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#Political discourses of Sir Robert Filmer, Baronet, viz. Patriarcha, or the natural power of Kings. The free-holders Grand-inquest. Observations upon Aristotles politicks. Directions for obedience to government. Also observations upon Mr. Hobbs's Leviathan. Mr. Milton against Salmatius. Hugo Grotius de Jure Belli & Pacis. Mr. Hunton's treatise on Monarchy. With an advertisement to the Jurymen of England touching witches Patriarcha.#

##Filmer, Robert, Sir, d. 1653.## Political discourses of Sir Robert Filmer, Baronet, viz. Patriarcha, or the natural power of Kings. The free-holders Grand-inquest. Observations upon Aristotles politicks. Directions for obedience to government. Also observations upon Mr. Hobbs's Leviathan. Mr. Milton against Salmatius. Hugo Grotius de Jure Belli & Pacis. Mr. Hunton's treatise on Monarchy. With an advertisement to the Jurymen of England touching witches Patriarcha. Filmer, Robert, Sir, d. 1653.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2005-11 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-12 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2006-01 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2006-01 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2006-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. The COPY OF A LETTER Written by the Late Learned Dr. PETER HEYLYN, to Sir Edward Filmer, Son of the Worthy Author, concerning this Book and his other Political Diſcourſes.


    _ CHAP. I. That the firſt Kings were Fathers of Families.

    _ CHAP. II. It is unnatural for the People to Govern, or Choſe Governours.

    _ CHAP. III. Poſitive Laws do not infringe the Natural and Fatherly Power of Kings.

  3. ERRATA.


  1. CHAP. I. That the firſt Kings were Fathers of Families.

  2. CHAP. II. It is unnatural for the People to Govern, or Choſe Governours.

  3. CHAP. III. Poſitive Laws do not infringe the Natural and Fatherly Power of Kings.

Types of content

  • There are 5 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 699 ommitted fragments! @reason (699) : illegible (690), duplicate (2), foreign (7) • @resp (690) : #APEX (690) • @extent (692) : 1 letter (560), 2 letters (122), 3 letters (4), 1 word (3), 1 page (2), 4 letters (1)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin Extended-A ſ 383
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Geometric Shapes ◊▪ 9674 9642
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

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