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#Origines juridiciales, or, Historical memorials of the English laws, courts of justice, forms of tryall, punishment in cases criminal, law writers, law books, grants and settlements of estates, degree of serjeant, Innes of court and chancery also, a chronologie of the lord chancelors and keepers of the great seal, lord treasurers, justices itinerant, justices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas, barons of the Exchequer, masters of the rolls, Kings attorneys and sollicitors, & serjeants at law / by William Dugdale, Esq. ...#

##Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686.## Origines juridiciales, or, Historical memorials of the English laws, courts of justice, forms of tryall, punishment in cases criminal, law writers, law books, grants and settlements of estates, degree of serjeant, Innes of court and chancery also, a chronologie of the lord chancelors and keepers of the great seal, lord treasurers, justices itinerant, justices of the Kings Bench and Common Pleas, barons of the Exchequer, masters of the rolls, Kings attorneys and sollicitors, & serjeants at law / by William Dugdale, Esq. ... Dugdale, William, Sir, 1605-1686.

##General Summary##


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  3. 2002-08 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
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##Content Summary##

#####Front##### Imprimatur Liber cui Titulus est ORIGINES IURIDICIALES, Authore Gulielmo Dugdale.24 Maii. 1666.Orl. Honoratissumus Illustrissimusque Dominus D. EDOARDUS HIDE Eques Auratus, CLARENDONIAE Comes, Cornbur



  1. CAP. I.

  2. Cap. II.

  3. Cap. III.

  4. Cap. IV.

  5. Cap. V.

  6. Cap. VI.

  7. Cap. VII.

  8. Cap. VIII.

  9. Cap. IX.

  10. Cap. X.

  11. Cap. XI.

  12. Cap. XII.

  13. Cap. XIII.

  14. Cap. XIV.

  15. Cap. XV.

  16. Cap. XVI.

    _ The Iurisdiction of the Lord Chancellour for hearing of Civil Causes, how antient.

  17. Cap. XVII.

  18. Cap. XVIII. Vera Effigies ROBERTI HEATH Equitis Aurati primo Capitalis Iusticiarij de Banco; deinde ad placita c

  19. Tabula Chronologica Iusticiariorum Domini Regis coram quibus Fines levati sunt,

  20. Cap. XIX.

  21. Cap. XX.

  22. Cap. XXI. 〈1 page〉Laws since the Norman Conquest.¶KIng WilliamHist. Angl. script. col. 982. l. 46. Annal. H. K _ Laws since the Norman Conquest.

  23. Cap. XXIII.

  24. Cap. XXIV.

  25. Cap. XXV.

  26. Cap. XXVI.Cap. 26.

    _ Ex v•tusto Codice MS. in bibliotheca Hospicii Lincolniensis 31 Ian. 1661. fol. 222. b.

  27. Cap. XXVII.

  28. Cap. XXVIII.

    _ Persons excused from Battail.

    _ The maner of ordenaunce withinne Lists.

    _ The making of the Lists.

    _ Apperaunce of the pleggs.

    _ Receyvyng of the Appelaunt.

    _ Dischargyng of the Pleggs.

    _ The first callyng of the Defendaunt.

    _ How the time of their entree and array shall be regestred by the Constables Clerk.

    _ The examynacion of their Wepenes.

    _ The keping of the Appelaunts Place.

    _ To enquire and knowe the Kyng's will for makyng of their Othes.

    _ How the Appelaunt shall be sent fore.

    _ How the Constable's Clerk shall ley forth a Crosse, and a Masseboke for the Othes.

    _ The redyng of the Bille of the Appelaunt and the first Othe.

    _ The second Othe.

    _ The thirde Othe.

    _ The first Proclamation after the entre and Othes of the partyes.

    _ The assignement of the place for the Kyngs at Armes, and Herauldes.

    _ Voidaunce of the Lystes.

    _ The sittyng of the Constable.

