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#Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the Fellows, now living of the said colledg ... / by Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. English#

##Royal College of Physicians of London.## Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the Fellows, now living of the said colledg ... / by Nich. Culpeper, Gent. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. English Royal College of Physicians of London.

##General Summary##


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##Content Summary##

#####Front##### In Effigem Nicholai Culpeper EquitisThe shaddow of that Body heer you findWhich serves but as a casePharmacopoeia Londinensis: OR THE London DispensatoryFurther adorned by the Studies and Collections

  1. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL Edward Hall Esquire, Justice of the Peace for the County of Surry; Nich. Culpeper wisheth increase of Grace in this World, and a Crown of Glory in that to come.

  2. A Premonitory Epistle TO THE READER.

  3. The Names of several Books printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, by the Exchange, London.

  4. Weights and Measures in the New DISPENSATORY.

  5. Weights and Measures in the Old Dispensatory.



  1. The TRANSLATORS PREFACE to the Catalogue of SIMPLES.


    _ ROOTS.

    _ BARKS.

    _ WOODS and their CHIPS ORScobs, properly signifies Saw-dust. RASPINGS.


    _ FLOWERS.

    _ FRUITS and their BUDS.



    _ JUYCES.







    _ ROOTS, of

    • The Temperature of the Roots.

Roots hot in the first degree.

Hot in the second degree.

Hot in the third degree.

Hot in the fourth degree.

Roots temperate in respect of heat are,

〈◊〉 cold in the first degree.

Cold in the second degree.

Cold in the third degree,

Roots dry in the first degree

Dry in the second degree.

Dry in the third degree.

Dry in the fourth degree

Roots moist are,

  * Roots are also apropriated to several parts of the body; and so they,

Heat the head,

Neck and throat.

Breast and lungues.






Reins and bladder.




Roots cool the Head


Liver and spleen

  * The properties of the Roots.

Roots, Bind,









Expell Wind

Breed seed

Provoke the terms

Stop the terms

Provoke sweat

Resist poyson

Help burnings

Ease pains

  * Of Roots, some purge,



Flegm and watry humors

_ The BARKS which the Colledg blot paper-with, are these that follow,

  * Barks are hot in the first degree.

  * In the Second

  * In the Third

  * Cold in the first

  * In the third

  * According to Place, they Heat the Head

  * The Heart

  * The Stomach

  * The Lungues

  * The Liver

  * The Spleen

  * The reins and Bladder

  * The Womb

  * Cool the Stomach

  * Purge choller

  * Purge Flegm and Water.

_ To fill up another part of a Page, the Colledg quote a few WOODS, which are these;

  * Of these some are hot, As,

  * Some cold, As

_ The HERBS which the Colledg spent so much pains and Study, barely to name, are,

  * Herbs Temperate in respect of Heat, Are

Intemperate, are hot in the first degree, as

In the second degree

In the third degree

In the fourth degree

Herbs cold in the first Degree.

Cold in the second Degree.

In the third Degree.

In the fourth Degree.

Herbs dry in the first Degree.

Dry in the second Degree.

Dry in the third Degree.

In the fourth Degree.

Herbs moist in the first Degree.

In the fourth Degree.

  * Herbs apropriated to certain parts of the body of man, and so they,

Heat the Head; as,

Heat the Throat.

Heat the Breast.

Heat the Heart.

Heat the Stomach.

Heat the Liver.

Heat the Bowels.

Heat the spleen.

Heat the Reins and Bladder.

Heat the Womb.

Heat the Joynts.

Herbs cooling the Head.

Cool the Throat.







Reins and Bladder

The Womb

The Joynts

  * Herbs altering according to property, in operation; some Bind; as;

Amomus; Agnus Castus; sheaphards purse; Cypress; Horstail; Ivy; Bay leaves; Melilot: Bawm; Mirtles; Open; as;









Expel wind

Herbs breed seed

Provokes the Terms

Stop the Terms

Resist Poyson

Discuss swellings

Ease pain

  * Herbs Purging



Flegm and Water

_ The FLOWERS which the Colledg acquaints you with the Latin names of, only, are these.

  * That these may be a little explained for the Publique good: be pleased to take notice that of these:

Some are hot in the first degree: as:

Hot in the second degree.

In the third degree.

Cold in the first degree.

In the second.

In the third.

In the Fourth.

Moist in the first degree.

In the second.

Dry in the first degree.

In the second.

In the third.

  * For parts of the Body they are apropriated to, some heat

The Head, as

The Breast

The Heart

The Stomach

The Liver

The Spleen

The Reins and Bladder

The Womb

The Joynts

  * Flowers as they are cooling, so they cool

The head

The breast and heart.

The stomach.

The Liver and spleen.

  * According to property so they, Bind,







Provoke the terms.

Stop the terms.

Expell wind.

Help burnings.

Resist poyson.

Ease pain.

Flowers purge Choller.


_ Certain FRUITS, mentioned by the Colledg, in this Order.

  * Temperate in respect of heat

  * Hot in the first degree

  * Hot in the second degree

  * In the third degree

  * In the fourth degree

  * Cold in the first degree

  * In the second

  * In the third

  * In the fourth

  * Moist in the first degree

  * In the second

  * Dry in the first degree

  * In the second

  * In the third

  * In the fourth

  * As apropriated to the body of man, so they heat the Head, as

The Breast

The Heart

The Stomach

The Spleen

The Reins and Bladder

The Womb

Cool the Breast

The Heart

The Stomach

The Liver

The Reins and Womb

  * By their several Operations; some

Bind, as




Expel Wind

Breed seed

Provoke Urine

Provokes the Terms

Stop the Terms

Resist poyson

Ease pain

  * Fruits Purging




_ SEEDS barely mentioned by the Colledg are, of

  * Seeds are hot in the first degree.

In the second.

In the third.

In the fourth.

Cold in the first degree.

In the second.

In the third.

Dry in in the first degree.

In the second.

In the third.

  * Apropriated to the body of Man, and so they

Heat the head.

The Breast.

The heart.

The stomach.

The Liver.

The spleen.

The Reins and Bladder.

The Womb.

The Joynts.

Cool the Head.

The Breast,

The Heart.

  * According to operation some Seeds,

Bind, as







Expell wind.

Breed seed.

Provoke the terms.

Break the stone.

Stop the terms.

Resist poyson.

Ease pain.

Asswage swellings.

_ Then the Colledg tell you a tale that there are such things in rerum Natura, as these Gums, Rozins, Balsams, and Juyces made thick, viz.

  * Concrete Juyces, or Juyces made thick are either

Temperate, as

Hot in the first degree

In the second

In the the third

Cold in the first degree

In the third

In the fourth

Gums are either temperate, as

Intemperate, and so are hot in the first degree, as

In the second

In the third

In the 〈◊〉

_ In the next place, the Colledg tells you a sowr tale concerning Liquid Juyces and Tears, which are to be kept for present use; Viz.

_ Then the Colledg tells you there are these things bred of PLANTS, and that every child knows; Viz.

_ Then the Colledg acquaints you with more wonders, That there are certain Living-Creatures, called

_ Therefore consider that the Colledg gave the Apothecaries a Catalogue of what Parts of Living Creatures and Excrements they must keep in their Shops. Viz.

_ Then the Colledge tells you these things may be taken from the SEA, As


  * Precious Stones alter by a way manifest or hidden.

Hot in the first degree.

Precious Stones cold, are in the first degree.

In the second degree.

In the fourth degree.

Emollient, as

Stupifie, as

Clense, as

Glutinate, as

〈◊〉, as

Break the stone, as

Provoke the Terms.

  * Stones altering by a hidden property (as they call it) Are

  * An Explanation of certain Uncupations, comprehending more things than one under one name.

The five opening Roots.

The two epening Roots.

