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#Therapeutica sacra shewing briefly the method of healing the diseases of the conscience, concerning regeneration / written first in Latine by David Dickson ; and thereafter translated by him.#

##Dickson, David, 1583?-1663.## Therapeutica sacra shewing briefly the method of healing the diseases of the conscience, concerning regeneration / written first in Latine by David Dickson ; and thereafter translated by him. Dickson, David, 1583?-1663.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2003-12 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2003-12 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-01 Olivia Bottum Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-01 Olivia Bottum Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2004-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##




  1. THERAPEUTICA SACRA, Translated by the Author; Shewing shortly, The method of healing the diseases of the Conscience, concerning Regeneration.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IV.

    • The first poof.

    • The second proof.

    • The third proof.

    • The fourth proof.

    • The fifth proof.

    • The sixth proof.

    • The first article of the Covenant of Redemption concerneth the persons redeemed.

    • The second article.

Of the sufferings of Christ in His soul.

The degrees of the suffering of Christs holy soul.

The use of this article of the covenant of Redemption.

  * The third article.

Concerning these three gifts.

The first proof, is from vers. 13. of Isa. 52. to the end of Chap. 53.

The second proof is from Isa. 59. 20. 21.

The third proof is from, Joh. 6. 37. &c.

The fourth proof is, Joh. 10. 14.

The fifth proof.

  * The fourth article.

_ CHAP. V.

  * The difference between the law, and the Covenant of works.

  * How the Covenant of God with man was a mean

to mans felicity.

  * How Gods covenanting with man served for

Gods glory.

  * How the Covenant of works may be called the Covenant of



  * Of Infants interest in this Covenant.

  * Of the means to draw on the making of this covenant.

  * How the externall dispensation of the Covenant of old, differeth

from that which now is under the Gospel.

  * Concerning the condition of the Covenant.

  * Of the tearms whereupon this Covenant is offered and

pressed in Scripture.

  * Of the sundry wayes of mens framing of the covenant

of Grace.


  * The maner of dispensing the new covenant outwardly and




  * For removing of the first impediment of self-examination.

  * For removing of the second impediment.

  * For removing the third impediment.

  * For removing the fourth impediment.

  * For removing the fifth impediment.

  * For removing the sixth impediment.

  * For removing the seventh impediment.

_ CHAP. X.

  * Of anxious tormenting desperation.


  * The first sort.

    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II.

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IV.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    _ CHAP. VIII.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    _ CHAP. X.

    _ CHAP. XI.

    _ CHAP. XII.

    _ CHAP. XIII.

    _ CHAP. XIV.

    _ CHAP. XV.

    _ CHAP. XVI.

    _ CHAP. XVII.

    _ CHAP. XVIII.

    _ CHAP. XIX.

    _ CHAP. XX.

    _ CHAP. XXI.

    _ CHAP. XXII▪

    _ CHAP. XXIII.

    _ CHAP. XXIV.

    _ CHAP. XXV.

    _ CHAP. XXVI.

    _ CHAP. XXVII.


    _ CHAP. XXIX.

    _ CHAP. XXX.


    _ CHAP. I.

    _ CHAP. II

    _ CHAP. III.

    _ CHAP. IV.

    _ CHAP. V.

    _ CHAP. VI.

    • Question 1.

    • Quest. II.

    • Quest. III.

    • Quest. IV.

    • Quest. V.

    • Quest. VI.

    • Quest. VII.

    _ CHAP. VII.

    • The remedy of this fearfull condition.

    _ CHAP. VIII.

    • The first instance.

    • Another instance.

    • A third instance.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    _ CHAP. X.

    _ CHAP. XI.

    _ CHAP. XII.

    _ CHAP. XIII.

    _ CHAP. XIV.

    _ CHAP. XV.

    _ CHAP. XVI.

    _ CHAP. XVII.

    _ CHAP. XVIII.

    _ CHAP. XIX.

    _ CHAP. XX.

    _ CHAP. XXI.

    _ CHAP. XXII.

    _ CHAP. XXIII.

    _ CHAP. XXIV.

    _ CHAP. XXV.

    _ CHAP. XXVI.

    _ CHAP. XXVII.


    • The first question shall be, concerning confusion of mind.

    • The second question is, concerning the convert, who most part walketh heavily.

    • The third question is, concerning the converts, who for not looking on their originall sin and the out breakings thereof, are in doubt what to think of their former condition.

    • The fourth question is, how the convert may know and be certain of his justification.

    • The fifth question is, how to satisfie the convert who findeth himself pursued for his sins after remission believed, and is brought in question what to judge of his case.

    • The sixth question is, of a convert casten, not only in an uncertainty for the time of his conversion, but also in a doubt whether he be elected or not, and knows not how to do in this case.

    • The seventh question is, how to satisfie the convert, doubting whether it be b•tter to forbear or go on in the outward exercise of religion, (at least in private) when he finds an indisposition of mind unto it.

    • The eight question is, how to satisfie the convert, doubting what is the sin which God pursueth by long-lasting affliction.

    • The ninth question is, how remission of sin may be said to be granted in respect of sins to come.

    • The tenth question shall be, concerning spiritual dispositions of mind and qualifications, which may be joyned with, or separat from, the special work of true conversion and saving grace.

    • The eleventh question shall be, of the converts doubting what to think of his condition, when he finds more freedom of prayer in the presence and audience of others, then when he prayeth in secret alone.

    • The twelfth question shall be of the doubt which the convert may have in a case contrary to the former.

    • The thirteenth question, shall be of the converts doubting what to think, when he compareth his disposition to prayer, and Gods dispensation toward him in prayer.

    • The fourteenth question is, how to solve the doubt of the convert in another like comparison of his disposition and Gods dispensation.

    • The fifteenth question, shall be about the measure of mortification or sanctification, whether it be growing or decaying.

    • The sixteenth question is, what the convert shall think or do in hard afflictions.

    • The seventeenth and last question, shall be about the relicts of sin in the Saints in this life.


  1. A TABLE of the Titles of the several Chapters.

  2. To the Reader.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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