    _ For the Defendaunt, yf he come not before the hour of Midday.

    _ The Serhyng of the Wepyns.

    _ Yf the parties be dissevered or departed, what shall be done.

    _ The payne of hym that is discumfite.

    _ If the quarell be taken into the Kyng's hand.

    _ For the Faux Lystes.

    _ What people the Constable and Mareschall shull have.

    _ The kepyng of the Ports of the Lists.

    _ The feez perteynyng to my Lord.

    _ For cryme that is othir than Treson.

    _ For hym that is convict, yf it be in accion of Armes.

    _ This shall be the first crye that shall be made sone after the Kyng's comyng, at his owne lust and commaundment.

    _ This shull be the second Crye, what time the parties are cum into the place.

  29. Cap. XXIX.

    _ De Iusticia faciendà, loco Ignis & Aquae.

  30. Cap. XXX.

  31. Cap. XXXI.

  32. Cap. XXXII.

  33. Cap. XXXIII.

  34. Cap. XXXIV.

  35. Cap. XXXV.

  36. Cap. XXXVI.

  37. Cap. XXXVII.

  38. Cap. XXXVIII.

  39. Cap. XXXIX.

  40. Cap. XL.

    _ An. xviiio. Regis Henrici sexti.

    _ Responsio hujus Brevis patet in scedula huic Brevi consutâ.

    _ Certificatio super infra-contentis in Brevi, patet in scedulâ huic Brevi consutâ.

  41. Cap. XLI.

    _ Rot. Parl. 5 H. 5. n. 10. L'assurance de ceux qi sont nomez d'estre Serjeants de la Ley.

  42. Cap. XLII.

  43. Cap. XLIII.

  44. Cap. XLIV.

  45. Cap. XLV.

  46. Cap. XLVI.

    _ The Common liveryes geven by those newe Serjaunts.

  47. Cap. XLVII.

  48. Cap. XLVIII.

    _ Cloth for the Liveryes of Common persons.

    _ Ordinary Rings of gold, wherewith every Serjeant was chardged.

    _ Officers appointed to give their attendance, during the time of the Feast, and ceremony thereof.

  49. Cap. XLIX.

  50. Cap. L.

  51. Cap. LI.

  52. Cap. LII.

  53. Cap. LIII.Cap. 53.

  54. Cap. LIV.

    _ A dischardge of the state and degree of Serjeant at the Law to Thomas Fleming (who was then made the Queens Sollicitor general.)Cap. 54.

  55. Cap. LV.Cap. 55.

  56. Cap. LVI.

  57. Cap. LVII.

    _ The Buildings.

    _ Orders for good Government and advancement of learning.

    _ Of the grand Christmasses kept here.

    _ Other particulars touching these grand Christmasses extracted out of the Accompts of the House.

    _ The Banquetting night.

    _ On Thursday Aug. 15•. An. 1661. 13 Car. 2. Sir Heneage Finch Knight and Baronet, Solicitor general to the King; being Reader, kept his Feast in the great Hall of the Inner Temple.

    _ Orders and Exercises there.

    _ The Officers of this House. Vera Effigies Viri clariss EDOARDI COKE Equitis aurati nuper Capitalis Iusticiarij ad Placita coram _ Catalogus Lectorum in Hospicio Interioris Templi.The Readers.Inner Temple.Ex Registro ejusdem Hospicii Vol. 1.

    _ Catalogus Thesaurariorum in Hospicio Interioris Templi.〈…〉The Inner Temple.〈…〉

    _ Catalogus Gubernatorum in Hospicio Interioris Templi.Ex 〈…〉.The Inner Temple.〈…〉.

    _ The Church, belonging to the Temple.

    _ The Inscription cut in stone, over the Church Dore towards the Cloysters.

    _ Neer to this Iron Grate do lye several Gravestones of Marble, on which are these Epitaphs.

    _ Adjoyning to the North Wall is a fair Tomb of Alablaster for Richard Martin, sometime Recorder of the City of London, with this Epitaph.

