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#The history of the English and Scotch presbytery wherein is discovered their designs and practices for the subversion of government in church and state / written in French, by an eminent divine of the Reformed church, and now Englished. Historie des nouveaux presbytériens anglois et escossois. English#

##Basier, Isaac, 1607-1676.## The history of the English and Scotch presbytery wherein is discovered their designs and practices for the subversion of government in church and state / written in French, by an eminent divine of the Reformed church, and now Englished. Historie des nouveaux presbytériens anglois et escossois. English Basier, Isaac, 1607-1676.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2006-04 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2006-10 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2007-05 Jonathan Blaney Sampled and proofread
  4. 2007-05 Jonathan Blaney Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. THE PREFACE. CAROLUS, ſingulari Omnipotentis Dei providentia Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae Rex, Fidei De _ CAROLUS, ſingulari Omnipotentis Dei providentia Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae Rex, Fidei Defenſor, &c. Univerſis & ſingulis qui praeſens hoc ſcriptum ceu proteſtationem inſpexerint, potiſsimam Reformatae Religionis, cultoribus cujuſcunque ſint gentis, gradus, aut conditionis ſalutem, &c.

    _ CHARLES by the Providence of Almighty God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all who profeſs the true Reformed Proteſtant Religion, of what Nation, degree, and condition ſoever they be to whom this preſent Declaration ſhall come, Greeting.

    _ CHARLES, par la Providence de Dieu Roy de la grand'Bretagne, de France, & d'Irlande, Defenſeur de la Foy, &c. A tous ceux qui ceſte preſente Declaration verront, particulierement a Ceux de la Religion Reform•e de quelque Nation, degreou condition qu'ils ſoient, Salut.



    _ I.

    _ II.

    _ III.

    _ IV.

    _ V.

    _ VI.

    _ VII.

    _ VIII.

    _ IX.

    _ X.

    _ XI.

    _ XII.

    _ XIII.

    _ XIV.

    _ XV.

    _ XVI.

    _ XVII.

    _ XVIII.

    _ XIX.

    _ XX.

    _ XXI.

    _ XXII.

    _ XXIII.

    _ XXIV.

    _ XXV.

    _ XXVI.

    _ XXVII.

    _ XXVIII.

    _ XXIX.

    _ XXX.

    _ XXXI.

    _ XXXII.

    _ XXXIII.

    _ XXXIV.

    _ XXXV.

    _ XXXVI.

    _ XXXVII.

    _ XXXVIII.

    _ XXXIX.

  4. The Contents.


  1. CHAP. I. Of the ſeditious Liberty of New Doctrines, which hath been the principal means of the Covenant.

  2. CHAP. II. That the Covenanters are deſtitute of all Proofs from Holy Scripture for their War made againſt the King.

  3. CHAP. III. Expreſs Texts of Scripture which Commands Obedience, and forbids Reſiſtance to Soveraigns.

  4. CHAP. IV. The Evaſions of the Covenanters upon the Texts of Saint Paul, Rom. 13. And how in Fine they refuſe the Judgment of Scripture.

  5. CHAP. V. What Conſtitution of State the Covenanters forge, and how they refuſe the Judgment of the Laws of the Kingdom.

  6. CHAP. VI. What Examples in the Hiſtories of England the Covenanters make uſe of to authorize their Actions.

  7. CHAP. VII. Declaring wherein the Legiſlative Powers of Parliament conſiſts.

  8. CHAP. VIII. How the Covenanters will be Judges in their own Cauſe.

  9. CHAP. IX. That the moſt Noble and beſt part of the Parliament retired to the King, being driven away by the worſer.

  10. CHAP. X. A Parallel of the Covenant with the holy League of France, under Henry the 3d.

  11. CHAP. XI. The Doctrine of the Engliſh Covenanters parallel'd with the Doctrine of the Jeſuits.

  12. CHAP. XII. How the Covenanters wrong the Reformed Churches, in inviting them to joyn with them; with an anſwer for the Churches of France.

    _ For the Margin.

  13. CHAP. XIII. The preceding Anſwer confirmed by Divines of the Reformed Religion, with an Anſwer to ſome Objections of the Covenanters upon this Subject.

  14. CHAP. XIV. How the Covenanters have no reaſon to invite the Reformed Churches, to their Allyance, ſince they differ from them in many things of great importance.

  15. CHAP. XV. Of Aboliſhing the Liturgy, in doing whereof, the Covenanters oppoſe the Reformed Churches.

  16. CHAP. XVI. Of the great prudence and wiſdome of the firſt Engliſh Reformers, and of the fool-hardineſs of theſe at preſent.

  17. CHAP. XVII. How the Covenanters labour in vain to ſow diſſention between the Churches of England and France, upon the point of diſcipline; Of the Chriſtian prudence of the French Reformers, and of the nature of diſcipline in general.

  18. CHAP. XVIII. How the Diſcipline of the Covenanters is far from the practice of other Churches.

  19. CHAP. XIX. That the Covenanters ruine the Miniſters of the Goſpel under colour of Reformation.

  20. CHAP. XX. Of the Corruptions of Religion objected to the Engliſh Clergy, and the ways that the Covenanters took to Remedy them.

  21. CHAP. XXI. An Anſwer to the Objection, That the King made War againſt the Parliament.

  22. CHAP. XXII. Of the Depraved and Evil Faith of the Covenanters.

  23. CHAP. XXIII. Of the Inſtruments both Parties made uſe of, and of the Iriſh Affairs.

  24. CHAP. XXIV How the different Factions of the Covenant agreed to ruine the King, and contributed to put him to death.

  25. CHAP. XXV. Of the cruelty of the Covenanters towards the good Subjects of the King.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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Latin-1 Supplement éèàùâ 233 232 224 249 226
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