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#The English horsman and complete farrier directing all gentlemen and others how to breed, feed, ride, and diet all kind of horses whether for war, race, or other service : with a discovery of the causes, signs, and cures of all diseases, both internal and external, incident to horses : alphabetically digested : with The humours of a Smithfield jockey / by Robert Almond.#

##Almond, Robert.## The English horsman and complete farrier directing all gentlemen and others how to breed, feed, ride, and diet all kind of horses whether for war, race, or other service : with a discovery of the causes, signs, and cures of all diseases, both internal and external, incident to horses : alphabetically digested : with The humours of a Smithfield jockey / by Robert Almond. Almond, Robert.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2006-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2006-02 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2007-02 Ali Jakobson Sampled and proofread
  4. 2007-02 Ali Jakobson Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##



  2. The Table.

#####Body##### A Brief Encomium OF AN HORSE By way of Introduction.OF all four-footed Beaſts I cannot find any ſo u _ A Brief Encomium OF AN HORSE By way of Introduction.

_ CHAP. I.




_ CHAP. V.




  * An excellent Scouring.


  * A finer ſort of bread made after this manner.

  * The manner of making that excellent Cordial

Ball which avoideth all molten greaſe, recovers a loſt appetite, cures any violent Cold, and the Glanders, fattens an Horſe ſpeedily, and preſerves an Horſe from fainting with exerciſes.

_ CHAP. X.

  * The fourth and laſt Bread.












  * A cure for a Quotidian Feaver.

  * A moſt approved Drink for an every days


  * A cure for the Tertian Feaver.

  * The cure of the Quartan Feaver:

  * The Cure of the Hectick Feaver.

  * Of Feavers ſeizing an Horſe, either in

Summer, Autumn, or Winter; and their Cures.




  * Avives.

  * Anticor.

  * Bots or Worms in Horſes.

  * Blood-ſtaling.

  * Blowing and Purſiveneſs in an Horſe.

  * Belly-ach.

  * Broken-Windedneſs.

  * Broken Lungs frettized and rotten.

  * Cold or Poſe, the beſt way to cure it.

  * Conſumption.

  * Colt-Evil.

  * Clyſters, a general diſcourſe thereof.

  * Clyſter againſt coſtiveneſs, which cauſeth a

loathing to meat, drooping and languiſhing.

  * Clyſter Reſtringent for an Horſe that emptieth

himſelf too much, either by debility, or Nature too much offended.

  * Clyſter for a fat Horſe, or one newly taken

from Graſs.

  * Clyſter for any deſperate ſickneſs.

  * Clyſter for the Plague or Peſtilence:

  * Clyſter lenitive againſt Convulſions, Cramps,

Coſtiveneſs, Surfeit or Foundring.

  * Clyſter for the Cholick.

  * Dropſie.

  * Drenches general for all Diſeaſes in Horſes.

  * Diſeaſes commonly infeſting the Spleen:

  * Diſeaſes of the Gall.

  * Diſeaſes incident to the Liver.

  * Ears Impoſtumated.

  * Frenzie.

  * Falling Evil.

  * Foundring in the Body.

  * Feaver.

  * Flux in Horſes.

  * Glaunders.

  * Gargel, Murrain, Plague, and Peſtilence.

  * Head-ach

  * Hungry Evil, or greedy Worm.

  * Horſe Hide-b•und.

  * Horſes lean and unſound, how to fatten them in a


  * Jaundice.

  * Inflammations how to ripen; as Puſtuls and Kernels

which grow under the Chawl of an Horſe.

  * Kidney Infirmities.

  * Loathing of meat in an Horſe.

  * Lask or Bloody Flux.

  * Molten Greaſe.

  * Mourning of the Chine.

  * Night-Mare.

  * Over-gorged Horſe.

  * Purgations, their nature and manner of Adminiſtration.

  * Piſs, how to make an Horſe vent his Ʋrine that is

troubled with obſtructions, or otherwiſe.

  * Piſſing of Blood.

  * Purſiveneſs, how cured.

  * Rot in Horſes.

  * Strangury or Strangullion.

  * Shedding of the Seed.

  * Sudden Sickneſs, what to be done therein.

  * Stavers or Staggers.

  * Sleeping Evil.

  * Surfeits of all ſorts.

  * Staling free.

  * Squinzie or Strangling.

  * Star in the Forehead; how to make one artificially.

  * Tyring of Horſes on the Road, what to be done


  * Vomitings what and when to be given.

  * Wind Cholick cured with a Clyſter.

  * Wind-broken Horſe.

  * Wind, how to preſerve it in an Horſe.


  * The manner how to let an Horſe blood.

  * Anbury.

  * Accloy.

  * Avives.

  * Arraiſts or Rat-tails.

  * Attaint upper and neather, and in the heel.

  * Burning with Shot, or otherwiſe.

  * Brittle-hoof.

  * Bone-ſpaven.

  * Back-ſwankt, or for a ſtrain in the Kidneys.

  * Burning of an Horſe by a Mare.

  * Button-Farcy.

  * Bunches of all ſorts, Knots, Warts and Wens, how

infallibly to take away in a ſhort ſpace.