    _ Upon a large Tablet of Marble, fixt to the South Wall, neer the same round walk.

    _ Upon a large marble lying in the Alley below this inscription.

    _ Upon another Tablet fixt to the same South Wall.

    _ On the same South Wall, more Eastward.

    _ At the entrance into the South Ile, upon a flat Marble, this Inscription, in a brasse plate.

    _ On another Marble in the same South Ile.

    _ On a Marble fixt to the South Wall.

    _ Upon a stone fixed to the East Wall of this South Ile, neer the Vestry-Dore.

    _ Upon another fixed to the same Wall.

    _ Upon a Stone fixed to the South Wall neer to the South dore.

    _ Upon two fair Tablets of stone fixed to the East Wall, above the Altar.


    _ On the South side of the Quire is a large monument of gray Marble, raised above three foot from the ground, with this Epitaph graven in a square plate of brass upon the top thereof.

    _ Southwards from the last towards the Vestry lieth a Marble with this Epitaph in brass.

    _ On another Marble adjoyning to the last, this Inscription upon a plate of brass.

    _ Above the Steps ascending towards the Altar, ly several Marble stones, whereon are these following Epitapths.

    _ On another, this Epitaph circumscribed on Plates of brass.

    _ On another, this, in brass.

    _ On another this.

    _ On another this.

    _ Upon another, this.

    _ Upon another, this.

    _ In the North Ile

    _ In the same North Ile are these following Epitaphs on several Grave-stones of Marble.

    _ On another.

    _ On another.

    _ On another.

    _ In the middle Alley of this Church (above the Partition) are these Epitaphs, on several Gravestones of marble.

    _ On another.

    _ On another.

    _ On another.

    _ On another.

    _ On another.

    _ On another.

    _ Upon the same stone.

    _ Upon another.

    _ Upon divers Plates of brass, within the precinct of this Church, were these following Epitapths; which of late times have been torn out.

  58. In magna Aula interiori Temppli In Orientali Fenestra

  59. Adhuc in dictâ orientali Fenestrâ

  60. In A〈…〉aribus Fenestris dictae Aulae scilicet interioris Templi▪

    _ In Australibus Fenestris ejusdem Aulae.

  61. Cap. LVIII.

  62. Cap. LIX.

  63. Cap. LX.

  64. Cap. LXI.

    _ Orders for Goverment.

    _ OrdersIbid. p. 1••• made and set down for the better goverment of the Society of the, Middle Temple, in An. 1635. 11 Car. 1.

    _ A Description of the form and manner, how and by what Orders and Customes the state of the fellowship of the Middle Temple, (one of the Houses of the Court) is maintained; and what ways they have to attaine unto learning. (temp. Reg. H. 8.)

    _ The auctoryte of the bed Officer in ther House.

    _ The diversity of Fellowships there, their manner of Study, and preferment therein.

    _ The chardges of the Masters commens and Clerks commens, for their mete and drinke by the yeare, and the manner of the Dyet, and the Stipende of their Officers.

    • Sonday.

    • Munday.

    • Tuysday.

    • Wednsday.

    • Thursday.

    • Fryday.

    • Saturday.

    _ ¶The Stypend of their Officers by the yeare.

    _ ¶The manner of punishment of Offences and making of Orders.

    _ ¶The manner of Divine Services in the Churche, and their chardges thereunto.

    _ ¶Their order for payment of Debts due to the House.

    _ ¶Apparell.

    _ ¶The fashion of their House in the night.

    _ ¶Library.

    _ ¶Their usage in time of Pestilence.

    _ The state of the House at this day.

    _ The annual Wages of all Masters, or Members of the Society of the Middle Temple: and also of all Servants and their under Officers belonging thereunto. Vera Effigies IOHANNIS CLENCHE, Equitis aurati, unius Iusticiariorum Sereniss Dominae nuper Reginae _ Catalogus Lectorum in hujusmodi Medii Templi Hospicio.Ex Regist. ejusdem Hospicii Vol. I.

