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#Fraud and violence discovered and detected, or, A remonstrance of the interessed in the ships Bona Esperanza and Henry Bona Adventura of London with a narrative of the proceedings in the case (depending before the States General of the Seven United Provinces) between the assignes of William Courten and the East-India Company of the Netherlands : also, several reasons and arguments for the speedy decision of differences (by amicable conferences of state) arising upon depredations and spoyls / by George Carevv ...#

##Carew, George, Esq.## Fraud and violence discovered and detected, or, A remonstrance of the interessed in the ships Bona Esperanza and Henry Bona Adventura of London with a narrative of the proceedings in the case (depending before the States General of the Seven United Provinces) between the assignes of William Courten and the East-India Company of the Netherlands : also, several reasons and arguments for the speedy decision of differences (by amicable conferences of state) arising upon depredations and spoyls / by George Carevv ... Carew, George, Esq.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-10 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-02 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-05 John Latta Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-05 John Latta Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. An Introduction To the TREATISE.


  1. The CASE between the Assignes of WILLIAM COURTEN and the East-India Company of the NETHERLANDS. SIr Paul Pindar being advertised by some Friends that William Courten had taken upon him to make oth

  2. The Claim of William Tombes Esq for the Ship the Bona Esperanza, Fraight and Goods, on behalf of himself and others Ieteressed therein. Tuesday the 30. day of May 1654.Which day the foresaid Claims of William Tombes was amongst others oTuesday the 6. day of June 1654.Whereas the foresaid Commissioners had Ordered and Decreed, that RepFriday 21. July 1654.Appeared before the said Commissioners, Mr. Kynaston on the behalf of William TTuesday the 25. day of July 1654.Which day the said Mr. Kynaston, on behalf of William Tombes aforesTuesday the first day of August 1654.The said Mr. Kynaston appeared and alledged that the Cause on tThursday the 3. of August 1654.Which day was wholly spent in the examining the Cause touching the ShFriday the 4. day of August 1654.Before the said Commissioners, the Deputies for the Dutch East-Indi

  3. To the Right Honourable Sr George Downing Kt Envoy Extraordinary of His Most Sacred MAJESTY of Great Brittain, &c. To the States General of the UNITED PROVINCES.

  4. The Humble Petition of Sir John Ayton Knight, George Carew and Charles Whitaker Esquires, on the behalf of themselves and the rest of the Creditors of Will. Courten, Sir Edward Littleton and Sir Paul Pindar, deceased, and of others Interessed in the Ships Bona Esperanza and Henry Bona Adventure of LONDON. LETTRE Aux Hauts & Puissans SEIGNEURS LES ESTATS GENERAUX Des PROVINCES UNIES.HAuts & puissants Seig _ LETTRE Aux Hauts & Puissans SEIGNEURS LES ESTATS GENERAUX Des PROVINCES UNIES.

    _ To Sir George Downing, about the Bona Esperanza and Henry Bona Adventure.

    _ A True Translation of the Kings Letter from the French Original to the Lords States General.

  5. A MEMORIAL Delivered unto The States-Generall: Concerning the Ships, Bona Esperanza, and Henry Bona Adventure of LONDON.

  6. The Second MEMORIAL.

  7. Mr. Carew's Insinuation to the East-India Company of the Netherlands.

  8. To the Worshipful Mr. Vandam Advocate to the East-India Company of the Netherlands, and the rest of the Commissionated Bewinthebbers resident at the HAGUE. At the Court at Whitehallthe 6th. of June 1662.Present Lord ChancellourLord TreasurerLord Privy Seal


  10. The Translation of the States Letter to the King, June 22. 1662.

  11. Antwoort van de Heeren Staten Generael der Vereenighde Nederlantsche Provincien, op de Memorie door den Ridder George Downing extraordinaris Envoyé van syne Majesteyt van Groot-Britannien, &c. aen haer Ho: Mo: overgegeven den 20 April, 1662.

  12. Replique du Chevalier GEORGE DOVVNING Envoyé Extraordinaire de Sa Majesté de la Grand Bretagne, &c. Sur la Response des Estats Generaux des Provinces Unies, sur son Memoire du 20 Avril 1662.