The five emollient Herbs.

The five Capillary Herbs.

The four Cordial Flowers.

The four greater hot Seeds, Carminative, or breaking wind.

The four lesser hot Seeds.

The four greater cold Seeds.

The four lesser cold Seeds.

Five fragments of precious Stones. Culpeper] A. I was the more willing to quote these again, although they be almost the same in their _ SIMPLE DISTILLED WATERS.

  * Of Fresh Roots of

  * Of Flowers and Buds of

  * Of Flowers of

  * Of Fruits of

  * Of parts of living creatures and their Excrements.

_ SIMPLE WATERS DISTILLED being digested beforehand.

  * Of the fresh Roots of Nettles. Of the Leaves of

  * Of the Flowers of

  * Of the Berries of

Culpeper] A. Then the Colledg gives you an Admonition concerning distilling these (such a one as it * Into the number of these Waters may be ascribed, The Teares of Vines, The Liquor of the birch tree, May dew.

  * The quallities and apropriation of the simple distilled Waters.

Waters cooling the blood.

The breast and lungues

In the heart.

In the stomach.

In the River.

In the Reins and bladder.

In the Womb.

  * Waters concocting flegm in the Head are of:

In the Breast and Lungues.

In the heart.

In the stomach.

In the Liver.

In the Spleen.

In the reins and bladder.

In the Womb.

  * Waters concocting Melancholly in the head: are of

The Breast.

The Heart

The Liver.

The Spleen,



    • Signs of Choller abounding.

    • Signs of Blood abounding.

    • Signs of Melancholly abounding.

    • Signs of Flegm abounding.

Spiritus et Aqua Absinthii minus Composita. Pag. 30. Or, Spirit and Water of Wormwood the lesser Composition.

Spiritus et Aqua Absynthii magis composita. Pag. 30. Or, Spirit and Water of Wormwood the greater Composition.

Spiritus et Aqua Angelicae magis composita. Page 31. Or, Spirit and Water of Angelica the greater Composition.

Angellica water the greater Composition.

Spiritus Lavendulae compositus. 〈◊〉. Pag. 31. Or, 〈◊〉 Spirit of Lavender. Matthias.

Spiritus Castorii. Page 32. in the Latin Book. Or, Spirit of Castorium.

Aqua Petasitidis composita. Page 32. in Latin Book. Or, Compound water of 〈◊〉-Burrs.

Aqua Raphani Composita. Page 33. in the Latin B. Compound water of Rhadishes.

Aqua Peoniae Composita. Page 33. in the Latin B. Or, Compound water of Peony.

Aqua Bezoartica. 34. in the Latin Book. Or, Bezoar Water.

Aqua et Spiritus Lumbricorum Magistralis. P. 34. L. B. Or, Water and Spirit of Earth-worms.

Aqua Gentianae composita, Page 35. in the Latin B. Or, Gentian Water Compound.

Aqua Gilberti. Page 35. in the Latin Book. Or, Gilberts Water.

Aqua Cordialis 〈◊◊〉. Page 36. in Lat. B.

Aqua Theriacalis. Page 36. in the Latin Book. Or, Treatle Water.

Aqua Brioniae Composita. Page 37. in the Lat. Book. Or, Briony water Compound.

Aqua 〈◊〉. Page 37. in the Latin Book. Or, Imperial Water.

Aqua Mirabilis. Page 38. in Lat. Book.

Aqua 〈◊〉. Page 38. in Lat. Book.

Aqua Caponis. Page 38. in Lat. Book. Or, Capon Water.

Aqua Limacum 〈◊〉. P. 39. Or, Water of Snails.

Aqua Scordii Composita. Page 29. in the L. Book. Or, Compound Water of Scordium.

Aqua Mariae. Page 39. in the Latin Book.

Aqua Papaveris Composita. Page 39. in L. Book. Or, Poppy Water Compound.

Aqua Juglandium Composita. Page 40. in L. Book. Or, Walnut Water Compound.

  * Some Waters kind country men, the Colledg have plaid the men and left out in their new Dispensatory, which were in their old one; and they are these.

Mathiolus, his Bezoar Water.

Cinnamon Water.

Mathiolus his Cinnamon Water.

Cinnamon Water made by Infusion.

Aqua Coelestis. Mathiolus.

Bawm Water: The greater Composition.

Rosa 〈◊〉.

Dr. Stephens Water.

Ordinary Aqua vitae.

Aqua vitae Compound.



  * Tinctura Croci. Page 41. in the Latin Book. Or, Tincture of Saffron.

  * Tinctura 〈◊〉. Page 41. in the Latin Book. Or, Tincture of Castorium.

  * Tinctura Fragorum. Page 41. in the Latin Book. Or, Tincture of Strawberries.

  * Tinctura Scordii. Page 41. in the Latin Book. Or, Tincture of Scordium.

  * Tictura Theriacalis Vulgo Aqua Theriatalis Lugd. per infus. Page 41. in Lat. Book. Or, Tincture of Treacle.

  * Tinctura Cinnamomi, vulgo, Aqua Clareta Cinnam. Page 42. in the Latin Book. Or, Tincture of Cinnamon.

  * Tictura Viridis. Page 42. in the Latin Book. Or, A Green Tincture.

  * Aqua Aluminosa Magistralis. Page 42. in the Latin Book.


  * Vinum Absynthites. Page 43. in the Latin Book. Or, Wormwood Wine.

  * Vinum Cerassorum Nigrorum. Page 43. in Latin B. Or, Wine of Black Cherries.

  * Impedit Ira animum ne possit cernere verum.

  * Vinum Helleboratum. Page 43. in the Latin B. Or, Wine Helleborated.

  * Vinum Rubellum. Page 43. in the Latin Book.

  * Vinum Benedictum. Page 43. in the Latin Book.

  * Vinum Antimoniale. Pege 43. in the Latin Book. Or, Antimonial Wine.

  * Vinum Scilliticum. Page 44. in the Latin Book. Or, Wines of Squils.


  * Acetum Distillatum. Page 45. in the Latin Book. Or, Distilled Vineger.

  * Acetum Rosatum. Page 45. in the Latin Book. Or, Rose Vineger.

  * Acetum Scilliticum. Page 45. in the Latin Book. Or, Vineger of Squils.

  * Acetum Theriacale Norimberg. Page 46. in Lat. B. Or, Treacle Vineger.

  * Acetum Theriacale. 46. in the Latin Book. Or, Treacle Vineger.


  * Decoctum Commune pro Clystere. Page 47. in Lat B. Or, A common Decoction for a Cylster.

  * Decoctum Fpythimi. Page 47. in the Latin Book. Or, A Decoction of Epithimum.

  * Decoctum Sennae Gereonis. Page 47. in the Lat. Book. Or, A Decoction of Senna.

  * Decoctum Pectorale. Page 48. in the Latin Book. Or, A Poctoral Decoction.

  * Decoctum Trumaticum. Page 48. in the Latin Book.

  * Some they have left out in their new Model, which are these that follow:

A Carminative Decoction.

A Decoction of Flowers and Fruits.

Lac Virgineum.

A Drink for wounded men.


  * Syrupus de Absinthio Symplex. Pag. 49. in Lat. Book. OR Syrup of Wormwood, Simple.

  * Syrupus de Absinthio Compositus. 49. in the Lat. B. OR Syrup of Wormwood, Compound.

  * Syrupus Acetosus Symplex. Pag. 50. in the L. Book. OR Syrup of Vinegar Simple.

  * Syrupus Acetosus Simplicior. Pag. 50. in the L. Book. OR Syrup of Vineger more Simple.

  * Syrupus Acetosus Compositus. Pag. 50. in the L. Book. OR Syrup of Vinegar Compound.