    _ Catalogus Thesaurariorum Societatis Medii Templi.

  65. Insignia infra magnam Aulam Medij Templi.

    _ In ampla semicirculari fenestra ex Australi parte ejusdem Aulae.

    _ Adhuc in dicta semicirculari fenestra

    _ In Orientali Fenestra

    _ In primâ fenestra ex parte Australi ejusdem Aulae,

    _ In secundâ fenestra ex Australi ejusdem Aulae parte,

    _ In tertia fenestra dictae Aulae, Versùs Austrum

    _ In quartâ fenestrâ Versùs Austrum,

    _ In quintâ fenestrâ, Austrum versus,

    _ In prima Fenestra ejusdem Aulae sed quadrata, versus Aquilonem.

    _ In secundâ fenestrâ, versus Aquilonem.

    _ In tertiâ Fenestrâ ejusdem Aulae versus Aquilonem.

    _ In quartâ Fenestrâ versùs Aquilonem.

    _ In quintâ Fenestrâ versùs Aquilonem.

    _ In sexta Fenestrâ saepedictae Medij Templi Aulae, versùs Aquilonem.

  66. Cap. LXII.

    _ New Inne.

  67. Cap. LXIII.

    _ Strand Inne.

  68. Cap. LXIV.

    _ Lincolnes Inne.

    _ The Buildings.

    _ Pictures in the Windows of the Chapel.

    • In the first Window on the Southside.

    • In the second Window, on the same Southside.

    • In the third Window on the same Southside.

    • In the first Window on the Northside.

    • In the second Window on the Northside.

    • In the third Window on the same Northside.

    • In Hospicio Lincolniensi•.

In semicirculari Refectorij versus Occidentem.

Adhuc in eadem semiculari Fenestrâ

In altera semicirculari Fenestrâ ejusdem Refectorij, Orientem versùs

Adhuc in eadem semicirculari fenestrâ,

  * In Capella Hospicij Lincolniensis.

In primâ fenestrâ versùs Austrum hac Insignia, v•.

In secundâ Fenestrâ Capellae, versùs Austrū

In tertiâ Fenestrâ ejusdem Capellae, versus Austrum.

In primâ fenestrâ ejusdem Capellae, versus Aquilonem.

In secundâ Fenestrâ ejusdem Capellae, versùs Aquilonem.

In tertiâ Fenestrâ ejusdem Capellae, versus Aquilonem.

In Occidentali Fenestrâ ejusdem Capellae.

Adhuc in dictâ Occidnetali Fenestrâ,

_ Orders for Government.

  * Admittances.

  * Publick Expences at great Solemnities.

  * Revells.

  * Grand Christmasses.

  * The Readers.

Vera Effigies V. cl RANVLPHI CREW Equitis aurati, nuper Capitalis Iusticiarij ad Placita coram Rege _ Catalogus Lectorum in Hospicio Lincolniensi.

_ Catalogus GubernatorumGubernatores. Hospicii Lincolniensis.〈…〉

_ The Copy of a Letter sent by the

Lords of his Majesties Privy Councel, to certain Iustices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex, to restrain and forbid the Buildings in Lincolns-Inn-Fields.Ex Registro Hosp. Linc, vol. 7. f. 530. b.

_ Orders in this Society.

_ Easter.

_ Michaelmass Term.

_ Lent Reading.

_ In the Reading.
  1. Cap. LXV.

    _ Furnivalls Inne.

  2. Cap. LXVI.

    _ Thavyes Inne.

  3. Cap. LXVII.

    _ Grays Inne.

    _ The Buildings.

    _ Orders for Government.

    _ Exercise for Learning.

    _ Readers and double Readers.

    _ Commons.

    _ Barristers.

    _ Apparell.

    _ The Chapell.