  13. The Reply of Sir George Downing, Envoy Extratraordinary of His MAJESTIE of Great Britain, &c. delivered the 13. of July 1662. upon the Answer of the Estates General of the United Provinces, to his Memorial of the 20. of April last.

  14. Memorandum,

  15. Authentique Copies of the Acts, Deeds, and Writings, delivered by Sir George Downing with the Reply to the States Answer, with the several Letters and Numbers under these significations following. Notwithstanding all this, the report went at the Hague, that the Kings Commissioners appointed to Tr

  16. These for the Right Honourable George Duke of Albemarle, and the rest of the Commissioners appointed by the Kings most Excellent Majesty to Treat with the Dutch Embassadors.

  17. The third Memoriall of Sir GEORGE DOVVNING to the States Generall.

  18. The Answer of the Lords States General (Translated out of the Dutch Original) to Sir GEORGE DOVVNING's Third Memoriall.

  19. Second Reply of Sir GEORGE DOVVNING Envoy Extraordinary from His MAJESTY of Great Britain, &c. AFterwards the States General made several Resolutions, or pretended to make such Resolutions, to se

  20. Articuli Foederis & Amicitiae inter CAROLUM II. Magnae Britanniae, &c. Regem, & Ordines Generales Foederati Belgii.

    _ I.

    _ II.

    _ III.

    _ IV.

    _ V.

    _ VI.

    _ VII.

    _ VIII.

    _ IX.

    _ X

    _ XI.

    _ XII.

    _ XIII.

    _ XIV.

    _ XV.

    _ XVI.

    _ XVII.

    _ XVIII.

    _ XIX.

    _ XX.

    _ XXI.

    _ XXII.

    _ XXIII.

    _ XXIV.

    _ XXV.

    _ XXVI.

    _ XXVII.

    _ XXVIII.

    _ Articulus Separatus.

  21. Extraordinaer Schryvens van de Nederlandtsche Ambass: in Engelandt, meldende op wat maniere noch eyndelick de Tractaten, met den Koninck geslooten sijn.

  22. The Translation of the Dutch Embassadors Letter to the STATES, Chelsey 5/15 Sept. 1662.

  23. A MEMORIAL of Sir George Downing Knight, Envoy Extraordinary of His most Sacred Majtie of Great Britain, &c.

  24. Sir George Downing's aforesaid Memorial rendred in French. WIthin three or four days after this last Memorial was given in to the States Deputies, there was ae

  25. The Answers following were given at the same Conference held at Sir George Downings House in the Hague.

  26. To all Military Men, Merchants, and others of the English Nation, inhabiting within the Seven United Provinces.

  27. Extract from the Register of Resolutions of the Ho: Mo: Lords, the States General of the United Provinces.

  28. The States Letter to the King concerning the Ships stopt upon the accompt of the Knights of Malta. June 15. 1662.

  29. The Translation of the aforesaid Letter out of the French Original. June 15. 1662.

  30. The States Letter to the King concerning the Ship CHARLES. June 27. 1662.

  31. The Translation of the aforesaid Letter out of the French Original. June 27. 1662.

  32. The Reply of Sir GEORGE DOVVNING, Envoy Extraordinary of His MAJESTY of GREAT BRITAIN, &c. Delivered the 13. of July 1662. upon the Answer of the STATES GENERAL of the United Provinces, to his Memorial concerning the Ship CHARLES.

  33. Advertisement

  34. Ten Select ARTICLES of the Treaty between O. Cromwell and the States Generall of the United Provinces, 1654.

    _ III.

    _ VII.

    _ IX.

    _ XIII.

    _ XVI.

    _ XXIV.

    _ XXV.

    _ XXVII.

    _ XXX.

    _ XXXI.

  35. The CLAIM exhibited against the Dutch, by Mr. Tombes, 1654.

  36. The humble Petition of Henry Powell, Citizen and Draper of London, on the behalf of himself and the other Creditors of William Courten late of London, Merchant.

