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#The pattern of catechistical doctrine at large, or, A learned and pious exposition of the Ten Commandments with an introduction, containing the use and benefit of catechizing, the generall grounds of religion, and the truth of Christian religion in particular, proved against atheists, pagans, Jews, and Turks / by the Right Reverend Father in God Lancelot Andrews ... ; perfected according to the authors own copy and thereby purged from many thousands of errours, defects, and corruptions, which were in a rude imperfect draught formerly published, as appears in the preface to the reader.#

##Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626.## The pattern of catechistical doctrine at large, or, A learned and pious exposition of the Ten Commandments with an introduction, containing the use and benefit of catechizing, the generall grounds of religion, and the truth of Christian religion in particular, proved against atheists, pagans, Jews, and Turks / by the Right Reverend Father in God Lancelot Andrews ... ; perfected according to the authors own copy and thereby purged from many thousands of errours, defects, and corruptions, which were in a rude imperfect draught formerly published, as appears in the preface to the reader. Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2000-00 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2001-06 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2001-08 Anna Van Cleave Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-03 Olivia Bottum Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##



  2. A Table of the Supplements or Additions, Wherein the sence of the Author is cleered in some places where it was obscure or doubtful: and some things are handled more fully, which were omitted, or but briefly touched, &c.

    _ Introduct.

    _ Com. 1.

    _ Com. 2.

    _ Com. 3.

    _ Com. 4.

    _ Com. 5.

    _ Com. 6.

    _ Com. 8.

    _ Com. 9.

  3. Errata.



  1. AN INTRODVCTION To the Exposition Of the DECALOGUE.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    • How to come to God.

    • In the way of Faith, we are to observe four Rules.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    _ CHAP. VIII.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    _ CHAP. X.

    _ CHAP. XI.

    _ CHAP 12.

    _ CHAP. XIII.

    _ CHAP. XIIII.

    _ CHAP XV.

    _ CHAP. XVI.

    _ CHAP. XVII.

    _ CHAP. XVIII.

    _ CHAP. XIX.

    _ CHAP XX.

  2. THE EXPOSITION OF THE First Commandement.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. 3.

    _ CHAP IIII.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    _ CHAP. VIII.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    _ CHAP. X.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. XII.

    _ CHAP. XIII.

    _ CHAP. XIIII.

    _ CHAP. XV.

    _ CHAP. XVI.

    _ CHAP. XVII.

    • Coram me, Before me.

    • The signes of Perseverance.

  3. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Second Commandement.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    _ CHAP. V

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    _ CHAP. VIII

    _ CHAP. IX

    _ CHAP. X.

  4. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Third Commandement.

    _ CHAP. I

    _ CHAP. II

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    _ CHAP. V.

  5. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Fourth Commandement. The Fourth Commandment. Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it Holy, &c.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ ¶ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    _ CHAP. VIII.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    _ CHAP. X.

    _ CHAP. XI.

    _ CHAP. XII.

  6. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Fifth Commandement. Honour thy Father and thy Mother &c.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    _ CHAP. VIII.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    _ CHAP. X.

    _ CHAP. XI.

  7. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Sixth Commandement.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    • How a King may put offenders to death.

    • Of the Lawfulnesse of war in some cases.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    _ CHAP. VIII.

  8. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Seventh Commandement.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

  9. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Eighth Commandement.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    _ CHAP. VIII.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    _ CHAP. X.

  10. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Ninth Commandement.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IIII.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

  11. THE EXPOSITION OF THE Tenth Commandement. Exod. 20. 17.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IV.

Types of content

  • There are 6 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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24. q 22
25. row 25
26. table 5
27. trailer 16


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