    _ Sports and Pastimes.

    _ The Ancient Standing Orders and Constitutions of the said Society. TouchingAdmittancesReadmittancesInto the Society.The Copy of a Table: ba•gin: up in the Hall at Gr Y• Iune •s. 1664.

    _ Commons. And therein touching Coming into Commons.Going out of Commons.Casting into Commons.Casting out of Commons.Payment for Commons.Serving up of Commons.〈◊〉 for Government.

    _ Chapel. And therein touching Attendance there.Communion there.Preachers Allowance.Seats and sitting there.

    _ TeachingExercises, viz. Readings in theMootes in the House.Inns of Chancery.Hall.Library.Degrees, Bolts.Cases assign'd.Readers.Ancients.Barristers.

    _ Pensions personal.Pension Writs.

    _ Chambers. And therein touching Grants of Chambers.Licences of Alienation.Payments of Fines and Rents for Chambers.Seisures, and causes of Seisures of Chambers.

    _ Touching Civilities.Behaviour.Misbehaviour.Contempts.Punishments.Searches.Nusances.

    _ As the Case shall require Amerciament.Skreening his name.Coming in with Congees.Loss of Chamber.Prosecution by Pension Writ.Prosecution by Warrant from the Iudges.Suit upon his hand.Expulsion.

    _ Catalogus Lectorum in Hospicio Grayensi.Lectores.

    _ Catalogus Thesaurariourum Hospicii Grayensis.〈…〉

    _ In Aula Hospicij Grayensis.

    • Adhuc in dicta semicirculari fenestra

    • Adhuc in eadem ampla semicirculari fenestra

    • Adhuc in saepe-dicta semicirculari Fenestra

    • In orientali fenestra ejusdem Aulae Hospicij Grayensis.

    • Adhuc in dicta Orientali Fenestra Hospicij Grayensis.

    • In Australibus praefatae Aulae Fenestris

    • Adhuc in dictis Australibus Fenestris.

    • Adhuc in dictis Australibus Fenestris.

    • In Borealibus dictae Aulae, Hospicij Grayensis, Fenestris.

    • Adhuc in dictis Fenestris Borealibus Hospicij Grayensis.

    • In Occidentali Fenestra dictae Aulae Hospicij Grayensis.

    • In Fenestris Capellae Hospicij Grayensis.

    • Adhuc in fenestris dictae Capellae Hospicij Grayensis

    • Insignia Hospiciorum Curiae, et Cancellariae.

  4. Cap. LXVIII.

  5. Cap. LXIX.

  6. Cap. LXX.

    _ Orders made and agreed upon,Ex Regist. interioris Templi f. 119. b. be observed and kept in all the four Houses of Court xxii Iunii A. D. MDLVII. 3. &

  7. Ph. & M.Videsis etiam Regist. Hosp. medii Templi. f. 24. a. Nec non Regist. Hosp. Linc. f. 31•. •.

    _ Orders made by the Iudges upon all Souls day, in the first year of Queen Eliz. reign, for all the Inns of Court, with special Charge, that they should after that time be observed.A. Regìnae Eliz. 1.

    _ Orders necessary for the government of the Innes of Court, established by commandement of the Queens Majesty, with the advice of her Privy Counsell, and the Iustices of her Bench, and the Common Place at Westminster in Easter Term; an.

  8. Reginae Elizabethae. 1574.Ex Cod. nigro de Lincol•s Inne (Lib. 5.) f. 181. b.Videsis etiam Regist. Hosp. medii Tampli •. 112. a.

    _ Orders made by the Iustices of both Benches, and Barons of the Exchequer, for the better regulating of the Readings in all the Inns of Court.Ex Registro de Grays Inne. vol 2. •. 203. a.

    _ Orders set down by the general consent, as well of all the Iudges, as of the Bench of Grays Inne, hereafter to be strictly observed in that Society.Ex Registro de Grays Inne. vol. 2. f. 212. a.