  * Syrupus de Agno Casto. Pag. 50. In the L. Book. O R Syrup of Agnus Castus.

  * Syrupus de Althaea. Pag. 51. In the L. Book. O R Syrup of Marsh-Mallows.

  * Syrupus de Ammoniaco. Pag. 51. In the L. Book. O R Syrup of Ammoniacum.

  * Syrupus de Artemisia. Pag. 51. In the L. Book. O R Syrup of Mugwort.

  * Syrupus de Betonica Compositus. Pag. 52. In L. Book. O R, Syrup of Betony Compound.

  * Syrupus Byzantinus, Simple. Page 53. In the Latin Book.

  * Syrupus Byzantinus, Compound. Page 53. In the Latin Book.

  * Syrupus Botryos. Page 53. In the Latin Book. O R Syrup of Oak of Jerusalem.

  * Syrupus Capillorum Veneris. Pag. 53. In L. Book. O R Syrup of Maidenhair.

  * Syrupus Cardiacus, vel Julepum Cardiacum. Pag. 53. O R A Cordial Syrup.

  * Syrupus infusionis Floram Caryophillorum. Pag. 54. O R Syrup of Clove-gilliflowers.

  * Syrupus de Cinnamomo. Pag. 54. In the L. Book. O R, Syrup of Cinnamon.

  * Syrupus Acetositatis Citriorum. Pag. 54. In L. Book. O R, Syrup of Juyce of Citrons.

  * Syrupus Corticum Citriorum. Pag. 54. In the L. Book. O R, Syrup of Citron Pills.

  * Syrupus è Coralliis Simplex. Pag. 55. In the L. Book. O R, Syrup of Corral Simple.

  * Syrupus è Coralliis Compositus. Pag. 55. In L. Book. O R Syrup of Corral Compound.

  * Syrupus Cydoniorum. Pag. 56. In the L. Book. O R Syrup of Quinces.

  * Syrupus de Erysimo. Pag. 56. In the L. Book. O R Syrup of Hedg-mustard.

  * Syrupus de Fumaria. Pag. 56. In the L. Book. O R Syrup of Fumitory.

  * Syrupus de Glycyrrhiza. Pag. 56. In the L. Book. O R Syrup of Liquoris.

  * Syrupus Granatorum cum Aceto: vulgo, Oxysaccharum simplex. Page 57. in the Latin Book. O R Syrup of Pomegranates with Vineger.

  * Syrupus de Hyssopo. Page 57. in the Latin Book. O R Syrup of Hysop.

  * Syrupus Ivae arthriticae, sive Chamaepityos. Pag. 57. O R Syrup of Chamepitys.

  * Syrupus Jujubinus. Page 58. in the Latin Book. O R Syrup of Jujubes.

  * Syrupus de Meconio, sive, Diacodium. Page 58. Syrup of Meconium, or, Diacodium.

  * Syrupus de Meconio Compositus. Page 59. in L. Book. Syrup of Meconium Compound.

  * Syrupus 〈◊〉. Page 59. in the Latin Book. Or, Syrup of Bawm.

  * Syrupus de Mentha. Page 59. in the Latin Book. Or, Syrup of Mints.

  * Syrupus de Mucilaginibus. Page 60. in the L. Book. Or, Syrup of Mussilages.

  * Syrupus Myrtinus. Page 60. in the Latin Book. Or, Syrup of Mirtles.

  * Syrupus Florum Nymphaeae simplex. Page 60. Or, Syrup of Water-Lilly-flowers, simple.

  * Syrupus Florum Nymphaeae compositus. Page 60. Syrup of Water-lilly-Flowers, compound.

  * Syrupus de Papavere Erratico, sive Rhubro. Page 61. Or, Syrup of Eratick Poppies.

  * Syrupus de Pilosella. Page 61. in the Latin Book. Or, Syrup of Mousear.

  * Syrupus insusionis Florum Paeoniae. Page 62. Or, Syrup of the infusion of Peony Flowers.

  * Syrupus de Paeonia Compositus. P. 62. in L. Book. Or, Syrup of Peony Compound.

  * Syrupus de Pomis alterans. Page 62. in the L. Book. Or, Syrup of Apples.

  * Syrupus de Prasio. Page 62. In the Latin Book. Or, Syrup of Horehound.

  * Syrupus de quinque Radicibus. Page 63. In L Book. Or, Syrup of the sive opening Roots.

  * Syrupus Raphani. Page 63. In the L. Book. Or, Syrup of Rhadishes.

  * Syrupus Regius, aliàs Julapium Alexandrinum. P. 64 Or, Julep of Alexandria.

  * Syrupus de Rosis siccis. Page 64. In the L. Book. Or, Syrup of dried Roses.

  * Syrupus Scabiosae. Page 64. In the L. Book. Or, Syrup of Scabious.

  * Syrupus de Scolopendrio. Page 64. in the L. Book. Or, Syrup of Hartstongue.

  * Syrupus de Stoechade. Page 65. in the Latin Book. Or, Syrup of Stoechas.

  * Syrupus de Symphyto. Page 65. in the Latin Book. Or, Syrup of Comfry.

  * Syrupus Violarum. Page 65. in the Latin Book. Or, Syrup of Violets.


  * Syrupus de Cicborio cum Rhabarbaro. Page 67. Or, Syrup of Succory with Rhubarb.

  * Syrupus de Epithymo. Page 67. in the Latin. Book. Or, Syrup of Epithimum.

  * Syrupus è Floribus Persicorum. Page 68. in L. Book. Or, Syrup of Peach-flowers.

  * Syrupus de Pomis Purgans. Page 68. in the L. Book. Or, Syrup of Apples, purging.

  * Syrupus de Pomis Magistralis. Page 68. in L. Book. Or, Syrup of Apples Magisterial.

  * Syrupus de Rhabarbaro. Page 69. in the Lat. Book. Or, Syrup of Rhubarb.

  * Syrupus Rosaccus Solutivus. Page 69. in L. Book. Or, Syrup of Roses Sclutive.

  * Syrupus e Succo Rosarum. Page 70. in the Lat. Book. Or, Syrup of the Juyce of Roses.

  * Syrupus Rosaccus Solutivus cum Agarico. Page 70. Or, Syrup of Roses Solutive with Agrick.

  * Syrupus Rosaccus Solutivus cum Helleboro. Page 70. Or, Syrup of Roses Solutive with Hellebore.

  * Syrupus Rosaccus Solutivus cum Sena. Page 70. Or, Syrup of Roses Solutive with Senna.

  * Surupus de Spina Cervina. Page 71. Or, Syrup of Purging Thorn.


  * Mel Anthosatum. Page 72. in the Latin Book. Or, Honey of Rosemary Flowers.

  * Mel Helleboratum. Page 72. in the Latin Book. Or, Honey Helleborated.

  * Mel Mercuriale. Page 72. in the Latin Book. Or, Honey of Mercury.

  * Mel Mororum, vel Diamoron. Page 72. in L. Book. Or, Honey of Mulberries.

  * Mel Nuceum, aliàs, 〈◊〉 et Dianncum. P. 72. Or, Honey of Nuts.

  * Mel Passulatum. Page 72. in the Latin Book. Or, Honey of Raisons.

  * Mel Rosatum commune, sive Foliatum. Page 73. Or, Common Honey of Roles.

  * Mel Rosatum Colatum. Page 73. in the Latin Book. Or, Honey of Roles strained.

  * Mel Rosatum Solutivum. Page 73. in L. Book. Or, Honey of Roses Solutive.

  * Mel Scilliticum. Page 73. In the Latin Book. Or, Honey of Squils.

  * Oxymel Simple. Page 73. in the Latin Book.

  * Oxymel Compound. Page 73. in the L. Book.

  * Oxymel Helleboratum. Page 74. in the Latin Book. Or, Oximel Helleborated.

