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#Separation of churches from episcopal government, as practised by the present non-conformists, proved schismatical from such principles as are least controverted and do withal most popularly explain the sinfulness and mischief of schism ... by Henry Dodwell ...#

##Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711.## Separation of churches from episcopal government, as practised by the present non-conformists, proved schismatical from such principles as are least controverted and do withal most popularly explain the sinfulness and mischief of schism ... by Henry Dodwell ... Dodwell, Henry, 1641-1711.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2005-04 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-07 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-08 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-08 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##



  2. The general Proposition to be proved in this Work.


  4. ERRATA.



  2. Separation of Churches from EPISCOPAL Government as Practised by the NON-CONFORMISTS Proved Schismatical, &c.

  3. CHAP. II. That we cannot be so well assured of our Salvation, in the use of Extraordinary, as of Ordinary Means.

  4. CHAP. III. The Ordinary Means of Salvation confined to the External Communion of the Visible Church.

  5. CHAP. IV. The same thing further Prosecuted.

  6. CHAP. V. The same thing further Prosecuted.

  7. CHAP. VI. The same thing further Prosecuted.

  8. CHAP. VII. The same thing further Prosecuted.

  9. CHAP. VIII. The same thing further Prosecuted▪

  10. CHAP. IX. That the Grace, to be expected in hearing the Word Preached, is not sufficient for Salvation without the Sacraments.

  11. CHAP. X. The Grace, which may be obtained by Prayer is not sufficient for Salvation without the Sacraments.

  12. CHAP. XI. Prayers for Persons out of the Church have no encouragement that they shall be accepted.

  13. CHAP. XII. The very Case of abstaining from the Ordinances on pretence to Perfection, seems to have been taken up, and condemned in the time of the Apostles.

  14. CHAP. XIII. The danger of Separation proved from Heb. VI.

  15. CHAP. XIV. Separation from the Church proved to be a sin against the Holy Ghost.

  16. CHAP. XV. Salvation is not ordinarily to be expected without Baptism.

  17. CHAP. XVI. Salvation not ordinarily to be expected without external Communicating in the Lord's Supper.

  18. CHAP. XVII. The necessity of the Lord's Supper for Salvation proved from St. Joh. VI.

  19. CHAP. XVIII. The validity of the Sacraments depends on the Authority of the Persons by whom they are administred.

  20. CHAP. XIX. The Authority of administring the Sacraments must be derived from God.

  21. CHAP. XX. This Authority of administring the Sacraments must be derived from God by the Mediation of those men to whom it was at first committed by him.

  22. CHAP. XXI. Ecclesiastical Authority cannot be derived to this Age without a continued Succession.

  23. CHAP. XXII. The Authority of administring the Sacraments is not now to be expected any where but in the Episcopal Communion.

  24. CHAP. XXIII. What influence the Opinion which prevailed in the modern Schools, That Bishops and Presbyters differed not Order but in Degree, might have upon the intention of the Ordeiners of those times?

  25. CHAP. XXIV. The Nullity of the Ordinations of the Non-Conformists proved from the Power of the Bishops even as Presidents over the Presbyteries.

  26. CHAP. XXV. The Nullity of the same Ordinations proved from the right of Episcopal Presbyteries as Presbyteries.

  27. CHAP. XXVI. The right of particular Episcopal Jurisdictions.

  28. CHAP. XXVII. That the Separation of the Non-Conformists is properly SCHISM, and that from the Catholick as well as from particular Churches.

  29. CHAP. XXVIII. The Ʋsefulness of this Hypothesis above others.


  1. A Catalogue of some Books sold by Benjamin Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul• Church-yard.

Types of content

  • There are 20 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 556 ommitted fragments! @reason (556) : foreign (422), illegible (134) • @resp (134) : #PDCC (134) • @extent (134) : 1 letter (114), 2 letters (15), 1 word (5)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement §â·àùìáèûîò 167 226 183 224 249 236 225 232 251 238 242
Latin Extended-B Ʋ 434
Greek αβΛΟΓΣΘ 945 946 923 927 915 931 920
GreekandCoptic αβΛΟΓΣΘ 945 946 923 927 915 931 920
General Punctuation •— 8226 8212
Geometric Shapes ▪◊ 9642 9674
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

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###Text Tag Usage###

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20. q 7
21. seg 733 @type (732) : milestoneunit (732) • @rend (1) : decorInit (1)
22. trailer 1


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