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#Lavernæ, or, The Spanish gipsy the whole art, mystery, antiquity, company, noblenesse, and excellency of theeves and theeving : with their statutes, laws, customes, practices, varieties, and differences, also their originall, rise, and beginning, of what parents, education and breeding the author was : with a pleasant discourse hee had in prison with a most famous theefe, and also his last disgrace, being a work no lesse curious than delectable / first written in Spanish by Don. Garcia ; now in English by W.M. Desordenada codicia de los bienes agenos. English#

##Garcia, Carlos.## Lavernæ, or, The Spanish gipsy the whole art, mystery, antiquity, company, noblenesse, and excellency of theeves and theeving : with their statutes, laws, customes, practices, varieties, and differences, also their originall, rise, and beginning, of what parents, education and breeding the author was : with a pleasant discourse hee had in prison with a most famous theefe, and also his last disgrace, being a work no lesse curious than delectable / first written in Spanish by Don. Garcia ; now in English by W.M. Desordenada codicia de los bienes agenos. English Garcia, Carlos.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2007-01 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2007-01 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2007-03 Jason Colman Sampled and proofread
  4. 2007-03 Jason Colman Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. The Preface to the Reader.



    _ CHAP. I. In which the Author compareth the miſeries of Priſon to the paines of Hell.The Author would not haue beene ſo vehement, had he been in one of our Engliſh priſons, which for the moſt part are made rather places of eaſe and delight then puniſhment.

    _ CHAP. II. Of a pleaſant diſcourſe which the Author had in Priſon with a famous Theife.

    _ CHAP. III. To whom the Theefe relateth the Nobleneſſe and Excellencie of Theft.

    _ CHAP. IIII. To him the Thiefe relateth the life and death of his Parents and the firſt diſgrace that befell him.

    _ CHAP. V. Of the firſt Theefe that was in the world and whence theft had its beginning.

    _ CHAP. VI. The theefe followeth his hiſtorie proving that all men of what qualitie ſo ever are Theeves.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of the difference and variety▪ of Theeves.

    _ CHAP. VIII. The Theefe continueth the differences among Theeves with three diſgraces that befell him.

    _ CHAP. IX. Wherein the Theefe relateth his wittie diligence to free himſelfe out of the Gallies of Marſeiles.

    _ CHAP. X. In which he proceedeth to relate his invention, begun with ſome diſcourſes of Love, between the Governour of the houſe and this Gallieſlave.

    _ CHAP. XI. In which the Theefe relateth the diſgrace that happened to him, about a Chaine of Pearle.

    _ CHAP. XII. In which the Thiefe relateth the laſt diſgrace that befell him.

    _ CHAP. XIII. Of the Statutes and Lawes of Theeves.

#####Back##### ImprimaturThomas Weekes.Februarie 5. 1637. Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 9 ommitted fragments! @reason (9) : illegible: missing (2), illegible (4), illegible: ambiguous glyph (1), duplicate (2) • @extent (9) : 1 letter (6), 2 letters (1), 1 page (2)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement æè 230 232
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Combining Diacritical Marks ̄ 772
General Punctuation •⁎— 8226 8270 8212
Geometric Shapes 9642
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

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