  * Oxymel Julianizans. Page 75. in Lat. Book.

  * Oxymel Scilliticum Compositum. Page 75. in L. Book. Or, Oximel of Squils Compound.

Culpeper. A. REader, before we begin, I thought good to advertise thee of these few things, which in * Syrup of Purslain. Mesue.

  * Compound Syrup of Coltsfoot. Renodaeus.

  * Syrup of Poppies, the lesser Composition.

  * Syrup of Poppies, the greater Composition. Mesue.

  * Syrup of Eupatorium (or Maudlin.) Mesue.

  * Honey of Emblicks. Augustanus.


  * Rob, sive Sapa, simplex. Page 76. in the L. Book. Or, Simple Rob, or Sapa.

  * Rob de Berberis. Page 76. in the Latin Book. Or, Reb of Barberries.

  * Rob de Cerasis. Page 76. in the Latin Book. Or, Rob of Cherries.

  * Rob de Cornis. Page 76. in the latin Book. Or, Rob of Cornels.

  * Rob Cydoniorum. Page 76. in the Latin Book. Or, Rob of Quinces.

  * Miva vel Gelatina Eorundem. Page 76. in L. Book. Or, 〈◊〉 of Quinces.

  * Rob Baccarum Sambuci. Page 77. in L. Book. Or, Rob of Elder Berries.

  * Succus Glycyrrhizae simplex. Page 77. in Lat. Book. Or, Juyce of Liquoris simple.

  * Succus Glycyrrhizae Compositus. P. 77. in L. Book. Or, Juyce of Liquoris Compound.

  * Succus Pronorum sylvestrum. Page 78. in Lat. Book. Or, Juyce of Sloes, called Acacia.


  * Lohoch de Farfara. Page 79. in the Latin Book. Or, Lohoch of Coltsfoot.

  * Lohoch de Papavere. Page 79. in the Latin Book. Or, Lohoch of Poppies.

  * Lohoch è Passulis. Page 80. in the Latin Book. Or, Lohoch of Raisons.

  * Lohoch è Pino. Page 80. in the Latin Book. Or, Lohoch of Pinenuts.

  * Lohoch de Portulaca. Page 80. in the Latin Book. Or, Lohoch of Purslain.

Lohoch è Pulmone Vulpis. Page 81. in Lat. Book. Or, Lohoch of Fox Lungs.The Colledg] Take of Fox LunLohoch sanum et Expertum. Page 81. in L. Book. Or, A sound and well Experienced Lohoch.The Colledg] Lohoch Scilliticum. Page 81. in the Latin Book. Or, Lohoch of Squils.The Colledg] Take three drachmsEclegma of Squils. Mesue.The Colledg] Take of the juyce of Squils and Honey, both of them clarified, * Lohoch of Coleworts. Gordonius.



  * SUGARS. Diacodium Solidum, sive Tabulatum. Page 86.

  * 〈◊◊〉 Simplex, et Perlatum. P. 86. Or, 〈◊〉 of Sugar, both Simple and 〈◊〉.

  * Saccharum Tabellatum Compositum. Page 86. Or, Lozenges of Sugar Compound.

  * Saccharum Penidium. Page 86. in Latin Book. Or, Sugar Penids.

  * Confectio de Thure. Page 87. in the Latin Book. Or, Confection of Frankinsence.

  * Saccharum Rosatum. Page 87. in the Latin Book. Or, Sugar of Roses.


  * Aromaticum Caryophyllatum. Page 88. in the Latin Book.

  * Aromaticum Rosatum. Page 88. in the Latin Book.

  * Pulvis ex Chelis Cancrorum Compositus. Page 89. Or, Pouder of Crabs Claws Compound.

  * Species Cordiales Temperatae. Page 89. in the Latin Book.

  * Diacalaminthe Simple. Page 89. in the Latin Book.

  * Diacalaminthe Compound. Page 89. in the Latin Book.

  * Dianisum. Page 90. in the Latin Book.

  * Pulvis Radicum Ari Compositus. Page 90. Or, Pouder of Aron Roots Compound.

  * Diaireos Simple. Page 90.

  * Dialacca. Page 90. in the Lat. Book.

  * Pulvis Cardiacus Magistralis. Page 91. in the Latin Book.

  * 〈◊◊〉. Page 91. in the Latin Book.

  * Diambra. Page 92. in the Latin Book.

  * Diamoschu Dulce. Page 92. in the Latin Book.

  * Diamoschu Amarum. Page 92. in the Latin Book.

  * Species Dianthus. Page 93. in the Latin Book.

  * Diapenidion. Page 93. in the Latin Book.

  * Diarrhodon Abbatis. Page 93. in the Latin Book.

  * Diaspoliticum. Page 94. in the Latin Book.

  * Species Diatragacanthi srigidi. Page 94. in the Latin Book.

  * Diatrion 〈◊〉. Page 94. in the Latin Book.

  * Diatrion Santalon. Page 94. in the Latin Book.

  * Pulvis Haly. Page 95. in the Latin Book.

  * Laetisicans. Page 95. in the Latin Book.

  * Pulvis Bezoardicus Magistralis. P. 95. in L. Book. Or, A Bezoartick Pouder Magisterial.

  * Species confectionis Liberantis. Page 96. in the Latin Book.

  * Pulvis Saxonicus. Page 96. in the Latin Book.

  * Pulvis Antilyssus. Page 97. in the Latin Book.

  * Rosatae Novellae. Page 97. in the Latin Book.

  * Pulvis Thuraloes. Page 97. in the Latin Book.

  * Pulvis Hermodactylorum compositus. Page 97. Or, Pouder of Hermodactils compound.

  * Pulvis Senae Compositus major. Page 98. in L. Book. Or, Pouder of Scnna, the greater Composition.

  * Pulvis 〈◊〉 Compositus minor. Page 98. in L. Book. Or, Pouder of Senna, the lesser Composition.

  * Diasenae. Page 98. in the Latin Book.

  * Diaturbith with Rhubarb. Page 98. in the Latin Book.

Culpeper] The Pouders they in their new Moddel have plaid the men and left out, are these: * The lesser Cordial Pouder. Fernelius.

  * The greater Cordial Pouder. Fern.

  * A Pouder for such as are bruised by a Fall. The Augustan Physitians.

  * Species Electuarii Diacymini. Nicholaus.

  * Species Electuarii Diagalangae. Mesue.

  * Species Electuarii de Gemmis frigidi.

  * Species Electuarii Diamagariton Calidi. Avicenna.

  * Lithontribon Nicholaus, according to Fernelius.

  * Pleres Arconticon. Nicholaus.

  * A Preservative Pouder against the Pestilence. Montagnan.

  * Diaturbith the greater, without Rhubarb.

  * A Pouder for the worms.


  * Antidotus analeptica. Page 99. in the Latin Book.

  * Consectio Alkermes. Page 99. in the Latin Book.

  * Electuarium è Sassaphras. Page 100. in L. Book. Or, Electuary of Sassafras.

  * Electuarium de Baccis Lauri. Page 100. Or, Electuary of Bay-berries.

  * Diacapparis. Page 101. in the Latin Book.

  * Diacinnamomu. Page 101. in the Latin Book.

  * Diacorallion. Page 101. in the Latin Book.

  * Diacorum. Page 101. In the Latin Book.

  * Diacydonium Simple. Page 102. in the Latin Book.

  * Diacydonium with Species. Page 102. in the Latin Book.

  * Diacydonium Compound, Magisterial, Page 102. in the Latin Book.

  * Consectio de Hyacintho. Page 103. in the Latin Book.

  * Antidotum Haemagogum. Page 103. in the Latin Book.

  * Diasatyrion. Page 104. in the Latin Book.