  37. To Examine and Determine all Losses and Injuries which either side alledgeth to have sustained from the other.

  38. A Breviate of the Depositions taken in the High Court of Admiralty in England, concerning the Ship Bona Esperanza, referring to the several Fol. and Interogatories.

  39. The Translation of the Agreement concerning the Henry Bona Adventure, between the Mariners and Adriaen vander Stell.

  40. The Commissioners Certificate translated into Dutch out of the English.

  41. Andere Copie Translaet.

  42. A Breviate of the Depositions taken in the Court of Admiralty concerning the Ship Henry Bona Adventure of London.

  43. The Authentique Copy of Jonas Abeel's Insinuation to the East-India Company of the Netherlands.

  44. Certain Evidences and Presumptions concerning the Losse of the two Ships called the Dragon and Katharine of LONDON. OUt of the Book of Resolutions at Goa, in the Instructions given to John Durson on his Persia VoyageFrancis Day saith, that from Musulipatam he came to Surrat, and coming before Goa, was forced to strJohn Carter came home in the Crispiana, and afterwards in the Bona Esperanza, tells the same words a _ London 25 Jan. 1641. aboard the Hester at Blackwall, were William Courten, John Rushout, Captain Robert Moulton, Anthony Robertson one of the Queens Musicians, Edward Knipe, and John Benning, were told by William Tailor Masters Mate, and confirmed by Robert Hogg Master of the Hester, John Benning Master of the Planter, affirms that Capt. Weddal's two ships, viz. the Dragon & KathariAt the Return of Tho. Lamberton, William Page, Tho. Newman, and others, taken in the Bona Esperanza A Declaration of some further probable News of the Dragon and Katharine, Captain John Weddall, and CDuarte Defigueiredo de Mello Secretario de sua Majestade do estado da India certifico que atsistindo _ Translated out of the Portuges into English.

  45. To the Right Honourable the COMMITTEE of LORDS and COMMONS for the Admiralty.

    _ The humble Petition of William Tombes. June 13. 1645.At the Committee of the Lords and Commons for the Admiralty of the Cinque Ports; OrderJuly 1. 1645.Upon Tuesday being the first day of July 1645. Tho. Kynaston against 21/32 parts of the

  46. The Impost and Excise in the Low-Countryes for the Publique Charge continued since the Union.

  47. XII. Select Articles of the Peace and mutual Commerse between Henry the Seventh King of England and Philip Arch-Duke of Austria and Duke of Burgundy, concluded and Signed at London the 24. of February 1495. Taken from the Original.

    _ Artic. XIII. Mercatoribus utriusque Principis tutum libere habitare.

    _ Artic. XIV. Piscatoribus utriusque Principis subditis tam per mare quam terra liberum commeatum fore.

    _ Artic. XVII. Cautio praestanda pro Navibus in Mare exituris.

    _ Artic. XIX. Si Navis ab extranco capta fuerit in portu Principis.

    _ Artic. XX. Non impedient venientes ab oriente.

    _ Artic. XXII. Naves alterutrius libertatem subditorum habere.

    _ Artic. XXIV. Si Navis naufragium fecerit.

    _ Artic. XXV. Mercatores alterutrius licere domos habere.

    _ Artic. XXVIII. De damno illato.

    _ Artic. XXIX. Praeterita represalia in suspenso habeantur.

    _ Art. XXXIII. Deputati convenient pro sedandis discordiis inter mercatores stapulae Calesiae.

    _ Artic. XXXV. Obligatio Nobilium & Civitatum.

  48. One and Twenty Select Articles of the Treaty of Peace between the Crowns of France and Spain, concluded and Signed upon the Confines of the Pyrenean Mountains the 7th of November 1659. Translated from the Original.

    _ That all Enmity or Misunderstanding shall be forgotten by either parties, upon occasion of the present Wars.

    _ That the Subjects of both sides shall have liberty to trade in one anothers Countries without any Lets or molestations.

    _ Priviledges mutually granted in each others Dominions.

    _ The penalty of transporting prohibited goods.

    _ The form and manner of exhibiting Passes and Dockets as to the Spanish Ships.