  * Back-ſwelling, a ſpeedy and eaſie Cure.

  * Blood-ſpaven.

  * Barbs or Papps underneath an Horſes Tongue.

  * Belly-Gaunt how remedied.

  * Botches in the Groin.

  * Canker in the Mouth.

  * Canker in the Head.

  * Cords or Strings in Horſes.

  * Curb.

  * Creſt faln and ſhedding of the hair.

  * Caſting the hoof.

  * Crown-Scab.

  * Camery.

  * Cronet hurt any ways, a Cure therefore.

  * Canker in the Withers.

  * Caſting of an Horſe, how to do it.

  * Defence for Horſes againſt Flies in the heat of


  * Drying up of Humours.

  * Dangerous Sickneſs, and how it cometh.

  * Dangerous ſickneſs how to cure.

  * Drawing of a Stub or Thorn.

  * Diſlocation of Joints.

  * Enterfering.

  * Eating away of Knobs, or any ſuperfluous dead fleſh.

  * Eye of an Horſe hurt with a blow.

  * Eye-film, Pin and Web.

  * Eye-Canker.

  * Eyes Lunatick or Moon-blind.

  * Eye broken, and beaten out by ſome ſtripe or unlucky


  * Eyes troubled with any ſores, an incomparable Water

for them.

  * Eye-bitten.

  * Ears Impoſtumated.

  * Foul and old Sores how to cleanſe and mundifie.

  * Falling of the Fundament.

  * Fetlock hurt.

  * Foundring in the feet, if new, a ſuddain Cure.

  * Frettizing.

  * Frothy or weeping Hoof.

  * Falſe quarters.

  * Fig.

  * Fruſh running or rotten.

  * Fiſtula.

  * Frets.

  * Gravelling.

  * Gourged or Gourded Legs.

  * Gelding of Horſes or Colts.

  * Garget in Horſe or Beaſt only.

  * Galled Back that cometh by the Saddle, or Shackle.

  * Gigs.

  * Grief in the Withers.

  * General Scab or Leproſie.

  * Hurle bone disjointed.

  * Horſe-ſpice, how to make it, with the uſes thereof,

a moſt excellent and cheap Medicine.

  * Hide-bound.

  * Hayr, how to make it grow ſpeedily.

  * Headach.

  * Heel Scab, or Heels that are ſcabbed.

  * Heels of an Horſe that are troubled with the


  * Honey charge, how made, and for what good, as all

ſorts of Slips, Diſlocations, and for all ſorts of Scratches.

  * Hurts in the Shoulder.

  * Heat in the Lips, and Mouth of an Horſe.

  * Hidden griefs in an Horſe how to diſcover, for want

of the knowledge whereof ſeveral pretended crafty Jockeys have been deceived and cheated.

  * Hipped Horſe, or an Horſe that is hurt in his


  * Hough-Bonny.

  * Haltings of all ſorts, coming either by ſtroke, ſtrain

or the like, with their Cures.

  * Another as good as the former.

  * Another for a ſtrain or ſwelling, according to the

practice of the moſt experienced Farriers now living.

  * Helps for all Sores and Ʋlcers.

  * Ives.

  * Inflammations, Puſtuls and Kernels under the

Chawl of an Horſe.

  * Inflammations in Horſes Eyes.

  * Impoſtumation in general how to ripen.

  * Itch in the Tail of an Horſe.

  * Interfering.

  * Joints grieved with any Ach, Numneſs, Weakneſs or

Swelling whatſoever which proceedeth from a cold Cauſe.

  * Increaſe of an Hoof loſt or torn by ſome accident.

  * Knots or Knobs how to remove.

  * Kernels under an Horſes throat how to diſcuſs, ſuddenly,

ſafely and with little Expence.

  * Knees broken, of a long ſtanding, perfectly cured.

  * Legs that are ſwelled how to cure.

  * Leproſie.

  * Lice in an Horſe, how to kill them, or free him from


  * Lampas.

  * Lean Horſes how to make fat in a little time.

  * Lave-ear'd Horſe how to remedy.

  * Moon-eyed.

  * Malender, Low-worm or Shingles, being much


  * Maungineſs in the Main.

  * Mouth-ſore.

  * Mellet.

  * Morfounded.

  * Mules, or Kibe heels.

  * Mallender.

  * Mourning of the Chine.

  * Malt-long or Malt-worm.

  * Mollifiers, or what things will mollifie hardneſs.

  * Medicament mundefying and cleanſing any Fiſtula,

Ʋlcer or old Sore whatever.

  * Navel-Gall.

  * Noſe running.

  * Over reach, or Ʋpper attaint.

  * Oyl of Oats, what the Soveraign vertues are, and

how to make it.

  * Old Sores ſpeedily and ſafely cured.

  * Poll-Evil in the Neck.

  * Pole-evil in the Head.

  * Paſtern-joint ſtrained.

  * Prick on the Crownet with a Pitch-ſork or otherwiſe.

  * Pricking in the Foot.

  * Prickt in the ſhooing and feſtering afterwards.

  * Paſton what it is, how made, according to the beſt

method, and what are its moſt excellent Virtues.