  * Electuarium Diaspermaton. Page 104. in the Latin Book.

  * Micleta. Page 105. in the Latin Book.

  * Electuarium Pectorale. Page 105. in the Lat. Book. Or, A Pectoral Electuary.

  * Theriaea Diatessaron. Page 105. in the Latin Book.

  * Diascordium. Page 106. in the Latin Book.

  * Mithridate. Page 106. in the Latin Book.

  * Phylonium Persicum. Page 107. in the Latin Book.

  * Phylonium Romanum. Page 107. in the Latin Book.

  * Phylonium Magistrale. Page 108. in the Latin Book.

  * 〈◊〉 de Ovo. Pag. 108 in the Latin Book. Or, Electuary of Eggs

  * Theriaca Andromachi. Page 108. in Lat. Book. or, Venis Treacle.

  * Theriaca Londinensis. Page 110. in Lat. Book. Or, London Treacle.

  * Diacrocuma. Page 110. in the Latin Book.


  * 〈◊〉 Laxativa. Page 111. in the. Latin Book.

  * Caryocostinum. Page 111. in the Latin Book.

  * Cassia Extracta pro Clysteribus. Pag. 111. in L. Book. Or, Cassia extracted for Clysters.

  * Electuarium 〈◊〉 Magistrale Majus. P. 112. Or, The greater bitter Electuary.

  * Electuarium Amarum Minus. P. 112. in the L. B. Or, The lesser bitter Electuary.

  * Diacassia with Manna. Page 112. in the Latin Book.

  * Cassia Extracta sine foliis 〈◊〉, P. 113. in L. Book. Or, Cassia extracted with the leaves of Senna.

  * Cassia Extract a cum Foliis Senae. P. 113. in L. Book. Or, Cassia extracted with the leaves of Senna.

  * Diacarthamum. Page 113. in the Latin Book.

  * Diaphoenicon. Page 113. in 〈◊〉 Latin Book.

  * Diaprunum Lenitive. Page 114. in the Latin Book.

  * Diaprunum Solutive. Page 114. in the Latin Book.

  * Catholicon. Page 114. in the Latin Book.

  * Electuarium de Citro Solutivum. Pag. 115. in L. B. Or, Electuary of Citrons Solutive.

  * Electuarium Elescoph. Page 115. in the Latin Book.

  * Consectio Hamech. Page 115. in the Latin Book.

  * Electuarium Lenitivum. Pag. 116. in Lat. Book. Or, Lenitive Electuary.

  * Electuarium Passulatum. Page 117. in the Latin Book.

  * Electuarium è succo Rosarum. Pag. 117. in L. Book. Or, Electuary of the Juyce of Roses.

  * Hiera Picra Simple. Page 117. in the Latin Book.

  * Hiera with Agrick. Page 117. in the Latin Book.

  * Hiera Logadii Page 117. in the Latin Book.

  * Hiera Diacolocynthidos. Page 118. in the Latin Book.

  * Triphera the greater. Page 110. in the Latin Book.

  * Triphera Solutive. Page 119. in the Latin Book

_ ELECTUARIES left out in their new Master-piece which is famous for its baseness.

  * Athanasia Mithridatis. Galen.

  * Electuarium èScoria ferri is properly those flaks that smiths beat off from Iron when it is 〈◊〉 hot.scoria ferri. Rhasis.

  * Cónfectio Humain. Mesue.

  * Diaireos Salominis. Nich.

  * Diasatryon. Nich.

  * Mathiolus his great Antidote against Poysou and Pestilence.

  * Requies. Nicholaus.

  * Electuarium Reginae Coloniens.


  * Pilulae de Agarico. Page 121. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of Agrick.

  * Pilulae Aggregativae. Page 121. in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae Aloephanginae. Page 121. in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae de Aloe Lota. Page 122. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of washed Aloes.

  * Aloe Rosata. Page 122. in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae Aurcae. Page 122. in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae Cochiae the greater. Page 122. in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae Cochiae the less. Page 123. in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae de Cynoglosso. Page 123. in the Latin Book Or, Pills of Houndstongue.

  * Pilulae ex 〈◊〉. Page 123. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of two things.

  * Pilulaede Eupatorio. Page 123. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of Eupatorium.

  * Pilulae Foetidae. Page 123. in the Latin Book. Or, Stinking Pills.

  * Pilulae de Hermodactilis. Page 124 in the L. Book. Or, Pills of Hermodactils.

  * Pilulae de Hiera cum Agarico. P. 124. in Lat. Book. Or, Pills of Hiera with Agrick.

  * Pilulae Imperiales. Page 124. in the 〈◊〉 Book. Or, Imperiall Pills.

  * Pilulae de Lapide Lazuli. P. 124. in the Lat. Book. Or, Pills of Lapis Lazuli.

  * Pilulae Macri. Page 125. in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae Mastichinae. Page 125. in the Latin Book. Or, Mastich Pills.

  * Pilulae Mechoacanae. Page 125. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of Mechoacan.

  * Pilulae de Opopanace. Page 125. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of Opopanax.

  * 〈◊〉 Rudii. Page 126 in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae Ruffi. Page 126. in the Latin Book.

  * Pilulae sine Quibus. Page 126. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills without which —

  * Pilulae Stomachicae. Page 126. in the Latin Book. Or, Stomach Pills.

  * Pilulae Stomachicae cum Gummi. Pag. 127. in L. B. Or, Stomach Pills with Gums.

  * Pilulae è Styrace. Page 127. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of Styrax.

  * Pilulae de Succino. Page 127. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of Amber

  * Pilulae ex Tribus. Pag. 127. in the Latin Book. Or, Pills of three things.

  * Pilulae Turpeti Aureae. Page 127. in the Latin Book.

  * Laudanum. Page 127. in the Latin Book.

  * Nepenthes Opiatum. Page 128. in the Latin Book.

_ The PILLS left out by the Colledg in their New piece of Wit, are these.

  * Pilulae Assaireth. Avicenna.

  * Tills of Bdellium. Mesue.

  * Pills of Rhubarb. Mesue.

  * Pilulae Arabica. Nicholaus.

  * Pilulae Arthriticae. Nicholaus.

  * Pilulae Cochiae with Hellebore.

  * Pills of Fumitory. Avicenna.

  * Pilulae Indae. Mesue out of Haly.

  * Pilulae Lucis majores. Mesue.

  * Pills of Spurge. Fernelius.

  * Pills of Euphorbium. Mesue.

  * Pilulae Scribonii.


  * Trochisci de Absinthio. Page 129. in the Latin Book. Or, Troches of Wormwood.

  * Agaricus Trochiscatus. Page 129. in the Lat. Book. Or, Agrick Trochiscated.

  * Trochisci Albi, Rhasis. Pag. 129, in the Latin Book. Or, White Troches.

  * Trochisci Alexit〈◊〉 Page 129. in the Latin Book.

  * 〈◊〉 Alhandal. Page 130. in the Latin Book.

  * Trochisci Aliptae Moschatae. P. 130. in Lat. Book.

  * Trochisci Alk ckengi Page. 130. in the Latin Book. Or, Troches of winter cherries.

  * Trochisci Bechici albi, vel, Rotulae Pectorales. 130. Or, Pectural 〈◊〉

  * Trochisci Bechici Nigri. Pag. 131. in Lat. Book.

  * Trochisci de Barberis. Page 131. in the Latin Book. Or, Troches of Barberries.

  * Trochisci de Camphora. Page 131. in the Lat. Book. Or, Troches of Camphire.

  * Trochisci de Capparibus. Pag. 132. in L. Book. Or, Troches of Cappers.

  * Trochisci de Carabe. Page 132. in the Latin Book. Or, Troches of Amber.

  * Trochisci Cypheos for Methridate. Page 132. in the Latin Book.