    _ Orders to be observed by the Inns of Court and Chancery.Ex lib. 5. de Lincolus lnne. f. 487. a.

    _ The answer to the former Orders, by the Society of Lincolns Inne.

    _ At Serjeants Inne 20. Iunii, ann• 38. Eliz.Ex lib. 6. de Liacolas Inne f. 22. a.

    _ Concilium ibidem tentum

  9. Ian. 1. Iac. Edward Coke.Tho. Flemynge.Iohn Brograve.Francis Bacon.Myles Sands.Ex Ced. MS. d: Lincolas Inne; scil••ib. 6. f. 210. a.

    _ 7. Nov. 12. Iac.

    _ Orders conceived for the setling and establishing of the Company of the Innes of Court,Exl Cod. Ms. Hosp. Linc. (• lib. 6. 643▪ a. and Chancery in their exercise of Military Discipline (tempore Regis Iacobi.)

    • For matter of Religion.

    • For the Common-Weal.

    • For their Government.

    • For the Charge.

    _ Orders to be observed in the Houses of Court,Ex. Registro de Grays Inne Vol. 2. f. 378. b. subscribed by all the Iudges of England Term. Hill. An. Dom. 1627.Ex Cod. MS. (sc. 4.) penès Subthesaurarium Societatis medii Templi Lond. f. 1.

    _ Orders made and set down the xv th. day of April 6.An. 1630. 6. c•. 1. Caroli primi,Ex Cod. MS. penc•〈◊〉 Hosp. metie Tem• Load. p. 2. by the Lord Keeper of the great Seal of England, and all the Iudges of both Benches, and Barons of the Exchequer, by command of the King's Majesties most Honourable Privy Council,Et ex Regist. de Gray Inne Vol. 2. f. 381. b. & 382. a. for the government of the Innes of Court and Chancery.

  10. Cap. LXXI.

  11. Cap. LXXII.Cap. 72.

  12. Cap. LXIII.Cap. 73.C•une• Table Order.

    _ Serjeants Inne in Fleet-street.

  13. Insignia in fenestris Refectorij infra cognomSERIEANTS INNE in FLEETESTREETE A.oD. 1599. uti tunctemporis reperta sunt per GUIL BURTON interioris Templi socium, in rebusque Heraldicis non mminime peritum.

    _ Insignia in Fenestris dicti Refectorij de SERIEANTS INNE in FLEETE STREETE existentia XVj February AD, 1664.

  14. Cap. LXXIV.

  15. Insignia in Fenestris Refectorij at SERIEANTS INNE in CHANCERYE LANE existentia XVj A.D. 1664.

  16. Cap. LXXV.

  17. Cap. LXXVI.

    _ FUIMUS.

  18. Cap. LXXVII. CHRONICA SERIES Cancellariorum & Custodum Magni Sigilli; Thesaurariorum; Iusticiariorum Itinerantium

  19. THE INDEX.



  1. Such literall Faults as are of small moment, or mistakes in any of the Pages, may be easily discerned by the Iudicious Reader; and the other thus corrected.

    _ In the Historicall Part.

    _ In the Chronologique Tables.