  * Pill for the Glanders, &c.

  * Purgation defined, next its ſeveral parts.

  * Purgation for great Surfeits.

  * Papps underneath an Horſes Tongue, vide Barbes.

Pain in Horſes Teeth how remedied.

  * Pains.

  * Powder of Honey and Lime.

  * Quitter bone.

  * Quick Scab.

  * Raiſing the Creſt when fallen.

  * Red Water iſſuing out of old incurable Ʋlcers, the


  * Repercuſſive Medicaments.

  * Ring bone.

  * Another way to cure it.

  * Rats tails how to cure.

  * Rowels, how to put them in, whether French or Engliſh.

  * Saddle bruiſed, or Swellings on the Back.

  * Swift cut.

  * Stanching of blood.

  * Slaves very good for the healing all ſorts of Sores

and Wounds.

  * Shoulder Sorrances what they are with their Cures,

and firſt of the Shoulder-wrench.

  * Shoulder pight or diſl•cated.

  * Shoulder ſtrained.

  * Another Excellent Remedy.

  * Shoulder ſplat.

  * Shoulder pinched.

  * Sinew-ſprung.

  * Sinew-grieved.

  * Sinew ſtrained.

  * Sinew-ſpong.

  * Sinew ſtrain new or old, a moſt excellent and ſpeedy

Remedy, approved of by moſt Farriers.

  * Scratches.

  * Surbating of Horſes.

  * Sinew crampt.

  * Strangle.

  * Strain in the Paſtern joint.

  * Sive-bone in the ſocket of the hoof, or a ſtrain in

the Coffin-joint.

  * Stifling and its hurts how cured.

  * Shedding of Hair in the Mane.

  * Scrupin or a through Splint on both ſides the Leg.

  * Stumbling.

  * Stars artificial how to make of all ſorts, and firſt

of the white Star.

  * Secondly, how to make a black Star.

  * Thirdly and Laſtly, how to make an artificial red

Star in the forehead of an Horſe.

  * Sit-faſt.

  * Swaying in the Back.

  * Spurgalling how remedied.

  * Swelling of the Cods.

  * Selender.

  * Surfeited and Greaſe-molten.

  * String-halt.

  * Stripe or blow upon the Eye of an Horſe.

  * Swelling of the Neck after Phlebotomy.

  * Screw.

  * Shackle-gall.

  * Suppoſitories of all ſorts, with their uſes.

  * The Tongue of an Horſe hurt, how cured.

  * Theriacum or Unguentum Theriacum, how to

make it, with a character of its Virtues and uſes.

  * Tetter or Ring worm.

  * Thorns in the foot, how to draw out.

  * To tame an unruly Horſe that will not ſtand ſtill to be

drencht or dreſt of any grief.

  * Truncheons, what they are, and how to kill.

  * Tails of Horſes how to cut, or the way of making


  * Vives vide Avives.

  * Venom drank how to cure.

  * Veins taken up why and for what cauſes.

  * Wolfs teeth.

  * Wild-fire.

  * Warts in an Horſes Eye.

  * Wens, or other Excretions in the Fleſh, how to


  * Wounds of all ſorts how cured whether new or old.

  * Another.

  * Another.

  * Wind-galls.

  * Another excellent Receipt for the ſame.

  * White-water how to make it.

  * Weakneſs in the Back.

  * Water-farcion.

  * Wens in the Neck.

  * Yellows vide Glanders.


  * How to make Hair ſlick and ſmooth, and though

hard and rough before, how to make it even and ſoft.

  * How to take off Hair from any part of an Horſe.

  * How to hinder an Horſe from neighing either at home

or abroad.

  * How to make a tired Jade go forward.

  * How to make an Horſe to follow his Maſter, or

though he be mixt amongſt a multitude, yet to find him out amongſt them all, and challenge him.

  * How to make an Horſe exceeding nimble at the


  * How to make Hair grow ſoon, thick and long.

  * How to fatten a lean ſickly Jade in a fortnight that

he ſhall yield a good price in the Market, and indifferently well perform a journey, if not too hard ridden.

  * What things are to be obſerved by every Horſe-courſer

before he lay out his money in the purchaſe of an Horſe or Mare.

  * What is to be obſerved concerning Mares in general.

  * Rules and principles to be obſerved both in Colts

and Horſes very remarkable and worthy of due conſideration.

  * The moſt experienced Horſemens obſervations.

  * Some general Obſervations on a Smithfield-Jockey.

  * How to cheat by the mark in an Horſes mouth.

  * How to make a dull heavy, reſty Jade ſo to caper and

prance both abroad and in the Stable, as if he were all mettle and ſpirit.

  * A way to make an Horſe go very merrily without

Rod, Whip or Spur, a little way, although he be a mere Jade.

  * The Vulgar Error of the Eel detected, and proved

to be a thing falſe and ridiculous.

  * How to fatten an Horſe ſpeedily, for ſale.

  * A notable trick of an Horſe-courſer or Jockey.


  1. Books Printed for, or Sold by Simon Miller at the Star, at the Weſt-end of St. Paul's.

Types of content

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15. salute 1
16. signed 1
17. trailer 2


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