  * Trochisci de Eupatorio. Page 133. in the Lat. Book. Or, Troches of Maudlin.

  * Throches of Gallia Moschata. Page 133. in the Latin Book.

  * Trochisci Gordonli. Page 133. in the Latin Book.

  * Trochisci Hedychroi Galen, for Treacle. Page 134. in the Latin Book.

  * Trochisci Hysterici. Page 134. in the Latin Book.

  * Trochisci de Ligno Aloes. Page 134. in Lat. Book. Or, Troches of Wood of Aloes.

  * 〈◊◊◊〉. Page 135. in the Latin Book. Or, Troches of Mirrh.

  * Sief de Plumbo. Page 135. in the Latin Book. Or, Sief of Lead.

  * Trochisci Polyidae Androm. Pag. 135. in Lat. Book.

  * Trochisci de Rhabarbaro. Pag. 135. in Lat. Book. Or, Troches of Rhubarb.

  * Trochisci de Santalis. Page 136. in the Latin Book. Or, Troches of Sanders.

  * Trochisci de scilla ad Theriacam. P. 136. in L. Book. Or, Troches of Squills for Treacle.

  * Troches of Spodium. Page 136. in the Latin Book.

  * Trochisci de terra Lemnia. Pag. 137. in Lat. Book. Or, Troches of Earth of Lemnos

  * Sief de Thure. Page 137. in the Latin Book. Or, Sief of Frankinsence.

  * Trochisci è Violis Solutivi. P. 137. in Lat. Book. Or, Troches of Violets Solutive.

  * Trochisci de Vipera ad Theriacam. P. 137. in L. B. Or, Troches of Vipers for Treacle.

  * Trochisci de Agno Casto. Pag. 138. in Lat. Book. Or, Troches of Agnus Castus.

_ These Troches they have left out, and left to be spoyled in the Apothecaries Shops: it is the wisest way to keep those poor, you would make slaves of.

  * Trochisci Alexiterii. Renodaeus.

  * Troches of Annis seeds. Mesue.

  * Trochisci Diarhodon. Mesue

  * Trochisci de Lacca. Mesue.

  * Pastilli Adronis. Galen.

  * Trochisci Musae. Galen.

  * Crocomagma of Damocrates. Galen.

  * Trochisci Ramich. Mesue.

  * Troches of Roses. Mesue.

  * Trochisci Diacorrallion. Galen.

  * Trochisci Diaspermaton. Galeni.

  * 〈◊〉 Pastilli. Galen.

  * Troches of Agrick.

_ Of the Use of Oyls, &c.

  * Chap. 1. Of ANODINES.

  * Chap. 2. Of Repelling Medicines.

  * Chap. 3. Of ATTRACTIVES.

  * Chap. 4. Of Resolving Medicines.

  * Chap. 5. Of Emollients.

  * Chap. 6. Of Suppuratives.

  * Chap. 7. Of Clensing Medicines.

  * Chap. 8. Of Incarnatives.

  * Chap. 9. Of Cicatrizing Medicines.

  * Chap. 10. Of Aglutinative Medicines.

  * Chap. 11. Of Cathereticks, Septicks, and Causticks.

  * Chap. Ult. Of Medicines used to stop Blood.



Oyl of sweet Almonds.

Oyl of bitter Almonds.

Oyl of Hazel Nuts.

Oleum Caryinum.

Oleum Chrysomelinum.

Oyl of Bays.

Oyl of Yolks of Eggs.


Oyl of Roses Omphacine.

Oyl of Roses Compleat.

One material Oyl only, which was in their last Dispensatory; which is, Oyl of Mirrh, which is thus made.


Oleum Benedictum. Page 146. in the Latin Book. Or, blessed Oyl.

Oleum de Capparibus. Page 145. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Cappers.

Oyl of Castorium compound. P. 146. in Latin book.

Oleum Catellorium. Page 146. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Whelps.

Oleum Costinum. Page 146. in the Latin Book.

Oleum Crocinum. Pag. 146. in the Lat. Book. Or, Oyl of Saffron.

Oyl of Euphorbium. Page 147. in the Latin Book.

Oleum Excestrense. Page 147 in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Exceter.

Oleum Hirundinum. Page 148. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Swallows.

Oleum Hyperici Compositum. Pag. 148 in Lat. Book. Or, Oyl of Saint Johns wort Compound.

Oleum Hyperici magis Compositum. P. 148. in Lat. B. Or, Oyl of Saint Johns wort more Compound

Oleum Irinum. Page 149. in in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Orris.

Oleum Majoranae. Page 149. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Marjoram.

Oleum Mandragorae. Page 149. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Mandragues.

Moschelaeum. Page 149. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Musk.

Oleum Nardinum. Page 150. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Nard.

Oleum Nicodemi. Page 150. in the Latin Book.

Oleum Vulpinum. Page 150. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Foxes.

  * Oyls left out in the new Dispensatory.

Culpeper. THe Receipt is before; the vertues of Oyl of Tobacco is, A. It is a gallant remedy for dee Oyl of Pepper. Mesue.

Oleum Populeum. Nich.


  * Unguentum Album. Page 153. in the Latin Book. Or, white Oyntment.

  * Unguentum Egyptiacum. Page 153. in the Latin B.

  * Unguentum Anodynum. Page 153. in Lat. Book. Or, an Ovntment to ease pain.

  * Unguentum ex Apio. Page 153. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyntment of Smallage.

  * Liniment of Gum Elemi.

  * Unguentum Aureum. Page 154. in Lat. Book.

  * Basilicon the greater. Page 154. in the Latin Book.

  * Basilicon the less. Page 154. in the Latin Book.

  * Oyntment of Bdellium. P. 154 in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum de Calce. Page 155. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyntment of Chalke.

  * Unguentum Dialthaeae. Page 155. in Lat. Book. Or, Oyntment of Marshmallows

  * Unguentum Diapompholygos. Pag. 155. in Lat. Book.

  * Unguentum Enulatum. Page 155. in Lat. Book. Or, Oyntment of Alicampane.

  * Unguentum Enulatum cum mercurio. P. 156. in L. B. Or, Oyntment of Alicampane with Quicksilver.

  * Unguentum Laurinum commune. P. 156. in Lat. B. Or, Oyntment of Baies common.

  * Unguentum de miniosive rubrum Camphora. P. 156. Or, Oyntment of red Lead

  * Unguentum è Nicotiona, seu Peto. P. 156. in Lat. B. Or, Oyntment of Tobbacco.

  * Unguentum Nutritum, seu Trifarmacum. P. 156. L. B.

  * Unguentum Ophthalmicum. Pag. 157. in Lat. Book. Or, Oyntment for the eyes.

  * Unguentum ex Oxylapatho. Pag. 157. in Lat. Book. Or, Oyntment of Sharp-pointed Dock.

  * Unguentum è Plumbo. Page 157. in Lat. Book. Or, Oyntment of Lead.

  * Unguentum Pomatum. Page 157. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum Potabile. Page 158. in the Latin Book

  * Unguentum Resinum. Page 158. in the Lain Book.

  * Unguentum Rosatum. Page 158. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyntment of Roses.

  * 〈◊〉 Rubrum. Page 158. in the Latin Book. Or, a drying red Oyntment.

  * Unguentum è Solano. Page 158. in the Lat. Book Or, Oyntment of Nightshade.

  * Unguentum Tutiae. Page. 158. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyntment of Tutty

  * Valentia Scabiosae. Page 159. in the Latin Book. A famous Oyntment much in use 300. years ago.

  * Tapsivalentia. Page 159. in the Latin Book.

  * Tapsimel. Page 159. in the Latin Book.


  * Unguentum Agrippa. Page 160. in the Lat. in Book.