Types of content

  • There are 97 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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10. expan 414
11. figure 751
12. g 7478 @ref (7478) : char:abque (414), char:EOLhyphen (7006), char:punc (39), char:cmbAbbrStroke (2), char:cross (3), char:EOLunhyphen (14)
13. gap 2307 @reason (2307) : illegible (2296), illegible: missing (7), foreign (2), duplicate (2) • @resp (2256) : #TECH (2256) • @extent (2305) : 1 letter (1065), 1 span (739), 2 letters (149), 3 letters (39), 1 word (295), 4 letters (11), 1 page (3), 5 letters (3), 7 letters (1)
14. head 498 @type (86) : sub (86)
15. hi 17627 @rend (388) : sup (388)
16. item 1666
17. l 97
18. list 594
19. note 1542 @place (1542) : margin (1542) • @n (998) : a (85), b (78), c (75), d (69), e (60), f (58), g (55), h (48), i (47), k (40), l (33), m (32), n (33), o (30), p (26), q (26), r (24), * (48), † (3), s (21), t (20), u (20), w (17), x (16), y (16), z (16), K (1), 1 (1)
20. opener 1
21. p 2851
22. pb 473 @facs (473) : tcp:58205:1 (2), tcp:58205:2 (2), tcp:58205:3 (2), tcp:58205:4 (2), tcp:58205:5 (2), tcp:58205:6 (2), tcp:58205:7 (2), tcp:58205:8 (2), tcp:58205:9 (2), tcp:58205:10 (2), tcp:58205:11 (2), tcp:58205:12 (2), tcp:58205:13 (2), tcp:58205:14 (2), tcp:58205:15 (2), tcp:58205:16 (2), tcp:58205:17 (2), tcp:58205:18 (2), tcp:58205:19 (2), tcp:58205:20 (2), tcp:58205:21 (2), tcp:58205:22 (2), tcp:58205:23 (2), tcp:58205:24 (2), tcp:58205:25 (2), tcp:58205:26 (2), tcp:58205:27 (2), tcp:58205:28 (2), tcp:58205:29 (2), tcp:58205:30 (2), tcp:58205:31 (2), tcp:58205:32 (2), tcp:58205:33 (2), tcp:58205:34 (2), tcp:58205:35 (2), tcp:58205:36 (2), tcp:58205:37 (2), tcp:58205:38 (2), tcp:58205:39 (2), tcp:58205:40 (2), tcp:58205:41 (2), tcp:58205:42 (2), tcp:58205:43 (2), tcp:58205:44 (2), tcp:58205:45 (2), tcp:58205:46 (2), tcp:58205:47 (2), tcp:58205:48 (2), tcp:58205:49 (2), tcp:58205:50 (2), tcp:58205:51 (2), tcp:58205:52 (2), tcp:58205:53 (2), tcp:58205:54 (2), tcp:58205:55 (2), tcp:58205:56 (1), tcp:58205:57 (2), tcp:58205:58 (2), tcp:58205:59 (2), tcp:58205:60 (2), tcp:58205:61 (2), tcp:58205:62 (2), tcp:58205:63 (2), tcp:58205:64 (2), tcp:58205:65 (2), tcp:58205:66 (2), tcp:58205:67 (2), tcp:58205:68 (2), tcp:58205:69 (2), tcp:58205:70 (2), tcp:58205:71 (2), tcp:58205:72 (2), tcp:58205:73 (2), tcp:58205:74 (2), tcp:58205:75 (2), tcp:58205:76 (2), tcp:58205:77 (2), tcp:58205:78 (2), tcp:58205:79 (2), tcp:58205:80 (2), tcp:58205:81 (2), tcp:58205:82 (2), tcp:58205:83 (2), tcp:58205:84 (2), tcp:58205:85 (2), tcp:58205:86 (2), tcp:58205:87 (2), tcp:58205:88 (2), tcp:58205:89 (2), tcp:58205:90 (2), tcp:58205:91 (2), tcp:58205:92 (2), tcp:58205:93 (2), tcp:58205:94 (2), tcp:58205:95 (2), tcp:58205:96 (2), tcp:58205:97 (2), tcp:58205:98 (2), tcp:58205:99 (2), tcp:58205:100 (2), tcp:58205:101 (2), tcp:58205:102 (2), tcp:58205:103 (2), tcp:58205:104 (2), tcp:58205:105 (2), tcp:58205:106 (2), tcp:58205:107 (2), tcp:58205:108 (2), tcp:58205:109 (2), tcp:58205:110 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23. q 3
24. row 4064
25. salute 1
26. seg 3 @rend (3) : decorInit (3)
27. signed 11
28. table 168
29. unclear 42


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