitali Iuſtic. de Banco Regis.Anderſon milite Capitali Iuſtic. de Communi Banco.

  14. In Camera Stellata coram Concilio ibidem, viceſimo nono die Nouembris, Anno ſeptimo Iacobi Regis. Praeſentibus.Thoma Egerton milite Dn̄o Elleſmere, Dn̄o Canc. Angl.Comite Sarum Dn̄o Theſaurario Angl.Comite Northampton.Comite Exon.Dn̄o Zouch.Iul. Caeſar milite Cancellar. Scaccarij.Archiepiſcopo Cant.Fleming milite Capitali Iuſtic. de Banco Regis.Coke milite Capitali Iuſt. de com. Banc.Yeluerton milit. Iuſtic. de Banc. Reg.Williams milit. Iuſtic. de Banc. Reg.Foſter milite Iuſtic. de communi Banc.

#####Back##### Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings moſt Excellent Maieſtie.Anno Dom. 1609. Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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