  * Unguentum de Alabastro. Page 160, in the Latin B. Or, Oyntment of Alabaster.

  * Unguentum Amarum. Page 160 in the Latin Book. Or, a bitter Oyntment.

  * Unguentum Apostolorum. Page 161. in the Latin B. Or, Oyntment of the Apostles.

  * Unguentum Aregon. Page 161. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum de Artanita. Page 162. in Lat. Book. Or, Oyntment of Sow-bread.

  * Unguentum Catapsoras Page 162. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum Citrinum. Page 163. in the Lat. Book. Or, A Citron Oyntment.

  * Unguentum Comitissae. Page 163. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum Martiatum. Page 164. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum Mastichinum. Page 164. in Lat. Book. Or, An Oyntment of Mastich.

  * Unguentum Neapolitanum. Page 165. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum Nervinum. Page 165. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum Pectorale. Page 165. in Lat. Book. Or, A Pectoral Oyntment.

  * Unguentum Populneum. Page 166. in Lat. Book. Or, Oyntment of Poplar.

  * Unguentum Resumptivum. Page 166. in Lat. Book.

  * Unguentum Splanchnieum. Page 166. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum Splanchnicum Magistrale. Page 167. in the Latin Book.

  * Unguentum è Succis. Page 167. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyntment of Juyces.

  * Unguentum Samach. Page 168. in the Latin Book.

_ Oyntments left out in this Dispensatory.

  * Oyntments of Marsh-Mallows Compound. Nich.

  * Unguentum Diapompholigos nih ili. Nicholaus.

  * Unguentum Refrigerans. Galenus, It is also called a Cerecloath

  * Unguentum è 〈◊〉 Aperitivis primum.〈◊〉.

  * 〈◊〉 Martiatum. Nich.

  * An Oyntment for the Worms. Foesius.


  * Ceratum de Galbano. Page 169. in the Latin Book. Or, Cerecloath of Galbanum.

  * Ceratum 〈◊〉. Page 169. in the Latin Book.

  * Ceratum Santalinum. Page 169. in the Latin Book.


  * Emplastrum ex Ammoniaco. Page 170. in the Lat. B. Or, A Plaister of Ammoniacum

  * Emplaistrum è Baccis Lauri. Page 170. in Lat. B. Or, a Plaister of Bay berries.

  * Emplastrum Barbarum Magnum. P. 171. in Lat. B.

  * Emplastrum de Betonica. Page 171. in the Lat. Book. Or, A Plaister of Betony.

  * Emplastrum Coesaris. Page 171. in the Latin Book.

  * Emplastrum Catagmaticum the first. P. 172. in Lat. B.

  * Catagmaticum the second. Page 173. in the Lat. B.

  * Emplastrum Cephalicum. Page 173. in the Lat B. Or, A Cephalick Plaister.

  * Emplastrum de Cerussa. Page 174. in the Latin Book. Or, A Plaister of Ceruss.

  * Emplaistrum ex Cicuta 〈◊◊〉. P. 174. L. 〈◊〉. Or, A Plaister of Hemlock with Amoniacum.

  * Emplastrum è Cinnabari. Page 174. in the Latin B.

  * Emplastrum è Crusta Panis. P. 174. in the Lat. Book Or, A Plaister of a crust of Bread.

  * Emplastrum è Cymino. Page 174. in the Latin Book Or, A Plaister of Cummin.

  * Emplastrum Diacasciteos. Page 175. in the L. B.

  * Diachylon Simple. Page 175. in Lat. Book.

  * Diachylon Ireatum. Page 175. in Lat. Book.

  * Diachylon magnum. Page 175. in Lat. Book.

  * Diachylon magnum cum Gummi. Page 176. in the Latin Book.

  * Diachylon Compositum, five Emplastrum 〈◊〉 Mucilaginibus. Page 176. in the Latin Book. Or, A Plaister of Mucilages.

  * Emplastrum Diaphoenicon hot. Page 176. in L. B.

  * Diaphoenicon cold. Page 177. in Lat. Book.

  * Emplastrum Divinum, Page 177. in Lat. Book. Or, A Divine Plaister.

  * Emplastrum Epispasticum. Page 177. in Lat. Book

  * Emplastrum à nostratibus, Flos Vnguentorum Dictum. Page 178. in the Latin Book. Or, Flower of Oyntments.

  * A Plaister of Gum Elemi. Page 178. in the Latin Book.

  * A Plaister of Lapis Calaminaris. Page 178. in the Latin Book.

  * Emplastrum ad Herniam. Page 178. in the Lat. Book

  * Emplastrum Hystericum. Page 179. in the Latin Book.

  * Emplastrum de Mastiche. Page 179. in the Latin Book. Or, A Plaister of Mastich.

  * Emplastrum de Meliloto Simplex. Page 180. in Lat. B. Or, A Plaister of Melilot Simple.

  * Implastrum de Meliloto Compositum. P. 180. in L. B Or, A Plaister of Melilot Compound.

  * Emplastrum de minio Compositum. P. 180. in Lat. B. Or, A Plaister of red lead Compound.

  * Emplastrum de minio Simplicius. Pag. 181. in Lat. B. Or, A Plaister of red Lead Simple.

  * Emplastrum Metroproptoticon. Pag. 181. in Lat. B.

  * Emplastrum Nervinum. Page 181. in the Latin Book.

  * Emplastrum Oxycroceum. Page 182. in the Latin B.

  * Emplastrum de Ranis. Page 182. in the Latin Book. Or, a Plaister of Frogs.

  * 〈◊◊〉. Page 183. in the Lat. Book.

  * Sparadrap seu tela Galteri. Page 183. in the Latin B.

  * Emplastrum Stephaniaion. Page 183. in the Latin B

  * Emplastrum Sticticum. Page 184. in Lat Book.

  * 〈◊◊◊〉. Page 184. L. B. Or, A Stomach Plaister.

  * 〈◊◊〉. Page 185. in Lat. Book.

_ Such Plaisters as their Worships (being wise) thought fit to leave out, are these.

  * Emplastrum 〈◊〉, or 〈◊〉. Nich. Alex.

  * Emplastrum Gracia Dei. Nicholaus. Or, the Grace of God.

  * Emplastrum de Janua, or of Betony. Nicholaus.

  * Emplastrum Isis Epigoni.〈◊〉.

  * A 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉. Nich. 〈◊〉.

  * Emplastrum nigrum. August. Called in High Dutch Stichpflaster.

  * Emplastrum Sanctum. Andr. è Cruce. A. A holy Plaister composed by Andrew of the Gollows.

  * Emplastrum sine Pari.

  * A Plaister for the Stomach. Mesue.

  * A Cerecloath of Ammoniacum.

  * Ceratum Stomachium. Galen.



Oyl of Wormwood.

After the same manner are made Oyl of dryed Barks.

Oyl or fat of Roses, commonly called Spirit of Roses.

  * OYL of SEEDS.

Oyl of Dill. Seeds.


Oyl of Juniper Berries.

Oyl of Turpentine.

Oyl of 〈◊〉

Oyl of Guajacum.

Oyl of Wax.

Oleum Latericium Phylosophorum. Page 190. in L. B.

Oleum Succini. Page 191. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Amber.

Oleum 〈◊〉 Butyrum Antimonii. Page 191. in Lat. B. Oyl or Butter of Antimony.

Oleum Arsenici. Page 191. in Lat. Book. Or, Oyl of Arsenick.

Oleum Salis. Page 192. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Salt.

Oleum Sulphuris. Page 192. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Sulphur.

Oleum Vitrioli. Page 192. in the Latin Book. Or, Oyl of Vitriol.

Aqua fortis. Page 192. in the Latin Book.

Aqua Mellis. Page 193. in Lat. Book. Or, Water of Honey.