    _ Passes as to the French Ships.

    _ Passes to be shown upon great Suspicion.

    _ Passes to be shown to the Spanish by the French in the Roads or the open Sea.

    _ Contrabanda, Merehandize confiscated.

    _ Free Trade and Commerce mutually enjoyed.

    _ Further provision against Frauds and Inconveniencies in Trade and Commerce.

    _ Speedy Justice to be done to Foreigners.

    _ Actions to be tryed when they first begun or did arise.

    _ Six Months time given in case of War to transport persons and goods.

    _ Advocates and Proctors to be Assistant to either party that retains them.

    _ Consuls appointed for Commerce in both Nations.

    _ Letters of Marque and Reprisal in case of injustice.

    _ Overtures made by the King of France concerning the Kingdome of Portugal.

    _ The King of France and Spain interposing with the Pope, on the behalf of the Duke of Parma, for discharging the Debts due to the Apostolical Chamber.

    _ The chief Allies comprehended in this Treaty on the French Part.

    _ The Allies on the Spanish Accompt.

  49. Mr. John Darrel's deposition before one of the Masters of Chancery, concerning the Dutch Agreement with the Portugals in 1644.

  50. The Deposition of Tho. Newman Merchant, taken upon Oath the 28. of January 1662. before Sir Walter Littleton Knight, Dr. of Laws, and one of the Masters in Chancery.

  51. A Catalogue of their Names who by their Subscriptions are Capable of being chosen COMMITTEES of the East-India Company in England, for the Year 1662.

  52. The Names of the present Governour, Deputy, and twenty four Committees.

  53. Consulta & Sententiae Gualteri Walkeri Militis, Gulielmi Turneri, Joannis Extoni, Timothes Baldvini, & Davidis Buddi, Doctorum & Professorum in Juri Civili super argumento subsequente.

  54. The Opinions and Resolutions of Sir John Glynn Kt. and Sir John Maynard Knight, the Kings Serjeants at Law; Sir Edward Turnor Knight, Speaker of the Commons-House in Parliament, and Attorney Generall to his Royal Highnesse the Duke of York, Bennet Hoskins Esq one of the Benchers, and Reader of the Middle Temple; and Samuel Baldwin Esq of the Inner-Temple, Councellor at Law; given upon the Case between the Assignees of William Courten and the East-India Company of the Netherlands.

  55. Sententiae & Statutum Johannis Glynni & Johannis Maynardi Militum, Regis Servientûm ad Legem, Edvardi Turnori Oratoris in Consessu Ordinum Inferiorum & Attornati Generalis ad Celsitudinem Regiam Ducis Eboracensis, Benedicti Hoskensii Armigeri, unius Assessorum, Jurisque Lectoris in Hospitio Medii Templi, & Samuelis Baldvini Hospitii Interioris Templi Armigeri & Juris-Consulti; data super lite inter Assignatos Gulielmi Courteni & Indiae Orientalis Societatem Batavam.

  56. INSTRUCTIONS given to the Chief Agent of Mr. Courten and Company, at Carwarr, &c.

  57. Coines, Weights, and Measures in Goa.

    _ Coines, &c. in Cannanore.

    _ Batticalla.

    _ Carwarr.

    _ Rajapore, Lickmidas and Samgee. Decemb. 1644.

  58. Memorandum,

  59. The Attestation of Mr. John Darrell Merchant, concerning Mr. Courten's Factors and Factories in the East-Indies and parts adjacent, in the year 1644. deposed in the Court of the Admiralty, in the fifteenth year of the Reign of King CHARLES the Second. Anno Dom. 1662.

  60. Sententiae & Judicium JURISCONSULTORUM BATAVORUM In JURE CIVILI exparte Belgicae Societatis Indiae-Orientalis. Versae ex Lingua Belgica.


  1. THE CONTENTS. ABstract of the Kings Letters Patents granted to Sir William Courten and Company, Anno 1635. fol. 1CSeveral Considerations offered to the High Court of Parliament, both for the Restauration and Increa Types of content
  • There are 1 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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