Liquor seu Liquamen Tartari, seu Oleum Tartari Per Deliquium. Page 193. in Lat. Book. Or, Liquor of Tartar.

Oleum Mirrhae per Deliquium. Page 193. in L. B. Or, Oyl of Mirrh.

  * Only Oyl of Tartar Chymical is left out.

Oyl of Tartar.


  * Antimonium cum Nitro calcinatum. Page 194. Or, Antimony calcined with Niter.

  * Chalybs Praeparatus. Page 194. in Lat. Book. Or, Steel prepared.

  * Crystal of Tartar. Page 195. in the Latin Book.

  * Crocus Martis. Page 195. in the Latin Book.

  * Crocus Metallorum. Page 195. in the Latin Book.

  * Flos Sulphuris. Page 196. in the Latin Book Or, Flower of Brimstone.

  * Lapis infernalis. Page 196. in the Latin Book.

  * Lapis seu Sal Prunellae. Page 196. in the Latin Book.

  * Magisterum of Pearl and Corral. Page 196. in L. B

  * Mercurius Sublimatus Corrosivus. P. 197. in Lat. B. Mercury Sublimate Corrosiye.

  * Mercurius dulcis Sublimatus. Page 198. in Latin B.

  * Mercurius dulcis precipitated. Page 198. in Latin B.

  * Mercurius praecipitatus Corrosivus. Page 198. in L. B. Or, Corrosive precipitate.

  * Mercurius vitae. Page 198. in the Latin Book.

  * Regulus Antimonii. Page 199. in the Latin Book.

  * Salcharum 〈◊〉: Page 199. in the Latin Book.

  * Sal Vitrioli. Page 199. in the Latin Book. Or, Salt of Vitriol.

  * Turpethum Minerale. Page 200. in the Latin Book.

  * Tartarum Vitriolatum. Page 200. in the Latin B.

  * Vitriolum album depuratum. Page 200. in the Lat. B. Or, White Vitriol clensed.

  * Vitrum Antimonii. Page 200. in the Latin Book.



  * Salt Volatle, or Essential, is thus made.

  * Salt fixed, or Elementary, is thus made.


  * The way of Preparing Fats.

  * The burning of Brass.

  * The washing of Aloes.

  * The preparation of Bole Armenick.

  * Foecula Brioniae.

  * May Butter.

  * The preparations of Lapis Calaminaris.

  * The washing of Lime.

  * The preparation of Corral, Pearls, Crabs Eyes, and other precious Stones.

  * The preparation of Coriander seed.

  * The burning of Harts horn, Ivory, and other bones.

  * A new Preparation of them

  * The way to make Elaterium.

  * The Preparation of the bark of Spurge Roots.

  * The Preparation of Euphorbium.

  * The Preparation of Black Hellebore Roots.

  * The Preparation of Goats blood.

  * The Burning of young Swallows.

  * The Preparation of Lacca.

  * The preparation of Lapis 〈◊〉.

  * The preparation of Litharge.

  * The preparation of Earth-worms.

  * The preparation of Sows or Wood-lice.

  * The manner of preparing Oesypus.

  * The Preparation of Opium.

  * Pouder of Raw Lead.

  * The washing of Lead.

  * The burning of Lead.

  * The Preparation of Fox Lungues.

  * The Preparation of Scammony.

  * Another way of Preparation of Scammony with Sulphur.

  * The Prepatation of Squils.

  * Washed Tartar.

  * Boyled Turpentine.

  * The Preparation of Tutty.



  1. A SINOPSIS of the KEY of GALENS Method of Physick.

    _ Sect. 1.

    _ Sect. 2.

    • Chap. 1

    • Chap. 2

    • Chap. 3

    • Chap. 4

    • Chap. 5

    _ Sect. 3.

  2. A KEY TO GALEN'S Method of Physick.

    _ The General Use of PHYSICK.

    • But to return to my purpose Sect. 1. Of the Temperatureof Medicines.Sect. 2. Of the Apropriation Sect. 3. Of the Properties  _ Sect. 1. Of the Temperáture of Medicines.

    • Of Medicines Temperate.

    • Of Medicines Hot

    • Of Medicines Hot in the first Degree.

    • Of Medicines hot in the Second Degree.

    • Of Medicines hot in the Third Degree.

    • Of Medicines hot in the Fourth Degree.

    • Of Cooling Medicines.

    • Of Medicines Cold in the First Degree.

    • Of Medicines Cold in the Second and Third Degrees.

    • Of Medicines Cold in the Fourth Degree.

    • Of Moistning Medicines.

    • Of Drying Medicines.

    _ Sect. 2. Of the Apropriation of Medicines to the several Parts of the Body.

    • CHAP 1. Of Medicines apropriated to the Head.

Of Medicines apropriated to the Brain.

Of Medicines apropriated to the Eyes.

Medicines apropriated to the Mouth and Nose.

Medicines apropriated to the Ears.

Medicines apropriated to the Teeth.

  * CHAP. 2. Of Medicines apropriated to the Breast and Lungues.

  * CHAP. 3. Of Medicines apropriated to the Heart.

  * CHAP. 4. Of Medicines apropriated to the Stomach.

  * CHAP. 5. Of Medicines apropriated to the Liver.

  * CHAP. 6. Of Medicines apropriated to the Spleen.

  * Chap. 7. Of Medicines apropriated to the Reins and Bladder.

  * Chap. 8. Of Medicines apropriated to the Womb.

  * Chap. Of Medicenes apropriated to the Joynts.

_ Sect. 3. Of the Properties or Operations of Medicines.

  * Chap. 1. Of Emollient Medicines.

  * Chap. 2. Of Hardning Medicines.

  * CHAP. 3. Of Loosning Medicines.

  * CHAP. 4. Of Medicines making thin and thick.

  * CHAP 5. Of Medicines opening the Mouths of the Vessels.

  * CHAP. 6. Of Attenuating Medicines.

  * Chap. 7. Of Drawing Medicines.

  * Chap. 8. Of Discussive Medicines.

  * Chap. 9. Of Repelling Medicines.

  * Chap. 10. Of Burning Medicines.

  * Chap. 11. Of Clensing Medicines.

  * Chap. 12. Of Emplasters.

  * Chap. 13. Of Suppuring Medicines

  * Chap. 14. Of Medicines provoking Urin.

  * CHAP. 15. Of Medicines provoking the Terms.

  * Chap. 16. Medicines breeding, or taking away Milk.

  * Chap. 17. Of Medicines regarding the Seed.

  * Chap. 18. Of Medicines casing Pain.

  * CHAP. 19. Of Medicines breeding Flesh.

  * Chap. 20. Of Glutinative Medicines.

  * Chap. 21. Of Scarrifying Medicines.

  * Chap. 22. Of Medicines resisting Poyson.

  * Chap. 23. Of Medicines Adorning the Body.

  * Chap. 24. Of Purging Medicines.

Cautions concerning Purging.

Of the Choyce of Purging Medicines.

Of the time of Purging.

Of the correcting of Purging Medicines

Of the Way, or Manner of Purging.

  1. AN ALPHABETICAL TABLE TO THE ENGLISH NAMES IN THE Catalogue of Simples. A directs to the first Column, B to the second, the Number to the Page.

    _ ROOTS.

    _ BARKS.

    _ WOODS.

    _ HERBS.

    _ FLOWERS.


    _ SEEDS.


    _ JUYCES.

    _ PLANTS.





  2. A TABLE of the COMPOUNDS in the Order they are set down in every Classis. A directs to the first Column, B to the second, the Number to the Page.

    _ OYLS.

  3. A CATALOGUE or TABLE of the DISEASES treated of in the Dispensatory.

Types of content

  • There are 12 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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23. q 2
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26. signed 3
27. table 139
28. trailer 3


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